# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import bpy
import math
from pathlib import Path
from PyHSPlasma import *
import weakref
from .explosions import *
from .. import helpers
from ..korlib import *
from . import utils
# Blender cube map mega image to libHSPlasma plCubicEnvironmap faces mapping...
# See https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/46891/how-to-render-an-environment-to-a-cube-map-in-cycles
BLENDER_CUBE_MAP = ("leftFace", "backFace", "rightFace",
"bottomFace", "topFace", "frontFace")
class _Texture:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
texture, image = kwargs.get("texture"), kwargs.get("image")
assert texture or image
if texture is not None:
if image is None:
image = texture.image
self.calc_alpha = getattr(texture, "use_calculate_alpha", False)
self.mipmap = texture.use_mipmap
self.layer = kwargs.get("layer")
self.calc_alpha = False
self.mipmap = kwargs.get("mipmap", False)
if kwargs.get("is_detail_map", False):
self.is_detail_map = True
self.mipmap = True
self.detail_blend = kwargs["detail_blend"]
self.detail_fade_start = kwargs["detail_fade_start"]
self.detail_fade_stop = kwargs["detail_fade_stop"]
self.detail_opacity_start = kwargs["detail_opacity_start"]
self.detail_opacity_stop = kwargs["detail_opacity_stop"]
self.calc_alpha = False
self.use_alpha = True
self.allowed_formats = {"DDS"}
self.is_cube_map = False
self.is_detail_map = False
use_alpha = kwargs.get("use_alpha")
if kwargs.get("force_calc_alpha", False) or self.calc_alpha:
self.calc_alpha = True
self.use_alpha = True
elif use_alpha is None:
self.use_alpha = (image.channels == 4 and image.use_alpha)
self.use_alpha = use_alpha
self.allowed_formats = kwargs.get("allowed_formats",
{"DDS"} if self.mipmap else {"PNG", "JPG"})
self.is_cube_map = kwargs.get("is_cube_map", False)
# Basic format sanity
if self.mipmap:
assert "DDS" in self.allowed_formats
if len(self.allowed_formats) == 1:
self.auto_ext = next(iter(self.allowed_formats)).lower()
elif self.mipmap:
self.auto_ext = "dds"
self.auto_ext = "hsm"
self.extension = kwargs.get("extension", self.auto_ext)
self.ephemeral = kwargs.get("ephemeral", False)
self.image = image
self.tag = kwargs.get("tag", None)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, _Texture):
return False
# Yeah, the string name is a unique identifier. So shoot me.
if str(self) == str(other) and self.tag == other.tag:
return True
return False
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
def __str__(self):
if self.extension is None:
name = self.image.name
name = str(Path(self.image.name).with_suffix(".{}".format(self.extension)))
if self.calc_alpha:
name = "ALPHAGEN_{}".format(name)
if self.is_detail_map:
name = "DETAILGEN_{}-{}-{}-{}-{}_{}".format(self._DETAIL_BLEND[self.detail_blend],
self.detail_fade_start, self.detail_fade_stop,
self.detail_opacity_start, self.detail_opacity_stop,
return name
def _update(self, other):
"""Update myself with any props that might be overridable from another copy of myself"""
# NOTE: detail map properties should NEVER be overridden. NEVER. EVER. kthx.
if other.use_alpha:
self.use_alpha = True
if other.mipmap:
self.mipmap = True
class MaterialConverter:
def __init__(self, exporter):
self._obj2mat = {}
self._bump_mats = {}
self._exporter = weakref.ref(exporter)
self._pending = {}
self._alphatest = {}
self._tex_exporters = {
"ENVIRONMENT_MAP": self._export_texture_type_environment_map,
"IMAGE": self._export_texture_type_image,
"NONE": self._export_texture_type_none,
self._animation_exporters = {
"opacityCtl": self._export_layer_opacity_animation,
"transformCtl": self._export_layer_transform_animation,
def _can_export_texslot(self, slot):
if slot is None or not slot.use:
return False
texture = slot.texture
if texture is None or texture.type not in self._tex_exporters:
return False
# Per-texture type rules
if texture.type == "ENVIRONMENT_MAP":
envmap = texture.environment_map
# If this is a static, image based cube map, then we will allow it
# to be exported anyway. Note that as of the writing of this code,
# that is kind of pointless because CEMs are not yet implemented...
if envmap.source == "IMAGE_FILE":
return True
# Now for the ruelz
method, ver = self._exporter().envmap_method, self._mgr.getVer()
if method == "skip":
return False
elif method == "dcm2dem":
return True
elif method == "perengine":
return (ver >= pvMoul and envmap.mapping == "PLANE") or envmap.mapping == "CUBE"
raise NotImplementedError(method)
return True
def export_material(self, bo, bm):
"""Exports a Blender Material as an hsGMaterial"""
self._report.msg("Exporting Material '{}'", bm.name, indent=1)
hsgmat = self._mgr.add_object(hsGMaterial, name=bm.name, bl=bo)
slots = [(idx, slot) for idx, slot in enumerate(bm.texture_slots) if self._can_export_texslot(slot)]
# There is a major difference in how Blender and Plasma handle stencils.
# In Blender, the stencil is on top and applies to every layer below is. In Plasma, the stencil
# is below the SINGLE layer it affects. The main texture is marked BindNext and RestartPassHere.
# The pipeline indicates that we can render 8 layers simultaneously, so we will collect all
# stencils and apply this arrangement. We're going to limit to 6 stencils however. 1 layer for
# main texture and 1 piggyback.
num_stencils = sum((1 for i in slots if i[1].use_stencil))
if num_stencils > _MAX_STENCILS:
raise ExportError("Material '{}' uses too many stencils. The maximum is {}".format(bm.name, _MAX_STENCILS))
stencils = []
restart_pass_next = False
# Loop over layers
for idx, slot in slots:
# Prepend any BumpMapping magic layers
if slot.use_map_normal:
if bo in self._bump_mats:
raise ExportError("Material '{}' has more than one bumpmap layer".format(bm.name))
du, dw, dv = self.export_bumpmap_slot(bo, bm, hsgmat, slot, idx)
hsgmat.addLayer(du.key) # Du
hsgmat.addLayer(dw.key) # Dw
hsgmat.addLayer(dv.key) # Dv
if slot.use_stencil:
stencils.append((idx, slot))
tex_layer = self.export_texture_slot(bo, bm, hsgmat, slot, idx)
if restart_pass_next:
tex_layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscRestartPassHere
restart_pass_next = False
if slot.use_map_normal:
self._bump_mats[bo] = (tex_layer.UVWSrc, tex_layer.transform)
# After a bumpmap layer(s), the next layer *must* be in a
# new pass, otherwise it gets added in non-intuitive ways
restart_pass_next = True
if stencils:
tex_state = tex_layer.state
if not tex_state.blendFlags & hsGMatState.kBlendMask:
tex_state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha
tex_state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscRestartPassHere | hsGMatState.kMiscBindNext
curr_stencils = len(stencils)
for i in range(curr_stencils):
stencil_idx, stencil = stencils[i]
stencil_name = "STENCILGEN_{}@{}_{}".format(stencil.name, bm.name, slot.name)
stencil_layer = self.export_texture_slot(bo, bm, hsgmat, stencil, stencil_idx, name=stencil_name)
if i+1 < curr_stencils:
stencil_layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscBindNext
# Plasma makes several assumptions that every hsGMaterial has at least one layer. If this
# material had no Textures, we will need to initialize a default layer
if not hsgmat.layers:
layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, name="{}_AutoLayer".format(bm.name), bl=bo)
self._propagate_material_settings(bm, layer)
# Cache this material for later
if bo in self._obj2mat:
self._obj2mat[bo] = [hsgmat.key]
# Looks like we're done...
return hsgmat.key
def export_waveset_material(self, bo, bm):
self._report.msg("Exporting WaveSet Material '{}'", bm.name, indent=1)
# WaveSets MUST have their own material
unique_name = "{}_WaveSet7".format(bm.name)
hsgmat = self._mgr.add_object(hsGMaterial, name=unique_name, bl=bo)
# Materials MUST have one layer. Wavesets need alpha blending...
layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, name=unique_name, bl=bo)
self._propagate_material_settings(bm, layer)
layer.state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha
# Wasn't that easy?
return hsgmat.key
def export_bumpmap_slot(self, bo, bm, hsgmat, slot, idx):
name = "{}_{}".format(bm.name if bm is not None else bo.name, slot.name)
self._report.msg("Exporting Plasma Bumpmap Layers for '{}'", name, indent=2)
# Okay, now we need to make 3 layers for the Du, Dw, and Dv
du_layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, name="{}_DU_BumpLut".format(name), bl=bo)
dw_layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, name="{}_DW_BumpLut".format(name), bl=bo)
dv_layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, name="{}_DV_BumpLut".format(name), bl=bo)
for layer in (du_layer, dw_layer, dv_layer):
layer.ambient = hsColorRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
layer.preshade = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.runtime = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.specular = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
state = layer.state
state.ZFlags = hsGMatState.kZNoZWrite
state.clampFlags = hsGMatState.kClampTexture
state.miscFlags = hsGMatState.kMiscBindNext
state.blendFlags = hsGMatState.kBlendAdd
if not slot.use_map_specular:
du_layer.state.blendFlags = hsGMatState.kBlendMADD
du_layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscBumpDu | hsGMatState.kMiscRestartPassHere
dw_layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscBumpDw
dv_layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscBumpDv
du_uv = len(bo.data.uv_layers)
du_layer.UVWSrc = du_uv
dw_layer.UVWSrc = du_uv | plLayerInterface.kUVWNormal
dv_layer.UVWSrc = du_uv + 1
page = self._mgr.get_textures_page(du_layer.key)
LUT_key = self._mgr.find_key(plMipmap, loc=page, name="BumpLutTexture")
if LUT_key is None:
bumpLUT = plMipmap("BumpLutTexture", 16, 16, 1, plBitmap.kUncompressed, plBitmap.kRGB8888)
self._mgr.AddObject(page, bumpLUT)
LUT_key = bumpLUT.key
du_layer.texture = LUT_key
dw_layer.texture = LUT_key
dv_layer.texture = LUT_key
return (du_layer, dw_layer, dv_layer)
def export_texture_slot(self, bo, bm, hsgmat, slot, idx, name=None, blend_flags=True):
if name is None:
name = "{}_{}".format(bm.name if bm is not None else bo.name, slot.name)
self._report.msg("Exporting Plasma Layer '{}'", name, indent=2)
layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, name=name, bl=bo)
if bm is not None and not slot.use_map_normal:
self._propagate_material_settings(bm, layer)
# UVW Channel
if slot.texture_coords == "UV":
for i, uvchan in enumerate(bo.data.uv_layers):
if uvchan.name == slot.uv_layer:
layer.UVWSrc = i
self._report.msg("Using UV Map #{} '{}'", i, name, indent=3)
self._report.msg("No UVMap specified... Blindly using the first one, maybe it exists :|", indent=3)
# Transform
xform = hsMatrix44()
layer.transform = xform
wantStencil, canStencil = slot.use_stencil, slot.use_stencil and bm is not None and not slot.use_map_normal
if wantStencil and not canStencil:
self._exporter().report.warn("{} wants to stencil, but this is not a real Material".format(slot.name))
state = layer.state
if canStencil:
hsgmat.compFlags |= hsGMaterial.kCompNeedsBlendChannel
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha | hsGMatState.kBlendAlphaMult | hsGMatState.kBlendNoTexColor
if slot.texture.type == "BLEND":
state.clampFlags |= hsGMatState.kClampTexture
state.ZFlags |= hsGMatState.kZNoZWrite
layer.ambient = hsColorRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
elif blend_flags:
# Standard layer flags ahoy
if slot.blend_type == "ADD":
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAddColorTimesAlpha
elif slot.blend_type == "MULTIPLY":
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendMult
# Check if this layer uses diffuse/runtime lighting
if not slot.use_map_color_diffuse:
layer.preshade = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.runtime = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
# Check if this layer uses specular lighting
if slot.use_map_color_spec:
state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeSpecular
layer.specular = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.specularPower = 1.0
texture = slot.texture
# Apply custom layer properties
if slot.use_map_normal:
state.blendFlags = hsGMatState.kBlendDot3
state.miscFlags = hsGMatState.kMiscBumpLayer
strength = max(min(1.0, slot.normal_factor), 0.0)
layer.ambient = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.preshade = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.runtime = hsColorRGBA(strength, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.specular = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer_props = texture.plasma_layer
layer.opacity = layer_props.opacity / 100
if layer_props.opacity < 100 and not state.blendFlags & hsGMatState.kBlendMask:
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha
if layer_props.alpha_halo:
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlphaTestHigh
if layer_props.z_bias:
state.ZFlags |= hsGMatState.kZIncLayer
if layer_props.skip_depth_test:
state.ZFlags |= hsGMatState.kZNoZRead
if layer_props.skip_depth_write:
state.ZFlags |= hsGMatState.kZNoZWrite
# Export the specific texture type
self._tex_exporters[texture.type](bo, layer, slot)
# Export any layer animations
# NOTE: animated stencils and bumpmaps are nonsense.
if not slot.use_stencil and not slot.use_map_normal:
layer = self._export_layer_animations(bo, bm, slot, idx, layer)
return layer
def _export_layer_animations(self, bo, bm, tex_slot, idx, base_layer):
"""Exports animations on this texture and chains the Plasma layers as needed"""
def harvest_fcurves(bl_id, collection, data_path=None):
if bl_id is None:
return None
anim = bl_id.animation_data
if anim is not None:
action = anim.action
if action is not None:
if data_path is None:
collection.extend((i for i in action.fcurves if i.data_path.startswith(data_path)))
return action
return None
fcurves = []
texture = tex_slot.texture
mat_action = harvest_fcurves(bm, fcurves, "texture_slots[{}]".format(idx))
tex_action = harvest_fcurves(texture, fcurves)
if not fcurves:
return base_layer
# Okay, so we have some FCurves. We'll loop through our known layer animation converters
# and chain this biotch up as best we can.
layer_animation = None
for attr, converter in self._animation_exporters.items():
ctrl = converter(tex_slot, base_layer, fcurves)
if ctrl is not None:
if layer_animation is None:
name = "{}_LayerAnim".format(base_layer.key.name)
layer_animation = self.get_texture_animation_key(bo, bm, texture).object
setattr(layer_animation, attr, ctrl)
# Alrighty, if we exported any controllers, layer_animation is a plLayerAnimation. We need to do
# the common schtuff now.
if layer_animation is not None:
layer_animation.underLay = base_layer.key
fps = bpy.context.scene.render.fps
atc = layer_animation.timeConvert
if tex_action is not None:
start, end = tex_action.frame_range
start, end = mat_action.frame_range
atc.begin = start / fps
atc.end = end / fps
layer_props = tex_slot.texture.plasma_layer
if not layer_props.anim_auto_start:
atc.flags |= plAnimTimeConvert.kStopped
if layer_props.anim_loop:
atc.flags |= plAnimTimeConvert.kLoop
atc.loopBegin = atc.begin
atc.loopEnd = atc.end
if layer_props.anim_sdl_var:
layer_animation.varName = layer_props.anim_sdl_var
return layer_animation
# Well, we had some FCurves but they were garbage... Too bad.
return base_layer
def _export_layer_opacity_animation(self, tex_slot, base_layer, fcurves):
for i in fcurves:
if i.data_path == "plasma_layer.opacity":
base_layer.state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha
ctrl = self._exporter().animation.make_scalar_leaf_controller(i)
return ctrl
return None
def _export_layer_transform_animation(self, tex_slot, base_layer, fcurves):
path = tex_slot.path_from_id()
pos_path = "{}.offset".format(path)
scale_path = "{}.scale".format(path)
# Plasma uses the controller to generate a matrix44... so we have to produce a leaf controller
ctrl = self._exporter().animation.make_matrix44_controller(fcurves, pos_path, scale_path, tex_slot.offset, tex_slot.scale)
return ctrl
def _export_texture_type_environment_map(self, bo, layer, slot):
"""Exports a Blender EnvironmentMapTexture to a plLayer"""
texture = slot.texture
bl_env = texture.environment_map
if bl_env.source in {"STATIC", "ANIMATED"}:
# NOTE: It is assumed that if we arrive here, we are at lease dcm2dem on the
# environment map export method. You're welcome!
if bl_env.mapping == "PLANE" and self._mgr.getVer() >= pvMoul:
pl_env = plDynamicCamMap
pl_env = plDynamicEnvMap
pl_env = self.export_dynamic_env(bo, layer, texture, pl_env)
elif bl_env.source == "IMAGE_FILE":
pl_env = self.export_cubic_env(bo, layer, texture)
raise NotImplementedError(bl_env.source)
layer.state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeEnvironMap
if pl_env is not None:
layer.texture = pl_env.key
def export_cubic_env(self, bo, layer, texture):
width, height = texture.image.size
# Sanity check: the image here should be 3x2 faces, so we should not have any
# dam remainder...
if width % 3 != 0:
raise ExportError("CubeMap '{}' width must be a multiple of 3".format(image.name))
if height % 2 != 0:
raise ExportError("CubeMap '{}' height must be a multiple of 2".format(image.name))
# According to PlasmaMAX, we don't give a rip about UVs...
layer.UVWSrc = plLayerInterface.kUVWReflect
layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscUseReflectionXform
# Well, this is kind of sad...
# Back before the texture cache existed, all the image work was offloaded
# to a big "finalize" save step to prevent races. The texture cache would
# prevent that as well, so we could theoretically slice-and-dice the single
# image here... but... meh. Offloading taim.
self.export_prepared_image(texture=texture, owner=layer, indent=3,
use_alpha=False, mipmap=True, allowed_formats={"DDS"},
is_cube_map=True, tag="cubemap")
def export_dynamic_env(self, bo, layer, texture, pl_class):
# To protect the user from themselves, let's check to make sure that a DEM/DCM matching this
# viewpoint object has not already been exported...
bl_env = texture.environment_map
viewpt = bl_env.viewpoint_object
if viewpt is None:
viewpt = bo
name = "{}_DynEnvMap".format(viewpt.name)
pl_env = self._mgr.find_object(pl_class, bl=bo, name=name)
if pl_env is not None:
self._report.msg("EnvMap for viewpoint {} already exported... NOTE: Your settings here will be overridden by the previous object!",
viewpt.name, indent=3)
if isinstance(pl_env, plDynamicCamMap):
pl_env.addTargetNode(self._mgr.find_key(plSceneObject, bl=bo))
return pl_env
# Ensure POT
oRes = bl_env.resolution
eRes = helpers.ensure_power_of_two(oRes)
if oRes != eRes:
self._report.msg("Overriding EnvMap size to ({}x{}) -- POT", eRes, eRes, indent=3)
# And now for the general ho'hum-ness
pl_env = self._mgr.add_object(pl_class, bl=bo, name=name)
pl_env.hither = bl_env.clip_start
pl_env.yon = bl_env.clip_end
pl_env.refreshRate = 0.01 if bl_env.source == "ANIMATED" else 0.0
pl_env.incCharacters = True
# Perhaps the DEM/DCM fog should be separately configurable at some point?
pl_fog = bpy.context.scene.world.plasma_fni
pl_env.color = utils.color(texture.plasma_layer.envmap_color)
pl_env.fogStart = pl_fog.fog_start
# EffVisSets
# Whoever wrote this PyHSPlasma binding didn't follow the convention. Sigh.
visregions = []
for region in texture.plasma_layer.vis_regions:
rgn = region.control_region
if rgn is None:
raise ExportError("'{}': Has an invalid Visibility Control".format(texture.name))
if not rgn.plasma_modifiers.visregion.enabled:
raise ExportError("'{}': '{}' is not a VisControl".format(texture.name, rgn.name))
visregions.append(self._mgr.find_create_key(plVisRegion, bl=rgn))
pl_env.visRegions = visregions
if isinstance(pl_env, plDynamicCamMap):
faces = (pl_env,)
# It matters not whether or not the viewpoint object is a Plasma Object, it is exported as at
# least a SceneObject and CoordInterface so that we can touch it...
# NOTE: that harvest_actor makes sure everyone alread knows we're going to have a CI
if isinstance(viewpt.data, bpy.types.Camera):
pl_env.camera = self._mgr.find_create_key(plCameraModifier, bl=viewpt)
pl_env.rootNode = self._mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=viewpt)
pl_env.addTargetNode(self._mgr.find_key(plSceneObject, bl=bo))
# This is really just so we don't raise any eyebrows if anyone is looking at the files.
# If you're disabling DCMs, then you're obviuously trolling!
# Cyan generates a single color image, but we'll just set the layer colors and go away.
fake_layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, bl=bo, name="{}_DisabledDynEnvMap".format(viewpt.name))
fake_layer.ambient = layer.ambient
fake_layer.preshade = layer.preshade
fake_layer.runtime = layer.runtime
fake_layer.specular = layer.specular
pl_env.disableTexture = fake_layer.key
if pl_env.camera is None:
layer.UVWSrc = plLayerInterface.kUVWPosition
layer.state.miscFlags |= (hsGMatState.kMiscCam2Screen | hsGMatState.kMiscPerspProjection)
faces = pl_env.faces + (pl_env,)
# If the user specifies a camera object, this might be worthy of a notice.
if viewpt.type == "CAMERA":
warn = self._report.port if bl_env.mapping == "PLANE" else self._report.warn
warn("Environment Map '{}' is exporting as a cube map. The viewpoint '{}' is a camera, but only its position will be used.",
bl_env.id_data.name, viewpt.name, indent=5)
# DEMs can do just a position vector. We actually prefer this because the WaveSet exporter
# will probably want to steal it for diabolical purposes...
pl_env.position = hsVector3(*viewpt.location)
# We'll also export it as a Root though, where supported (MOUL)
root = self._mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=viewpt)
pl_env.rootNode = root
if layer is not None:
layer.UVWSrc = plLayerInterface.kUVWReflect
layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscUseReflectionXform
# Because we might be working with a multi-faced env map. It's even worse than have two faces...
for i in faces:
i.flags |= plBitmap.kIsTexture
i.flags &= ~plBitmap.kAlphaChannelFlag
i.width = eRes
i.height = eRes
i.proportionalViewport = False
i.viewportLeft = 0
i.viewportTop = 0
i.viewportRight = eRes
i.viewportBottom = eRes
i.ZDepth = 24
return pl_env
def _export_texture_type_image(self, bo, layer, slot):
"""Exports a Blender ImageTexture to a plLayer"""
texture = slot.texture
layer_props = texture.plasma_layer
mipmap = texture.use_mipmap
# Does the image have any alpha at all?
if texture.image is not None:
has_alpha = texture.use_calculate_alpha or slot.use_stencil or self._test_image_alpha(texture.image)
if (texture.image.use_alpha and texture.use_alpha) and not has_alpha:
warning = "'{}' wants to use alpha, but '{}' is opaque".format(texture.name, texture.image.name)
self._exporter().report.warn(warning, indent=3)
has_alpha = True
# First, let's apply any relevant flags
state = layer.state
if not slot.use_stencil and not slot.use_map_normal:
# mutually exclusive blend flags
if texture.use_alpha and has_alpha:
if slot.blend_type == "ADD":
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlphaAdd
elif slot.blend_type == "MULTIPLY":
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlphaMult
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha
if texture.invert_alpha and has_alpha:
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendInvertAlpha
if texture.extension in {"CLIP", "EXTEND"}:
state.clampFlags |= hsGMatState.kClampTexture
# Now, let's export the plBitmap
# If the image is None (no image applied in Blender), we assume this is a plDynamicTextMap
# Otherwise, we toss this layer and some info into our pending texture dict and process it
# when the exporter tells us to finalize all our shit
if texture.image is None:
dtm = self._mgr.find_create_object(plDynamicTextMap, name="{}_DynText".format(layer.key.name), bl=bo)
dtm.hasAlpha = texture.use_alpha
# if you have a better idea, let's hear it...
dtm.visWidth, dtm.visHeight = 1024, 1024
layer.texture = dtm.key
detail_blend = TEX_DETAIL_ALPHA
if layer_props.is_detail_map and mipmap:
if slot.blend_type == "ADD":
detail_blend = TEX_DETAIL_ADD
elif slot.blend_type == "MULTIPLY":
detail_blend = TEX_DETAIL_MULTIPLY
# Herp, derp... Detail blends are all based on alpha
if layer_props.is_detail_map and not state.blendFlags & hsGMatState.kBlendMask:
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendDetail
allowed_formats = {"DDS"} if mipmap else {"PNG", "BMP"}
self.export_prepared_image(texture=texture, owner=layer,
use_alpha=has_alpha, force_calc_alpha=slot.use_stencil,
mipmap=mipmap, allowed_formats=allowed_formats,
def _export_texture_type_none(self, bo, layer, texture):
# We'll allow this, just for sanity's sake...
def export_prepared_image(self, **kwargs):
"""This exports an externally prepared image and an optional owning layer.
The following arguments are typical:
- texture: (co-required) the image texture datablock to export
- image: (co-required) the image datablock to export
- owner: (required) the Plasma object using this image
- mipmap: (optional) should the image be mipmapped?
- allowed_formats: (optional) set of string *hints* for desired image export type
valid options: BMP, DDS, JPG, PNG
- extension: (optional) file extension to use for the image object
to use the image datablock extension, set this to None
- indent: (optional) indentation level for log messages
default: 2
- ephemeral: (optional) never cache this image
- tag: (optional) an optional identifier hint that allows multiple images with the
same name to coexist in the cache
- is_cube_map: (optional) indicates the provided image contains six cube faces
that must be split into six separate images for Plasma
owner = kwargs.pop("owner", None)
indent = kwargs.pop("indent", 2)
key = _Texture(**kwargs)
image = key.image
if key not in self._pending:
self._report.msg("Stashing '{}' for conversion as '{}'", image.name, key, indent=indent)
self._pending[key] = [owner.key,]
self._report.msg("Found another user of '{}'", key, indent=indent)
def finalize(self):
self._report.progress_range = len(self._pending)
inc_progress = self._report.progress_increment
mgr = self._mgr
# This with statement causes the texture cache to hold open a
# read stream for the cache file, preventing spurious open-close
# spin washing during this tight loop. Note that the cache still
# has to actually be loaded ^_^
with self._texcache as texcache:
for key, owners in self._pending.items():
name = str(key)
pClassName = "CubicEnvironmap" if key.is_cube_map else "Mipmap"
self._report.msg("\n[{} '{}']", pClassName, name)
image = key.image
# Now we try to use the pile of hints we were given to figure out what format to use
allowed_formats = key.allowed_formats
if key.mipmap:
compression = plBitmap.kDirectXCompression
elif "PNG" in allowed_formats and self._mgr.getVer() == pvMoul:
compression = plBitmap.kPNGCompression
elif "DDS" in allowed_formats:
compression = plBitmap.kDirectXCompression
elif "JPG" in allowed_formats:
compression = plBitmap.kJPEGCompression
elif "BMP" in allowed_formats:
compression = plBitmap.kUncompressed
raise RuntimeError(allowed_formats)
dxt = plBitmap.kDXT5 if key.use_alpha or key.calc_alpha else plBitmap.kDXT1
# Mayhaps we have a cached version of this that has already been exported
cached_image = texcache.get_from_texture(key, compression)
if cached_image is None:
if key.is_cube_map:
numLevels, width, height, data = self._finalize_cube_map(key, image, name, compression, dxt)
numLevels, width, height, data = self._finalize_single_image(key, image, name, compression, dxt)
Refactor image data handling for cube maps
Previously, we allowed OpenGL to generate all of the mip levels for us
in a mipmap. This was pretty doggone fast and worked reasonably well.
However, with cube maps, we will need to use images that are not always
backed in Blender... this is because Blender stores cube maps as one
single image instead of one image per face. So, we need to be able to
generate those mip levels, preferably without touching Blender's
`Image.pixels`, which is slower than Christmas...
Also of note... `Image.gl_load()` will actually scale the iamge to a POT
when Blender is using OpenGL ES... but not on other platforms. So, now,
we just ask Blender to load the image and deal with the POT-izing later.
The con here is that the pure python implementation of the image scaling
function is SLOOOOOOOW. We're talking ~40 seconds to process a 1024x1024
mipmap. No one should be using the reference implementation, however,
and the C++ implementation shows no noticable slowdown over the OpenGL
6 years ago
texcache.add_texture(key, numLevels, (width, height), compression, data)
Refactor image data handling for cube maps
Previously, we allowed OpenGL to generate all of the mip levels for us
in a mipmap. This was pretty doggone fast and worked reasonably well.
However, with cube maps, we will need to use images that are not always
backed in Blender... this is because Blender stores cube maps as one
single image instead of one image per face. So, we need to be able to
generate those mip levels, preferably without touching Blender's
`Image.pixels`, which is slower than Christmas...
Also of note... `Image.gl_load()` will actually scale the iamge to a POT
when Blender is using OpenGL ES... but not on other platforms. So, now,
we just ask Blender to load the image and deal with the POT-izing later.
The con here is that the pure python implementation of the image scaling
function is SLOOOOOOOW. We're talking ~40 seconds to process a 1024x1024
mipmap. No one should be using the reference implementation, however,
and the C++ implementation shows no noticable slowdown over the OpenGL
6 years ago
width, height = cached_image.export_size
data = cached_image.image_data
numLevels = cached_image.mip_levels
# Now we poke our new bitmap into the pending layers. Note that we have to do some funny
# business to account for per-page textures
pages = {}
self._report.msg("Adding to...", indent=1)
for owner_key in owners:
owner = owner_key.object
self._report.msg("[{} '{}']", owner.ClassName()[2:], owner_key.name, indent=2)
page = mgr.get_textures_page(owner_key) # Layer's page or Textures.prp
Refactor image data handling for cube maps
Previously, we allowed OpenGL to generate all of the mip levels for us
in a mipmap. This was pretty doggone fast and worked reasonably well.
However, with cube maps, we will need to use images that are not always
backed in Blender... this is because Blender stores cube maps as one
single image instead of one image per face. So, we need to be able to
generate those mip levels, preferably without touching Blender's
`Image.pixels`, which is slower than Christmas...
Also of note... `Image.gl_load()` will actually scale the iamge to a POT
when Blender is using OpenGL ES... but not on other platforms. So, now,
we just ask Blender to load the image and deal with the POT-izing later.
The con here is that the pure python implementation of the image scaling
function is SLOOOOOOOW. We're talking ~40 seconds to process a 1024x1024
mipmap. No one should be using the reference implementation, however,
and the C++ implementation shows no noticable slowdown over the OpenGL
6 years ago
# If we haven't created this texture in the page (either layer's page or Textures.prp),
# then we need to do that and stuff the level data. This is a little tedious, but we
# need to be careful to manage our resources correctly
if page not in pages:
mipmap = plMipmap(name=name, width=width, height=height, numLevels=numLevels,
compType=compression, format=plBitmap.kRGB8888, dxtLevel=dxt)
if key.is_cube_map:
assert len(data) == 6
texture = plCubicEnvironmap(name)
for face_name, face_data in zip(BLENDER_CUBE_MAP, data):
for i in range(numLevels):
mipmap.setLevel(i, face_data[i])
setattr(texture, face_name, mipmap)
assert len(data) == 1
for i in range(numLevels):
mipmap.setLevel(i, data[0][i])
texture = mipmap
mgr.AddObject(page, texture)
pages[page] = texture
texture = pages[page]
Refactor image data handling for cube maps
Previously, we allowed OpenGL to generate all of the mip levels for us
in a mipmap. This was pretty doggone fast and worked reasonably well.
However, with cube maps, we will need to use images that are not always
backed in Blender... this is because Blender stores cube maps as one
single image instead of one image per face. So, we need to be able to
generate those mip levels, preferably without touching Blender's
`Image.pixels`, which is slower than Christmas...
Also of note... `Image.gl_load()` will actually scale the iamge to a POT
when Blender is using OpenGL ES... but not on other platforms. So, now,
we just ask Blender to load the image and deal with the POT-izing later.
The con here is that the pure python implementation of the image scaling
function is SLOOOOOOOW. We're talking ~40 seconds to process a 1024x1024
mipmap. No one should be using the reference implementation, however,
and the C++ implementation shows no noticable slowdown over the OpenGL
6 years ago
# The object that references this image can be either a layer (will appear
# in the 3d world) or an image library (will appear in a journal or in another
# dynamic manner in game)
if isinstance(owner, plLayerInterface):
owner.texture = texture.key
elif isinstance(owner, plImageLibMod):
raise RuntimeError(owner.ClassName())
def _finalize_cube_map(self, key, image, name, compression, dxt):
oWidth, oHeight = image.size
if oWidth == 0 and oHeight == 0:
raise ExportError("Image '{}' could not be loaded.".format(image.name))
# Non-DXT images are BGRA in Plasma
bgra = compression != plBitmap.kDirectXCompression
# Grab the cube map data from OpenGL and prepare to begin...
with GLTexture(key, bgra=bgra) as glimage:
cWidth, cHeight, data = glimage.image_data
# On some platforms, Blender will be "helpful" and scale the image to a POT.
# That's great, but we have 3 faces as a width, which will certainly be NPOT
# in the case of POT faces. So, we will scale the image AGAIN, if Blender did
# something funky.
if oWidth != cWidth or oHeight != cHeight:
self._report.warn("Image was resized by Blender to ({}x{})--resizing the resize to ({}x{})",
cWidth, cHeight, oWidth, oHeight, indent=1)
data = scale_image(data, cWidth, cHeight, oWidth, oHeight)
# Face dimensions
fWidth, fHeight = oWidth // 3, oHeight // 2
# Copy each of the six faces into a separate image buffer.
# NOTE: At present, I am well pleased with the speed of this functionality.
# According to my profiling, it takes roughly 0.7 seconds to process a
# cube map whose faces are 1024x1024 (3072x2048 total). Maybe a later
# commit will move this into korlib. We'll see.
face_num = len(BLENDER_CUBE_MAP)
face_images = [None] * face_num
for i in range(face_num):
col_id = i if i < 3 else i - 3
row_start = 0 if i < 3 else fHeight
row_end = fHeight if i < 3 else oHeight
face_data = bytearray(fWidth * fHeight * 4)
for row_current in range(row_start, row_end, 1):
src_start_idx = (row_current * oWidth * 4) + (col_id * fWidth * 4)
src_end_idx = src_start_idx + (fWidth * 4)
dst_start_idx = (row_current - row_start) * fWidth * 4
dst_end_idx = dst_start_idx + (fWidth * 4)
face_data[dst_start_idx:dst_end_idx] = data[src_start_idx:src_end_idx]
face_images[i] = bytes(face_data)
# Now that we have our six faces, we'll toss them into the GLTexture helper
# to generate mipmaps, if needed...
for i, face_name in enumerate(BLENDER_CUBE_MAP):
glimage = GLTexture(key)
glimage.image_data = fWidth, fHeight, face_images[i]
eWidth, eHeight = glimage.size_pot
name = face_name[:-4].upper()
if compression == plBitmap.kDirectXCompression:
numLevels = glimage.num_levels
self._report.msg("Generating mip levels for cube face '{}'", name, indent=1)
# If we're compressing this mofo, we'll need a temporary mipmap to do that here...
mipmap = plMipmap(name=name, width=eWidth, height=eHeight, numLevels=numLevels,
compType=compression, format=plBitmap.kRGB8888, dxtLevel=dxt)
numLevels = 1
self._report.msg("Compressing single level for cube face '{}'", name, indent=1)
face_images[i] = [None] * numLevels
for j in range(numLevels):
level_data = glimage.get_level_data(j, key.calc_alpha, report=self._report)
if compression == plBitmap.kDirectXCompression:
mipmap.CompressImage(j, level_data)
level_data = mipmap.getLevel(j)
face_images[i][j] = level_data
return numLevels, eWidth, eHeight, face_images
Refactor image data handling for cube maps
Previously, we allowed OpenGL to generate all of the mip levels for us
in a mipmap. This was pretty doggone fast and worked reasonably well.
However, with cube maps, we will need to use images that are not always
backed in Blender... this is because Blender stores cube maps as one
single image instead of one image per face. So, we need to be able to
generate those mip levels, preferably without touching Blender's
`Image.pixels`, which is slower than Christmas...
Also of note... `Image.gl_load()` will actually scale the iamge to a POT
when Blender is using OpenGL ES... but not on other platforms. So, now,
we just ask Blender to load the image and deal with the POT-izing later.
The con here is that the pure python implementation of the image scaling
function is SLOOOOOOOW. We're talking ~40 seconds to process a 1024x1024
mipmap. No one should be using the reference implementation, however,
and the C++ implementation shows no noticable slowdown over the OpenGL
6 years ago
def _finalize_single_image(self, key, image, name, compression, dxt):
oWidth, oHeight = image.size
if oWidth == 0 and oHeight == 0:
raise ExportError("Image '{}' could not be loaded.".format(image.name))
# Non-DXT images are BGRA in Plasma
bgra = compression != plBitmap.kDirectXCompression
# Grab the image data from OpenGL and stuff it into the plBitmap
with GLTexture(key, bgra=bgra) as glimage:
eWidth, eHeight = glimage.size_pot
if compression == plBitmap.kDirectXCompression:
numLevels = glimage.num_levels
self._report.msg("Generating mip levels", indent=1)
# If this is a DXT-compressed mipmap, we need to use a temporary mipmap
# to do the compression. We'll then steal the data from it.
mipmap = plMipmap(name=name, width=eWidth, height=eHeight, numLevels=numLevels,
compType=compression, format=plBitmap.kRGB8888, dxtLevel=dxt)
Refactor image data handling for cube maps
Previously, we allowed OpenGL to generate all of the mip levels for us
in a mipmap. This was pretty doggone fast and worked reasonably well.
However, with cube maps, we will need to use images that are not always
backed in Blender... this is because Blender stores cube maps as one
single image instead of one image per face. So, we need to be able to
generate those mip levels, preferably without touching Blender's
`Image.pixels`, which is slower than Christmas...
Also of note... `Image.gl_load()` will actually scale the iamge to a POT
when Blender is using OpenGL ES... but not on other platforms. So, now,
we just ask Blender to load the image and deal with the POT-izing later.
The con here is that the pure python implementation of the image scaling
function is SLOOOOOOOW. We're talking ~40 seconds to process a 1024x1024
mipmap. No one should be using the reference implementation, however,
and the C++ implementation shows no noticable slowdown over the OpenGL
6 years ago
numLevels = 1
self._report.msg("Compressing single level", indent=1)
# Hold the uncompressed level data for now. We may have to make multiple copies of
# this mipmap for per-page textures :(
data = [None] * numLevels
Refactor image data handling for cube maps
Previously, we allowed OpenGL to generate all of the mip levels for us
in a mipmap. This was pretty doggone fast and worked reasonably well.
However, with cube maps, we will need to use images that are not always
backed in Blender... this is because Blender stores cube maps as one
single image instead of one image per face. So, we need to be able to
generate those mip levels, preferably without touching Blender's
`Image.pixels`, which is slower than Christmas...
Also of note... `Image.gl_load()` will actually scale the iamge to a POT
when Blender is using OpenGL ES... but not on other platforms. So, now,
we just ask Blender to load the image and deal with the POT-izing later.
The con here is that the pure python implementation of the image scaling
function is SLOOOOOOOW. We're talking ~40 seconds to process a 1024x1024
mipmap. No one should be using the reference implementation, however,
and the C++ implementation shows no noticable slowdown over the OpenGL
6 years ago
for i in range(numLevels):
level_data = glimage.get_level_data(i, key.calc_alpha, report=self._report)
if compression == plBitmap.kDirectXCompression:
mipmap.CompressImage(i, level_data)
level_data = mipmap.getLevel(i)
data[i] = level_data
Refactor image data handling for cube maps
Previously, we allowed OpenGL to generate all of the mip levels for us
in a mipmap. This was pretty doggone fast and worked reasonably well.
However, with cube maps, we will need to use images that are not always
backed in Blender... this is because Blender stores cube maps as one
single image instead of one image per face. So, we need to be able to
generate those mip levels, preferably without touching Blender's
`Image.pixels`, which is slower than Christmas...
Also of note... `Image.gl_load()` will actually scale the iamge to a POT
when Blender is using OpenGL ES... but not on other platforms. So, now,
we just ask Blender to load the image and deal with the POT-izing later.
The con here is that the pure python implementation of the image scaling
function is SLOOOOOOOW. We're talking ~40 seconds to process a 1024x1024
mipmap. No one should be using the reference implementation, however,
and the C++ implementation shows no noticable slowdown over the OpenGL
6 years ago
return numLevels, eWidth, eHeight, [data,]
def get_materials(self, bo):
return self._obj2mat.get(bo, [])
def get_bump_layer(self, bo):
return self._bump_mats.get(bo, None)
def get_texture_animation_key(self, bo, bm, texture):
"""Finds or creates the appropriate key for sending messages to an animated Texture"""
tex_name = texture.name
if not tex_name in bm.texture_slots:
raise ExportError("Texture '{}' not used in Material '{}'".format(bm.name, tex_name))
name = "{}_{}_LayerAnim".format(bm.name, tex_name)
layer = texture.plasma_layer
pClass = plLayerSDLAnimation if layer.anim_sdl_var else plLayerAnimation
return self._mgr.find_create_key(pClass, bl=bo, name=name)
def _mgr(self):
return self._exporter().mgr
def _propagate_material_settings(self, bm, layer):
"""Converts settings from the Blender Material to corresponding plLayer settings"""
state = layer.state
# Shade Flags
if not bm.use_mist:
state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeNoFog # Dead in CWE
state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeReallyNoFog
if bm.use_shadeless:
state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeWhite
# Colors
layer.ambient = utils.color(bpy.context.scene.world.ambient_color)
layer.preshade = utils.color(bm.diffuse_color)
layer.runtime = utils.color(bm.diffuse_color)
layer.specular = utils.color(bm.specular_color)
layer.specularPower = min(100.0, float(bm.specular_hardness))
layer.LODBias = -1.0 # Seems to be the Plasma default
if bm.emit > 0.0:
# Use the diffuse colour as the emit, scaled by the emit amount
# (maximum 2.0, so we'll also scale that by 0.5)
emit_scale = bm.emit * 0.5
layer.ambient = hsColorRGBA(bm.diffuse_color.r * emit_scale,
bm.diffuse_color.g * emit_scale,
bm.diffuse_color.b * emit_scale,
def _report(self):
return self._exporter().report
def _test_image_alpha(self, image):
"""Tests to see if this image has any alpha data"""
# In the interest of speed, let's see if we've already done this one...
result = self._alphatest.get(image, None)
if result is not None:
return result
if image.channels != 4:
result = False
elif not image.use_alpha:
result = False
# Using bpy.types.Image.pixels is VERY VERY VERY slow...
key = _Texture(image=image)
Refactor image data handling for cube maps
Previously, we allowed OpenGL to generate all of the mip levels for us
in a mipmap. This was pretty doggone fast and worked reasonably well.
However, with cube maps, we will need to use images that are not always
backed in Blender... this is because Blender stores cube maps as one
single image instead of one image per face. So, we need to be able to
generate those mip levels, preferably without touching Blender's
`Image.pixels`, which is slower than Christmas...
Also of note... `Image.gl_load()` will actually scale the iamge to a POT
when Blender is using OpenGL ES... but not on other platforms. So, now,
we just ask Blender to load the image and deal with the POT-izing later.
The con here is that the pure python implementation of the image scaling
function is SLOOOOOOOW. We're talking ~40 seconds to process a 1024x1024
mipmap. No one should be using the reference implementation, however,
and the C++ implementation shows no noticable slowdown over the OpenGL
6 years ago
with GLTexture(key, fast=True) as glimage:
result = glimage.has_alpha
self._alphatest[image] = result
return result
def _texcache(self):
return self._exporter().image