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# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import bpy
import korlib
from PyHSPlasma import *
import weakref
from . import explosions
from . import utils
class MaterialConverter:
_hsbitmaps = {}
def __init__(self, exporter):
self._exporter = weakref.ref(exporter)
def export_material(self, bo, bm):
"""Exports a Blender Material as an hsGMaterial"""
print(" Exporting Material '{}'".format(
hsgmat = self._mgr.add_object(hsGMaterial,, bl=bo)
self._export_texture_slots(bo, bm, hsgmat)
# Plasma makes several assumptions that every hsGMaterial has at least one layer. If this
# material had no Textures, we will need to initialize a default layer
if not hsgmat.layers:
layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, name="{}_AutoLayer".format(, bl=bo)
self._propagate_material_settings(bm, layer)
# Looks like we're done...
return hsgmat.key
def _export_texture_slots(self, bo, bm, hsgmat):
for slot in bm.texture_slots:
if slot is None or not slot.use:
name = "{}_{}".format(,
print(" Exporting Plasma Layer '{}'".format(name))
layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, name=name, bl=bo)
self._propagate_material_settings(bm, layer)
# UVW Channel
for i, uvchan in enumerate(
if == slot.uv_layer:
layer.UVWSrc = i
print(" Using UV Map #{} '{}'".format(i, name))
print(" No UVMap specified... Blindly using the first one, maybe it exists :|")
# General texture flags and such
texture = slot.texture
# ...
# Export the specific texture type
export_fn = "_export_texture_type_{}".format(texture.type.lower())
if not hasattr(self, export_fn):
raise explosions.UnsupportedTextureError(texture, bm)
getattr(self, export_fn)(bo, hsgmat, layer, texture)
def _export_texture_type_image(self, bo, hsgmat, layer, texture):
"""Exports a Blender ImageTexture to a plLayer"""
# First, let's apply any relevant flags
state = layer.state
if texture.invert_alpha:
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendInvertAlpha
# Now, let's export the plBitmap
# If the image is None (no image applied in Blender), we assume this is a plDynamicTextMap
# Otherwise, we create a plMipmap and call into korlib to export the pixel data
if texture.image is None:
bitmap = self.add_object(plDynamicTextMap, name="{}_DynText".format(, bl=bo)
# blender likes to create lots of spurious .0000001 objects :/
name =
name = name[:name.find('.')]
if texture.use_mipmap:
name = "{}.dds".format(name)
name = "{}.bmp".format(name)
if name in self._hsbitmaps:
# well, that was easy...
print(" Using '{}'".format(name))
layer.texture = self._hsbitmaps[name].key
location = self._mgr.get_textures_page(bo)
bitmap = self._mgr.add_object(plMipmap, name=name, loc=location)
korlib.generate_mipmap(texture, bitmap)
# Store the created plBitmap and toss onto the layer
self._hsbitmaps[name] = bitmap
layer.texture = bitmap.key
def _mgr(self):
return self._exporter().mgr
def _propagate_material_settings(self, bm, layer):
"""Converts settings from the Blender Material to corresponding plLayer settings"""
state = layer.state
# Shade Flags
if not bm.use_mist:
state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeNoFog # Dead in CWE
state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeReallyNoFog
# Colors
layer.ambient = utils.color(
layer.preshade = utils.color(bm.diffuse_color)
layer.runtime = utils.color(bm.diffuse_color)
layer.specular = utils.color(bm.specular_color)