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Better plMipmap management

Adam Johnson 10 years ago
  1. 55


@ -233,21 +233,17 @@ class MaterialConverter:
image = key.image
oWidth, oHeight = image.size
eWidth = int(round(pow(2, math.log(oWidth, 2))))
eHeight = int(round(pow(2, math.log(oHeight, 2))))
eWidth = pow(2, math.floor(math.log(oWidth, 2)))
eHeight = pow(2, math.floor(math.log(oHeight, 2)))
if (eWidth != oWidth) or (eHeight != oHeight):
print(" Image is not a POT ({}x{}) resizing to {}x{}".format(oWidth, oHeight, eWidth, eHeight))
image.scale(eWidth, eHeight)
self._resize_image(image, eWidth, eHeight)
# Some basic mipmap settings. Could this be done better?
levelHint = 0 if key.mipmap else 1
# Some basic mipmap settings.
numLevels = math.floor(math.log(max(eWidth, eHeight), 2)) + 1 if key.mipmap else 1
compression = plBitmap.kDirectXCompression if key.mipmap else plBitmap.kUncompressed
dxt = plBitmap.kDXT5 if key.use_alpha or key.calc_alpha else plBitmap.kDXT1
# This wraps the call to plMipmap::Create
mipmap = plMipmap(name=name, width=eWidth, height=eHeight, numLevels=levelHint,
compType=compression, format=plBitmap.kRGB8888, dxtLevel=dxt)
# Grab the image data from OpenGL and stuff it into the plBitmap
with _GLTexture(image) as glimage:
if key.mipmap:
@ -256,19 +252,38 @@ class MaterialConverter:
print(" Stuffing image data")
stuff_func = mipmap.CompressImage if compression == plBitmap.kDirectXCompression else mipmap.setLevel
for i in range(mipmap.numLevels):
data = glimage.get_level_data(i, key.calc_alpha)
stuff_func(i, data)
# Hold the uncompressed level data for now. We may have to make multiple copies of
# this mipmap for per-page textures :(
data = []
for i in range(numLevels):
data.append(glimage.get_level_data(i, key.calc_alpha))
# Be a good citizen and reset the Blender Image to pre-futzing state
# Now we poke our new bitmap into the pending layers. Note that we have to do some funny
# business to account for per-page textures
print(" Adding to Layer(s)")
mgr = self._mgr
pages = {}
print(" Adding to Layer(s)")
for layer in layers:
print(" {}".format(
page = mgr.get_textures_page(layer)
mgr.AddObject(page, mipmap)
page = mgr.get_textures_page(layer) # Layer's page or Textures.prp
# If we haven't created this plMipmap in the page (either layer's page or Textures.prp),
# then we need to do that and stuff the level data. This is a little tedious, but we
# need to be careful to manage our resources correctly
if page not in pages:
mipmap = plMipmap(name=name, width=eWidth, height=eHeight, numLevels=numLevels,
compType=compression, format=plBitmap.kRGB8888, dxtLevel=dxt)
func = mipmap.CompressImage if compression == plBitmap.kDirectXCompression else mipmap.setLevel
for i, level in enumerate(data):
func(i, level)
mgr.AddObject(page, mipmap)
pages[page] = mipmap
mipmap = pages[page]
layer.texture = mipmap.key
@ -289,3 +304,11 @@ class MaterialConverter:
layer.preshade = utils.color(bm.diffuse_color)
layer.runtime = utils.color(bm.diffuse_color)
layer.specular = utils.color(bm.specular_color)
def _resize_image(self, image, width, height):
image.scale(width, height)
# If the image is already loaded into OpenGL, we need to refresh it to get the scaling.
if image.bindcode != 0:
