This idiotic change was introduced in stealth mode from 2.76 to 2.77. It has something to do with 3d textures, supposedly. I think the person who made this change is simply an asshat...
Ok, so, the exporter incorrectly assumed it created all plLayerAnimations.
In reality, nodes could create the plLayerAnimation first. If the material
exporter recreates the object, bad things happen, and an invalid
plLayerAnimation is added to the hsGMaterial. UruExplorer then goes
Some of Cyan's old scripts predate Python supporting Booleans,
which leaves us with variables where we expected constant values.
This change intercepts these cases and replaces them, avoiding an
exception in Korman when it tries to shove one of these strings
into a boolean attribute.
Also included is a new visitor for proper name constants, support
for which was added in Python 3.4. This will allow future scripts
to use them and be recognized correctly.
Export all images right-side up. OpenGL flips them because fail, so we
have to do a bit of work to correct that. Thankfully, this operation is
not as slow as I thought.
NOTE TO SELF: remember, texture page updating would be nice to have...
This introduces a basic soft volume interface to Korman. It currently
allows you to define simple convex "soft" regions and somewhat complex
soft regions using the soft volume modifier.