You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

991 lines
41 KiB

# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import bpy
from bpy.props import *
from import Iterable
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from PyHSPlasma import *
from .node_core import *
from .node_deprecated import PlasmaDeprecatedNode, PlasmaVersionedNode
from .. import idprops
from ..plasma_attributes import get_attributes_from_str
_single_user_attribs = {
"ptAttribBoolean", "ptAttribInt", "ptAttribFloat", "ptAttribString", "ptAttribDropDownList",
"ptAttribSceneobject", "ptAttribDynamicMap", "ptAttribGUIDialog", "ptAttribExcludeRegion",
"ptAttribWaveSet", "ptAttribSwimCurrent", "ptAttribAnimation", "ptAttribBehavior",
"ptAttribMaterial", "ptAttribMaterialAnimation", "ptAttribGUIPopUpMenu", "ptAttribGUISkin",
_attrib2param = {
"ptAttribInt": plPythonParameter.kInt,
"ptAttribFloat": plPythonParameter.kFloat,
"ptAttribBoolean": plPythonParameter.kBoolean,
"ptAttribString": plPythonParameter.kString,
"ptAttribDropDownList": plPythonParameter.kString,
"ptAttribSceneobject": plPythonParameter.kSceneObject,
"ptAttribSceneobjectList": plPythonParameter.kSceneObjectList,
"ptAttribActivator": plPythonParameter.kActivator,
"ptAttribActivatorList": plPythonParameter.kActivator,
"ptAttribNamedActivator": plPythonParameter.kActivator,
"ptAttribResponder": plPythonParameter.kResponder,
"ptAttribResponderList": plPythonParameter.kResponder,
"ptAttribNamedResponder": plPythonParameter.kResponder,
"ptAttribDynamicMap": plPythonParameter.kDynamicText,
"ptAttribGUIDialog": plPythonParameter.kGUIDialog,
"ptAttribExcludeRegion": plPythonParameter.kExcludeRegion,
"ptAttribAnimation": plPythonParameter.kAnimation,
"ptAttribBehavior": plPythonParameter.kBehavior,
"ptAttribMaterial": plPythonParameter.kMaterial,
"ptAttribMaterialList": plPythonParameter.kMaterial,
"ptAttribGUIPopUpMenu": plPythonParameter.kGUIPopUpMenu,
"ptAttribGUISkin": plPythonParameter.kGUISkin,
"ptAttribWaveSet": plPythonParameter.kWaterComponent,
"ptAttribSwimCurrent": plPythonParameter.kSwimCurrentInterface,
"ptAttribClusterList": plPythonParameter.kClusterComponent,
"ptAttribMaterialAnimation": plPythonParameter.kMaterialAnimation,
"ptAttribGrassShader": plPythonParameter.kGrassShaderComponent,
_attrib_key_types = {
"ptAttribSceneobject": plFactory.ClassIndex("plSceneObject"),
"ptAttribSceneobjectList": plFactory.ClassIndex("plSceneObject"),
"ptAttribActivator": plFactory.ClassIndex("plLogicModifier"),
"ptAttribActivatorList": plFactory.ClassIndex("plLogicModifier"),
"ptAttribNamedActivator": plFactory.ClassIndex("plLogicModifier"),
"ptAttribResponder": plFactory.ClassIndex("plResponderModifier"),
"ptAttribResponderList": plFactory.ClassIndex("plResponderModifier"),
"ptAttribNamedResponder": plFactory.ClassIndex("plResponderModifier"),
"ptAttribDynamicMap": plFactory.ClassIndex("plDynamicTextMap"),
"ptAttribGUIDialog": plFactory.ClassIndex("pfGUIDialogMod"),
"ptAttribExcludeRegion": plFactory.ClassIndex("plExcludeRegionMod"),
"ptAttribAnimation": plFactory.ClassIndex("plAGMasterMod"),
"ptAttribBehavior": plFactory.ClassIndex("plMultistageBehMod"),
"ptAttribMaterial": plFactory.ClassIndex("plLayer"),
"ptAttribMaterialList": plFactory.ClassIndex("plLayer"),
"ptAttribGUIPopUpMenu": plFactory.ClassIndex("pfGUIPopUpMenu"),
"ptAttribGUISkin": plFactory.ClassIndex("pfGUISkin"),
"ptAttribWaveSet": plFactory.ClassIndex("plWaveSet7"),
"ptAttribSwimCurrent": (plFactory.ClassIndex("plSwimRegionInterface"),
"ptAttribClusterList": plFactory.ClassIndex("plClusterGroup"),
"ptAttribMaterialAnimation": plFactory.ClassIndex("plLayerAnimation"),
"ptAttribGrassShader": plFactory.ClassIndex("plGrassShaderMod"),
class StringVectorProperty(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
value = StringProperty()
class PlasmaAttributeArguments(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
byObject = BoolProperty()
default = StringProperty()
options = CollectionProperty(type=StringVectorProperty)
range_values = FloatVectorProperty(size=2)
netForce = BoolProperty()
netPropagate = BoolProperty()
stateList = CollectionProperty(type=StringVectorProperty)
visListId = IntProperty()
visListStates = CollectionProperty(type=StringVectorProperty)
def set_arguments(self, args):
for name in args:
if name == "byObject":
self.byObject = bool(args[name])
elif name == "default":
self.default = str(args[name])
elif name == "options":
for option in args[name]:
item = self.options.add()
item.value = str(option)
elif name in ("range", "rang"):
self.range_values = args[name]
elif name == "netForce":
self.netForce = bool(args[name])
elif name in ("netPropagate", "netProp"):
self.netPropagate = bool(args[name])
elif name == "stateList":
for state in args[name]:
item = self.stateList.add()
item.value = str(state)
elif name == "vislistid":
self.visListId = int(args[name])
elif name == "visliststates":
for state in args[name]:
item = self.visListStates.add()
item.value = str(state)
print("Unknown argument '{}' with value '{}'!".format(name, args[name]))
class PlasmaAttribute(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
# This is thy lookup helper
type_LUT = {
bool: "ptAttribBoolean",
float: "ptAttribFloat",
int: "ptAttribInt",
str: "ptAttribString",
attribute_id = IntProperty()
attribute_type = StringProperty()
attribute_name = StringProperty()
attribute_description = StringProperty()
# These shall be default values
value_string = StringProperty()
value_int = IntProperty()
value_float = FloatProperty()
value_bool = BoolProperty()
# Special Arguments
attribute_arguments = PointerProperty(type=PlasmaAttributeArguments)
_simple_attrs = {
"ptAttribString": "value_string",
"ptAttribDropDownList": "value_string",
"ptAttribInt": "value_int",
"ptAttribFloat": "value_float",
"ptAttribBoolean": "value_bool",
def is_simple_value(self):
return self.attribute_type in self._simple_attrs
def _get_simple_value(self):
return getattr(self, self._simple_attrs[self.attribute_type])
def _set_simple_value(self, value):
setattr(self, self._simple_attrs[self.attribute_type], value)
simple_value = property(_get_simple_value, _set_simple_value)
class PlasmaPythonFileNode(PlasmaVersionedNode, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "PYTHON"
bl_idname = "PlasmaPythonFileNode"
bl_label = "Python File"
bl_width_default = 290
def _poll_pytext(self, value):
def _update_pyfile(self, context):
if self.no_update:
text_id =, None)
if text_id:
self.text_id = text_id
def _update_pytext(self, context):
if self.no_update:
with self.NoUpdate():
self.filename = if self.text_id is not None else ""
if self.text_id is not None:
filename = StringProperty(name="File Name",
description="Python Filename",
filepath = StringProperty(options={"HIDDEN"})
text_id = PointerProperty(name="Script File",
description="Script file datablock",
# This property exists for UI purposes ONLY
package = BoolProperty(options={"HIDDEN", "SKIP_SAVE"})
attributes = CollectionProperty(type=PlasmaAttribute, options={"HIDDEN"})
no_update = BoolProperty(default=False, options={"HIDDEN", "SKIP_SAVE"})
def attribute_map(self):
return { i.attribute_id: i for i in self.attributes }
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
main_row = layout.row(align=True)
row = main_row.row(align=True)
row.alert = self.text_id is None and bool(self.filename)
row.prop(self, "text_id", text="Script")
# open operator
sel_text = "Load Script" if self.text_id is None else ""
operator = main_row.operator("file.plasma_file_picker", icon="FILESEL", text=sel_text)
operator.filter_glob = "*.py"
operator.data_path = self.node_path
operator.filename_property = "filename"
if self.text_id is not None:
# package button
row = main_row.row(align=True)
if self.text_id is not None:
row.enabled = True
icon = "PACKAGE" if self.text_id.plasma_text.package else "UGLYPACKAGE"
row.prop(self.text_id.plasma_text, "package", icon=icon, text="")
row.enabled = False
row.prop(self, "package", text="", icon="UGLYPACKAGE")
# rescan operator
row = main_row.row(align=True)
row.enabled = self.text_id is not None
operator = row.operator("node.plasma_attributes_to_node", icon="FILE_REFRESH", text="")
if self.text_id is not None:
operator.text_path =
operator.node_path = self.node_path
# This could happen on an upgrade
if self.text_id is None and self.filename:
layout.label(text="Script '{}' is not loaded in Blender".format(self.filename), icon="ERROR")
def get_key(self, exporter, so):
return self._find_create_key(plPythonFileMod, exporter, so=so)
def export(self, exporter, bo, so):
pfm = self.get_key(exporter, so).object
# Special PFM-SO handling ahoy - be sure to do it for all objects this PFM is attached to.
# Otherwise, you get non-determinant behavior.
self._export_ancillary_sceneobject(exporter, bo, so)
# No need to continue if the PFM was already generated.
if pfm.filename:
py_name = Path(self.filename).stem
pfm.filename = py_name
# Check to see if we should pack this file
if exporter.output.want_py_text(self.text_id):"Including Python '{}' for package", self.filename, indent=3)
exporter.output.add_python_mod(self.filename, text_id=self.text_id)
# PFMs can have their own SDL...
sdl_text ="{}.sdl".format(py_name), None)
if sdl_text is not None:"Including corresponding SDL '{}'",, indent=3)
exporter.output.add_sdl(, text_id=sdl_text)
# Handle exporting the Python Parameters
attrib_sockets = (i for i in self.inputs if i.is_linked)
for socket in attrib_sockets:
from_node = socket.links[0].from_node
value = from_node.value if socket.is_simple_value else from_node.get_key(exporter, so)
if isinstance(value, str) or not isinstance(value, Iterable):
value = (value,)
for i in value:
param = plPythonParameter() = socket.attribute_id
param.valueType = _attrib2param[socket.attribute_type]
param.value = i
if not socket.is_simple_value:
self._export_key_attrib(exporter, bo, so, i, socket)
def _export_ancillary_sceneobject(self, exporter, bo, so: plSceneObject) -> None:
# Danger: Special case evil ahoy...
# If the key is an object that represents a lamp, we have to assume that the reason it's
# being passed to Python is so it can be turned on/off at will. That means it's technically
# an animated lamp.
if not bool(bo.users_group):
for light in exporter.mgr.find_interfaces(plLightInfo, so):"Marking RT light '{}' as animated due to usage in a Python File node",, indent=3)
light.setProperty(plLightInfo.kLPMovable, True)
def _export_key_attrib(self, exporter, bo, so : plSceneObject, key : plKey, socket) -> None:
if key is None:"Attribute '{}' didn't return a key and therefore will be unavailable to Python",, socket.links[0].name, indent=3)
key_type = _attrib_key_types[socket.attribute_type]
if isinstance(key_type, tuple):
good_key = key.type in key_type
good_key = key.type == key_type
if not good_key:"'{}' Node '{}' returned an unexpected key type '{}'",, socket.links[0],
plFactory.ClassName(key.type), indent=3)
if isinstance(key.object, plSceneObject):
self._export_ancillary_sceneobject(exporter, bo, key.object)
def _get_attrib_sockets(self, idx):
for i in self.inputs:
if i.attribute_id == idx:
yield i
def generate_valid_links_for(self, context, socket, is_output):
# Python nodes have no outputs...
assert is_output is False
attrib_type = socket.attribute_type
for i in bpy.types.Node.__subclasses__():
node_attrib_types = getattr(i, "pl_attrib", None)
if node_attrib_types is None or issubclass(i, PlasmaDeprecatedNode):
if attrib_type in node_attrib_types:
if issubclass(i, PlasmaAttribNodeBase):
yield { "node_idname": i.bl_idname,
"node_text": i.bl_label,
"socket_name": "pfm",
"socket_text": "Python File" }
for socket_name, socket_def in i.output_sockets.items():
if socket_def.get("hidden") is True:
if socket_def.get("can_link") is False:
valid_link_nodes = socket_def.get("valid_link_nodes")
valid_link_sockets = socket_def.get("valid_link_sockets")
if valid_link_nodes is not None and self.bl_idname not in valid_link_nodes:
if valid_link_sockets is not None and "PlasmaPythonFileNodeSocket" not in valid_link_sockets:
yield { "node_idname": i.bl_idname,
"node_text": i.bl_label,
"socket_name": socket_name,
"socket_text": socket_def["text"] }
def generate_valid_links_to(cls, context, socket, is_output):
# This is only useful for nodes wanting to connect to our inputs (ptAttributes)
if not is_output:
if isinstance(socket, PlasmaPythonAttribNodeSocket):
pl_attrib = socket.node.pl_attrib
pl_attrib = getattr(socket.node, "pl_attrib", set())
if not pl_attrib:
# Fetch the output definition for the requested socket and make sure it can connect to us.
socket_def = getattr(socket.node, "output_sockets", {}).get(socket.alias)
if socket_def is None:
valid_link_sockets = socket_def.get("valid_link_sockets")
valid_link_nodes = socket_def.get("valid_link_nodes")
if valid_link_sockets is not None and "PlasmaPythonFileNodeSocket" not in valid_link_sockets:
if valid_link_nodes is not None and "PlasmaPythonFileNode" not in valid_link_nodes:
# Ok, apparently this thing can connect as a ptAttribute. The only problem with that is
# that we have no freaking where... The sockets are spawned by Python files... So, we
# need to look at all the Python files we know about...
for text_id in
if not".py"):
attribs = get_attributes_from_str(text_id.as_string())
if not attribs:
for _, attrib in attribs.items():
if not attrib["type"] in pl_attrib:
# *gulp*
yield { "node_idname": "PlasmaPythonFileNode",
"node_settings": { "filename": },
"socket_name": attrib["name"],
"socket_text": attrib["name"] }
def harvest_actors(self):
for i in self.inputs:
if not i.is_linked or i.attribute_type not in {"ptAttribSceneobject", "ptAttribSceneobjectList"}:
node = i.links[0].from_node
if node.target_object is not None:
def _make_attrib_socket(self, attrib, is_init=False):
new_pos = len(self.inputs)
if not is_init:
for i, socket in enumerate(self.inputs):
if attrib.attribute_id < socket.attribute_id:
new_pos = i
old_pos = len(self.inputs)
socket ="PlasmaPythonFileNodeSocket", attrib.attribute_name)
socket.attribute_id = attrib.attribute_id
if not is_init and new_pos != old_pos:
self.inputs.move(old_pos, new_pos)
def requires_actor(self):
return True
def NoUpdate(self):
self.no_update = True
yield self
self.no_update = False
def update(self):
if self.no_update:
with self.NoUpdate():
# First, we really want to make sure our junk matches up. Yes, this does dupe what
# happens in PlasmaAttribNodeBase, but we can link much more than those node types...
toasty_sockets = []
input_nodes = (i for i in self.inputs if i.is_linked and i.links)
for i in input_nodes:
link = i.links[0]
allowed_attribs = getattr(link.from_node, "pl_attrib", set())
if i.attribute_type not in allowed_attribs:
# Bad news, old chap... Even though we're doing this before we figure out
# how many socket we need, the changes won't be committed to the socket's links
# until later. damn. We'll have to track it manually
attribs = self.attribute_map
empty = not self.inputs
for idx in sorted(attribs):
attrib = attribs[idx]
# Delete any attribute sockets whose type changed
for i in self._get_attrib_sockets(idx):
if i.attribute_type != attrib.attribute_type:
# Fetch the list of sockets again because we may have nuked some
inputs = list(self._get_attrib_sockets(idx))
if not inputs:
self._make_attrib_socket(attrib, empty)
elif attrib.attribute_type not in _single_user_attribs:
unconnected = [socket for socket in inputs if not socket.is_linked or socket in toasty_sockets]
if not unconnected:
self._make_attrib_socket(attrib, empty)
while len(unconnected) > 1:
def latest_version(self):
return 2
def upgrade(self):
# In version 1 of this node, Python scripts were referenced by their filename in the
# python package and by their path on the local machine. This created an undue dependency
# on the artist's environment. In version 2, we will use Blender's text data blocks to back
# Python scripts. It is still legal to export Python File nodes that are not backed by a script.
if self.version == 1:
text_id =, None)
if text_id is None:
path = Path(self.filepath)
if path.exists():
text_id =
except OSError:
with self.NoUpdate():
self.text_id = text_id
self.version = 2
class PlasmaPythonFileNodeSocket(PlasmaNodeSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket):
attribute_id = IntProperty(options={"HIDDEN"})
def attribute_description(self):
return self.node.attribute_map[self.attribute_id].attribute_description
def attribute_name(self):
return self.node.attribute_map[self.attribute_id].attribute_name
def attribute_type(self):
return self.node.attribute_map[self.attribute_id].attribute_type
def draw(self, context, layout, node, text):
self.draw_add_operator(context, layout, node)
layout.label("ID: {}".format(self.attribute_id))
def draw_color(self, context, node):
return _attrib_colors.get(self.attribute_type, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
def is_simple_value(self):
return self.node.attribute_map[self.attribute_id].is_simple_value
def simple_value(self):
return self.node.attribute_map[self.attribute_id].simple_value
def attribute_arguments(self):
return self.node.attribute_map[self.attribute_id].attribute_arguments
class PlasmaPythonAttribNodeSocket(PlasmaNodeSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket):
def draw_content(self, context, layout, node, text):
attrib = node.to_socket
if attrib is None:
layout.label("ID: {}".format(attrib.attribute_id))
def draw_color(self, context, node):
return _attrib_colors.get(node.pl_attrib, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
class PlasmaPythonReferenceNodeSocket(PlasmaNodeSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket):
bl_color = (0.031, 0.110, 0.290, 1.0)
class PlasmaAttribNodeBase(PlasmaNodeBase):
def init(self, context):"PlasmaPythonAttribNodeSocket", "Python File", "pfm")
def attribute_name(self):
attr = self.to_socket
return "Value" if attr is None else attr.attribute_name
def to_socket(self):
"""Returns the socket linked to IF only one link has been made"""
socket = self.outputs[0]
if len(socket.links) == 1:
return socket.links[0].to_socket
return None
def register(cls):
pl_attrib = cls.pl_attrib
if isinstance(pl_attrib, tuple):
color = _attrib_colors.get(pl_attrib, None)
if color is not None:
for i in pl_attrib:
_attrib_colors[i] = color
def update(self):
pl_id = self.pl_attrib
socket = self.outputs[0]
for link in socket.links:
if link.to_node.bl_idname != "PlasmaPythonFileNode":
if isinstance(pl_id, tuple):
if link.to_socket.attribute_type not in pl_id:
if pl_id != link.to_socket.attribute_type:
class PlasmaAttribBoolNode(PlasmaAttribNodeBase, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "PYTHON"
bl_idname = "PlasmaAttribBoolNode"
bl_label = "Boolean Attribute"
def _on_update(self, context):
self.inited = True
pl_attrib = "ptAttribBoolean"
pl_label_attrib = "value"
value = BoolProperty()
inited = BoolProperty(options={"HIDDEN"})
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "value", text=self.attribute_name)
def update(self):
attrib = self.to_socket
if attrib is not None and not self.inited:
self.value = attrib.simple_value
self.inited = True
class PlasmaAttribDropDownListNode(PlasmaAttribNodeBase, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "PYTHON"
bl_idname = "PlasmaAttribDropDownListNode"
bl_label = "Drop Down List Attribute"
pl_attrib = "ptAttribDropDownList"
pl_label_attrib = "value"
def _list_items(self, context):
attrib = self.to_socket
if attrib is not None:
return [(option.value, option.value, "") for option in attrib.attribute_arguments.options]
return []
value = EnumProperty(items=_list_items)
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "value", text=self.attribute_name)
def update(self):
attrib = self.to_socket
if attrib is not None and not self.value:
self.value = attrib.simple_value
class PlasmaAttribIntNode(PlasmaAttribNodeBase, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "PYTHON"
bl_idname = "PlasmaAttribIntNode"
bl_label = "Numeric Attribute"
def _get_int(self):
return round(self.value_float)
def _set_int(self, value):
self.value_float = float(value)
def _on_update_float(self, context):
self.inited = True
pl_attrib = ("ptAttribFloat", "ptAttribInt")
pl_label_attrib = "value"
value_int = IntProperty(get=_get_int, set=_set_int, options={"HIDDEN"})
value_float = FloatProperty(update=_on_update_float, options={"HIDDEN"})
inited = BoolProperty(options={"HIDDEN"})
def init(self, context):
# because we're trying to be for both int and float...
self.outputs[0].link_limit = 1
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
attrib = self.to_socket
if attrib is None:
layout.prop(self, "value_int", text="Value")
elif attrib.attribute_type == "ptAttribFloat":
layout.alert = self._out_of_range(self.value_float)
layout.prop(self, "value_float",
elif attrib.attribute_type == "ptAttribInt":
layout.alert = self._out_of_range(self.value_int)
layout.prop(self, "value_int",
raise RuntimeError()
def update(self):
attrib = self.to_socket
if attrib is not None and not self.inited:
self.value = attrib.simple_value
self.inited = True
def _get_value(self):
attrib = self.to_socket
if attrib is None or attrib.attribute_type == "ptAttribInt":
return self.value_int
return self.value_float
def _set_value(self, value):
self.value_float = value
value = property(_get_value, _set_value)
def _range_label(self, layout):
attrib = self.to_socket
layout.label(text="Range: [{}, {}]".format(attrib.attribute_arguments.range_values[0], attrib.attribute_arguments.range_values[1]))
def _out_of_range(self, value):
attrib = self.to_socket
if attrib.attribute_arguments.range_values[0] == attrib.attribute_arguments.range_values[1]:
# Ignore degenerate intervals
return False
if attrib.attribute_arguments.range_values[0] <= value <= attrib.attribute_arguments.range_values[1]:
return False
return True
class PlasmaAttribObjectNode(idprops.IDPropObjectMixin, PlasmaAttribNodeBase, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "PYTHON"
bl_idname = "PlasmaAttribObjectNode"
bl_label = "Object Attribute"
pl_attrib = ("ptAttribSceneobject", "ptAttribSceneobjectList", "ptAttribAnimation",
"ptAttribSwimCurrent", "ptAttribWaveSet", "ptAttribGrassShader")
target_object = PointerProperty(name="Object",
description="Object containing the required data",
def init(self, context):
# keep the code simple
self.outputs[0].link_limit = 1
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "target_object", text=self.attribute_name)
def get_key(self, exporter, so):
attrib = self.to_socket
if attrib is None:
self.raise_error("must be connected to a Python File node!")
attrib = attrib.attribute_type
bo = self.target_object
if bo is None:
self.raise_error("Target object must be specified")
ref_so_key = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=bo)
ref_so = ref_so_key.object
# Add your attribute type handling here...
if attrib in {"ptAttribSceneobject", "ptAttribSceneobjectList"}:
return ref_so_key
elif attrib == "ptAttribAnimation":
anim = bo.plasma_modifiers.animation
agmod = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plAGModifier, so=ref_so, name=anim.key_name)
agmaster = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plAGMasterMod, so=ref_so, name=anim.key_name)
return agmaster
elif attrib == "ptAttribSwimCurrent":
swimregion = bo.plasma_modifiers.swimregion
return swimregion.get_key(exporter, ref_so)
elif attrib == "ptAttribWaveSet":
waveset = bo.plasma_modifiers.water_basic
if not waveset.enabled:
self.raise_error("water modifier not enabled on '{}'".format(self.object_name))
return exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plWaveSet7, so=ref_so, bl=bo)
elif attrib == "ptAttribGrassShader":
grass_shader = bo.plasma_modifiers.grass_shader
if not grass_shader.enabled:
self.raise_error("grass shader modifier not enabled on '{}'".format(self.object_name))
if exporter.mgr.getVer() <= pvPots:
return None
return [exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plGrassShaderMod, so=ref_so,
for i in exporter.mesh.material.get_materials(bo)]
def _idprop_mapping(cls):
return {"target_object": "object_name"}
class PlasmaAttribStringNode(PlasmaAttribNodeBase, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "PYTHON"
bl_idname = "PlasmaAttribStringNode"
bl_label = "String Attribute"
pl_attrib = "ptAttribString"
pl_label_attrib = "value"
value = StringProperty()
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "value", text=self.attribute_name)
def update(self):
attrib = self.to_socket
if attrib is not None and not self.value:
self.value = attrib.simple_value
class PlasmaAttribTextureNode(idprops.IDPropMixin, PlasmaAttribNodeBase, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "PYTHON"
bl_idname = "PlasmaAttribTextureNode"
bl_label = "Texture Attribute"
bl_width_default = 175
pl_attrib = ("ptAttribMaterial", "ptAttribMaterialList",
"ptAttribDynamicMap", "ptAttribMaterialAnimation")
def _poll_material(self, value: bpy.types.Material) -> bool:
# Don't filter materials by texture - this would (potentially) result in surprising UX
# in that you would have to clear the texture selection before being able to select
# certain materials.
if self.target_object is not None:
object_materials = (slot.material for slot in self.target_object.material_slots if slot and slot.material)
return value in object_materials
return True
def _poll_texture(self, value: bpy.types.Texture) -> bool:
# is this the type of dealio that we're looking for?
attrib = self.to_socket
if attrib is not None:
attrib = attrib.attribute_type
if attrib == "ptAttribDynamicMap":
if not self._is_dyntext(value):
return False
elif attrib == "ptAttribMaterialAnimation":
if not self._is_animated(self.material, value):
return False
# must be a legal option... but is it a member of this material... or, if no material,
# any of the materials attached to the object?
if self.material is not None:
return in self.material.texture_slots
elif self.target_object is not None:
for i in (slot.material for slot in self.target_object.material_slots if slot and slot.material):
if value in (slot.texture for slot in i.texture_slots if slot and slot.texture):
return True
return False
return True
target_object = PointerProperty(name="Object",
material = PointerProperty(name="Material",
description="Material the texture is attached to",
texture = PointerProperty(name="Texture",
description="Texture to expose to Python",
# Blender memory workaround
_ENTIRE_ANIMATION = "(Entire Animation)"
def _get_anim_names(self, context):
if self.texture is not None:
items = [(anim.animation_name, anim.animation_name, "")
for anim in self.texture.plasma_layer.subanimations]
elif self.material is not None or self.target_object is not None:
if self.material is None:
materials = (i.material for i in self.target_object.material_slots if i and i.material)
materials = (self.material,)
layer_props = (i.texture.plasma_layer for mat in materials for i in mat.texture_slots if i and i.texture)
all_anims = frozenset((anim.animation_name for i in layer_props for anim in i.subanimations))
items = [(i, i, "") for i in all_anims]
items = [(PlasmaAttribTextureNode._ENTIRE_ANIMATION, PlasmaAttribTextureNode._ENTIRE_ANIMATION, "")]
# We always want "(Entire Animation)", if it exists, to be the first item.
entire = items.index((PlasmaAttribTextureNode._ENTIRE_ANIMATION, PlasmaAttribTextureNode._ENTIRE_ANIMATION, ""))
if entire not in (-1, 0):
items.insert(0, (PlasmaAttribTextureNode._ENTIRE_ANIMATION, PlasmaAttribTextureNode._ENTIRE_ANIMATION, ""))
return items
anim_name = EnumProperty(name="Animation",
description="Name of the animation to control",
def init(self, context):
# keep the code simple
self.outputs[0].link_limit = 1
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
if self.target_object is not None:
iter_materials = lambda: (i.material for i in self.target_object.material_slots if i and i.material)
if self.material is not None:
if self.material not in iter_materials():
layout.label("The selected material is not linked to the target object.", icon="ERROR")
layout.alert = True
if self.texture is not None:
if not frozenset(self.texture.users_material) & frozenset(iter_materials()):
layout.label("The selected texture is not on a material linked to the target object.", icon="ERROR")
layout.alert = True
layout.alert = not any((self.target_object, self.material, self.texture))
layout.prop(self, "target_object")
layout.prop(self, "material")
layout.prop(self, "texture")
wants_anim = bool(self.to_socket and self.to_socket.attribute_type == "ptAttribMaterialAnimation")
col = layout.column()
col.alert = False = wants_anim
col.prop(self, "anim_name")
def get_key(self, exporter, so):
if not any((self.target_object, self.material, self.texture)):
self.raise_error("At least one of: target object, material, or texture must be specified.")
attrib = self.to_socket
if attrib is None:
self.raise_error("must be connected to a Python File node!")
attrib = attrib.attribute_type
layer_generator = exporter.mesh.material.get_layers(self.target_object, self.material, self.texture)
bottom_layers = (i.object.bottomOfStack for i in layer_generator)
if attrib == "ptAttribDynamicMap":
yield from filter(lambda x: x and isinstance(x.object, plDynamicTextMap),
(i.object.texture for i in layer_generator))
elif attrib == "ptAttribMaterialAnimation":
anim_generator = exporter.mesh.material.get_texture_animation_key(self.target_object, self.material, self.texture, self.anim_name)
yield from filter(lambda x: not isinstance(x.object, (plAgeGlobalAnim, plLayerSDLAnimation)), anim_generator)
elif attrib == "ptAttribMaterialList":
yield from filter(lambda x: x and not isinstance(x.object, plLayerAnimationBase), bottom_layers)
elif attrib == "ptAttribMaterial":
# Only return the first key; warn about others.
result_gen = filter(lambda x: x and not isinstance(x.object, plLayerAnimationBase), bottom_layers)
result = next(result_gen, None)
remainder = sum((1 for i in result))
if remainder > 1:"'{}.{}': Expected a single layer, but mapped to {}. Make the settings more specific.",, self.path_from_id(), remainder + 1, indent=2)
if result is not None:
yield result
raise RuntimeError(attrib)
def _idprop_mapping(cls):
return {"material": "material_name",
"texture": "texture_name"}
def _idprop_sources(self):
return {"material_name":,
def _is_animated(self, material, texture):
return ((material.animation_data is not None and material.animation_data.action is not None)
or (texture.animation_data is not None and texture.animation_data.action is not None))
def _is_dyntext(self, texture):
return texture.type == "IMAGE" and texture.image is None
_attrib_colors = {
"ptAttribActivator": (0.188, 0.086, 0.349, 1.0),
"ptAttribActivatorList": (0.188, 0.086, 0.349, 1.0),
"ptAttribBehavior": (0.348, 0.186, 0.349, 1.0),
"ptAttribBoolean": (0.71, 0.706, 0.655, 1.0),
"ptAttribExcludeRegion": (0.031, 0.110, 0.290, 1.0),
"ptAttribDropDownList": (0.475, 0.459, 0.494, 1.0),
"ptAttribNamedActivator": (0.188, 0.086, 0.349, 1.0),
"ptAttribNamedResponder": (0.031, 0.110, 0.290, 1.0),
"ptAttribResponder": (0.031, 0.110, 0.290, 1.0),
"ptAttribResponderList": (0.031, 0.110, 0.290, 1.0),
"ptAttribString": (0.675, 0.659, 0.494, 1.0),
PlasmaAttribIntNode.pl_attrib: (0.443, 0.439, 0.392, 1.0),
PlasmaAttribObjectNode.pl_attrib: (0.565, 0.267, 0.0, 1.0),
PlasmaAttribTextureNode.pl_attrib: (0.035, 0.353, 0.0, 1.0),