Evidently, the game connection never actually pinged. Instead, it relied
on the propagation of a redundant game message. This is evil because we
can sometimes hang out in the loading process for quite some time (eg
beyond the socket timeout on either end)
NOTE: If you are using a version of PhysX prior to 2.6.4, then you should
test very carefully if you should keep this commit. This change fixed a
bug that caused avatars to get stuck falling against certain colliders. It
seems to no longer be needed.
Deleting an hsRefCnt is evil, we should ALWAYS hsRefCnt_SafeUnRef (we
might have a nullptr) it because someone might ref it. hsRefCnt will explictly crash if you delete it when the refcnt != 1.
Also, take this opportunity to vector-ize things.
Cyan's old code was confusing and would allow you to walk on top of small
kickables. Now, we impart force to these small kickables up to a certain
point where imparting force to them becomes somewhat risky.
Looks like the Cyan modellers didn't extend the stair ramps all the way
down in some places. To compensate, we can now take higher steps but can't
walk on slopes quite as steep as before. I think this should balance out
Looks like Cyan broke these when they fixed superjumps. It appears that
LinearVelocity is only good while the PhysicalControllerCore is updating,
and it stashes the result for later so nothing else can touch it.
Regardless, we need to test AchievedLinearVelocity outside of the update
Now that we properly suspend/resume the simulation AND filter out false
positives in the PanicLink region, we can use the correct PhysX apis have
have regions that work 100%
Now, we check the armature mod to see if we're REALLY linked in (the screen
is not black). That way, we can be sure all delayed transforms and false
hits (like how we initially spawn into the AhnySphere04 panic region) don't
panic link us.
PhysX is nicely capable of clamping for us without those nasty hacks, so
let's allow PhysX to do it for us. Hopefully, this will keep anything too
insane from happening when I disable the framerate limit.
Tweak the GZ marker detector region fix to only wake up kinematic detector
regions... waking up regular dynamic actors before we position them causes bad
things to happen.
This thing was pissing me off, which made me piss off a lot of other people,
which pissed off even more people, so the entire planet got pissed off and
nuclear warfare began. So, let's not do stupid crap and piss me off, okay?
Looks like Cyan never actually stopped simulating, so we simulate through
adding objects to the scene and positioning them. This is a bad thing(TM),
so now we suspend/resume the simulation on plAgeLoadedMsg.
Since we have a pfSecurePreloader that doesn't redownload every single
launch, I don't feel bad about presenting an error message to the user and
killing the client. This is really better than letting them languish at a
black screen, groping for the relto book.
The ladder region fixes introduced the panic link. Now we should always
verify the following when changing anything related to the stupid kinematic
actor turd:
- Linking to any Ahnoying Sphere's main LIP does not result in a panic link
- The Teledahn hatch ladder camera works as expected
- That the game doesn't crash on anything stupid, like a nil SceneNode