You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

977 lines
43 KiB

# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import bpy
from bpy.props import *
from collections import OrderedDict
from PyHSPlasma import *
from .node_core import *
from import footstep_surfaces, footstep_surface_ids
from ..exporter import ExportError
from .. import idprops
class PlasmaMessageSocketBase(PlasmaNodeSocketBase):
bl_color = (0.004, 0.282, 0.349, 1.0)
class PlasmaMessageSocket(PlasmaMessageSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket):
class PlasmaMessageNode(PlasmaNodeBase):
input_sockets = OrderedDict([
("sender", {
"text": "Sender",
"type": "PlasmaMessageSocket",
"valid_link_sockets": "PlasmaMessageSocket",
"spawn_empty": True,
def has_callbacks(self):
"""This message does not have callbacks that can be waited on by a Responder"""
return False
class PlasmaMessageWithCallbacksNode(PlasmaMessageNode):
output_sockets = OrderedDict([
("msgs", {
"can_link": "can_link_callback",
"text": "Send On Completion",
"type": "PlasmaMessageSocket",
"valid_link_sockets": "PlasmaMessageSocket",
def can_link_callback(self):
"""Determines if a callback message can be linked to this socket"""
# Node Graphs enable us to draw lots of fancy logic, unfortunately, not
# everything that can potentially be represented in a node tree can be
# exported to URU in a way that will actually work. Responder commands can
# wait on other responder commands, but the way they are executed in Plasma is
# serialized. It's really a list of commands that are executed until a wait
# is encountered. At that time, Plasma waits and resumes running the list when
# the wait callback is received.
# So what does this mean???
# It means that only one "branch" of message nodes can have waits.
def check_for_callbacks(parent_node, child_node):
for sibling_node in parent_node.find_outputs("msgs"):
if sibling_node == child_node:
if getattr(sibling_node, "has_linked_callbacks", False):
return True
for grandparent_node in parent_node.find_inputs("sender"):
return check_for_callbacks(grandparent_node, parent_node)
return False
for sender_node in self.find_inputs("sender"):
if check_for_callbacks(sender_node, self):
return False
return True
def has_callbacks(self):
"""This message has callbacks that can be waited on by a Responder"""
return True
def has_linked_callbacks(self):
return self.find_output("msgs") is not None
class PlasmaAnimCmdMsgNode(idprops.IDPropMixin, PlasmaMessageWithCallbacksNode, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "MSG"
bl_idname = "PlasmaAnimCmdMsgNode"
bl_label = "Animation Command"
bl_width_default = 190
anim_type = EnumProperty(name="Type",
description="Animation type to affect",
items=[("OBJECT", "Object", "Mesh Action"),
("TEXTURE", "Texture", "Texture Action")],
def _poll_texture(self, value):
# must be a legal option... but is it a member of this material... or, if no material,
# any of the materials attached to the object?
if self.target_material is not None:
return in self.target_material.texture_slots
elif self.target_object is not None:
for i in (slot.material for slot in self.target_object.material_slots if slot and slot.material):
if value in (slot.texture for slot in i.texture_slots if slot and slot.texture):
return True
return False
return True
def _poll_material(self, value):
# Don't filter materials by texture - this would (potentially) result in surprising UX
# in that you would have to clear the texture selection before being able to select
# certain materials.
if self.target_object is not None:
object_materials = (slot.material for slot in self.target_object.material_slots if slot and slot.material)
return value in object_materials
return True
target_object = PointerProperty(name="Object",
description="Target object",
target_material = PointerProperty(name="Material",
description="Target material",
target_texture = PointerProperty(name="Texture",
description="Target texture",
go_to = EnumProperty(name="Go To",
description="Where should the animation start?",
items=[("kGoToBegin", "Beginning", "The beginning"),
("kGoToLoopBegin", "Loop Beginning", "The beginning of the active loop"),
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "The current position"),
("kGoToEnd", "Ending", "The end"),
("kGoToLoopEnd", "Loop Ending", "The end of the active loop")],
action = EnumProperty(name="Action",
description="What do you want the animation to do?",
items=[("kContinue", "Play", "Plays the animation"),
("kPlayToPercent", "Play to Percent", "Plays the animation until a given percent is complete"),
("kPlayToTime", "Play to Frame", "Plays the animation up to a given frame number"),
("kStop", "Stop", "Stops the animation",),
("kToggleState", "Toggle", "Toggles between Play and Stop"),
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the animation's playing state")],
play_direction = EnumProperty(name="Direction",
description="Which direction do you want to play from?",
items=[("kSetForwards", "Forward", "Play forwards"),
("kSetBackwards", "Backwards", "Play backwards"),
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the play direction")],
play_to_percent = IntProperty(name="Play To",
description="Percentage at which to stop the animation",
min=0, max=100, default=50)
play_to_frame = IntProperty(name="Play To",
description="Frame at which to stop the animation",
def _set_loop_name(self, context):
"""Updates loop_begin and loop_end when the loop name is changed"""
looping = EnumProperty(name="Looping",
description="Is the animation looping?",
items=[("kSetLooping", "Yes", "The animation is looping",),
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the loop status"),
("kSetUnLooping", "No", "The animation is NOT looping")],
loop_name = StringProperty(name="Active Loop",
description="Name of the active loop",
loop_begin = IntProperty(name="Loop Begin",
description="Frame number at which the loop begins",
loop_end = IntProperty(name="Loop End",
description="Frame number at which the loop ends",
event = EnumProperty(name="Callback",
description="Event upon which to callback the Responder",
items=[("kEnd", "End", "When the action ends"),
("NONE", "(None)", "Don't notify the Responder at all"),
("kStop", "Stop", "When the action is stopped by a message")],
# Blender memory workaround
_ENTIRE_ANIMATION = "(Entire Animation)"
def _get_anim_names(self, context):
if self.anim_type == "OBJECT":
items = [(anim.animation_name, anim.animation_name, "")
for anim in self.target_object.plasma_modifiers.animation.subanimations]
elif self.anim_type == "TEXTURE":
if self.target_texture is not None:
items = [(anim.animation_name, anim.animation_name, "")
for anim in self.target_texture.plasma_layer.subanimations]
elif self.target_material is not None or self.target_object is not None:
if self.target_material is None:
materials = (i.material for i in self.target_object.material_slots if i and i.material)
materials = (self.target_material,)
layer_props = (i.texture.plasma_layer for mat in materials for i in mat.texture_slots if i and i.texture)
all_anims = frozenset((anim.animation_name for i in layer_props for anim in i.subanimations))
items = [(i, i, "") for i in all_anims]
items = [(PlasmaAnimCmdMsgNode._ENTIRE_ANIMATION, PlasmaAnimCmdMsgNode._ENTIRE_ANIMATION, "")]
raise RuntimeError()
# We always want "(Entire Animation)", if it exists, to be the first item.
entire = items.index((PlasmaAnimCmdMsgNode._ENTIRE_ANIMATION, PlasmaAnimCmdMsgNode._ENTIRE_ANIMATION, ""))
if entire not in (-1, 0):
items.insert(0, (PlasmaAnimCmdMsgNode._ENTIRE_ANIMATION, PlasmaAnimCmdMsgNode._ENTIRE_ANIMATION, ""))
return items
anim_name = EnumProperty(name="Animation",
description="Name of the animation to control",
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "anim_type")
col = layout.column()
if self.anim_type == "OBJECT":
col.alert = self.target_object is None
col.alert = not any((self.target_object, self.target_material, self.target_texture))
col.prop(self, "target_object")
if self.anim_type != "OBJECT":
col.prop(self, "target_material")
col.prop(self, "target_texture")
col.prop(self, "anim_name")
layout.prop(self, "go_to")
layout.prop(self, "action")
layout.prop(self, "play_direction")
if self.action == "kPlayToPercent":
layout.prop(self, "play_to_percent")
elif self.action == "kPlayToTime":
layout.prop(self, "play_to_frame")
layout.prop(self, "looping")
col = layout.column()
col.enabled = self.looping != "CURRENT"
if self.anim_type != "OBJECT":
loops = None
loops = None if self.target_object is None else self.target_object.plasma_modifiers.animation_loop
if loops is not None and loops.enabled:
layout.prop_search(self, "loop_name", loops, "loops", icon="PMARKER_ACT")
layout.prop(self, "loop_begin")
layout.prop(self, "loop_end")
layout.prop(self, "event")
def convert_callback_message(self, exporter, so, msg, target, wait):
cb = plEventCallbackMsg()
cb.event = globals()[self.event]
cb.user = wait
msg.setCmd(plAnimCmdMsg.kAddCallbacks, True)
def convert_message(self, exporter, so):
msg = plAnimCmdMsg()
# We're either sending this off to an AGMasterMod or a LayerAnim
obj = self.target_object
if self.anim_type == "OBJECT":
if obj is None:
self.raise_error("target object must be specified")
if not obj.plasma_object.has_animation_data:
self.raise_error("invalid animation")
target = (exporter.animation.get_animation_key(obj),)
material = self.target_material
texture = self.target_texture
if obj is None and material is None and texture is None:
self.raise_error("At least one of: target object, material, texture MUST be specified")
target = exporter.mesh.material.get_texture_animation_key(obj, material, texture, self.anim_name)
target = [i for i in target if not isinstance(i.object, (plAgeGlobalAnim, plLayerSDLAnimation))]
if not target:
self.raise_error("No controllable animations were found.")
for i in target:
# Check the enum properties to see what commands we need to add
for prop in (self.go_to, self.action, self.play_direction, self.looping):
cmd = getattr(plAnimCmdMsg, prop, None)
if cmd is not None:
msg.setCmd(cmd, True)
# Easier part starts here???
msg.animName = self.anim_name
if self.action == "kPlayToPercent":
msg.time = self.play_to_percent
elif self.action == "kPlayToTime":
msg.time = exporter.animation.convert_frame_time(self.play_to_frame)
# Implicit s better than explicit, I guess...
if self.loop_begin != self.loop_end:
# NOTE: loop name is not used in the engine AFAICT
msg.setCmd(plAnimCmdMsg.kSetLoopBegin, True)
msg.setCmd(plAnimCmdMsg.kSetLoopEnd, True)
msg.loopBegin = exporter.animation.convert_frame_time(self.loop_begin)
msg.loopEnd = exporter.animation.convert_frame_time(self.loop_end)
# Whew, this was crazy
return msg
def has_callbacks(self):
return self.event != "NONE"
def _idprop_mapping(cls):
return {"target_object": "object_name",
"target_material": "material_name",
"target_texture": "texture_name"}
def _idprop_sources(self):
return {"object_name":,
class PlasmaCameraMsgNode(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "MSG"
bl_idname = "PlasmaCameraMsgNode"
bl_label = "Camera"
bl_width_default = 200
cmd = EnumProperty(name="Command",
description="Command to send to the camera system",
items=[("push", "Push Camera", "Pushes a new camera onto the camera stack and transitions to it"),
("pop", "Pop Camera", "Pops the camera off the camera stack"),
("disablefp", "Disable First Person", "Forces the camera into third person if it is currently in first person and disables first person mode"),
("enablefp", "Enable First Person", "Reenables the first person camera and switches back to it if the player was in first person previously")],
camera = PointerProperty(name="Camera",
cut = BoolProperty(name="Cut Transition",
description="Immediately swap over to the new camera without a transition animation",
def convert_message(self, exporter, so):
msg = plCameraMsg()
msg.BCastFlags |= plMessage.kLocalPropagate | plMessage.kBCastByType
if self.cmd in {"push", "pop"}:
if is not None:
msg.newCam = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject,
# It appears that kRegionPopCamera is unused. pushing is controlled by observing
# the presence of the kResponderTrigger command.
msg.setCmd(plCameraMsg.kResponderTrigger, self.cmd == "push")
msg.setCmd(plCameraMsg.kRegionPushCamera, True)
msg.setCmd(plCameraMsg.kSetAsPrimary, is None
msg.setCmd(plCameraMsg.kCut, self.cut)
elif self.cmd == "disablefp":
elif self.cmd == "enablefp":
raise RuntimeError()
return msg
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "cmd")
if self.cmd in {"push", "pop"}:
layout.prop(self, "camera")
layout.prop(self, "cut")
class PlasmaEnableMsgNode(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "MSG"
bl_idname = "PlasmaEnableMsgNode"
bl_label = "Enable/Disable"
output_sockets = OrderedDict([
("receivers", {
"text": "Send To",
"type": "PlasmaEnableMessageSocket",
"valid_link_sockets": {"PlasmaEnableMessageSocket", "PlasmaNodeSocketInputGeneral"},
cmd = EnumProperty(name="Command",
description="How should we affect the object's state?",
items=[("kDisable", "Disable", "Deactivate the object"),
("kEnable", "Enable", "Activate the object")],
settings = EnumProperty(name="Affects",
description="Which attributes should we change",
items=[("kAudible", "Audio", "Sounds played by this object"),
("kPhysical", "Physics", "Physical simulation of the object"),
("kDrawable", "Visibility", "Visible geometry/light of the object"),
("kModifiers", "Modifiers", "Modifiers attached to the object")],
default={"kAudible", "kDrawable", "kPhysical", "kModifiers"})
bcast_to_children = BoolProperty(name="Send to Children",
description="Send the message to objects parented to the object",
def convert_message(self, exporter, so):
settings = self.settings
if not settings:
self.raise_error("Nothing set to enable/disable")
receivers = []
for i in self.find_outputs("receivers"):
key = i.get_key(exporter, so)
if isinstance(key, tuple):
for j in key:
# OK, so, bad news old bean... In versions of the game using Havok physics, plEnableMsg
# does not actually affect the physics. So we have to potentially generate a new message
# for that.
if exporter.mgr.getVer() <= pvPots:
if "kPhysical" in settings:
msg = plSimSuppressMsg()
for i in receivers:
if self.bcast_to_children:
msg.BCastFlags |= plMessage.kPropagateToChildren
msg.suppress = self.cmd == "kDisable"
yield msg
msg = plEnableMsg()
for i in receivers:
msg.setCmd(getattr(plEnableMsg, self.cmd), True)
# If we have a full house, let's send it to all the SO's generic modifiers as by compressing
# to kAll :) -- And no, this is not a bug. We do put the named types in commands. The types
# bit vector is for raw Plasma class IDs listing which modifier types we prop to if "kByType"
# is a command. Nice flexibility--I have no idea where that's used in Uru though...
# NOTE: kAll will never be set for PotS because enable/disable physicals seems to do nothing.
if settings >= {"kAudible", "kPhysical", "kDrawable"}:
msg.setCmd(plEnableMsg.kAll, True)
for i in settings:
bit = getattr(plEnableMsg, i, None)
if bit is not None:
msg.setCmd(bit, True)
# Propagation to modifiers for, for exmple, ladders
if "kModifiers" in settings:
msg.BCastFlags |= plMessage.kPropagateToModifiers
if self.bcast_to_children:
msg.BCastFlags |= plMessage.kPropagateToChildren
yield msg
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.row(align=True).prop(self, "cmd", expand=True)
layout.prop(self, "bcast_to_children")
layout.column(align=True).prop(self, "settings")
class PlasmaEnableMessageSocket(PlasmaNodeSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket):
bl_color = (0.427, 0.196, 0.0, 1.0)
class PlasmaExcludeRegionMsg(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "MSG"
bl_idname = "PlasmaExcludeRegionMsg"
bl_label = "Exclude Region"
output_sockets = OrderedDict([
("region", {
"text": "Region",
"type": "PlasmaExcludeMessageSocket"
cmd = EnumProperty(name="Command",
description="Exclude Region State",
items=[("kClear", "Clear", "Clear all avatars from the region"),
("kRelease", "Release", "Allow avatars to enter the region")],
def convert_message(self, exporter, so):
msg = plExcludeRegionMsg()
for i in self.find_outputs("region"):
msg.addReceiver(i.get_key(exporter, so))
msg.cmd = getattr(plExcludeRegionMsg, self.cmd)
return msg
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "cmd", text="Cmd")
class PlasmaLinkToAgeMsg(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "MSG"
bl_idname = "PlasmaLinkToAgeMsg"
bl_label = "Link to Age"
bl_width_default = 280
rules = EnumProperty(name="Rules",
description="Rules describing which age instance to link to",
items=[("kOriginalBook", "Original Age", "Links to a personally owned instance, creating if none exists"),
("kOwnedBook", "Owned Age", "Links to a personally owned instance, fails if none exists"),
("kChildAgeBook", "Child Age", "Links to an age instance parented to another personal age"),
("kSubAgeBook", "Sub Age", "Links to an age instance owned by the current age instance"),
("kBasicLink", "Basic", "Links to a specific age instance")])
parent_filename = StringProperty(name="Parent Age",
description="Filename of the age that owns the age instance we're linking to")
age_filename = StringProperty(name="Age Filename",
description="Filename of the age to link to (eg 'Garden'")
age_instance = StringProperty(name="Age Instance",
description="Instance name of the age to link to (eg 'Eder Kemo')")
age_uuid = StringProperty(name="Age Guid",
description="Instance GUID to link to (eg 'ea489821-6c35-4bd0-9dae-bb17c585e680')")
spawn_title = StringProperty(name="Spawn Title",
description="Title of the Spawn Point to use",
spawn_point = StringProperty(name="Spawn Point",
description="Name of the Spawn Point's Plasma Object",
def convert_message(self, exporter, so):
msg = plLinkToAgeMsg()
als = msg.ageLink
ais, spi = als.ageInfo, als.spawnPoint
als.linkingRules = getattr(plAgeLinkStruct, self.rules)
if self.rules == "kChildAgeBook":
als.parentAgeFilename = self.parent_filename
ais.ageFilename = self.age_filename
ais.ageInstanceName = self.age_instance if self.age_instance else self.age_filename
if self.rules == "kBasicLink":
ais.ageInstanceGuid = self.age_uuid
except ValueError:
self.raise_error("Age Instance GUID is not a valid UUID")
spi.title = self.spawn_title
spi.spawnPt = self.spawn_point
link_oneshot = self._find_link_oneshot(self)
if link_oneshot is not None:
msg.linkEffects.linkInAnimName = link_oneshot.animation
return msg
def _find_link_oneshot(self, node, state=None):
if state is None:
state = set()
# Recursively search the responder tree for what avatar animation (OneShot) we are blocking
# on when linking. We'll continue playing that when the link-in completes.
for child_node in node.find_inputs("sender"):
if child_node in state:
if isinstance(child_node, PlasmaOneShotMsgNode):
if child_node.has_callbacks:
return child_node
elif isinstance(child_node, PlasmaMessageNode) and child_node:
return self._find_link_oneshot(child_node, state)
return None
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "rules")
if self.rules == "kChildAgeBook":
layout.prop(self, "parent_filename")
layout.prop(self, "age_filename")
layout.prop(self, "age_instance")
if self.rules == "kBasicLink":
layout.prop(self, "age_uuid")
layout.prop(self, "spawn_title")
layout.prop(self, "spawn_point")
class PlasmaOneShotMsgNode(idprops.IDPropObjectMixin, PlasmaMessageWithCallbacksNode, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "MSG"
bl_idname = "PlasmaOneShotMsgNode"
bl_label = "One Shot"
bl_width_default = 210
pos_object = PointerProperty(name="Position",
description="Object defining the OneShot position",
seek = EnumProperty(name="Seek",
description="How the avatar should approach the OneShot position",
items=[("SMART", "Smart Seek", "Let the engine figure out the best path"),
("DUMB", "Seek", "Shuffle to the OneShot position"),
("NONE", "Warp", "Warp the avatar to the OneShot position")],
animation = StringProperty(name="Animation",
description="Name of the animation the avatar should execute")
marker = StringProperty(name="Marker",
description="Name of the marker specifying when to notify the Responder")
drivable = BoolProperty(name="Drivable",
description="Player retains control of the avatar during the OneShot",
reversable = BoolProperty(name="Reversable",
description="Player can reverse the OneShot",
def convert_callback_message(self, exporter, so, msg, target, wait):
msg.addCallback(self.marker, target, wait)
def convert_message(self, exporter, so):
msg = plOneShotMsg()
msg.addReceiver(self.get_key(exporter, so))
return msg
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "animation", text="Anim")
layout.prop(self, "marker")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(self, "drivable")
row.prop(self, "reversable")
layout.prop(self, "pos_object", icon="EMPTY_DATA")
layout.prop(self, "seek")
def export(self, exporter, bo, so):
# Note: we purposefully allow this to proceed because plOneShotMod is a MultiMod, so we
# want all referencing SOs to get a copy of the modifier.
oneshotmod = self.get_key(exporter, so).object
oneshotmod.animName = self.animation
oneshotmod.drivable = self.drivable
oneshotmod.reversable = self.reversable
oneshotmod.smartSeek = == "SMART"
oneshotmod.noSeek = == "NONE"
oneshotmod.seekDuration = 1.0
def get_key(self, exporter, so):
if self.pos_object is not None:
pos_so = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plSceneObject, bl=self.pos_object)
return self._find_create_key(plOneShotMod, exporter, so=pos_so)
return self._find_create_key(plOneShotMod, exporter, so=so)
def harvest_actors(self):
if self.pos_object:
def has_callbacks(self):
return bool(self.marker)
def requires_actor(self):
return self.pos_object is None
def _idprop_mapping(cls):
return {"pos_object": "pos"}
class PlasmaOneShotCallbackSocket(PlasmaMessageSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket):
marker = StringProperty(name="Marker",
description="Marker specifying the time at which to send a callback to this Responder")
def draw(self, context, layout, node, text):
layout.prop(self, "marker")
class PlasmaSceneObjectMsgRcvrNode(idprops.IDPropObjectMixin, PlasmaNodeBase, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "MSG"
bl_idname = "PlasmaSceneObjectMsgRcvrNode"
bl_label = "Send To Object"
bl_width_default = 190
input_sockets = OrderedDict([
("message", {
"text": "Message",
"type": "PlasmaNodeSocketInputGeneral",
"valid_link_sockets": {"PlasmaEnableMessageSocket"},
"spawn_empty": True,
target_object = PointerProperty(name="Object",
description="Object to send the message to",
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "target_object")
def get_key(self, exporter, so):
bo = self.target_object
if bo is None:
self.raise_error("target object must be specified")
ref_so_key = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=bo)
return ref_so_key
def _idprop_mapping(cls):
return {"target_object": "object_name"}
class PlasmaSoundMsgNode(idprops.IDPropObjectMixin, PlasmaMessageWithCallbacksNode, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "MSG"
bl_idname = "PlasmaSoundMsgNode"
bl_label = "Sound"
bl_width_default = 190
def _poll_sound_emitters(self, value):
return value.plasma_modifiers.soundemit.enabled
emitter_object = PointerProperty(name="Object",
description="Sound emitter object",
sound_name = StringProperty(name="Sound",
description="Sound datablock")
go_to = EnumProperty(name="Go To",
description="Where should the sound start?",
items=[("BEGIN", "Beginning", "The beginning"),
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "The current position"),
("TIME", "Time", "The time specified in seconds")],
looping = EnumProperty(name="Looping",
description="Is the sound looping?",
items=[("kSetLooping", "Yes", "The sound is looping",),
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the loop status"),
("kUnSetLooping", "No", "The sound is NOT looping")],
action = EnumProperty(name="Action",
description="What do you want the sound to do?",
items=[("kPlay", "Play", "Plays the sound"),
("kStop", "Stop", "Stops the sound",),
("kToggleState", "Toggle", "Toggles between Play and Stop"),
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the sound's playing state")],
volume = EnumProperty(name="Volume",
description="What should happen to the volume?",
items=[("MUTE", "Mute", "Mutes the volume"),
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the volume"),
("CUSTOM", "Custom", "Manually specify the volume")],
time = FloatProperty(name="Time",
description="Time in seconds to begin playing from",
min=0.0, default=0.0,
options=set(), subtype="TIME", unit="TIME")
volume_pct = IntProperty(name="Volume Level",
description="Volume to play the sound",
min=0, max=100, default=100,
event = EnumProperty(name="Callback",
description="Event upon which to callback the Responder",
items=[("kEnd", "End", "When the sound ends"),
("NONE", "(None)", "Don't notify the Responder at all"),
("kStop", "Stop", "When the sound is stopped by a message")],
def convert_callback_message(self, exporter, so, msg, target, wait):
assert not self.is_random_sound, "Callbacks are not available for random sounds"
cb = plEventCallbackMsg()
cb.event = globals()[self.event]
cb.user = wait
def convert_message(self, exporter, so):
if self.emitter_object is None:
self.raise_error("Sound emitter must be set")
soundemit = self.emitter_object.plasma_modifiers.soundemit
if not soundemit.enabled:
self.raise_error("'{}' is not a valid Sound Emitter".format(
if self.is_random_sound:
yield from self._convert_random_sound_msg(exporter, so)
yield from self._convert_sound_emitter_msg(exporter, so)
def _convert_random_sound_msg(self, exporter, so):
# Yas, plAnimCmdMsg
msg = plAnimCmdMsg()
msg.addReceiver(exporter.mgr.find_key(plRandomSoundMod, bl=self.emitter_object))
if self.action == "kPlay":
msg.setCmd(plAnimCmdMsg.kContinue, True)
elif self.action == "kStop":
msg.setCmd(plAnimCmdMsg.kStop, True)
elif self.action == "kToggleState":
msg.setCmd(plAnimCmdMsg.kToggleState, True)
if self.volume != "CURRENT":
# No, you are not imagining things...
msg.setCmd(plAnimCmdMsg.kSetSpeed, True)
msg.speed = self.volume_pct / 100.0 if self.volume == "CUSTOM" else 0.0
yield msg
def _convert_sound_emitter_msg(self, exporter, so):
soundemit = self.emitter_object.plasma_modifiers.soundemit
# Always test the specified audible for validity
if self.sound_name and soundemit.sounds.get(self.sound_name, None) is None:
self.raise_error("Invalid Sound '{}' requested from Sound Emitter '{}'".format(self.sound_name,
# Remember that 3D stereo sounds are exported as two emitters...
# But, if we only have one sound attached, who cares, we can just address the message to all
audible_key = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plAudioInterface, bl=self.emitter_object)
indices = (-1,) if not self.sound_name or len(soundemit.sounds) == 1 else soundemit.get_sound_indices(self.sound_name)
for idx in indices:
msg = plSoundMsg()
msg.index = idx
# NOTE: There are a number of commands in Plasma's enumeration that do nothing.
# This is what I determine to be the most useful and functional subset...
# Please see plAudioInterface::MsgReceive for more details.
if self.go_to == "BEGIN":
msg.time = 0.0
elif self.go_to == "TIME":
msg.time = self.time
if self.volume == "MUTE":
msg.volume = 0.0
elif self.volume == "CUSTOM":
msg.volume = self.volume_pct / 100.0
if self.looping != "CURRENT":
msg.setCmd(getattr(plSoundMsg, self.looping))
if self.action != "CURRENT":
msg.setCmd(getattr(plSoundMsg, self.action))
# Because we might be giving two messages here...
yield msg
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "emitter_object")
# Random Sound emitters can only control the entire emitter object, not the
# individual sounds.
random = self.is_random_sound
if not random:
if self.emitter_object is not None:
soundemit = self.emitter_object.plasma_modifiers.soundemit
if soundemit.enabled:
layout.prop_search(self, "sound_name", soundemit, "sounds", icon="SOUND")
layout.label("Not a Sound Emitter", icon="ERROR")
layout.prop(self, "go_to")
if self.go_to == "TIME":
layout.prop(self, "time")
layout.prop(self, "action")
if self.volume == "CUSTOM":
layout.prop(self, "volume_pct")
if not random:
layout.prop(self, "looping")
layout.prop(self, "volume")
if not random:
layout.prop(self, "event")
def has_callbacks(self):
if not self.is_random_sound:
return self.event != "NONE"
def _idprop_mapping(cls):
return {"emitter_object": "object_name"}
def is_random_sound(self):
if self.emitter_object is not None:
return self.emitter_object.plasma_modifiers.random_sound.enabled
return False
class PlasmaTimerCallbackMsgNode(PlasmaMessageWithCallbacksNode, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "MSG"
bl_idname = "PlasmaTimerCallbackMsgNode"
bl_label = "Timed Callback"
delay = FloatProperty(name="Delay",
description="Time (in seconds) to wait until continuing",
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "delay")
def convert_callback_message(self, exporter, so, msg, target, wait):
msg.ID = wait
def convert_message(self, exporter, so):
msg = plTimerCallbackMsg()
msg.time = self.delay
return msg
class PlasmaTriggerMultiStageMsgNode(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "MSG"
bl_idname = "PlasmaTriggerMultiStageMsgNode"
bl_label = "Trigger MultiStage"
output_sockets = OrderedDict([
("satisfies", {
"text": "Trigger",
"type": "PlasmaConditionSocket",
"valid_link_nodes": "PlasmaMultiStageBehaviorNode",
"valid_link_sockets": "PlasmaConditionSocket",
"link_limit": 1,
def convert_message(self, exporter, so):
# Yeah, this is not a REAL Plasma message, but the Korman way is to try to hide these little
# low-level notifications behind higher level abstractions, so here you go. A notify message
# that only targets plMultiStageBehMod. You're welcome!
msg = self.generate_notify_msg(exporter, so, "satisfies")
# The MultiStageBehMod needs to receive the avatar key that whatdonetriggeredit. We don't know
# this information at export-time, but plResponderModifier::IContinueSending will interpret
# a collision event as "ohey, let's add the avatar key for MSBs" - nice.
return msg
class PlasmaFootstepSoundMsgNode(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "MSG"
bl_idname = "PlasmaFootstepSoundMsgNode"
bl_label = "Footstep Sound"
surface = EnumProperty(name="Surface",
description="What kind of surface are we walking on?",
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "surface")
def convert_message(self, exporter, so):
msg = plArmatureEffectStateMsg()
msg.BCastFlags |= (plMessage.kPropagateToModifiers | plMessage.kNetPropagate)
msg.surface = footstep_surface_ids[self.surface]
return msg