@ -299,6 +299,50 @@ class PlasmaAnimCmdMsgNode(idprops.IDPropMixin, PlasmaMessageWithCallbacksNode,
"texture_name": bpy.data.textures} |
class PlasmaCameraMsgNode(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "MSG" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaCameraMsgNode" |
bl_label = "Camera" |
bl_width_default = 200 |
cmd = EnumProperty(name="Command", |
description="Command to send to the camera system", |
items=[("push", "Push Camera", "Pushes a new camera onto the camera stack and transitions to it"), |
("pop", "Pop Camera", "Pops the camera off the camera stack"), |
("disablefp", "Disable First Person", "Forces the camera into third person if it is currently in first person and disables first person mode"), |
("enablefp", "Enable First Person", "Reenables the first person camera and switches back to it if the player was in first person previously")], |
options=set()) |
camera = PointerProperty(name="Camera", |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
poll=idprops.poll_camera_objects, |
options=set()) |
def convert_message(self, exporter, so): |
msg = plCameraMsg() |
msg.BCastFlags |= plMessage.kLocalPropagate | plMessage.kBCastByType |
if self.cmd in {"push", "pop"}: |
if self.camera is not None: |
msg.newCam = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=self.camera) |
# It appears that kRegionPopCamera is unused. pushing is controlled by observing |
# the presence of the kResponderTrigger command. |
msg.setCmd(plCameraMsg.kResponderTrigger, self.cmd == "push") |
msg.setCmd(plCameraMsg.kRegionPushCamera, True) |
msg.setCmd(plCameraMsg.kSetAsPrimary, self.camera is None |
or self.camera.data.plasma_camera.settings.primary_camera) |
elif self.cmd == "disablefp": |
msg.setCmd(plCameraMsg.kResponderSetThirdPerson) |
elif self.cmd == "enablefp": |
msg.setCmd(plCameraMsg.kResponderUndoThirdPerson) |
else: |
raise RuntimeError() |
return msg |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop(self, "cmd") |
if self.cmd in {"push", "pop"}: |
layout.prop(self, "camera") |
class PlasmaEnableMsgNode(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "MSG" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaEnableMsgNode" |