[Scene Object - Black_WhtRmSubworldDummy] add to modifiers - Anim Event Modifier "cAnimEventElevatorUp", "cAnimEventElevatorMoving", "cAnimEventElevatorDown"
[Gen Phys - Black_SubWorldExitRegion01] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="4.844787598" Y="-1.597872972" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="2.660830021" Y="-1.59787333" Z="17" />"
[Gen Phys - Black_SubWorldExitRegion02] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="0.008117675781" Y="4.08300066" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="0.008117675781" Y="1.842319965" Z="17" />"
[Gen Phys - Black_SubWorldExitRegion03] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="0.00048828125" Y="-3.994360685" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="0.00048828125" Y="-1.753679991" Z="17" />"
[Gen Phys - Black_SubWorldExitRegion04] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="-4.537750244" Y="-1.677083969" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="-2.382169962" Y="-1.677084327" Z="17" />"
[Responder Modifier - cResetElevator] Changed responder to reverse, continue, then gotobegin for elevator animation to trigger the anim event modifier for down for animation tracking purposes
[Responder Modifer - cRespElevator] Added forward to set elevator to always play forward when triggered, adjusted waittocmdtable due to addition command
[Python File Mod - cPythonBookMachine] 9 and 10 changed to actual linkinpoints instead of fake locations, 18,19,20 added anim event modifiers for elevator animation for tracking purposes
[Anim Event Modifer - cAnimEventElevatorMoving] New anim event modifier - set to trigger at 0.3333333433
[Anim Event Modifer - cAnimEventElevatorUp] New anim event modifier - set to trigger at 7
[Anim Event Modifer - cAnimEventElevatorDown] New anim event modifier - set to trigger at 0
[ATC Anim - Black_WhtRmSubworldDummy_(Entire Animation)_anim_0] added markers for new anim event modifiers
[Filter Coord - Black_SubWorldExitRegion01-4] Adjusted for new positions
[Scene Object - WhtRmSubworldDummy] add to modifiers - Anim Event Modifier "cAnimEventElevatorUp", "cAnimEventElevatorMoving", "cAnimEventElevatorDown"
[Gen Phys - ShaftProxy] Transform adjusted to match blackroom
[Gen Phys - SubWorldExitRegion01] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="4.844787598" Y="-1.597872972" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="3.092109919" Y="-1.59787333" Z="17" />"
[Gen Phys - SubWorldExitRegion02] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="0.008117675781" Y="4.08300066" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="-0.287902832" Y="1.889780045" Z="17" />"
[Gen Phys - SubWorldExitRegion03] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="0.00048828125" Y="-3.994360685" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="-0.2955322266" Y="-1.789659977" Z="17" />"
[Gen Phys - SubWorldExitRegion04] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="-4.537750244" Y="-1.677083969" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="-2.395689964" Y="-1.677084327" Z="17" />"
[Gen Phys - TriggerNoClimbRegion] transform and hull bounds adjusted to cover entire nexus region
[Responder Modifier - cResetElevator] Changed responder to reverse, continue, then gotobegin for elevator animation to trigger the anim event modifier for down for animation tracking purposes
[Responder Modifer - cRespElevator] Added forward to set elevator to always play forward when triggered, adjusted waittocmdtable due to addition command
[Python File Mod - cPythonBookMachine] 9 and 10 changed to actual linkinpoints instead of fake locations, 18,19,20 added anim event modifiers for elevator animation for tracking purposes
[Anim Event Modifer - cAnimEventElevatorMoving] New anim event modifier - set to trigger at 0.3333333433
[Anim Event Modifer - cAnimEventElevatorUp] New anim event modifier - set to trigger at 7
[Anim Event Modifer - cAnimEventElevatorDown] New anim event modifier - set to trigger at 0
[ATC Anim - Black_WhtRmSubworldDummy_(Entire Animation)_anim_0] added markers for new anim event modifiers
[Filter Coord - Black_SubWorldExitRegion01-4] Adjusted for new positions
Many changes made to better organize the audio and account for new audio recorded by Doobes and r'Tayrtahn
[Gen Phys - DrRgnSnsr04New] Moved hull bounds back a little so it wouldnt trigger the door when you link in
[Static Sound - cSfxDeniedButton] volume set to 0.25
[Static Sound - cSfxDeniedButton0] volume set to 0.25
[Static Sound - cSfxSelectButton] volume set to 1
[Static Sound - cSfxSelectButton0] volume set to 1
[coord interface - LinkInPointCtrlRm01] Moved down to the floor, so when you link in your not falling from a large height
[coord interface - LinkInPointCtrlRm02] Moved down to the floor, so when you link in your not falling from a large height
In French, some punctuation characters (question mark, exclamation mark,
colon, semicolon) also have a space before the symbol, not just after
the symbol as in most other languages.
We don't do this for special cases like "(?)", where a preceding space
makes no sense and would look strange.
In French, some punctuation characters (question mark, exclamation mark,
colon, semicolon) also have a space before the symbol, not just after
the symbol as in most other languages. This preceding space should be a
non-breaking space, so that the punctuation is not wrapped onto a new
line separate from the preceding word.
The French translation was inconsistent about its quote style. Some
parts used guillemets, but others used double quotes. As far as I know,
guillemets are the standard quote form in French.
Note that in French, there are spaces on the inside of the guillemets as
well, not just on the outside as in most other languages. These inside
spaces should be non-breaking spaces, so that the guillemets are
line-wrapped together with the text being quoted.
Uru's fonts are limited to Latin-1 characters. If any characters outside
that range are used in in-game texts, the characters are either not
displayed at all or are replaced with a question mark symbol.
This change replaces all non-Latin-1 characters in all .loc files with
ASCII equivalents, so that they are displayed properly in-game.
Specifically, the following replacements are performed:
* Unicode dashes to ASCII hyphen-minus ([–—] to -)
* "Curly" quotes to "straight" quotes ([‘’‚] to ', [“”„] to ")
* Unicode ellipsis to ASCII dots (… to ...)
* œ to oe (sorry France)
This round-trips the entire Cyan localization database through the
plLocalizationEditor built from H-uru/Plasma#958
An error occurred
. This means that:
- the XML files are re-encoded from UTF-16 to UTF-8 and therefore should
load faster due to less run-time re-encoding
- journals should be written out as CDATA with the esHTML data visible
in the clear