] Changed the texture to the new cube map.
- [nb01clockrefl*0.hsm] Newly rendered cube map for the clock lens.
- [nb01clocknumbers*40#0.hsm] Updated to use the 2048x128 source image
from the MOUL textures dump instead of the resized 1024x128 version
from Plasma MAX. This increases the clarity of the numbers in the
- [nbClockGlobe_(Entire Animation)_anim_0] Rotated all keyframes such
that the animation starts and stops at 0/25 instead of the first half
pahrtahvotee. Propogated this half p adjustment to all other
- [Map #2266_anim_nb01TimeOfDay] Fixed layer offset keyframes such that
the animation starts and stops at 0/25 instead of the first half
- [nbClockGlobe_(Entire Animation)_anim_0] Added a third keyframe to the
clock rotation animation to cause the clock to actually rotate. Also
converted to uncompressed quat keyframes due to lossy compression
breaking the animation.
- [cRespInternalShaftStop] Corrected the plSoundMsg to send the `kStop`
command instead of `kPlay`, causing the screw turn noise to stop
playing when the power is off.
Almost all of these textures have identical counterparts without the
"Assets" prefix, so the duplicates with the prefix are removed.
One file (AssetstldnPeriscopeViewSmlBlack.tga) has no counterpart
without the prefix, so it is renamed.
Two files (AssetstldnCrateSide01.tga and AssetstldnSkyFast.tga)
are different from their counterparts without the prefix, so they are
not changed.
- 'kirelLinkRoomDoorNEW06': Added proxy collision for visual mesh --
previously there was no collision.
- 'kirelCollisionGeom': Adjusted collision to include both sides of
- 'kirelCollisionGeom': Adjusted small curved stairwell step-up ramp
near firemarbles to reduce the steepness, allowing the avatar to climb
the stairs.
- 'RubbleCollideBox', 'RubbleCollideBox02', 'RubbleCollideBox04',
'RubbleCollideBox08', 'RubbleCollideBox09', 'RubbleCollideBox10',
'RubbleCollideBox11', 'RubbleCollideBox12', 'RubbleCollideBox13':
Adjusted ferry rubble colliders to include a slope upward to prevent
blocking the avatar.
- 'SandBAgCollide', 'SandBAgCollide01', 'SandBAgCollide02': Adjusted
collision of sandbags in courtyard to include a slope upward to
prevent blocking the avatar.
- 'MuseumInteriorCollision': Extended the step-up ramp to the courtyard
collider, removing a perpendicular intersection that blocked the
- '15StairsCollision': Adjusted the canyon mall collision by making the
step-up slope shallower and adding step-up ramps on each side,
allowing the avatar to not be blocked by a minor step-up in the visual
- 'CanyonProxyTerrain': Adjusted the collision near the courtyard that
was easy to get stuck on when hugging the wall.
- 'CourtyardCollisionArena', 'AlleyCollisionArena01': Adjusted collision
where the great stairs, timeline, and courtyard met -- the colliders
were at slightly different heights, introducing a potential toe-stub.
- 'Boulder04': Added proxy collision to canyon mall boulder that was
previously intangible.
- 'CollisionMesh01': Improved toe-stubbing around the curved stairwells
near the protractor by reducing the slope of the step-up ramp and
making the slope consistent among the ramp faces.
- 'kdshCourtyardCollision': Corrected many toe-stubs by adding step-up
ramps and reducing slopes as needed.
- 'LowerProxyTerrain': Corrected a toe-stub at the entry to the red
herring cave by shifting the step-up ramp's edge away from a
coincident edge in another collider.
- 'StairCollider2', 'StairCollisionPlane': Extended stair colliders for
the control room to properly reach the lower floor.
- 'PelletRmFloor': Added step-up ramps.
- 'TunnelCollision': Reduced slope of step-up ramp.
- 'HallExtent': Removed collision geometry exactly matching the drawable
stairs and replaced with a step-up ramp.
- 'HallExtent01': Deleted physical - it was an exact duplicate of the
drawable geometry. The object 'HallExtent02Proxy' is coincident with
this object.
- 'HallExtent02Proxy': Corrected step-up ramp to extend to the top of the
- 'HutInteriorFloor': Added step-up ramp for the main bookshelf.
- 'LampCollision01', 'LampCollision02', 'LampCollision05',
'LampCollision06': Extended colliders down slightly to prevent the
avatar from getting stuck between the lamp and the ground.