[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_FReward_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_LeatherJacket01] Custom Text changed to "Leather Jacket" instead of "LeatherJacket01 Icon"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_FLegs_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Pants" instead of "Atrus Pants"
[Clothing Item - CItm_FReward_BBallJersey] Custom Text changed to "Explorers Jersey" instead of "ExplorersJersey"
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Jacket"
[Clothing Item - CItm_DniHelmet] Custom Text changed to "D'ni Helmet" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_FHAcc_DniFace] Custom Text changed to "D'ni Helmet" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_FReward_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Jacket"
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_MReward_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_AussieHat] Custom Text changed to "Sharper's Hat" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_Bomber] Custom Text changed to "Bomber Jacket" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MRFoot_Catherine] Custom Text changed to "Catherine's Shoes" instead of "Catherine"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MLFoot_Catherine] Custom Text changed to "Catherine's Shoes" instead of "Catherine"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MLegs_Catherine] Custom Text changed to "Catherine's Pants" instead of "Catherine "
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MLegs_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Pants" instead of "Atrus Pants"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MHAcc_DniFace] Custom Text changed to "D'ni Helmet" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Shirt"
[Clothing Item - CItm_MTorso_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Shirt"
[Fe]maleFan02 rebuilt - Includes PR#74
[Scene Object - DRC Vest] Added to Modifiers - Python File Mod "cPythTakeablePlainVest"
[Python FIle Mod - cPythTakeablePlainVest] Duplicate of "cPythTakeableClothing", but with clothing set to plain vest
[Logic Modifier - cClickDRCVest] Added Python File Mod "cPythTakeablePlainVest" to Receivers above "cPythTakeableClothing"
GlobalClothing were resaved.
Fan02 was recreated then resaved.
[Scene Node - Myst_Fireplace] Add scene object "CatherineShoesClickable"
[Scene Object - Catherine Clickable Region] Add to modifiers - Object in Volume Detector "cClick_CatherineShoeReward"
[Scene Object - CatherineShoesClickable] New object for Catherine's Shoes
[Layer - CatherineShoes] New
[Material - CatherineShoes] New
[Coord Interface - CatherineShoesClickable] New
[Draw Interface - CatherineShoesClickable] New
[Simulation Interface - CatherineShoesClickable] New
[Picking Detector - cClick_CatherineShoeReward] New
[Logic Modifier - cClick_CatherineShoeReward] New
[Activator Conditional Object - cClick_CatherineShoeReward] New
[Object in Box Conditional - cClick_CatherineShoeReward] New
[Facing Conditional Object - cClick_CatherineShoeReward] New
[Generic Physical - CatherineShoesClickable] New
[Drawable Span - Myst_Fireplace_00000000_0Spans] Added new catherine shoes.
[Object in Volume Detector - cClick_CatherineShoeReward] New
[Python File Mod - cPythCatherineRobe] Removed from 4 "03_FLFoot_Catherine and 03_FRFoot_Catherine". Removed from 5 "03_MLFoot_Catherine and 03_MRFoot_Catherine"
[Python File Mod - cPythCatherineRShoe] New
[Python File Mod - cPythCatherineLShoe] New
[Interface Info Mod - CatherineShoesClickable] New
Removed FemaleCC.prp and MaleCC.prp as they are no longer needed. Content is now in (Fe)male02 and (Fe)male04 instead
Source assets added for CC content
This has the side effect of completely removing the non-Cyan logo'd
clothing items in the modified Max files (eg CCN, TCT, Sam & Max, Mantis
Parable sweatshirts).
[Drawable Span - Ercana_Canyon_00000000_0Spans] Fixed stretched and missing textures from "HarvesterRailing16" and Restored the correct lighting to "DashWarningLight01"
[Scene Node - Ercana_Tunnel] Added Scene Objects "Tnnl123TunnlWallLamp16_001" and "Tnnl128TunnlWallLamp18_001"
[Scene Object - Tnnl123TunnlWallLamp16_001] Added. Draw Interface "Tnnl123TunnlWallLamp16.001"
[Scene Object - Tnnl128TunnlWallLamp18_001] Added. Draw Interface "Tnnl128TunnlWallLamp18.001"
[Scene Object - Tnnl294GlarePlane55] Added coordinate interface "Tnnl294GlarePlane55", Added to Modifiers - View Face Modifier "Tnnl294GlarePlane55"
[Scene Object - Tnnl295GlarePlane56] Added coordinate interface "Tnnl295GlarePlane56", Added to Modifiers - View Face Modifier "Tnnl295GlarePlane56"
[Coord Interface - Tnnl194RTOmniLight51] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Coord Interface - Tnnl262RTOmniLight17] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Coord Interface - Tnnl263RTOmniLight18] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Coord Interface - Tnnl264RTOmniLight19] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Coord Interface - Tnnl265RTOmniLight20] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Coord Interface - Tnnl296RTOmniLight47] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Coord Interface - Tnnl297RTOmniLight48] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Coord Interface - Tnnl298RTOmniLight49] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Coord Interface - Tnnl299RTOmniLight50] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Coord Interface - Tnnl300RTOmniLight52] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Coord Interface - Tnnl295GlarePlane56] Created with blender.
[Coord Interface - Tnnl294GlarePlane55] Created with blender.
[Draw Interface - Tnnl123TunnlWallLamp16.001] Created.
[Draw Interface - Tnnl128TunnlWallLamp18.001] Created.
[View Face Modifier - TunnelGlareSprite01_73] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[View Face Modifier - TunnelGlareSprite01_74] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[View Face Modifier - TunnelGlareSprite01_75] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[View Face Modifier - TunnelGlareSprite01_76] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[View Face Modifier - TunnelGlareSprite01_77] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[View Face Modifier - TunnelGlareSprite01_82] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[View Face Modifier - TunnelGlareSprite01_83] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[View Face Modifier - TunnelGlareSprite01_84] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[View Face Modifier - Tnnl294GlarePlane55] Created with blender.
[View Face Modifier - Tnnl295GlarePlane56] Created with blender.
[Drawable Span - Ercana_Tunnel_00000000_0Spans] Re-exported lights in tunnels with blender and then combined with Adam Hoikas Gnarly Patcher. Manually adjusted positions of some tunnel vertexs to cover up a hole into the world.
[Drawable Span - Ercana_Tunnel_40000000_2BlendSpans] Re-exported lights in tunnels with blender and then combined with Adam Hoikas Gnarly Patcher.
[Drawable Span - Ercana_Tunnel_00000000_0Spans_NewLights] Added for two new lights.
[Drawable Span - Ercana_Tunnel_40000000_2BlendSpans_NewLights] Added for two new lights.
[Omnilight Info - Tnnl194RTOmniLight51] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Omnilight Info - Tnnl262RTOmniLight17] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Omnilight Info - Tnnl263RTOmniLight18] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Omnilight Info - Tnnl264RTOmniLight19] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Omnilight Info - Tnnl265RTOmniLight20] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Omnilight Info - Tnnl296RTOmniLight47] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Omnilight Info - Tnnl297RTOmniLight48] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Omnilight Info - Tnnl298RTOmniLight49] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Omnilight Info - Tnnl299RTOmniLight50] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Omnilight Info - Tnnl300RTOmniLight52] Coords shifted to be better placed in tunnels
[Generic Physical - DrainValve01] Changed Mass to 1
[Generic Physical - DrainValve02] Changed Mass to 1
[Generic Physical - DrainValve03] Changed Mass to 1
[Generic Physical - DrainValve04] Changed Mass to 1
[Responder Modifier - cRespValve2Open] Removed Command that Disabled Physicals for DrainValve02
[Responder Modifier - cRespValve3Open] Removed Command that Disabled Physicals for DrainValve03
[Responder Modifier - cRespValve4Open] Removed Command that Disabled Physicals for DrainValve04
[Scene Node - Ercana_Canyon] Added Scene Object "Car-PIVOTFake"
[Scene Object - Cylinder01xx04] Added Coord interface "Cylinder01xx04"
[Scene Object - Cylinder01xx11] Added Coord interface "Cylinder01xx11"
[Scene Object - Cylinder01xx13] Added Coord interface "Cylinder01xx13"
[Scene Object - ercaStump06] Added Coord interface "ercaStump06"
[Scene Object - ercaStamp07] Added Coord interface "ercaStamp07"
[Scene Object - Loft39] Added Coord interface "Loft39"
[Scene Object - plant57] Added Coord interface "plant57"
[Scene Object - Car-PIVOTFake] Duplicate of Scene Object "Car-PIVOT", Coord Interface set to "Car-PIVOTFake" and All modifiers removed. Added to Modifiers - AG Modifier "cAnimHrvstrCarDockFake" and AG Master Mod "cAnimHrvstrCarDockFake"
[Coord Interface - BtnCallCarPOS] Adjusted to account for BtnCallCar being moved.
[Coord Interface - DashWarningLight01] Moved up because Harvester console was raised.
[Coord Interface - ercaDecalTrim] Raised Z coord by 0.1 to fix Z fighting it caused with other rocks.
[Coord Interface - Car-PIVOTFake] Duplicate of Coord Interface "Car-PIVOT". All Children removed.
[Coord Interface - Loft39] Created. Lowered plant so it touches the ground.
[Coord Interface - Cylinder01xx11] Created. Lowered plant so it touches the ground.
[Coord Interface - ercaStump06] Created. Lowered plant so it touches the ground.
[Coord Interface - ercaStamp07] Created. Lowered plant so it touches the ground.
[Coord Interface - Cylinder01xx13] Created. Lowered plant so it touches the ground.
[Coord Interface - Cylinder01xx04] Created. Lowered plant so it touches the ground.
[Coord Interface - plant57] Created. Lowered plant so it touches the ground.
[View Face Modifier - Swivel-HarvesterSpout] Face Object changed to Scene Object "Car-PIVOTFake"
[Drawable Span - Ercana_Canyon_00000000_0Spans] Changes made to vertice positions to move the cable next to the harvester ladder and to close a hole in the harvester console. Adjusted Harvester Console height higher to make using the Cart Call Button easier (It was floating before). Pipe01 moved up to account for raised console. Exported HarvesterBody3, HarvesterBody4, HarvesterBodyRear and Pipe01, then imported using Hoikas Gnarly Patcher.
[Drawable Span - Ercana_Canyon_40000000_2BlendSpans] Changes made to the vertice positions to move the save cloth near harvester start point
[Drawable span - Ercana_Canyon_40000008_2BlendSpans] Changes made to the vertice positions to move the save cloth glow near the harvester start point
[AG modifier - cAnimHrvstrCarDockFake] Duplicate of AG Modifier "cAnimHrvstrCarDock". Changed ChannelName to "Car-PIVOTFake"
[AG Master Mod - cAnimHrvstrCarDockFake] Duplicate of AG Master Mod "cAnimHrvstrCarDock". Changed private anim to ATC Anim "Car-PIVOT_CarGo_anim_2"
[Response Modifier - cRespHrvstrGoFwd] Duplicated entries for "cAnimHrvstrGo" and changed it to "cAnimHrvstrCarDockFake". Added "CarGoFake" to animname for new entries. Increased "WaitToCmdTable" cmd by 2 to account for two new commands.
[Response Modifier - cRespHrvstrGoRev] Duplicated entries for "cAnimHrvstrGo" and changed it to "cAnimHrvstrCarDockFake". Added "CarGoFake" to animname for new entries. Increased "WaitToCmdTable" cmd by 2 to account for two new commands.
[Response Modifier - cRespHrvstrStop] Duplicated entries for "cAnimHrvstrGo" and changed it to "cAnimHrvstrCarDockFake". Added "CarGoFake" to animname for new entries. Increased "WaitToCmdTable" cmd by 1 to account for new command.
[ATC Anim - BtnCallCar_Down_anim_1] Modified coords for new button position.
[ATC Anim - BtnCallCar_Up_anim_0] Modified coords for new button position.
[ATC Anim - PIVOT_CarGo_anim_2] Duplicate of ATC Anim "PIVOT_CarGo_anim_1". AGAnimParams name changed to "CarGoFake"
[Cluster Group - Cluster01_Grass_2] Lowered floating grass under the car ramp area
[Cluster Group - Cluster01_Pebble_3] Lowered floating rocks under the car ramp area
[Cluster Group - Cluster01_ScrubBrush_1] Lowered floating bush under the car ramp area
[Drawable Span - GUI_telescope_40000000_8BlendSpans] Doubled the outer area of the telescope mask by adding 8 new points in blender and created 4 faces with them. This mask is entirely black and is only noticed by ultra widescreen resolutions.
[MipMap - xbahropagerock*0#0.hsm] Replaced Image with yeesha symbol that is correctly stretched to look correct in-game. Done by calumTraveler.
Co-authored-by: Traveler263 <87665301+Traveler263@users.noreply.github.com>
[Dynamic Text Map - brpShareButton_dynText] Width and Height set to 512
[MipMap - xbahroyeeshashare*1#0.hsm] Enlarged MipMap "xbahroyeeshashare*1#0.hsm" from 256x256 to 512x512 with Gigapixel AI Upscaler - Art & CG filter.
[Scene Object - Elevator Wall] Coordinate Interface removed.
[Coordinate Interface - SubWorld_New] Scene Object "Elevator Wall" removed from Children
[Generic Physical - Elevator Wall] Bottom face removed. Angled and moved to bottom section of elevator shaft.
This round-trips the entire Cyan localization database through the
plLocalizationEditor built from H-uru/Plasma#958
An error occurred
. This means that:
- the XML files are re-encoded from UTF-16 to UTF-8 and therefore should
load faster due to less run-time re-encoding
- journals should be written out as CDATA with the esHTML data visible
in the clear
This is a completely automated pass over nb01.prp with
CreateKickableSounds.py from Hoikas/moul-utils using the
nb01Marbles.json file. This is a good thing becuase the results are
completely reproducible and some rather misleading object naming is
cleaned up.
This reverts commit 2de6ebd7f0. The
intention is to run a script over the PRP to automate this process and
cleanup some of the strange object naming in the PRPs.