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Update Chiso PRPs and LOC

* Add Highgarden Book (BookVis06)
* More lower level desk stuff
* Add more fan journal content
Patrick Dulebohn 3 years ago
  1. 448
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@ -3073,7 +3073,7 @@ And this time, I tried to look beyond what was merely there in the physical and
Perhaps – just maybe - there was a bigger picture here in D'ni that I had yet to truly see.</translation> Perhaps – just maybe - there was a bigger picture here in D'ni that I had yet to truly see.</translation>
</element> </element>
<element name="JulesBookInscribe"> <element name="JulesBookInscribe">
<translation language="English">&lt;margin left=62 right=62 top=48 bottom=48&gt;&lt;font face=Michelle size=18&gt; <translation language="English">&lt;cover src="xMeditationsCover*1#0.hsm"&gt;&lt;margin left=62 right=62 top=48 bottom=48&gt;&lt;font face=Michelle size=18&gt;
Jules, Jules,
@ -4149,7 +4149,7 @@ An announcement was just posted regarding something J.D. Barnes is putting toget
Message reads: Message reads:
"Our Lore Team has been hard at work combing through the DRC’s archives for new historical information to share with the explorer community. "Our Lore Team has been hard at work combing through the DRC's archives for new historical information to share with the explorer community.
Join J.D. Barnes and former ResEng G. Buddell in the Cavern for the first Deep City Lecture! Sun, Nov 7 at 3 PM KI Time (10 PM UTC)!" Join J.D. Barnes and former ResEng G. Buddell in the Cavern for the first Deep City Lecture! Sun, Nov 7 at 3 PM KI Time (10 PM UTC)!"
@ -4476,7 +4476,7 @@ No luck securing new Lattice material for the Nexus Terminal yet. Then again, I'
Always something, with that Age. It's in the proper review phase and folks keep picking at various little things. Love every minute of it, but I kinda wish things would just stay STABLE in the danged Age and not shift subtly. Always something, with that Age. It's in the proper review phase and folks keep picking at various little things. Love every minute of it, but I kinda wish things would just stay STABLE in the danged Age and not shift subtly.
The fissures in the walsl have me heavily concerned, to be honest. With how large the moons are, I can only imagine the tidal forces being exherted on the planet itself. The tree roots aren't helping matters any either. The fissures in the walls have me heavily concerned, to be honest. With how large the moons are, I can only imagine the tidal forces being exherted on the planet itself. The tree roots aren't helping matters any either.
Got a Mysterium Meeting tonight, and I'm getting hungry. Thinking I'll swing by the model shop before hitting up the king of burgers for some chicken sandwiches. Got a Mysterium Meeting tonight, and I'm getting hungry. Thinking I'll swing by the model shop before hitting up the king of burgers for some chicken sandwiches.
@ -4604,7 +4604,336 @@ BLUH. Tired.
I'm taking a break once the Wall goes live, that's for sure. I'm taking a break once the Wall goes live, that's for sure.
---</translation> ---
Yay, somehow we borked the control consoles again. UGH. Just what we needed this close to release...
Think we've got that fixed now. Hopefully. Fingers crossed things don't break again.
Tati Masser and Fasyk Casing. Two workers from the Overflow Station whom apparently faked being sick two weeks ago and have since gone missing. They're the ones who "Sami" was apparently nervous around. I can't talk with them now, and that seems heavily suspicious.
Honestly, given the apparent anagram that wasy Sami Lesgrandee, I'm willing to bet these two are anagrams of something or otther, too.
I'm too tired for this nonsense.
Saw 'The Cavern Today' hood on the Nexus today. Talk about a blast from the past. Last time they did a podcast it was back in 2013.
Picture Imager has a photo of Jeff Wise's name on the Kahlo Pub Memorial. Awh.
They've got a very flushed out light garden, and have a clock and a Tsogal. Neat. Hood seems to have been around for atleast two days, and a single pellet score upload from Dalkyn Starbyne. 9736 points. VERY new hood to be that low.... J'nathus is on the visitors list quite a lot...
I wonder if anything big will be happening? Seems strange to bring the hood back without the associated podcast. I can already hear that introduction theme in my head... Bwum, bwum, bwym...
Went to see Dr. Quinlan before the open house to get my head looked at.
What a strange result from the tests. Somehow I don't have any signs of a concussion- at all? Not even healed over, like it wasn't even there.
Makes no sense. Even the results I got from the doctors visit after I got thrown to the ground was... I don't understand how this is possible, except unless the Vertigo Crystals have something to do with it?
I'll be talking with Patrick and Kelsei about letting folks visit the age properly- possible suited up in Maintainer Suits.
Of COURSE there was a break in and sabbotage. Of course there was.
I finished dredging up the data log from the hood imager.
It comes back to Tati Masser and Fasyk Casing- the two workers from the Overflow Station who have gone awol.
Tati's Work-crew networked KI was recorded on The Clinic's Hood Visitor Log imager's backend- noting it's 'not on the main network' status and hiding it from public view thanks to some archaic code the DRC left in there.
I've tried pinging their KIs. I was unable to turn them on and get a location, but somebody certainly noticed. In response, it seems that someone targeted a hack at every networked KI I publicly have made known I own. I've been having issues with their projectors ever since- staying on when I've tried closing it and having to forcibly reboot the KI entirely.
Had an argument tonight. Okay. Maybe less an argument, more trying to convey my thoughts to someone, and not getting through. Only so many times I can repeat myself.
I nearly quit the restoration group tonight.
I'm still not sure if we're keeping Dr. Quinlan or not. I guess we'll be seeing once we take a break from things for a while. Man's stressed out over recent events. I'm stressed out too.
I might still quit if things don't turn around. Too much friction in the group right now.
I can only repeat myself- the truth of my core and who I am- so many times.
I've made a public notif of the situation. I can't keep quiet on this.
It's always SOMETHING.
We released the Wall- and we forgot the explanation journal. We got the Pub Nexus terminal working- and now the KI is showing a mangled title in one of the view screen categories.
Minor issues.
NOW the new generic DRC hoods people are being assigned to are missing GZ books, and have Imagers stolen, and fountains off, and Heek Tables missing, and freaking missing even FIREMARBLES.
JUST what we needed.
I have no idea what's happening. Sabbotage? Did someone steal the DRC's stockpile? I'm seeing shadows after everything with the damned clinic sabotage.
We got fountain water back on in the affected hoods. Will be seeing about sorting out the rest.
Happy D'ni New Year.
And everything should be in order again. I'm. Still not sure what happened. Have had too many other things to be concerned over.
I'm tired. Utterly. Got too much to do tomorrow. Also constant fire risks. Gonna be driving to airport. Gotta... deal with... BLUH.
I'm tired of the Surface. Tired of infighting. Tired of stuff going wrong.
I'm tired of the situation on the surface. Everything that's happening feels like a constant slap in the face. It's depressing. I feel... depressed. Sad in general about stuff. All it takes is one little blow to just...
take the wind out of the sails
stuck on the equator without a breeze
like dogs chasing their tails
i wish for an escape, my sorrows to ease
self asking self yesterday morning
what am I depressed about?
a pained sadness long standing
stuck in a dried river bed- a drowning trout
sky over wheat as clouds rain blood
dust hangs in the streets, death marches strong
grief overflowing as rivers flood
i try to hold on, singing simple songs
a man walks through the streets carrying unknown weight
in his soul and grief overhead his duty is to remember
and while nine slots to be filled number in eight
a girl prays that rain will fall long before september
we wish for a storm and we pray for the rain
i call it folley while the warnings remain unread
we wish for a storm to come even if it brings pain
i can only pray that fire does not strike us dead
Apparently, TikiBear is missing a gnome. Traffic Cone Orange.
Iwonk helped me through a rough spot last night- helped me down from a dissasociation/anxiety attack.
I don't know what I would've done if she also hadn't had some excellent advice learned from paramedics regarding my cousin's alcohol mixing habits. Today was... not pleasant.
What an auspicious start to my weeks break.
Elonin Released. Had a calming weekend. Monday was a Monday in all the stereotypical ways.
Tenny's seen Tati Masser and Fasyk Casing on 4/26 and 4/27 on the Clinic's imager. He was away picking up first aid kit supplies, and so missed them. Damn it all.
Meanwhile. I once again am about to lose all faith in the Surface World.
I'm honestly wishing I wasn't living in one of those tumultuous chapters of a future history book right now. I don't know how to vent these emotions.
Running away and hiding isn't a safe move for everyone. I don't have the energy to fight- I'm so exhausted and I feel like I can't catch a break from it all.
Times like these I feel like...
Like the universe seems fit to keep me from catching a breath, catching a break. It's one horrid thing after another. I can bury myself in my work- that's my gut instinct and reaction- but that's not... going to last me forever.
I'm already feeling burnt out on the work front even after a week's break that was more like half a week's break at that, and- I'm. I'm scared.
I'm scared of the world I live in. I'm scared that if not one side of things, another side of things will come along on the surface and kill me along with everyone else.
I don't want to die. But that sure feels like what the world is trying to do. Kill everyone. One way or another. This is probably just the late night depression talking, to be honest.
I should stop dwelling and just go to bed.
hide, hide and cover your heads,
hide, hide, duck and cover,
hide, hide, hide beneath the rocks.
hide, hide underneath your beds,
hide, and wait until its over,
hide until its last the clock tick-tocks.
Apparently I'm posting poems to my blog and not realizing it.
The Crystals are definitely having some long-term effect on me for sure. I wish I knew what. I'm noticing that whatever this is tends to be cropping up lately when I'm especially stressed about something.
I'll have to talk with Tenny about it. If pattern holds up with how I'm feeling today compared to yesterday, and how late I seemingly slept in this morning...
If I post something tonight, I guess we'll have my answer, won't we?
mourning soul climbing walls tears in her eyes
a girl lost all ascends with chisels in hand
neath moons overhead of blue and pink dyes
she carves the face of her god's brand
I posted a thing without knowing it, again.
Time to not fuss out over THAT and instead take a look at Direbo. There's been a lot of anxious talk about it among the group today.
It's Direbo. It's a nice garden. Lots of towering rock spires. A whole lot more bridges than Myst V depicted. Also, the gates really don't do much of anything since you can jump over them, or meander past them thanks to some paths in the swamp.
Giant pliniths of stone; lots of benches. It's a Garden Age. There's not much else to say on the matter.
It's Direbo.
I think my main concern at this stage is that the Age is a garden of giant stone pillars- with some very narrow bases in places. If someone accidentally leans against one, or chips away at the bases intentionally... one of these things could come tumbling down and cause a whole chain reaction of folks getting hurt.
With the close proximity some of these towering monoliths have to eachother, and how tall some are... It wouldn't take much. It really wouldn't. I know I'm being paranoid about it but after being shoved over, and having everything going on with the people harassing Tenny's clinic...
I can't stay here any longer. My brain is just- noping out of here.
Bleh. Door to the downstairs area is jamming up again. Gonna have to remind Patrick to get someone to grease the mechanism ahead of allowing people in here.
Rarified got the door greased up, this morning.
Had the first inaugural wall Tournament in Cody Herd's Gahreesen, today. Was an amazing bout of four matches, but the control console fritzed out a bit causing delays. Still- atleast we know the machine can handle a full 5v5 matchup!
Everything went well, imho. Just, lots of other stuff to deal with and get done and so on and so forth.
Time to worry about Naybree things and definitely NOT think about the sleep-writing.
What a damnable day. Woke up super late- missed Fil's broadcast- almost backed out of AGM moderating due to exhaustion- had an argument with a guy about guild names... UGH. And then had to run the AGM anyways.
And THEN. Right as I close it down. Turns out an old friend of Jules was sitting in the audience the entire time. Psychic by the name of Madame Sophia. She had something to say but wanted to wait until after the AGM was over. Polite lady, that one. (Some folks around here could stand to learn some patience about not intruding on events, especially ones with rules about what to do during the event...)
I'm not one to believe in prophecy. I really am not.
But Jules vouches for her- and she helped him get to grips with Echo's past-visions and- honestly. If my own nonsensical altered states are anything to go by...
I'm not one to judge. I just think prophecies are too vague. Too vague and too open ended.
"Danger comes to those who seek.
"A good tree grows in a far corner of the cavern.
"A branch rots and falls. it's withered husk takes root.
"A mailicious tree grows in a far corner of the cavern.
"The son of the lost empire must choose the tree."
This feels open ended. Too open ended if you ask me. But I can't dismiss it. Much as I want to. There's something to Prophecies and Dreams about D'ni.
I have my issues with Watchers Words. Too open ended.
Apparently Echo's had a vision as well. Something of the Past. Two men in cloaks stealing a child away into a book and then falling into the canyon when the ground split.
I'd hate to say it's not connected but given the timing...
Survivors of the Fall lost out there somewhere.
Chogon, Briggs, and Hazado have gotten a bunch of DRC Cosplayers (Who I'm told are choosing to remain nameless, like ghosts) together for a video shoot in one of the hoods tomorrow. I'll be doing some flying shots with my drone camera to do some promotional work with later on down the line. Should be fun!
Nothing like a wall game after a day of filming. Hazado and I did some quick fix testing, looks solid to me.
Hazado's work on the Watchers Pub Imager is finally getting put into play, it seems. Patrick's planning some work alongside his Nexus Book addition. Should be nice.
constantly a soul marches onward
downwards like the water flowing
coils and coils, seeking downwards
between roots in rows, knowing,
the bones lay bleached in flames
and the soul stands there, silently.
i approach as the blaze yet tamed,
and they say to me, obediently.
'i am but the sun in the sky, and i fall yet to rise'
'i climb and i fall so i try, but no other course advised.'
and though the tree looms tall,
far do its roots reach deep.
spiral the pathway does fall
and of their fate i do weep.
soon the flames turn to ash, and we stare
stare at the remains of a tree once proud
a shadow looms beyond, holding a glare,
and to the wandering soul, do i say aloud,
'you are the sun, and you are the heir.'
'breath not of the poisoned air.'</translation>
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<element name="JalakRulesBook"> <element name="JalakRulesBook">
<translation language="English">&lt;cover src="xChisopaperjournaljalak*1#0.hsm"&gt;&lt;font size=10 face=Courier color=000000&gt;&lt;margin left=62 right=62 top=62 bottom=48&gt;&lt;pb&gt;GAME: STAIRS <translation language="English">&lt;cover src="xChisopaperjournaljalak*1#0.hsm"&gt;&lt;font size=10 face=Courier color=000000&gt;&lt;margin left=62 right=62 top=62 bottom=48&gt;&lt;pb&gt;GAME: STAIRS
@ -4804,6 +5133,117 @@ This is personal interpretentions, sketches and thoughts of findings in Moysenla
about Moysenland Age. I need to properly survey that Age again, about Moysenland Age. I need to properly survey that Age again,
I have not been there for years. Time to organize an expedition!</translation> I have not been there for years. Time to organize an expedition!</translation>
</element> </element>
<element name="kelseijournal">
<translation language="English">&lt;cover src="xplayerjournal-kelseiblank.hsm"&gt;&lt;font size=16 face=Michelle color=416600&gt;&lt;margin left=62 right=62&gt;&lt;font size=18 face=Michelle&gt;&lt;p align=left&gt;
Contact Kelsei A. Taylor on the Beneath Forums.
A new journal, and appropriately, a new start. Elonin is released, and what a line! I could see it going on from the book clear to the link in!
Filming was a bit of a tedious task, though. Danged camera screen kept flickering at me. Fortunately, Calum says the video isn't corrupted. So, that's good. I'll have to check the video tomorrow.
I'm quite a bit tired now, and I think I'll be heading to bed soon. What a day!
Calum's posting vague poems to the internet again. This one sounds like something describing Naybree. I wonder why?
My thoughts come back to the age, considering it's soon-to-be-released nebulous status of the whims of restoration. The Age of Naybree, and Vertigo's crystals... It's a strange confounding mess of threads, tangling together.
And I wish I could write if not for a constant string of TEXT MESSAGES! Damned Surface Work.
You get stuck working on the surface for ONE DAY! And suddenly all kinds of PROPHECY breaks loose!!!
How Jules knows two different psychics of the past and future seeing varriety, I don't know nor do I care to know just yet. I'll read up on the forums later.
So. Jules knew Echo McKenzie, an apparent psychic who sees the future. He wanted to learn more about it, so he went to this "Astral Bureau of Circulation" place in Boston. Met this Madame Sophia there.
She came to the AGM, and waited until after it ended to drop a bombshell of a prophecy. Then, not an hour after that, Echo herself showed up, did some chatting, and wound up getting caught in a trance and seeing a vision of some kidnapping event during the Fall.
Honestly. Psychics. Vision seers. I'll believe there's some element of truth to it, but Prophecy? Prophecies.
Just what we needed ontop of everything else.
"Danger comes to those who seek.
A good tree grows in a far corner of the cavern.
A branch rots and falls. Its withered husk takes root.
A malicious tree grows in a far corner of the cavern.
The son of the lost empire must choose the tree."
-Madame Sophia's Prophecy.
Echo, at the Concert Hall Foyer:
"Gettng to the Library during the fall was, pardon my D'ni, a complete cluster...
Crushes of people. Sometimes literally. Not all the deaths were from the gas or the earthquake.
So what do you do when you can't get to the public books in the middle of a supposedly natural disaster?
You congregate.
There are many children here. Someone has brought a book, and they're sending the children through.
The little ones are scared. Maybe its the d'ni version of a daycare?
Two people in cloaks. Not guild cloaks.
They stand out, because they seem so calm, everyone else is terrified.
One of the children sees them, and breaks from the line. None of the teachers notice.
More shaking, screaming. Gas is close.
Someone has brough more books, people are trying to get out as fast as they can
Cloaked person holds child and links through book held by other cloaked person.
Shoves book under cloak and runs."
Echo heads down the stairs, explorers follow.
"why *down*?"
Echo reaches the large crack outside the Kadish Gallery and stops.
"Oh." Echo McKenzie kneels down...
"They fell. With both books. The ground split, and they fell."
Not much to say except I had a lovely afternoon break off for Fil Live. Work continues to hound me on the surface. Hoping Calum's not overstressing himself with Naybree work.
Iwonk's Wonky Talk stream is today! I've managed to secure my afternoon off work for it.
Apparently that rascal Wayne has decided to come back down after getting a replacement Relto Book- I'm hearing talk that he's requested a desk downstairs in Chiso.
Settled in at the Guild of Cookies hood. I'm an hour early but so what?
Was a good show! Glad I could catch most of it! Just sorry I had to leave early at the end to catch dinner. Oh well.
Had an interesting evening chatting with Carl, Tenny, and quite a few explorers tonight. Discussed the whole prophecy thing. Some interesting theories came up. Also discussed the nature of capitalism in the modern psychic industry. Not quite sure where I thought the evening would go.
Jules and his friend Ed stumbled on an Amnesiac Explorer earlier today. Behind the barricades in the lower library floors, name of "Benavud."
I'm not familiar with the name, and I can't find a record of it in the work crew records. I'll have to wait for crowds to form in Ae'gura or the night-time hood gathering to ask folks.
Talked with the night-hood crowd tonight. Sia, Cody Herd, Captain Jericho, Root Beer, Malaclypse, Choupette, Jet Blast, D'ni Seeker 5, and Carl Palmner in attendance- among others I forgot to write down the names of.
Nobody knows Benavud, alas. We discussed the events of the 'prophecies' earlier this month.
I'm tired. With my uncle flying in tomorrow, and things going crazy in D'ni...
May I please have a break?</translation>
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