and reenable as much USE_BINK_SDK stuff as empirically needed to get the Yeesha intro movie cave to disappear on its own, as before merging Cyan's Build 918.
Not the cleanest way, but I'm trying to minimize effort spent on this until we can get the proper solution, VP9 video support, from .
MarkD: We felt that the fan de-BINKing did not go far enough.
CW: I suspect (haven't tested yet) that it's the cause of the bug that we see on MOULa but did not on Minkata where the rotating wall behind the missing Yeesha intro video stays indefinitely, with no obvious way out for the player, until it occurs to them to use the ESC key
MarkD: Ah. I think you are right. An oversight that can be easily corrected - maybe in the python code so that Ian can see the rotating wall for a few seconds and then auto continue on.
In particular, the intro movie now exits immediately again rather than staying indefinitely.
The important difference is to send the completion callback in plBinkPlayer::NextFrame(), i.e. act as if we had reached the end of the movie.
Storing the filename is to keep plClient::IHandleMovieMsg() from deleting and recreating the plBinkPlayer on every message.
The changed return values are just to better match the previous behavior and probably don?t matter.
Add support for external resource Cursors.
Add support for external resource Progress Linking Book.
Add support for external resource Voice Chat indicators.