@ -245,305 +245,6 @@ plMipmap *plPlate::CreateMaterial( UInt32 width, UInt32 height, hsBool withAlpha
//// CreateFromResource //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Creates a plate's material from a resource of the given name.
// This is where hacks beget hacks.
// We have two problems here. First, the main cursor we use most of the time (IDB_CURSOR_UP)
// is a greyscale cursor, so it's color is copied to alpha and then set to white. But its
// color doesn't go to black, it goes to 0x040404, which when used for alpha is just enough
// to be annoying in 32 bit (ghost white square around cursor).
// Second, Win98 seems to be doing some sort of dither on the cursors that use a color key
// (colorKey == 0xff00ff), so the purple parts aren't exactly matching the colorKey, so
// we have a big opaque (except for the parts that dither out to 0xff00ff) purple square
// around the cursor.
// So, when it comes to color keying, we're going to pretend we're in 16 bit mode, and only
// check the upper 5 bits of each channel. If they match the colorKey, close enough to be
// transparent.
// For grey scale, if the alpha comes out less than 8 (upper 5 bits off), again close enough
// for complete transparency.
// All this happens in CreateFromResource and ReloadFromResource, so I've moved the alpha setting
// code to a function they can both use, rather than cut and pasting code (what a concept, must
// be one of those new-fangled OOP patterns).
void plPlate::ISetResourceAlphas(UInt32 colorKey) |
{ |
if( !fMipmap ) |
return; |
/// Set alphas
colorKey &= 0x00f8f8f8; |
UInt32 numPix = fMipmap->GetWidth() * fMipmap->GetHeight(); |
UInt32 *d; |
int i; |
hsBool hasColorKey = false; |
for( i = 0, d = (UInt32 *)(fMipmap->GetImage()); i < numPix; i++ ) |
{ |
if( (d[ i ] & 0x00f8f8f8) == colorKey ) |
{ |
hasColorKey = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
if( hasColorKey ) |
{ |
for( i = 0, d = (UInt32 *)(fMipmap->GetImage()); i < numPix; i++ ) |
{ |
// Win98 for some reason likes to return full alpha on the pixels,
// whereas Win2k/XP likes 0 alpha. Go figure...
if( ( d[ i ] & 0x00f8f8f8 ) == colorKey ) |
d[ i ] = 0; |
else |
d[ i ] |= 0xff000000; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// No color key, must be a b/w alpha mask
for( i = 0, d = (UInt32 *)(fMipmap->GetImage()); i < numPix; i++ ) |
{ |
UInt32 alpha = d[i] & 0xff; |
if( !(alpha & 0xf8) ) |
d[i] = 0x00ffffff; |
else |
d[ i ] = ( alpha << 24 ) | 0x00ffffff; |
} |
} |
} |
void plPlate::CreateFromBMPResource( const char *resName, UInt32 colorKey ) |
{ |
Someday the following might actually work, once we get a plugin that |
exports a material in the latest format, plus have the material actually |
read in its layers (or maybe we'll have to read() them in manually?) |
Right now, we just keep it here so we don't have to look up how to do it |
when we need it. |
hsRAMStream rsrcStream; |
HGLOBAL rsrcHdl; |
HRSRC findInfo; |
UInt8 *ptr; |
UInt32 size; |
findInfo = FindResource( GetModuleHandle( nil ), (LPCTSTR)1001, "HSMR" ); |
size = SizeofResource( GetModuleHandle( nil ), findInfo ); |
rsrcHdl = LoadResource( GetModuleHandle( nil ), findInfo ); |
ptr = (UInt8 *)LockResource( rsrcHdl ); |
rsrcStream.Write( size, ptr ); |
UnlockResource( rsrcHdl ); |
rsrcStream.Rewind(); |
fMaterial = TRACKED_NEW hsGMaterial; |
fMaterial->Read( &rsrcStream ); |
*/ |
UInt32 width, height; |
HBITMAP rsrc; |
HDC hDC = GetDC( nil ); |
rsrc = (HBITMAP)LoadImage( gHInstance, resName, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION ); |
if( rsrc == nil ) |
{ |
/// Copy data into a new material
CreateMaterial( 32, 32, true ); |
SetSize( 0.1, 0.1 ); |
ReleaseDC( nil, hDC ); |
return; |
} |
// hsAssert( rsrc != nil, "Cannot find specified resource" );
memset( &bMapInfo, 0, sizeof( bMapInfo ) ); |
bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( bMapInfo.bmiHeader ); |
height = GetDIBits( hDC, rsrc, 0, 0, nil, &bMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); |
hsAssert( height != 0, "Cannot get resource bitmap bits" ); |
width = bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth; |
height = bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight; |
bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; |
bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; |
#endif |
/// Copy data into a new material
CreateMaterial( width, height, true ); |
SetSize( (float)width, (float)height ); |
bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight *= -1; |
GetDIBits( hDC, rsrc, 0, height, fMipmap->GetImage(), &bMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); |
ReleaseDC( nil, hDC ); |
DeleteObject( rsrc ); |
#endif |
ISetResourceAlphas(colorKey); |
} |
//// ReloadFromResource //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Creates a plate's material from a resource of the given name.
void plPlate::ReloadFromBMPResource( const char *resName, UInt32 colorKey ) |
{ |
UInt32 width, height; |
if( !fMaterial || fMaterial->GetNumLayers() < 1 || fMaterial->GetLayer( 0 ) == nil || fMipmap == nil ) |
{ |
hsStatusMessage( "WARNING: Not refilling plate material; bitmap not yet assigned\n" ); |
return; |
} |
HBITMAP rsrc; |
HDC hDC = GetDC( nil ); |
rsrc = (HBITMAP)LoadImage( gHInstance, resName, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION ); |
if( rsrc == nil ) |
{ |
ReleaseDC( nil, hDC ); |
return; |
} |
// hsAssert( rsrc != nil, "Cannot find specified resource" );
memset( &bMapInfo, 0, sizeof( bMapInfo ) ); |
bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( bMapInfo.bmiHeader ); |
height = GetDIBits( hDC, rsrc, 0, 0, nil, &bMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); |
hsAssert( height != 0, "Cannot get resource bitmap bits" ); |
width = bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth; |
height = bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight; |
bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; |
bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; |
#endif |
/// Copy the data into the existing material
if( fMipmap->GetWidth() != width || fMipmap->GetHeight() != height ) |
{ |
hsStatusMessage( "WARNING: Not refilling plate material; resource size does not match\n" ); |
} |
bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight *= -1; |
GetDIBits( hDC, rsrc, 0, height, fMipmap->GetImage(), &bMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); |
ReleaseDC( nil, hDC ); |
DeleteObject( rsrc ); |
#endif |
ISetResourceAlphas(colorKey); |
if( fMipmap->GetDeviceRef() ) |
fMipmap->GetDeviceRef()->SetDirty( true ); |
} |
void plPlate::CreateFromJPEGResource( const char *resName, UInt32 colorKey ) |
{ |
hsRAMStream stream; |
plMipmap* jpgTexture = nil; |
HRSRC res = FindResource(NULL, resName, "JPEG"); |
if (!res) |
goto error; |
HGLOBAL resourceLoaded = LoadResource(NULL, res); |
if (!resourceLoaded) |
goto error; |
byte* data = (byte*)LockResource(resourceLoaded); |
if (!data) |
goto error; |
DWORD resSize = SizeofResource(NULL, res); |
if (resSize == 0) |
goto error; |
stream.Write(sizeof(DWORD), &resSize); |
stream.Write(resSize, data); |
stream.Rewind(); |
UnlockResource(resourceLoaded); |
char keyName[128]; |
sprintf( keyName, "PlateJPEG#%d", fMagicUniqueKeyInt++ ); |
jpgTexture = plJPEG::Instance().ReadFromStream(&stream); |
if (jpgTexture) |
{ |
hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->NewKey(keyName, jpgTexture, plLocation::kGlobalFixedLoc); |
#endif |
CreateMaterial( 256, 256, true, jpgTexture); |
ISetResourceAlphas(colorKey); |
return; |
} |
error: |
/// Copy data into a new material
CreateMaterial( 32, 32, true ); |
SetSize( 0.1, 0.1 ); |
return; |
} |
void plPlate::ReloadFromJPEGResource( const char *resName, UInt32 colorKey ) |
{ |
hsRAMStream stream; |
plMipmap* jpgTexture = nil; |
HRSRC res = FindResource(NULL, resName, "JPEG"); |
if (!res) |
return; |
HGLOBAL resourceLoaded = LoadResource(NULL, res); |
if (!resourceLoaded) |
return; |
byte* data = (byte*)LockResource(resourceLoaded); |
if (!data) |
return; |
DWORD resSize = SizeofResource(NULL, res); |
if (resSize == 0) |
return; |
stream.Write(sizeof(DWORD), &resSize); |
stream.Write(resSize, data); |
stream.Rewind(); |
UnlockResource(resourceLoaded); |
jpgTexture = plJPEG::Instance().ReadFromStream(&stream); |
if (jpgTexture) |
{ |
#endif |
fMipmap->CopyFrom(jpgTexture); |
ISetResourceAlphas(colorKey); |
if( fMipmap->GetDeviceRef() ) |
fMipmap->GetDeviceRef()->SetDirty( true ); |
delete jpgTexture; |
} |
} |
void plPlate::CreateFromResource(const char *resName) |
{ |
if (resName) |