Browse Source

Implement shadowed text rendering.

Intended to make KI text (player list and chat) better readable on light and patterned backgrounds. In this WIP, all text on GUI controls is rendered shadowed.
Christian Walther 13 years ago committed by Anne Marije v/d Meer
  1. 80
  2. 7


@ -335,7 +335,12 @@ void plFont::IRenderString( plMipmap *mip, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, const wcha
if( fRenderInfo.fFlags & kRenderIntoAlpha )
if( fRenderInfo.fFlags & kRenderAlphaPremultiplied )
if (1)//( ( fRenderInfo.fColor & 0x00ffffff ) == 0x00ffffff ) //FIXME
fRenderInfo.fRenderFunc = &plFont::IRenderChar8To32AlphaPremShadow;
fRenderInfo.fRenderFunc = &plFont::IRenderChar8To32AlphaPremultiplied;
else if( ( fRenderInfo.fColor & 0xff000000 ) != 0xff000000 )
fRenderInfo.fRenderFunc = &plFont::IRenderChar8To32Alpha;
@ -1082,6 +1087,81 @@ void plFont::IRenderChar8To32AlphaPremultiplied( const plFont::plCharacter &c
void plFont::IRenderChar8To32AlphaPremShadow( const plFont::plCharacter &c )
uint32_t *destPtr, *destBasePtr = (uint32_t *)( fRenderInfo.fDestPtr - c.fBaseline * fRenderInfo.fDestStride );
int16_t x, y, thisHeight, xstart, thisWidth;
uint8_t srcA, srcR, srcG, srcB;
// Unfortunately for some fonts, their right kern value actually is
// farther left than the right edge of the bitmap (think of overlapping
// script fonts). Ideally, we should store the actual width of each char's
// bitmap and use that here. However, it really shouldn't make too big of a
// difference, especially since the dest pixels that we end up overlapping
// should already be in the cache. If it does, time to upgrade the font
// format (again)
thisWidth = fWidth + 2;// + (int32_t)c.fRightKern;
if( thisWidth >= fRenderInfo.fMaxWidth )
thisWidth = fRenderInfo.fMaxWidth;
xstart = fRenderInfo.fClipRect.fX - fRenderInfo.fX;
if( xstart < -2 )
xstart = -2;
srcA = (uint8_t)(( fRenderInfo.fColor >> 24 ) & 0x000000ff);
srcR = (uint8_t)(( fRenderInfo.fColor >> 16 ) & 0x000000ff);
srcG = (uint8_t)(( fRenderInfo.fColor >> 8 ) & 0x000000ff);
srcB = (uint8_t)(( fRenderInfo.fColor ) & 0x000000ff);
static const uint32_t kernel[5][5] = {
{1, 2, 2, 2, 1},
{1, 13, 13, 13, 1},
{1, 10, 10, 10, 1},
{1, 7, 7, 7, 1},
{1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
uint32_t clamp = 220 - ((2 * srcR + 4 * srcG + srcB) >> 4);
y = fRenderInfo.fClipRect.fY - fRenderInfo.fY + (int16_t)c.fBaseline;
if( y < -2 )
y = -2;
destBasePtr = (uint32_t *)( (uint8_t *)destBasePtr + y*fRenderInfo.fDestStride );
thisHeight = fRenderInfo.fMaxHeight + (int16_t)c.fBaseline;
if( thisHeight > (int16_t)c.fHeight + 2 )
thisHeight = (int16_t)c.fHeight + 2;
for( ; y < thisHeight; y++ )
destPtr = destBasePtr;
for( x = xstart; x < thisWidth; x++ )
uint32_t sa = 0;
for (int32_t i = -2; i <= 2; i++) {
for (int32_t j = -2; j <= 2; j++) {
uint32_t m = kernel[j+2][i+2];
if (m != 0)
sa += m * IGetCharPixel(c, x+i, y+j);
sa = (sa * clamp) >> 13;
if (sa > clamp)
sa = clamp;
uint32_t a = IGetCharPixel(c, x, y);
if (srcA != 0xff)
a = (srcA * a + 127) / 255;
uint32_t ta = a + sa - ((a*sa + 127) / 255);
if (ta > (destPtr[ x ] >> 24))
destPtr[ x ] = ( ta << 24 ) | (((srcR * a + 127) / 255) << 16) |
(((srcG * a + 127) / 255) << 8) |
(((srcB * a + 127) / 255) << 0);
destBasePtr = (uint32_t *)( (uint8_t *)destBasePtr + fRenderInfo.fDestStride );
void plFont::IRenderCharNull( const plCharacter &c )


@ -233,8 +233,15 @@ class plFont : public hsKeyedObject
void IRenderChar8To32Alpha( const plCharacter &c );
void IRenderChar8To32FullAlpha( const plCharacter &c );
void IRenderChar8To32AlphaPremultiplied( const plCharacter &c );
void IRenderChar8To32AlphaPremShadow( const plCharacter &c );
void IRenderCharNull( const plCharacter &c );
uint32_t IGetCharPixel( const plCharacter &c, int32_t x, int32_t y )
// only for 8-bit characters
return (x < 0 || y < 0 || (uint32_t)x >= fWidth || (uint32_t)y >= c.fHeight) ? 0 : *(fBMapData + c.fBitmapOff + y*fWidth + x);
