@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ Mead, WA 99021
# include "hsWindows.h"
# include "resource.h"
# include <commctrl.h>
# include <shellapi.h>
# include <shlobj.h>
// ===================================================
@ -207,47 +208,127 @@ static void IOnProgressTick(uint64_t curBytes, uint64_t totalBytes, const plStri
// ===================================================
static void ILaunchClientExecutable ( const plFileName & exe , const plString & arg s)
static void ISetDownloadStatus ( const plString & statu s)
// Once we start launching something, we no longer need to trumpet any taskbar status
SetDlgItemTextW ( s_dialog , IDC_TEXT , status . ToWchar ( ) ) ;
// consider this a reset of the download status...
IShowMarquee ( ) ;
SetDlgItemTextW ( s_dialog , IDC_DLSIZE , L " " ) ;
SetDlgItemTextW ( s_dialog , IDC_DLSPEED , L " " ) ;
if ( s_taskbar )
s_taskbar - > SetProgressState ( s_dialog , TBPF_NOPROGRESS ) ;
s_taskbar - > SetProgressState ( s_dialog , TBPF_INDETERMINATE ) ;
// Only launch a client executable if we're given one. If not, that's probably a cue that we're
// done with some service operation and need to go away.
if ( ! exe . AsString ( ) . IsEmpty ( ) ) {
static HANDLE ICreateProcess ( const plFileName & exe , const plString & args )
memset ( & si , 0 , sizeof ( si ) ) ;
memset ( & pi , 0 , sizeof ( pi ) ) ;
si . cb = sizeof ( si ) ;
// This event will prevent the game from restarting the patcher
HANDLE hEvent = CreateEventW ( nullptr , TRUE , FALSE , L " UruPatcherEvent " ) ;
// Fire up ye olde new process
// Create wchar things and stuff :/
plString cmd = plString : : Format ( " %s %s " , exe . AsString ( ) . c_str ( ) , args . c_str ( ) ) ;
CreateProcessW (
exe . AsString ( ) . ToWchar ( ) ,
const_cast < wchar_t * > ( cmd . ToWchar ( ) . GetData ( ) ) , // windows claims that it may modify this... let's hope that doesn't happen.
plStringBuffer < wchar_t > file = exe . AsString ( ) . ToWchar ( ) ;
plStringBuffer < wchar_t > params = cmd . ToWchar ( ) ;
// Guess what? CreateProcess isn't smart enough to throw up an elevation dialog... We need ShellExecute for that.
// But guess what? ShellExecute won't run ".exe.tmp" files. GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
BOOL result = CreateProcessW (
file ,
const_cast < wchar_t * > ( params . GetData ( ) ) ,
nullptr ,
nullptr ,
nullptr ,
plFileSystem : : GetCWD ( ) . AsString ( ) . ToWchar ( ) ,
nullptr ,
& si ,
& pi
) ;
// So maybe it needs elevation... Or maybe everything arseploded.
if ( result ! = FALSE ) {
CloseHandle ( pi . hThread ) ;
return pi . hProcess ;
} else if ( GetLastError ( ) = = ERROR_ELEVATION_REQUIRED ) {
memset ( & info , 0 , sizeof ( info ) ) ;
info . cbSize = sizeof ( info ) ;
info . lpFile = file . GetData ( ) ;
info . lpParameters = args . ToWchar ( ) ;
hsAssert ( ShellExecuteExW ( & info ) , " ShellExecuteExW phailed " ) ;
return info . hProcess ;
} else {
wchar_t buf [ 2048 ] ;
FormatMessageW (
nullptr ,
GetLastError ( ) ,
buf ,
arrsize ( buf ) ,
) ;
hsMessageBox ( buf , L " Error " , hsMessageBoxNormal , hsMessageBoxIconError ) ;
return nullptr ;
static bool IInstallRedist ( const plFileName & exe )
ISetDownloadStatus ( plString : : Format ( " Installing... %s " , exe . AsString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
Sleep ( 2500 ) ; // let's Sleep for a bit so the user can see that we're doing something before the UAC dialog pops up!
// Try to guess some arguments... Unfortunately, the file manifest format is fairly immutable.
plStringStream ss ;
if ( exe . AsString ( ) . CompareI ( " oalinst.exe " ) = = 0 )
ss < < " /s " ; // rarg nonstandard
ss < < " /q " ;
if ( exe . AsString ( ) . Find ( " vcredist " , plString : : kCaseInsensitive ) ! = - 1 )
ss < < " /norestart " ; // I don't want to image the accusations of viruses and hacking if this happened...
// Now fire up the process...
HANDLE process = ICreateProcess ( exe , ss . GetString ( ) ) ;
if ( process ) {
WaitForSingleObject ( process , INFINITE ) ;
// Get the exit code so we can indicate success/failure to the redist thread
hsAssert ( GetExitCodeProcess ( process , & code ) , " failed to get redist exit code " ) ;
CloseHandle ( process ) ;
return code ! = PLASMA_PHAILURE ;
static void ILaunchClientExecutable ( const plFileName & exe , const plString & args )
// Once we start launching something, we no longer need to trumpet any taskbar status
if ( s_taskbar )
s_taskbar - > SetProgressState ( s_dialog , TBPF_NOPROGRESS ) ;
// Only launch a client executable if we're given one. If not, that's probably a cue that we're
// done with some service operation and need to go away.
if ( ! exe . AsString ( ) . IsEmpty ( ) ) {
HANDLE hEvent = CreateEventW ( nullptr , TRUE , FALSE , L " UruPatcherEvent " ) ;
HANDLE process = ICreateProcess ( exe , args ) ;
// if this is the real game client, then we need to make sure it gets this event...
if ( plManifest : : ClientExecutable ( ) . AsString ( ) . CompareI ( exe . AsString ( ) ) = = 0 ) {
WaitForInputIdle ( pi . hProcess , 1000 ) ;
WaitForInputIdle ( process , 1000 ) ;
WaitForSingleObject ( hEvent , INFINITE ) ;
CloseHandle ( pi . hThread ) ;
CloseHandle ( pi . hProcess ) ;
CloseHandle ( process ) ;
CloseHandle ( hEvent ) ;
@ -265,19 +346,6 @@ static void IOnNetError(ENetError result, const plString& msg)
static void ISetDownloadStatus ( const plString & status )
SetDlgItemTextW ( s_dialog , IDC_TEXT , status . ToWchar ( ) ) ;
// consider this a reset of the download status...
IShowMarquee ( ) ;
SetDlgItemTextW ( s_dialog , IDC_DLSIZE , L " " ) ;
SetDlgItemTextW ( s_dialog , IDC_DLSPEED , L " " ) ;
if ( s_taskbar )
s_taskbar - > SetProgressState ( s_dialog , TBPF_INDETERMINATE ) ;
static void ISetShardStatus ( const plString & status )
SetDlgItemTextW ( s_dialog , IDC_STATUS_TEXT , status . ToWchar ( ) ) ;
@ -299,6 +367,7 @@ int __stdcall WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdL
// Let's initialize our plClientLauncher friend
s_launcher . ParseArguments ( ) ;
s_launcher . SetErrorProc ( IOnNetError ) ;
s_launcher . SetInstallerProc ( IInstallRedist ) ;
s_launcher . SetLaunchClientProc ( ILaunchClientExecutable ) ;
s_launcher . SetPatcherFactory ( IPatcherFactory ) ;
s_launcher . SetShardProc ( ISetShardStatus ) ;