CyanWorlds . com Engine - MMOG client , server and tools
Copyright ( C ) 2011 Cyan Worlds , Inc .
This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
If you modify this Program , or any covered work , by linking or
combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK , Autodesk 3 ds Max SDK ,
NVIDIA PhysX SDK , Microsoft DirectX SDK , OpenSSL library , Independent
JPEG Group JPEG library , Microsoft Windows Media SDK , or Apple QuickTime SDK
( or a modified version of those libraries ) ,
containing parts covered by the terms of the Bink SDK EULA , 3 ds Max EULA ,
PhysX SDK EULA , DirectX SDK EULA , OpenSSL and SSLeay licenses , IJG
JPEG Library README , Windows Media SDK EULA , or QuickTime SDK EULA , the
licensors of this Program grant you additional
permission to convey the resulting work . Corresponding Source for a
non - source form of such a combination shall include the source code for
the parts of OpenSSL and IJG JPEG Library used as well as that of the covered
work .
You can contact Cyan Worlds , Inc . by email legal @ cyan . com
or by snail mail at :
Cyan Worlds , Inc .
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead , WA 99021
* = = LICENSE = = */
# include <Python.h>
# include "pyKey.h"
# pragma hdrstop
# include "cyMisc.h"
# include "pyGlueHelpers.h"
# include "pyPlayer.h"
PYTHON_BASIC_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtFlashWindow , cyMisc : : FlashWindow , " Flashes the client window if it is not focused " ) ;
return PyString_FromString ( cyMisc : : GetAgeName ( ) ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION_NOARGS ( PtGetAgeInfo , " Returns ptAgeInfoStruct of the current Age " )
return cyMisc : : GetAgeInfo ( ) ;
return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong ( cyMisc : : GetAgeTime ( ) ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION_NOARGS ( PtGetPrevAgeName , " Returns filename of previous age visited " )
return PyString_FromString ( cyMisc : : GetPrevAgeName ( ) ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION_NOARGS ( PtGetPrevAgeInfo , " Returns ptAgeInfoStruct of previous age visited " )
return cyMisc : : GetPrevAgeInfo ( ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION_NOARGS ( PtGetDniTime , " Returns current D'Ni time " )
return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong ( ( unsigned long ) cyMisc : : GetDniTime ( ) ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION_NOARGS ( PtGetServerTime , " Returns the current time on the server (which is GMT) " )
return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong ( ( unsigned long ) cyMisc : : GetServerTime ( ) ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtGMTtoDniTime , args , " Params: gtime \n Converts GMT time (passed in) to D'Ni time " )
unsigned long gtime ;
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple ( args , " l " , & gtime ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtGMTtoDniTime expects a long " ) ;
return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong ( ( unsigned long ) cyMisc : : ConvertGMTtoDni ( gtime ) ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtGetClientName , args , " Params: avatarKey=None \n This will return the name of the client that is owned by the avatar \n "
" - avatarKey is the ptKey of the avatar to get the client name of. \n "
" If avatarKey is omitted then the local avatar is used " )
PyObject * keyObj = NULL ;
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple ( args , " |O " , & keyObj ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtGetClientName expects an optional ptKey " ) ;
if ( keyObj ! = NULL )
if ( ! pyKey : : Check ( keyObj ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtGetClientName expects a ptKey " ) ;
pyKey * key = pyKey : : ConvertFrom ( keyObj ) ;
return PyString_FromString ( cyMisc : : GetClientName ( * key ) . s_str ( ) ) ;
return PyString_FromString ( cyMisc : : GetLocalClientName ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION_NOARGS ( PtGetLocalAvatar , " This will return a ptSceneobject of the local avatar \n "
" - if there is no local avatar a NameError exception will happen. " )
return cyMisc : : GetLocalAvatar ( ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION_NOARGS ( PtGetLocalPlayer , " Returns a ptPlayer object of the local player " )
return cyMisc : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION_NOARGS ( PtGetPlayerList , " Returns a list of ptPlayer objects of all the remote players " )
std : : vector < PyObject * > playerList = cyMisc : : GetPlayerList ( ) ;
PyObject * retVal = PyList_New ( playerList . size ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < playerList . size ( ) ; i + + )
PyList_SetItem ( retVal , i , playerList [ i ] ) ; // steals the ref
return retVal ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION_NOARGS ( PtGetPlayerListDistanceSorted , " Returns a list of ptPlayers, sorted by distance " )
std : : vector < PyObject * > playerList = cyMisc : : GetPlayerListDistanceSorted ( ) ;
PyObject * retVal = PyList_New ( playerList . size ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < playerList . size ( ) ; i + + )
PyList_SetItem ( retVal , i , playerList [ i ] ) ; // steals the ref
return retVal ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION_NOARGS ( PtMaxListenListSize , " Returns the maximum listen number of players " )
return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong ( cyMisc : : GetMaxListenListSize ( ) ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION_NOARGS ( PtMaxListenDistSq , " Returns the maximum distance (squared) of the listen range " )
return PyFloat_FromDouble ( cyMisc : : GetMaxListenDistSq ( ) ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtGetAvatarKeyFromClientID , args , " Params: clientID \n From an integer that is the clientID, find the avatar and return its ptKey " )
int clientID ;
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple ( args , " i " , & clientID ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtGetAvatarKeyFromClientID expects an integer " ) ;
return cyMisc : : GetAvatarKeyFromClientID ( clientID ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtGetClientIDFromAvatarKey , args , " Params: avatarKey \n From a ptKey that points at an avatar, return the players clientID (integer) " )
PyObject * keyObj = NULL ;
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple ( args , " O " , & keyObj ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtGetClientIDFromAvatarKey expects a ptKey " ) ;
if ( ! pyKey : : Check ( keyObj ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtGetClientIDFromAvatarKey expects a ptKey " ) ;
pyKey * key = pyKey : : ConvertFrom ( keyObj ) ;
return PyInt_FromLong ( cyMisc : : GetClientIDFromAvatarKey ( * key ) ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION_NOARGS ( PtGetNumRemotePlayers , " Returns the number of remote players in this Age with you. " )
return PyInt_FromLong ( cyMisc : : GetNumRemotePlayers ( ) ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtValidateKey , args , " Params: key \n Returns true(1) if 'key' is valid and loaded, \n "
" otherwise returns false(0) " )
PyObject * keyObj = NULL ;
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple ( args , " O " , & keyObj ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtValidateKey expects an object " ) ;
if ( ! pyKey : : Check ( keyObj ) )
pyKey * key = pyKey : : ConvertFrom ( keyObj ) ;
PYTHON_RETURN_BOOL ( cyMisc : : ValidateKey ( * key ) ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtSendRTChat , args , " Params: fromPlayer,toPlayerList,message,flags \n Sends a realtime chat message to the list of ptPlayers \n "
" If toPlayerList is an empty list, it is a broadcast message " )
PyObject * fromPlayerObj = NULL ;
PyObject * toPlayerListObj = NULL ;
PyObject * message = NULL ;
unsigned long msgFlags ;
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple ( args , " OOOl " , & fromPlayerObj , & toPlayerListObj , & message , & msgFlags ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtSendRTChat expects a ptPlayer, a list of ptPlayers, a string, and a long " ) ;
if ( ! pyPlayer : : Check ( fromPlayerObj ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtSendRTChat expects a ptPlayer, a list of ptPlayers, a string, and a long " ) ;
pyPlayer * fromPlayer = pyPlayer : : ConvertFrom ( fromPlayerObj ) ;
std : : vector < pyPlayer * > toPlayerList ;
if ( PyList_Check ( toPlayerListObj ) )
int listSize = PyList_Size ( toPlayerListObj ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < listSize ; i + + )
PyObject * listItem = PyList_GetItem ( toPlayerListObj , i ) ;
if ( ! pyPlayer : : Check ( listItem ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtSendRTChat expects a ptPlayer, a list of ptPlayers, a string, and a long " ) ;
toPlayerList . push_back ( pyPlayer : : ConvertFrom ( listItem ) ) ;
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtSendRTChat expects a ptPlayer, a list of ptPlayers, a string, and a long " ) ;
if ( PyString_Check ( message ) )
char * msg = PyString_AsString ( message ) ;
return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong ( cyMisc : : SendRTChat ( * fromPlayer , toPlayerList , msg , msgFlags ) ) ;
else if ( PyUnicode_Check ( message ) )
int size = PyUnicode_GetSize ( message ) ;
wchar_t * msg = new wchar_t [ size + 1 ] ; msg [ size ] = 0 ;
PyUnicode_AsWideChar ( ( PyUnicodeObject * ) message , msg , size ) ;
uint32_t retval = cyMisc : : SendRTChat ( * fromPlayer , toPlayerList , msg , msgFlags ) ;
delete msg ;
return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong ( retval ) ;
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtSendRTChat expects a ptPlayer, a list of ptPlayers, a string, and a long " ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtSendKIMessage , args , " Params: command,value \n Sends a command message to the KI frontend. \n "
" See PlasmaKITypes.py for list of commands " )
unsigned long command ;
PyObject * val ;
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple ( args , " lO " , & command , & val ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtSendKIMessage expects a long and either a float or a string " ) ;
if ( PyString_Check ( val ) )
char * strValue = PyString_AsString ( val ) ;
wchar_t * temp = hsStringToWString ( strValue ) ;
cyMisc : : SendKIMessageS ( command , temp ) ;
delete [ ] temp ;
else if ( PyUnicode_Check ( val ) )
int len = PyUnicode_GetSize ( val ) ;
wchar_t * buffer = new wchar_t [ len + 1 ] ;
PyUnicode_AsWideChar ( ( PyUnicodeObject * ) val , buffer , len ) ;
buffer [ len ] = L ' \0 ' ;
cyMisc : : SendKIMessageS ( command , buffer ) ;
delete [ ] buffer ;
else if ( PyFloat_Check ( val ) )
float floatValue = ( float ) PyFloat_AsDouble ( val ) ;
cyMisc : : SendKIMessage ( command , floatValue ) ;
else if ( PyInt_Check ( val ) )
// accepting an int if people get lazy
float floatValue = ( float ) PyInt_AsLong ( val ) ;
cyMisc : : SendKIMessage ( command , floatValue ) ;
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtSendKIMessage expects a long and either a float or a string " ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtSendKIMessageInt , args , " Params: command,value \n Same as PtSendKIMessage except the value is guaranteed to be a uint32_t \n "
" (for things like player IDs) " )
unsigned long command ;
long val ;
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple ( args , " ll " , & command , & val ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtSendKIMessageInt expects two longs " ) ;
cyMisc : : SendKIMessageI ( command , val ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtLoadAvatarModel , args , " Params: modelName, spawnPoint, userStr = \" \" \n Loads an avatar model at the given spawn point. Assigns the user specified string to it. " )
char * modelName ;
PyObject * keyObj = NULL ;
PyObject * userStrObj = NULL ;
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple ( args , " sO|O " , & modelName , & keyObj , & userStrObj ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtLoadAvatarModel expects a string, a ptKey, and an optional string " ) ;
if ( ! pyKey : : Check ( keyObj ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtLoadAvatarModel expects a string, a ptKey, and an optional string " ) ;
pyKey * key = pyKey : : ConvertFrom ( keyObj ) ;
std : : string userStr = " " ;
// convert name from a string or unicode string
if ( userStrObj )
if ( PyUnicode_Check ( userStrObj ) )
int len = PyUnicode_GetSize ( userStrObj ) ;
wchar_t * buffer = new wchar_t [ len + 1 ] ;
PyUnicode_AsWideChar ( ( PyUnicodeObject * ) userStrObj , buffer , len ) ;
buffer [ len ] = L ' \0 ' ;
char * temp = hsWStringToString ( buffer ) ;
delete [ ] buffer ;
userStr = temp ;
delete [ ] temp ;
else if ( PyString_Check ( userStrObj ) )
userStr = PyString_AsString ( userStrObj ) ;
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtLoadAvatarModel expects a string, a ptKey, and an optional string " ) ;
return cyMisc : : LoadAvatarModel ( modelName , * key , userStr . c_str ( ) ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtUnLoadAvatarModel , args , " Params: avatarKey \n Forcibly unloads the specified avatar model. \n "
" Do not use this method unless you require fine-grained control of avatar unloading. " )
PyObject * keyObj = NULL ;
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple ( args , " O " , & keyObj ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtUnLoadAvatarModel expects a ptKey " ) ;
if ( ! pyKey : : Check ( keyObj ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtUnLoadAvatarModel expects a ptKey " ) ;
pyKey * key = pyKey : : ConvertFrom ( keyObj ) ;
cyMisc : : UnLoadAvatarModel ( * key ) ;
PYTHON_BASIC_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtForceCursorHidden , cyMisc : : ForceCursorHidden , " Forces the cursor to hide, overriding everything. \n "
" Only call if other methods won't work. The only way to show the cursor after this call is PtForceMouseShown() " )
PYTHON_BASIC_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtForceCursorShown , cyMisc : : ForceCursorShown , " Forces the cursor to show, overriding everything. \n "
" Only call if other methods won't work. This is the only way to show the cursor after a call to PtForceMouseHidden() " )
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtGetLocalizedString , args , " Params: name, arguments=None \n Returns the localized string specified by name "
" (format is Age.Set.Name) and substitutes the arguments in the list of strings passed in as arguments. " )
PyObject * nameObj = NULL ;
PyObject * argObj = NULL ;
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple ( args , " O|O " , & nameObj , & argObj ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtGetLocalizedString expects a unicode string and a list of unicode strings " ) ;
std : : wstring name ;
std : : vector < std : : wstring > argList ;
// convert name from a string or unicode string
if ( PyUnicode_Check ( nameObj ) )
int len = PyUnicode_GetSize ( nameObj ) ;
wchar_t * buffer = new wchar_t [ len + 1 ] ;
PyUnicode_AsWideChar ( ( PyUnicodeObject * ) nameObj , buffer , len ) ;
buffer [ len ] = L ' \0 ' ;
name = buffer ;
delete [ ] buffer ;
else if ( PyString_Check ( nameObj ) )
char * temp = PyString_AsString ( nameObj ) ;
wchar_t * wTemp = hsStringToWString ( temp ) ;
name = wTemp ;
delete [ ] wTemp ;
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtGetLocalizedString expects a unicode string and a list of unicode strings " ) ;
if ( argObj ! = NULL ) // NULL is valid... but won't fill the args vector
// convert args from a list of strings or unicode strings
if ( ! PyList_Check ( argObj ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtGetLocalizedString expects a unicode string and a list of unicode strings " ) ;
int len = PyList_Size ( argObj ) ;
for ( int curItem = 0 ; curItem < len ; curItem + + )
PyObject * item = PyList_GetItem ( argObj , curItem ) ;
std : : wstring arg = L " INVALID ARG " ;
if ( item = = Py_None ) // none is allowed, but treated as a blank string
arg = L " " ;
else if ( PyUnicode_Check ( item ) )
int strLen = PyUnicode_GetSize ( item ) ;
wchar_t * buffer = new wchar_t [ strLen + 1 ] ;
PyUnicode_AsWideChar ( ( PyUnicodeObject * ) item , buffer , strLen ) ;
buffer [ strLen ] = L ' \0 ' ;
arg = buffer ;
delete [ ] buffer ;
else if ( PyString_Check ( item ) )
char * temp = PyString_AsString ( item ) ;
wchar_t * wTemp = hsStringToWString ( temp ) ;
arg = wTemp ;
delete [ ] wTemp ;
// everything else won't throw an error, but will show up as INVALID ARG in the string
argList . push_back ( arg ) ;
std : : wstring retVal = cyMisc : : GetLocalizedString ( name , argList ) ;
return PyUnicode_FromWideChar ( retVal . c_str ( ) , retVal . length ( ) ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION ( PtDumpLogs , args , " Params: folder \n Dumps all current log files to the specified folder (a sub-folder to the log folder) " )
PyObject * folderObj = NULL ;
if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple ( args , " O|O " , & folderObj ) )
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtDumpLogs expects a unicode or standard string " ) ;
// convert folder from a string or unicode string
if ( PyUnicode_Check ( folderObj ) )
int len = PyUnicode_GetSize ( folderObj ) ;
wchar_t * buffer = new wchar_t [ len + 1 ] ;
PyUnicode_AsWideChar ( ( PyUnicodeObject * ) folderObj , buffer , len ) ;
buffer [ len ] = L ' \0 ' ;
bool retVal = cyMisc : : DumpLogs ( buffer ) ;
delete [ ] buffer ;
else if ( PyString_Check ( folderObj ) )
char * temp = PyString_AsString ( folderObj ) ;
wchar_t * wTemp = hsStringToWString ( temp ) ;
bool retVal = cyMisc : : DumpLogs ( wTemp ) ;
delete [ ] wTemp ;
PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError , " PtDumpLogs expects a unicode or standard string " ) ;
// AddPlasmaMethods - the python method definitions
void cyMisc : : AddPlasmaMethods ( std : : vector < PyMethodDef > & methods )
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtFlashWindow ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtGetAgeName ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtGetAgeInfo ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtGetAgeTime ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtGetPrevAgeName ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtGetPrevAgeInfo ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtGetDniTime ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtGetServerTime ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD ( methods , PtGMTtoDniTime ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD ( methods , PtGetClientName ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtGetLocalAvatar ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtGetLocalPlayer ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtGetPlayerList ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtGetPlayerListDistanceSorted ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtMaxListenListSize ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtMaxListenDistSq ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD ( methods , PtGetAvatarKeyFromClientID ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD ( methods , PtGetClientIDFromAvatarKey ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS ( methods , PtGetNumRemotePlayers ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD ( methods , PtValidateKey ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD ( methods , PtSendRTChat ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD ( methods , PtSendKIMessage ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD ( methods , PtSendKIMessageInt ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD ( methods , PtLoadAvatarModel ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD ( methods , PtUnLoadAvatarModel ) ;
PYTHON_BASIC_GLOBAL_METHOD ( methods , PtForceCursorHidden ) ;
PYTHON_BASIC_GLOBAL_METHOD ( methods , PtForceCursorShown ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD ( methods , PtGetLocalizedString ) ;
PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD ( methods , PtDumpLogs ) ;
AddPlasmaMethods2 ( methods ) ;
AddPlasmaMethods3 ( methods ) ;
AddPlasmaMethods4 ( methods ) ;