@ -203,6 +203,107 @@ class PlasmaPanicLinkRegion(PlasmaModifierProperties):
return True |
reverb_flags = [("kDecayTimeScale", "Decay Time Scale", "Reverberation decay time"), |
("kReflectionsScale", "Reflections Scale", "Reflection level"), |
("kReflectionsDelayScale", "Reflections Delay Scale", "Initial reflection delay time"), |
("kReverbScale", "Reverb Scale", "Reverberation level"), |
("kReverbDelayScale", "Reverb Delay Scale", "Late reverberation delay time"), |
("kEchoTimeScale", "Echo Time Scale", "Echo time"), |
("kModulationTimeScale", "Modulation Time Scale", "Modulation time"), |
("kDecayHFLimit", "Decay HF Limit", "Limits high-frequency decay time according to air absorption")] |
class PlasmaReverbRegion(PlasmaModifierProperties): |
pl_id = "reverb" |
pl_depends = {"softvolume"} |
bl_category = "Region" |
bl_label = "Sound Reverb Region" |
bl_description = "Sound Reverberation (EAX) Region" |
bl_icon = "IPO_ELASTIC" |
preset = EnumProperty(name="Environment Preset", |
description="The type of audio environment to simulate", |
items=[("generic", "Generic", "A generic-sounding environment with light reverberation"), |
("stoneroom", "Stone Room", ""), |
("custom", "Custom", "Your own environment")], |
default="generic", |
options=set()) |
# TODO - min/max/percentages |
environment_size = FloatProperty(name="Environment Size", description="Environment Size", |
default=7.5, min=1.0, max=100.0) |
environment_diffusion = FloatProperty(name="Environment Diffusion", description="Environment Diffusion", |
default=1.0, min=0.0, max=1.0) |
room = IntProperty(name="Room", description="Room", |
default=-1000, min=-10000, max=0) |
room_hf = IntProperty(name="Room HF", description="Room High Frequency", |
default=-100, min=-10000, max=0) |
room_lf = IntProperty(name="Room LF", description="Room Low Frequency", |
default=0, min=-10000, max=0) |
decay_time = FloatProperty(name="Decay Time", description="Decay Time", |
default=1.49, min=0.1, max=20.0) |
decay_hf_ratio = FloatProperty(name="Decay HF Ratio", description="Decay High Frequency Ratio", |
default=0.83, min=0.1, max=2.0) |
decay_lf_ratio = FloatProperty(name="Decay LF Ratio", description="Decay Low Frequency Ratio", |
default=1.0, min=0.1, max=2.0) |
reflections = IntProperty(name="Reflections", description="Reflections", |
default=-2602, min=-10000, max=1000) |
reflections_delay = FloatProperty(name="Reflections Delay", description="Reflections Delay", |
default=0.007, min=0.0, max=0.3) |
reverb = IntProperty(name="Reverb", description="Reverb", |
default=200, min=-10000, max=2000) |
reverb_delay = FloatProperty(name="Reverb Delay", description="Reverb Delay", |
default=0.011, min=0.0, max=0.3) |
echo_time = FloatProperty(name="Echo Time", description="Echo Time", |
default=0.25, min=0.1, max=0.5) |
echo_depth = FloatProperty(name="Echo Depth", description="Echo Depth", |
default=0.0, min=0.0, max=1.0) |
modulation_time = FloatProperty(name="Modulation Time", description="Modulation Time", |
default=0.25, min=0.1, max=5.0) |
modulation_depth = FloatProperty(name="Modulation Depth", description="Modulation Depth", |
default=0.0, min=0.0, max=1.0) |
air_absorption_hf = FloatProperty(name="Air Absorption HF", description="Air Absorption High Frequency", |
default=-5.0, min=-10.0, max=0.0) |
hf_reference = FloatProperty(name="HF reference", description="High Frequency Reference", |
default=5000.0, min=1000.0, max=20000.0) |
lf_reference = FloatProperty(name="LF reference", description="Low Frequency Reference", |
default=250.0, min=20.0, max=1000.0) |
# room_rolloff_factor = FloatProperty(name="Room Rolloff Factor", description="Room Rolloff Factor", |
# default=0.0, min=0.0, max=1.0) |
flags = EnumProperty(name="Flags", |
description="Reverb flags", |
items=reverb_flags, |
default={ "kDecayTimeScale", "kReflectionsScale", "kReflectionsDelayScale", |
"kReverbScale", "kReverbDelayScale", "kEchoTimeScale"}, |
options={"ENUM_FLAG"}) |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
eax_listener = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plEAXListenerMod, so=so) |
# TODO - auto-set environment to 26 if using custom values. |
""" |
if self.preset == "generic": |
camera_so_key = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=self.camera_object) |
camera_props = self.camera_object.data.plasma_camera.settings |
# Setup physical stuff |
phys_mod = bo.plasma_modifiers.collision |
exporter.physics.generate_physical(bo, so, member_group="kGroupDetector", |
report_groups=["kGroupAvatar"], |
properties=["kPinned"]) |
# I don't feel evil enough to make this generate a logic tree... |
msg = plCameraMsg() |
msg.BCastFlags |= plMessage.kLocalPropagate | plMessage.kBCastByType |
msg.setCmd(plCameraMsg.kRegionPushCamera) |
msg.setCmd(plCameraMsg.kSetAsPrimary, camera_props.primary_camera) |
msg.newCam = camera_so_key |
region = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plCameraRegionDetector, so=so) |
region.addMessage(msg) |
""" |
class PlasmaSoftVolume(idprops.IDPropMixin, PlasmaModifierProperties): |
pl_id = "softvolume" |