@ -39,11 +39,13 @@ class _RenderLevel:
_MINOR_MASK = ( ( 1 << _MAJOR_SHIFT ) - 1 )
def __init__ ( self , bo , hsgmat , pass_index , blendS pan = False ) :
def __init__ ( self , bo , hsgmat , pass_index , blend_s pan = False ) :
self . level = 0
if blendSpan :
self . major = self . MAJOR_DEFAULT
if pass_index > 0 :
self . major = self . MAJOR_FRAMEBUF
self . minor = pass_index * 4
else :
self . major = self . MAJOR_BLEND if blend_span else self . MAJOR_OPAQUE
# We use the blender material's pass index (which we stashed in the hsGMaterial) to increment
# the render pass, just like it says...
@ -74,10 +76,9 @@ class _DrawableCriteria:
self . criteria = 0
if self . blend_span :
for mod in bo . plasma_modifiers . modifiers :
if mod . requires_face_sort :
if self . _face_sort_allowed ( bo ) :
self . criteria | = plDrawable . kCritSortFaces
if mod . requires_span_sort :
if self . _span_sort_allowed ( bo ) :
self . criteria | = plDrawable . kCritSortSpans
self . render_level = _RenderLevel ( bo , hsgmat , pass_index , self . blend_span )
@ -92,6 +93,16 @@ class _DrawableCriteria:
def __hash__ ( self ) :
return hash ( self . render_level ) ^ hash ( self . blend_span ) ^ hash ( self . criteria )
def _face_sort_allowed ( self , bo ) :
# For now, only test the modifiers
# This will need to be tweaked further for GUIs...
return not any ( ( i . no_face_sort for i in bo . plasma_modifiers . modifiers ) )
def _span_sort_allowed ( self , bo ) :
# For now, only test the modifiers
# This will need to be tweaked further for GUIs...
return not any ( ( i . no_face_sort for i in bo . plasma_modifiers . modifiers ) )
def span_type ( self ) :
if self . blend_span :