@ -22,9 +22,133 @@ from PyHSPlasma import *
from ... import korlib |
from .base import PlasmaModifierProperties |
from .physics import surface_types |
from ...exporter import ExportError |
from ... import idprops |
_randomsound_modes = { |
"normal": plRandomSoundMod.kNormal, |
"norepeat": plRandomSoundMod.kNoRepeats, |
"coverall": plRandomSoundMod.kCoverall | plRandomSoundMod.kNoRepeats, |
"sequential": plRandomSoundMod.kSequential |
} |
class PlasmaRandomSound(PlasmaModifierProperties): |
pl_id = "random_sound" |
pl_depends = {"soundemit"} |
bl_category = "Logic" |
bl_label = "Random Sound" |
bl_description = "" |
mode = EnumProperty(name="Mode", |
description="Playback Type", |
items=[("random", "Random Time", "Plays a random sound from the emitter at a random time"), |
("collision", "Collision Surface", "Plays a random sound when the object's parent collides")], |
default="random", |
options=set()) |
# Physical (read: collision) sounds |
play_on = EnumProperty(name="Play On", |
description="Play sounds on this collision event", |
items=[("slide", "Slide", "Plays a random sound on object slide"), |
("impact", "Impact", "Plays a random sound on object slide")], |
options=set()) |
surfaces = EnumProperty(name="Play Against", |
description="Sounds are played on collision against these surfaces", |
items=surface_types[1:], |
options={"ENUM_FLAG"}) |
# Timed random sounds |
auto_start = BoolProperty(name="Auto Start", |
description="Start playing when the Age loads", |
default=True, |
options=set()) |
play_mode = EnumProperty(name="Play Mode", |
description="", |
items=[("normal", "Any", "Plays any attached sound"), |
("norepeat", "No Repeats", "Do not replay a sound immediately after itself"), |
("coverall", "Full Set", "Once a sound is played, do not replay it until after all sounds are played"), |
("sequential", "Sequential", "Play sounds in the order they appear in the emitter")], |
default="norepeat", |
options=set()) |
stop_after_set = BoolProperty(name="Stop After Set", |
description="Stop playing after all sounds are played", |
default=False, |
options=set()) |
stop_after_play = BoolProperty(name="Stop After Play", |
description="Stop playing after one sound is played", |
default=False, |
options=set()) |
min_delay = FloatProperty(name="Min Delay", |
description="Minimum delay length", |
min=0.0, |
subtype="TIME", unit="TIME", |
options=set()) |
max_delay = FloatProperty(name="Max Delay", |
description="Maximum delay length", |
min=0.0, |
subtype="TIME", unit="TIME", |
options=set()) |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
rndmod = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plRandomSoundMod, bl=bo, so=so) |
if self.mode == "random": |
if not self.auto_start: |
rndmod.state = plRandomSoundMod.kStopped |
if self.stop_after_play: |
rndmod.mode |= plRandomSoundMod.kOneCmd |
else: |
rndmod.minDelay = min(self.min_delay, self.max_delay) |
rndmod.maxDelay = max(self.min_delay, self.max_delay) |
# Delaying from the start makes ZERO sense. Screw that. |
rndmod.mode |= plRandomSoundMod.kDelayFromEnd |
rndmod.mode |= _randomsound_modes[self.play_mode] |
if self.stop_after_set: |
rndmod.mode |= plRandomSoundMod.kOneCycle |
elif self.mode == "collision": |
rndmod.mode = plRandomSoundMod.kNoRepeats | plRandomSoundMod.kOneCmd |
rndmod.state = plRandomSoundMod.kStopped |
else: |
raise RuntimeError() |
def post_export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
if self.mode == "collision": |
parent_bo = bo.parent |
if parent_bo is None: |
raise ExportError("[{}]: Collision sound objects MUST be parented directly to the collider object.", bo.name) |
phys = exporter.mgr.find_object(plGenericPhysical, bl=parent_bo) |
if phys is None: |
raise ExportError("[{}]: Collision sound objects MUST be parented directly to the collider object.", bo.name) |
# The soundGroup on the physical may or may not be the generic "this is my surface type" |
# soundGroup with no actual sounds attached. So, we need to lookup the actual one. |
sndgroup = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plPhysicalSndGroup, bl=parent_bo) |
sndgroup.group = getattr(plPhysicalSndGroup, parent_bo.plasma_modifiers.collision.surface) |
phys.soundGroup = sndgroup.key |
rndmod = exporter.mgr.find_key(plRandomSoundMod, bl=bo, so=so) |
if self.play_on == "slide": |
groupattr = "slideSounds" |
elif self.play_on == "impact": |
groupattr = "impactSounds" |
else: |
raise RuntimeError() |
sounds = { i: sound for i, sound in enumerate(getattr(sndgroup, groupattr)) } |
for surface_name in self.surfaces: |
surface_id = getattr(plPhysicalSndGroup, surface_name) |
if surface_id in sounds: |
exporter.report.warn("Overwriting physical {} surface '{}' ID:{}", |
groupattr, surface_name, surface_id, indent=2) |
else: |
exporter.report.msg("Got physical {} surface '{}' ID:{}", |
groupattr, surface_name, surface_id, indent=2) |
sounds[surface_id] = rndmod |
# Keeps the LUT (or should that be lookup vector?) as small as possible |
setattr(sndgroup, groupattr, [sounds.get(i) for i in range(max(sounds.keys()) + 1)]) |
class PlasmaSfxFade(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): |
fade_type = EnumProperty(name="Type", |
description="Fade Type", |