@ -14,25 +14,20 @@
# along with Korman. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import threading
import time
class ExportLogger :
class _ ExportLogger:
def __init__ ( self , age_path = None ) :
self . _porting = [ ]
self . _warnings = [ ]
self . _age_path = Path ( age_path ) if age_path is not None else None
self . _file = None
self . _progress_steps = [ ]
self . _step_id = - 1
self . _step_max = 0
self . _step_progress = 0
self . _time_start_overall = 0
self . _time_start_step = 0
def __enter__ ( self ) :
assert self . _age_path is not None
@ -46,6 +41,62 @@ class ExportLogger:
self . _file . close ( )
return False
def msg ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
assert args
if self . _file is not None :
indent = kwargs . get ( " indent " , 0 )
msg = " {} {} " . format ( " " * indent , args [ 0 ] )
if len ( args ) > 1 :
msg = msg . format ( * args [ 1 : ] , * * kwargs )
self . _file . writelines ( ( msg , " \n " ) )
def port ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
assert args
indent = kwargs . get ( " indent " , 0 )
msg = " {} PORTING: {} " . format ( " " * indent , args [ 0 ] )
if len ( args ) > 1 :
msg = msg . format ( * args [ 1 : ] , * * kwargs )
if self . _file is not None :
self . _file . writelines ( ( msg , " \n " ) )
self . _porting . append ( args [ 0 ] )
def save ( self ) :
def warn ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
assert args
indent = kwargs . get ( " indent " , 0 )
msg = " {} WARNING: {} " . format ( " " * indent , args [ 0 ] )
if len ( args ) > 1 :
msg = msg . format ( * args [ 1 : ] , * * kwargs )
if self . _file is not None :
self . _file . writelines ( ( msg , " \n " ) )
self . _warnings . append ( args [ 0 ] )
class ExportProgressLogger ( _ExportLogger ) :
def __init__ ( self , age_path = None ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( age_path )
# Long running operations like the Blender bake_image call make it seem like we've hung
# because it is difficult to inspect the progress of Blender's internal operators. The best
# solution here is to move printing into a thread that can detect long-running ops and display
# something visible such as a moving elipsis
self . _thread = threading . Thread ( target = self . _progress_thread )
self . _queued_lines = [ ]
self . _print_condition = threading . Condition ( )
self . _volatile_line = " "
# Progress manager
self . _progress_alive = False
self . _progress_steps = [ ]
self . _step_id = - 1
self . _step_max = 0
self . _step_progress = 0
self . _time_start_overall = 0
self . _time_start_step = 0
def progress_add_step ( self , name ) :
assert self . _step_id == - 1
self . _progress_steps . append ( name )
@ -72,13 +123,19 @@ class ExportLogger:
assert self . _step_id + 1 == len ( self . _progress_steps )
export_time = time . perf_counter ( ) - self . _time_start_overall
with self . _print_condition :
if self . _age_path is not None :
self . msg ( " \n Exported ' {} ' in {:.2f} s " , self . _age_path . name , export_time )
print ( " \n EXPORTED ' {} ' IN {:.2f} s " . format ( self . _age_path . name , export_time ) )
self . _progress_ print_line ( " \n EXPORTED ' {} ' IN {:.2f} s " . format ( self . _age_path . name , export_time ) )
else :
print ( " \n COMPLETED IN {:.2f} s " . format ( export_time ) )
self . _progress_ print_line ( " \n COMPLETED IN {:.2f} s " . format ( export_time ) )
self . _progress_print_heading ( )
print ( )
self . _progress_print_line ( " " )
self . _progress_alive = False
# Ensure the got dawg thread goes good-bye
self . _thread . join ( timeout = 5.0 )
assert not self . _thread . is_alive ( )
def progress_increment ( self ) :
""" Increments the progress of the current step """
@ -87,28 +144,42 @@ class ExportLogger:
if self . _step_max != 0 :
self . _progress_print_step ( )
def _progress_print_line ( self , line ) :
with self . _print_condition :
self . _queued_lines . append ( line )
self . _print_condition . notify ( )
def _progress_print_volatile ( self , line ) :
with self . _print_condition :
self . _volatile_line = line
self . _print_condition . notify ( )
def _progress_print_heading ( self , text = None ) :
if text :
num_chars = len ( text )
border = " - " * int ( ( _HEADING_SIZE - ( num_chars + 2 ) ) / 2 )
pad = " " if num_chars % 2 == 1 else " "
print ( border , " " , pad , text , " " , border , sep = " " )
line = " {border} {pad} {text} {border} " . format ( border = border , pad = pad , text = text )
self . _progress_print_line ( line )
else :
print ( " - " * _HEADING_SIZE )
self . _progress_ print_line ( " - " * _HEADING_SIZE )
def _progress_print_step ( self , done = False ) :
with self . _print_condition :
if done :
stage = " DONE IN {:.2f} s " . format ( time . perf_counter ( ) - self . _time_start_step )
end = " \n "
print_func = self . _progress_print_line
self . _progress_print_volatile ( " " )
else :
if self . _step_max != 0 :
stage = " {} of {} " . format ( self . _step_progress , self . _step_max )
else :
stage = " "
end = " \r "
print ( " {} \t (step {} / {} ): {} " . format ( self . _progress_steps [ self . _step_id ] , self . _step_id + 1 ,
len ( self . _progress_steps ) , stage ) ,
end = end )
print_func = self . _progress_print_volatile
line = " {} \t (step {} / {} ): {} " . format ( self . _progress_steps [ self . _step_id ] , self . _step_id + 1 ,
len ( self . _progress_steps ) , stage )
print_func ( line )
def _progress_get_max ( self ) :
return self . _step_max
@ -123,7 +194,34 @@ class ExportLogger:
self . msg ( " Exporting ' {} ' " , self . _age_path . name )
self . _progress_print_heading ( " Korman " )
self . _progress_print_heading ( action )
self . _progress_alive = True
self . _time_start_overall = time . perf_counter ( )
self . _thread . start ( )
def _progress_thread ( self ) :
num_dots = 0
while self . _progress_alive :
with self . _print_condition :
signalled = self . _print_condition . wait ( timeout = 1.0 )
print ( end = ' \r ' )
# First, we need to print out any queued whole lines.
# NOTE: no need to lock anything here as Blender uses CPython (GIL)
if self . _queued_lines :
print ( * self . _queued_lines , sep = ' \n ' )
self . _queued_lines . clear ( )
# Now, we need to print out the current volatile line, if any.
if self . _volatile_line :
print ( self . _volatile_line , end = " " )
# If the proc is long running, let us display some elipses so as to not alarm the user
if self . _time_start_step != 0 :
if ( time . perf_counter ( ) - self . _time_start_step ) > _MAX_TIME_UNTIL_ELIPSES :
num_dots = 0 if signalled or num_dots == _MAX_ELIPSES else num_dots + 1
else :
num_dots = 0
print ( ' . ' * num_dots , end = " " * ( _MAX_ELIPSES - num_dots ) )
def _progress_get_current ( self ) :
return self . _step_progress
@ -133,36 +231,3 @@ class ExportLogger:
if self . _step_max != 0 :
self . _progress_print_step ( )
progress_value = property ( _progress_get_current , _progress_set_current )
def msg ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
assert args
if self . _file is not None :
indent = kwargs . get ( " indent " , 0 )
msg = " {} {} " . format ( " " * indent , args [ 0 ] )
if len ( args ) > 1 :
msg = msg . format ( * args [ 1 : ] , * * kwargs )
self . _file . writelines ( ( msg , " \n " ) )
def port ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
assert args
indent = kwargs . get ( " indent " , 0 )
msg = " {} PORTING: {} " . format ( " " * indent , args [ 0 ] )
if len ( args ) > 1 :
msg = msg . format ( * args [ 1 : ] , * * kwargs )
if self . _file is not None :
self . _file . writelines ( ( msg , " \n " ) )
self . _porting . append ( args [ 0 ] )
def save ( self ) :
def warn ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
assert args
indent = kwargs . get ( " indent " , 0 )
msg = " {} WARNING: {} " . format ( " " * indent , args [ 0 ] )
if len ( args ) > 1 :
msg = msg . format ( * args [ 1 : ] , * * kwargs )
if self . _file is not None :
self . _file . writelines ( ( msg , " \n " ) )
self . _warnings . append ( args [ 0 ] )