Browse Source

Rudimentary material exporter

Adam Johnson 10 years ago
  1. 3
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  3. 213
  4. 48
  5. 27
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  10. 130
  11. 132
  12. 4
  13. 6

.gitignore vendored

@ -31,3 +31,6 @@ pip-log.txt
*.komodoproject *.komodoproject
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# Korlib build


@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9)
find_package(HSPlasma REQUIRED)
find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)
find_package(PythonLibs REQUIRED)
add_library(korlib SHARED ${korlib_HEADERS} ${korlib_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(korlib HSPlasma ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES} ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES})
set_target_properties(korlib PROPERTIES SUFFIX ".pyd")
source_group("Header Files" FILES ${korlib_HEADERS})
source_group("Source Files" FILES ${korlib_SOURCES})


@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
/* This file is part of Korman.
* Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Korman. If not, see <>.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <tuple>
#ifdef _WINDOWS
# define NOMINMAX
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# include <windows.h>
# define GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP 0x8191
#endif // _WINDOWS
#include <gl/gl.h>
#include <ResManager/plFactory.h>
#include <PRP/Surface/plMipmap.h>
#include <Python.h>
#include "pyMipmap.h"
#include "utils.hpp"
// ========================================================================
class gl_loadimage
bool m_weLoadedIt;
bool m_success;
GLint m_genMipMapState;
korlib::pyref m_image;
gl_loadimage(const korlib::pyref& image) : m_success(true), m_image(image)
size_t bindcode = korlib::getattr<size_t>(image, "bindcode");
m_weLoadedIt = (bindcode == 0);
if (m_weLoadedIt) {
m_success = (korlib::call_method<size_t>(image, "gl_load") == 0);
bindcode = korlib::getattr<size_t>(image, "bindcode");
if (m_success) {
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, bindcode);
// We want to gen mipmaps
// This requires OpenGL 1.4, which is above Windows' "built-in" headers (1.1)
// It was also deprecated in 3.0, and removed in 3.1.
// In other words, we should probably use glGenerateMipmap (3.0) or Blender's scale function
glGetTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, &m_genMipMapState);
if (m_success && m_weLoadedIt)
korlib::call_method<size_t>(m_image, "gl_free");
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, m_genMipMapState);
bool success() const { return m_success; }
// ========================================================================
typedef std::tuple<size_t, size_t> imagesize_t;
/** Gets the dimensions of a Blender Image in pixels (WxH) */
static imagesize_t get_image_size(PyObject* image)
korlib::pyref size = PyObject_GetAttrString(image, "size");
size_t width = PyLong_AsSize_t(PySequence_GetItem(size, 0));
size_t height = PyLong_AsSize_t(PySequence_GetItem(size, 1));
return std::make_tuple(width, height);
static void resize_image(PyObject* image, size_t width, size_t height)
korlib::pyref _w = PyLong_FromSize_t(width);
korlib::pyref _h = PyLong_FromSize_t(height);
korlib::pyref callable = korlib::getattr<PyObject*>(image, "scale");
korlib::pyref result = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(callable, _w, _h);
// ========================================================================
static void stuff_mip_level(plMipmap* mipmap, size_t level, PyObject* image, bool alphaChannel, bool calcAlpha)
GLint format = alphaChannel ? GL_RGBA : GL_RGB;
uint8_t bytesPerPixel = alphaChannel ? 4 : 3;
// How big is this doggone level?
GLint width, height;
glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, &width);
glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, &height);
print(" Level %d: %dx%d...", level, width, height);
// Grab the stuff from the place and the things
size_t dataSize = width * height * bytesPerPixel;
uint8_t* data = new uint8_t[dataSize]; // optimization: use stack for small images...
glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
// Need to calculate alpha?
if (alphaChannel && calcAlpha) {
uint8_t* ptr = data;
uint8_t* end = data + dataSize;
while (ptr < end) {
uint8_t r = *ptr++;
uint8_t g = *ptr++;
uint8_t b = *ptr++;
*ptr++ = (r + g + b) / 255;
// Stuff into plMipmap. Unfortunately, it's not smart enough to just work, so we have to do
// a little bit of TESTing here.
try {
mipmap->CompressImage(level, data, dataSize);
} catch (hsNotImplementedException&) {
mipmap->setLevelData(level, data, dataSize);
delete[] data;
// ========================================================================
extern "C" PyObject* generate_mipmap(PyObject*, PyObject* args)
// Convert some of this Python nonsense to good old C
PyObject* blTexImage = nullptr; // unchecked... better be right
PyObject* pymm = nullptr;
if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO", &blTexImage, &pymm) && blTexImage && pymm) {
// Since we can't link with PyHSPlasma easily, let's do some roundabout type-checking
korlib::pyref classindex = PyObject_CallMethod(pymm, "ClassIndex", "");
static short mipmap_classindex = plFactory::ClassIndex("plMipmap");
if (PyLong_AsLong(classindex) != mipmap_classindex) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "generate_mipmap expects a Blender ImageTexture and a plMipmap");
return nullptr;
} else {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "generate_mipmap expects a Blender ImageTexture and a plMipmap");
return nullptr;
// Grab the important stuff
plMipmap* mipmap = ((pyMipmap*)pymm)->fThis;
korlib::pyref blImage = korlib::getattr<PyObject*>(blTexImage, "image");
bool makeMipMap = korlib::getattr<bool>(blTexImage, "use_mipmap");
bool useAlpha = korlib::getattr<bool>(blTexImage, "use_alpha");
bool calcAlpha = korlib::getattr<bool>(blTexImage, "use_calculate_alpha");
// Okay, so, here are the assumptions.
// We assume that the Korman Python code as already created the mipmap's key and named it appropriately
// So, if we're mipmapping nb01StoneSquareCobble.tga -> as the key name
// What we now need to do:
// 1) Make sure this is a POT texture (if not, call scale on the Blender Image)
// 2) Check calcAlpha and all that rubbish--det DXT1/DXT5/uncompressed
// 3) "Create" the plMipmap--this allocates internal buffers and such
// 4) Loop through the levels, going down through the POTs and fill in the pixel data
// The reason we do this in C instead of python is because it's a lot of iterating over a lot of
// floating point data (we have to convert to RGB8888, joy). Should be faster here!
print("Exporting '%s'...", mipmap->getKey()->getName().cstr());
// Step 1: Resize to POT (if needed) -- don't rely on GLU for this because it may not suppport
// NPOT if we're being run on some kind of dinosaur...
imagesize_t dimensions = get_image_size(blImage);
size_t width = pow(2., korlib::log2(static_cast<double>(std::get<0>(dimensions))));
size_t height = pow(2., korlib::log2(static_cast<double>(std::get<1>(dimensions))));
if (std::get<0>(dimensions) != width || std::get<1>(dimensions) != height) {
print("\tImage is not a POT (%dx%d)... resizing to %dx%d", std::get<0>(dimensions),
std::get<1>(dimensions), width, height);
resize_image(blImage, width, height);
// Steps 2+3: Translate flags and pass to plMipmap::Create
// TODO: PNG compression for lossless images
uint8_t numLevels = (makeMipMap) ? 0 : 1; // 0 means "you figure it out"
uint8_t compType = (makeMipMap) ? plBitmap::kDirectXCompression : plBitmap::kUncompressed;
bool alphaChannel = useAlpha || calcAlpha;
mipmap->Create(width, height, numLevels, compType, plBitmap::kRGB8888, alphaChannel ? plBitmap::kDXT5 : plBitmap::kDXT1);
// Step 3.9: Load the image into OpenGL
gl_loadimage guard(blImage);
if (!guard.success()) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "failed to load image into OpenGL");
return nullptr;
// Step 4: Now it's a matter of looping through all the levels and exporting the image
for (size_t i = 0; i < mipmap->getNumLevels(); ++i) {
stuff_mip_level(mipmap, i, blImage, alphaChannel, calcAlpha);


@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
/* This file is part of Korman.
* Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Korman. If not, see <>.
#include <Python.h>
// ========================================================================
extern "C" PyObject* generate_mipmap(PyObject*, PyObject*);
// ========================================================================
static struct PyMethodDef s_korlibMethods[] =
{ "generate_mipmap", generate_mipmap, METH_VARARGS, "Generates a new plMipmap from a Blender ImageTexture" },
{ nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr },
static struct PyModuleDef s_korlibModule = {
#define ADD_CONSTANT(module, name) \
PyModule_AddIntConstant(module, #name, korlib::name)
PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_korlib()
PyObject* module = PyModule_Create(&s_korlibModule);
// Done!
return module;


@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
/* This file is part of Korman.
* Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Korman. If not, see <>.
* \file Declarations required to interop with PyHSPlasma's pyMipmap
#include <Python.h>
typedef struct {
class plMipmap* fThis;
bool fPyOwned;
} pyMipmap;


@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
/* This file is part of Korman.
* Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Korman. If not, see <>.
#include <Python.h>
#define print(fmt, ...) PySys_WriteStdout(" " fmt "\n", __VA_ARGS__)
namespace korlib
/** RAII for PyObject pointers */
class pyref
PyObject* _ref;
pyref(PyObject* o) : _ref(o) { }
pyref(const pyref& copy) : _ref((PyObject*)copy)
operator PyObject*() const { return _ref; }
template<typename T>
T call_method(PyObject* o, const char* method);
size_t call_method(PyObject* o, const char* method)
pyref retval = PyObject_CallMethod(o, const_cast<char*>(method), "");
if ((PyObject*)retval)
return PyLong_AsSize_t(retval);
return static_cast<size_t>(-1);
template<typename T>
T getattr(PyObject* o, const char* name);
bool getattr(PyObject* o, const char* name)
pyref attr = PyObject_GetAttrString(o, name);
return PyLong_AsLong(attr) != 0;
PyObject* getattr(PyObject* o, const char* name)
return PyObject_GetAttrString(o, name);
size_t getattr(PyObject* o, const char* name)
pyref attr = PyObject_GetAttrString(o, name);
return PyLong_AsSize_t(attr);
/** MSVC++ is not C99 compliant :( */
double log2(double v)
static double hack = log(2.);
return log(v) / hack;
#endif // __KORLIB_UTILS_HPP


@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Exporter:
# Step 0: Init export resmgr and stuff # Step 0: Init export resmgr and stuff
self.mgr = manager.ExportManager(globals()[self._op.version]) self.mgr = manager.ExportManager(globals()[self._op.version])
self.mesh = mesh.MeshConverter(self.mgr) self.mesh = mesh.MeshConverter(self) = logger.ExportAnalysis() = logger.ExportAnalysis()
# Step 1: Gather a list of objects that we need to export # Step 1: Gather a list of objects that we need to export
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class Exporter:
if childobj: if childobj:
parent = bo.parent parent = bo.parent
if parent.plasma_object.enabled: if parent.plasma_object.enabled:
print("\tAttaching to parent SceneObject '{}'".format( print(" Attaching to parent SceneObject '{}'".format(
# Instead of exporting a skeleton now, we'll just make an orphaned CI. # Instead of exporting a skeleton now, we'll just make an orphaned CI.
# The bl_obj export will make this work. # The bl_obj export will make this work.
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class Exporter:
print("WARNING: '{}' is a Plasma Object of Blender type '{}'".format(, bl_obj.type)) print("WARNING: '{}' is a Plasma Object of Blender type '{}'".format(, bl_obj.type))
print("... And I have NO IDEA what to do with that! Tossing.") print("... And I have NO IDEA what to do with that! Tossing.")
continue continue
print("\tBlender Object '{}' of type '{}'".format(, bl_obj.type)) print(" Blender Object '{}' of type '{}'".format(, bl_obj.type))
# Create a sceneobject if one does not exist. # Create a sceneobject if one does not exist.
# Before we call the export_fn, we need to determine if this object is an actor of any # Before we call the export_fn, we need to determine if this object is an actor of any
@ -154,4 +154,7 @@ class Exporter:
pass pass
def _export_mesh_blobj(self, so, bo): def _export_mesh_blobj(self, so, bo):
so.draw = self.mesh.export_object(bo) so.draw = self.mesh.export_object(bo)
print(" No material(s) on the ObData, so no drawables")


@ -18,6 +18,13 @@ class ExportError(Exception):
super(Exception, self).__init__(value) super(Exception, self).__init__(value)
class TooManyUVChannelsError(ExportError):
def __init__(self, obj, mat):
msg = "There are too many UV Textures on the material '{}' associated with object '{}'.".format(,
super(ExportError, self).__init__(msg)
class TooManyVerticesError(ExportError): class TooManyVerticesError(ExportError):
def __init__(self, mesh, matname, vertcount): def __init__(self, mesh, matname, vertcount):
msg = "There are too many vertices ({}) on the mesh data '{}' associated with material '{}'".format( msg = "There are too many vertices ({}) on the mesh data '{}' associated with material '{}'".format(
@ -41,3 +48,8 @@ class UndefinedPageError(ExportError):
def raise_if_error(self): def raise_if_error(self):
if self.mistakes: if self.mistakes:
raise self raise self
class UnsupportedTextureError(ExportError):
def __init__(self, texture, material):
super(ExportError, self).__init__("Cannot export texture '{}' on material '{}' -- unsupported type '{}'".format(, texture.type,


@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class ExportManager:
def create_builtins(self, age, textures): def create_builtins(self, age, textures):
# BuiltIn.prp # BuiltIn.prp
if if
builtin = self.create_page(age, "BuiltIn", -1, True) builtin = self.create_page(age, "BuiltIn", -2, True)
pfm = self.add_object(plPythonFileMod, name="VeryVerySpecialPythonFileMod", loc=builtin) pfm = self.add_object(plPythonFileMod, name="VeryVerySpecialPythonFileMod", loc=builtin)
pfm.filename = age pfm.filename = age
sdl = self.add_object(plSceneObject, name="AgeSDLHook", loc=builtin) sdl = self.add_object(plSceneObject, name="AgeSDLHook", loc=builtin)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class ExportManager:
# Textures.prp # Textures.prp
if textures: if textures:
self.create_page(age, "Textures", -2, True) self.create_page(age, "Textures", -1, True)
def create_page(self, age, name, id, builtin=False): def create_page(self, age, name, id, builtin=False):
location = plLocation(self.mgr.getVer()) location = plLocation(self.mgr.getVer())


@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import bpy
import korlib
from PyHSPlasma import *
import weakref
from . import explosions
from . import utils
class MaterialConverter:
_hsbitmaps = {}
def __init__(self, exporter):
self._exporter = weakref.ref(exporter)
def export_material(self, bo, bm):
"""Exports a Blender Material as an hsGMaterial"""
print(" Exporting Material '{}'".format(
hsgmat = self._mgr.add_object(hsGMaterial,, bl=bo)
self._export_texture_slots(bo, bm, hsgmat)
# Plasma makes several assumptions that every hsGMaterial has at least one layer. If this
# material had no Textures, we will need to initialize a default layer
if not hsgmat.layers:
layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, name="{}_AutoLayer".format(, bl=bo)
self._propagate_material_settings(bm, layer)
# Looks like we're done...
return hsgmat.key
def _export_texture_slots(self, bo, bm, hsgmat):
for slot in bm.texture_slots:
if slot is None or not slot.use:
name = "{}_{}".format(,
print(" Exporting Plasma Layer '{}'".format(name))
layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, name=name, bl=bo)
self._propagate_material_settings(bm, layer)
# UVW Channel
for i, uvchan in enumerate(
if == slot.uv_layer:
layer.UVWSrc = i
print(" Using UV Map #{} '{}'".format(i, name))
print(" No UVMap specified... Blindly using the first one, maybe it exists :|")
# General texture flags and such
texture = slot.texture
# ...
# Export the specific texture type
export_fn = "_export_texture_type_{}".format(texture.type.lower())
if not hasattr(self, export_fn):
raise explosions.UnsupportedTextureError(texture, bm)
getattr(self, export_fn)(bo, hsgmat, layer, texture)
def _export_texture_type_image(self, bo, hsgmat, layer, texture):
"""Exports a Blender ImageTexture to a plLayer"""
# First, let's apply any relevant flags
state = layer.state
if texture.invert_alpha:
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendInvertAlpha
# Now, let's export the plBitmap
# If the image is None (no image applied in Blender), we assume this is a plDynamicTextMap
# Otherwise, we create a plMipmap and call into korlib to export the pixel data
if texture.image is None:
bitmap = self.add_object(plDynamicTextMap, name="{}_DynText".format(, bl=bo)
# blender likes to create lots of spurious .0000001 objects :/
name =
name = name[:name.find('.')]
if texture.use_mipmap:
name = "{}.dds".format(name)
name = "{}.bmp".format(name)
if name in self._hsbitmaps:
# well, that was easy...
print(" Using '{}'".format(name))
layer.texture = self._hsbitmaps[name].key
location = self._mgr.get_textures_page(bo)
bitmap = self._mgr.add_object(plMipmap, name=name, loc=location)
korlib.generate_mipmap(texture, bitmap)
# Store the created plBitmap and toss onto the layer
self._hsbitmaps[name] = bitmap
layer.texture = bitmap.key
def _mgr(self):
return self._exporter().mgr
def _propagate_material_settings(self, bm, layer):
"""Converts settings from the Blender Material to corresponding plLayer settings"""
state = layer.state
# Shade Flags
if not bm.use_mist:
state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeNoFog # Dead in CWE
state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeReallyNoFog
# Colors
layer.ambient = utils.color(
layer.preshade = utils.color(bm.diffuse_color)
layer.runtime = utils.color(bm.diffuse_color)
layer.specular = utils.color(bm.specular_color)


@ -15,8 +15,10 @@
import bpy import bpy
from PyHSPlasma import * from PyHSPlasma import *
import weakref
from . import explosions from . import explosions
from . import material
from . import utils from . import utils
@ -32,9 +34,14 @@ class _RenderLevel:
_MINOR_MASK = ((1 << _MAJOR_SHIFT) - 1) _MINOR_MASK = ((1 << _MAJOR_SHIFT) - 1)
def __init__(self): def __init__(self, hsgmat, pass_index):
# TODO: Use hsGMaterial to determine major and minor
self.level = 0 self.level = 0
# We use the blender material's pass index (which we stashed in the hsGMaterial) to increment
# the render pass, just like it says...
self.level += pass_index
def __hash__(self): def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.level) return hash(self.level)
@ -52,11 +59,11 @@ class _RenderLevel:
class _DrawableCriteria: class _DrawableCriteria:
def __init__(self, hsgmat): def __init__(self, hsgmat, pass_index):
_layer = hsgmat.layers[0].object # better doggone well have a layer... _layer = hsgmat.layers[0].object # better doggone well have a layer...
self.blend_span = bool(_layer.state.blendFlags & hsGMatState.kBlendMask) self.blend_span = bool(_layer.state.blendFlags & hsGMatState.kBlendMask)
self.criteria = 0 # TODO self.criteria = 0 # TODO
self.render_level = _RenderLevel() self.render_level = _RenderLevel(hsgmat, pass_index)
def __eq__(self, other): def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, _DrawableCriteria): if not isinstance(other, _DrawableCriteria):
@ -81,14 +88,22 @@ class MeshConverter:
_dspans = {} _dspans = {}
_mesh_geospans = {} _mesh_geospans = {}
def __init__(self, mgr): def __init__(self, exporter):
self._mgr = mgr self._exporter = weakref.ref(exporter)
self.material = material.MaterialConverter(exporter)
def _create_geospan(self, bo, bm, hsgmat): def _create_geospan(self, bo, mesh, bm, hsgmat):
"""Initializes a plGeometrySpan from a Blender Object and an hsGMaterial""" """Initializes a plGeometrySpan from a Blender Object and an hsGMaterial"""
geospan = plGeometrySpan() geospan = plGeometrySpan()
geospan.material = hsgmat geospan.material = hsgmat
# GeometrySpan format
# For now, we really only care about the number of UVW Channels
numUVWchans = len(mesh.tessface_uv_textures)
if numUVWchans > plGeometrySpan.kUVCountMask:
raise explosions.TooManyUVChannelsError(bo, bm)
geospan.format = numUVWchans
# TODO: Props # TODO: Props
# TODO: RunTime lights (requires libHSPlasma feature) # TODO: RunTime lights (requires libHSPlasma feature)
@ -107,7 +122,7 @@ class MeshConverter:
for loc in self._dspans.values(): for loc in self._dspans.values():
for dspan in loc.values(): for dspan in loc.values():
print("\tFinalizing DSpan: '{}'".format( print(" Finalizing DSpan: '{}'".format(
# This mega-function does a lot: # This mega-function does a lot:
# 1. Converts SourceSpans (geospans) to Icicles and bakes geometry into plGBuffers # 1. Converts SourceSpans (geospans) to Icicles and bakes geometry into plGBuffers
@ -117,46 +132,59 @@ class MeshConverter:
dspan.composeGeometry(True, True) dspan.composeGeometry(True, True)
def _export_geometry(self, mesh, geospans): def _export_geometry(self, mesh, geospans):
geodata = [None] * len(mesh.materials) _geodatacls = type("_GeoData",
geoverts = [None] * len(mesh.vertices) (object,),
for i, garbage in enumerate(geodata): {
geodata[i] = { "blender2gs": [{} for i in mesh.vertices],
"blender2gs": [None] * len(mesh.vertices),
"triangles": [], "triangles": [],
"vertices": [], "vertices": []
} })
geodata = [_geodatacls() for i in mesh.materials]
# Go ahead and naively convert all vertices into TempVertices for the GeoSpans
for i, source in enumerate(mesh.vertices):
vertex = plGeometrySpan.TempVertex()
vertex.color = hsColor32(red=255, green=0, blue=0, alpha=255) # FIXME trollface.jpg testing hacks
vertex.normal = utils.vector3(source.normal)
vertex.position = utils.vector3(
geoverts[i] = vertex
# Convert Blender faces into things we can stuff into libHSPlasma # Convert Blender faces into things we can stuff into libHSPlasma
for tessface in mesh.tessfaces: for i, tessface in enumerate(mesh.tessfaces):
data = geodata[tessface.material_index] data = geodata[tessface.material_index]
face_verts = [] face_verts = []
# Convert to per-material indices # Convert to per-material indices
for i in tessface.vertices: for j in tessface.vertices:
if data["blender2gs"][i] is None: # Unpack the UV coordinates from each UV Texture layer
data["blender2gs"][i] = len(data["vertices"]) uvws = []
data["vertices"].append(geoverts[i]) for uvtex in mesh.tessface_uv_textures:
face_verts.append(data["blender2gs"][i]) uv = getattr([i], "uv{}".format(j+1))
# In Blender, UVs have no Z coordinate
uvws.append((uv.x, uv.y))
# Grab VCols (TODO--defaulting to white for now)
# This will be finalized once the vertex color light code baking is in
color = (0, 0, 0, 255)
# Now, we'll index into the vertex dict using the per-face elements :(
# We're using tuples because lists are not hashable. The many mathutils and PyHSPlasma
# types are not either, and it's entirely too much work to fool with all that.
coluv = (color, tuple(uvws))
if coluv not in data.blender2gs[j]:
source = mesh.vertices[j]
vertex = plGeometrySpan.TempVertex()
vertex.position = utils.vector3(
vertex.normal = utils.vector3(source.normal)
vertex.color = hsColor32(*color)
vertex.uvs = [hsVector3(uv[0], 1.0-uv[1], 0.0) for uv in uvws]
data.blender2gs[j][coluv] = len(data.vertices)
# Convert to triangles, if need be... # Convert to triangles, if need be...
if len(face_verts) == 3: if len(face_verts) == 3:
data["triangles"] += face_verts data.triangles += face_verts
elif len(face_verts) == 4: elif len(face_verts) == 4:
data["triangles"] += (face_verts[0], face_verts[1], face_verts[2]) data.triangles += (face_verts[0], face_verts[1], face_verts[2])
data["triangles"] += (face_verts[0], face_verts[2], face_verts[3]) data.triangles += (face_verts[0], face_verts[2], face_verts[3])
# Time to finish it up... # Time to finish it up...
for i, data in enumerate(geodata): for i, data in enumerate(geodata):
geospan = geospans[i] geospan = geospans[i][0]
numVerts = len(data["vertices"]) numVerts = len(data.vertices)
# Soft vertex limit at 0x8000 for PotS and below. Works fine as long as it's a uint16 # Soft vertex limit at 0x8000 for PotS and below. Works fine as long as it's a uint16
# MOUL only allows signed int16s, however :/ # MOUL only allows signed int16s, however :/
@ -166,8 +194,8 @@ class MeshConverter:
pass # FIXME pass # FIXME
# If we're still here, let's add our data to the GeometrySpan # If we're still here, let's add our data to the GeometrySpan
geospan.indices = data["triangles"] geospan.indices = data.triangles
geospan.vertices = data["vertices"] geospan.vertices = data.vertices
def export_object(self, bo): def export_object(self, bo):
# Have we already exported this mesh? # Have we already exported this mesh?
@ -195,9 +223,9 @@ class MeshConverter:
# Step 3: Add plGeometrySpans to the appropriate DSpan and create indices # Step 3: Add plGeometrySpans to the appropriate DSpan and create indices
_diindices = {} _diindices = {}
for geospan in geospans: for geospan, pass_index in geospans:
dspan = self._find_create_dspan(bo, geospan.material.object) dspan = self._find_create_dspan(bo, geospan.material.object, pass_index)
print("\tExported hsGMaterial '{}' geometry into '{}'".format(, print(" Exported hsGMaterial '{}' geometry into '{}'".format(,
idx = dspan.addSourceSpan(geospan) idx = dspan.addSourceSpan(geospan)
if dspan not in _diindices: if dspan not in _diindices:
_diindices[dspan] = [idx,] _diindices[dspan] = [idx,]
@ -213,25 +241,15 @@ class MeshConverter:
drawables.append((dspan.key, idx)) drawables.append((dspan.key, idx))
return drawables return drawables
def _export_material(self, bo, bm):
"""Exports a single Material Slot as an hsGMaterial"""
hsgmat = self._mgr.add_object(hsGMaterial,, bl=bo)
fake_layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, name="{}_AutoLayer".format(, bl=bo)
# ...
return hsgmat.key
def _export_material_spans(self, bo, mesh): def _export_material_spans(self, bo, mesh):
"""Exports all Materials and creates plGeometrySpans""" """Exports all Materials and creates plGeometrySpans"""
geospans = [None] * len(mesh.materials) geospans = [None] * len(mesh.materials)
for i, blmat in enumerate(mesh.materials): for i, blmat in enumerate(mesh.materials):
hsgmat = self._export_material(bo, blmat) hsgmat = self.material.export_material(bo, blmat)
geospans[i] = self._create_geospan(bo, blmat, hsgmat) geospans[i] = (self._create_geospan(bo, mesh, blmat, hsgmat), blmat.pass_index)
return geospans return geospans
def _find_create_dspan(self, bo, hsgmat): def _find_create_dspan(self, bo, hsgmat, pass_index):
location = self._mgr.get_location(bo) location = self._mgr.get_location(bo)
if location not in self._dspans: if location not in self._dspans:
self._dspans[location] = {} self._dspans[location] = {}
@ -241,8 +259,7 @@ class MeshConverter:
# [... document me ...] # [... document me ...]
# We're using pass index to do just what it was designed for. Cyan has a nicer "depends on" # We're using pass index to do just what it was designed for. Cyan has a nicer "depends on"
# draw component, but pass index is the Blender way, so that's what we're doing. # draw component, but pass index is the Blender way, so that's what we're doing.
crit = _DrawableCriteria(hsgmat) crit = _DrawableCriteria(hsgmat, pass_index)
crit.render_level.level += bo.pass_index
if crit not in self._dspans[location]: if crit not in self._dspans[location]:
# AgeName_[District_]_Page_RenderLevel_Crit[Blend]Spans # AgeName_[District_]_Page_RenderLevel_Crit[Blend]Spans
@ -250,8 +267,17 @@ class MeshConverter:
node = self._mgr.get_scene_node(location) node = self._mgr.get_scene_node(location)
name = "{}_{:08X}_{:X}{}".format(, crit.render_level.level, crit.criteria, crit.span_type) name = "{}_{:08X}_{:X}{}".format(, crit.render_level.level, crit.criteria, crit.span_type)
dspan = self._mgr.add_object(pl=plDrawableSpans, name=name, loc=location) dspan = self._mgr.add_object(pl=plDrawableSpans, name=name, loc=location)
dspan.criteria = crit.criteria
# TODO: props
dspan.renderLevel = crit.render_level.level
dspan.sceneNode = node # AddViaNotify dspan.sceneNode = node # AddViaNotify
self._dspans[location][crit] = dspan self._dspans[location][crit] = dspan
return dspan return dspan
else: else:
return self._dspans[location][crit] return self._dspans[location][crit]
def _mgr(self):
return self._exporter().mgr


@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
from PyHSPlasma import * from PyHSPlasma import *
def color(blcolor, alpha=1.0):
"""Converts a Blender Color into an hsColorRGBA"""
return hsColorRGBA(blcolor.r, blcolor.g, blcolor.b, alpha)
def matrix44(blmat): def matrix44(blmat):
"""Converts a mathutils.Matrix to an hsMatrix44""" """Converts a mathutils.Matrix to an hsMatrix44"""
hsmat = hsMatrix44() hsmat = hsMatrix44()


@ -31,6 +31,12 @@ properties_material.MATERIAL_PT_options.COMPAT_ENGINES.add("PLASMA_GAME")
properties_material.MATERIAL_PT_preview.COMPAT_ENGINES.add("PLASMA_GAME") properties_material.MATERIAL_PT_preview.COMPAT_ENGINES.add("PLASMA_GAME")
del properties_material del properties_material
from bl_ui import properties_texture
for i in dir(properties_texture):
attr = getattr(properties_texture, i)
if hasattr(attr, "COMPAT_ENGINES"):
getattr(attr, "COMPAT_ENGINES").add("PLASMA_GAME")
del properties_texture
@classmethod @classmethod
def _new_poll(cls, context): def _new_poll(cls, context):
