@ -117,3 +117,163 @@ class PlasmaMaintainersMarker(PlasmaModifierProperties):
def requires_actor ( self ) :
def requires_actor ( self ) :
return True
return True
clothing_pfms = {
" filename " : " xTakableClothing.py " ,
" attribs " : (
{ ' id ' : 1 , ' type ' : " ptAttribString " , ' name ' : " stringVarName " } ,
{ ' id ' : 2 , ' type ' : " ptAttribBoolean " , ' name ' : " boolShowOnTrue " } ,
{ ' id ' : 3 , ' type ' : " ptAttribActivator " , ' name ' : " actClickable " } ,
{ ' id ' : 4 , ' type ' : " ptAttribString " , ' name ' : " stringFClothingName " } ,
{ ' id ' : 5 , ' type ' : " ptAttribString " , ' name ' : " stringMClothingName " } ,
{ ' id ' : 6 , ' type ' : " ptAttribBoolean " , ' name ' : " boolHasHairColor " } ,
{ ' id ' : 7 , ' type ' : " ptAttribString " , ' name ' : " stringChanceSDLName " } ,
{ ' id ' : 8 , ' type ' : " ptAttribInt " , ' name ' : " intTint1Red " } ,
{ ' id ' : 9 , ' type ' : " ptAttribInt " , ' name ' : " intTint1Green " } ,
{ ' id ' : 10 , ' type ' : " ptAttribInt " , ' name ' : " intTint1Blue " } ,
{ ' id ' : 11 , ' type ' : " ptAttribInt " , ' name ' : " intTint2Red " } ,
{ ' id ' : 12 , ' type ' : " ptAttribInt " , ' name ' : " intTint2Green " } ,
{ ' id ' : 13 , ' type ' : " ptAttribInt " , ' name ' : " intTint2Blue " } ,
{ ' id ' : 14 , ' type ' : " ptAttribBoolean " , ' name ' : " boolStayVisible " } ,
{ ' id ' : 15 , ' type ' : " ptAttribBoolean " , ' name ' : " boolFirstUpdate " } ,
class PlasmaTakeClothing ( PlasmaModifierProperties , PlasmaModifierLogicWiz ) :
pl_id = " clothing "
bl_category = " Logic "
bl_label = " Takable Clothing "
bl_description = " Set up clickable mesh for a collectable clothing item. "
bl_icon = " POSE_HLT "
clickable_object = PointerProperty ( name = " Clickable " ,
description = " Clickable mesh object for clothing item. " ,
options = set ( ) ,
type = bpy . types . Object ,
poll = idprops . poll_mesh_objects )
clickable_region = PointerProperty ( name = " Region " ,
description = " Region to activate clickable. " ,
options = set ( ) ,
type = bpy . types . Object ,
poll = idprops . poll_mesh_objects )
clothing_sdl = StringProperty ( name = " SDL Variable " ,
description = " SDL variable associated with the clothing item. " ,
options = set ( ) )
clothing_show = BoolProperty ( name = " Show on true? " ,
description = " Have the clothing only appear when the SDL variable is true. " ,
default = False ,
options = set ( ) )
clothing_male = StringProperty ( name = " Male ID " ,
description = " ID name for male version of clothing. " ,
options = set ( ) )
clothing_female = StringProperty ( name = " Female ID " ,
description = " ID name for female version of clothing. " ,
options = set ( ) )
clothing_chance = StringProperty ( name = " Chance SDL (optional) " ,
description = " SDL variable for chance appearance of clothing. " ,
options = set ( ) )
clothing_tint1red = IntProperty ( name = " Tint 1 Red " ,
description = " Red setting for first tint. " ,
min = 0 , max = 255 , default = 255 ,
options = set ( ) )
clothing_tint1green = IntProperty ( name = " Tint 1 Green " ,
description = " Green setting for first tint. " ,
min = 0 , max = 255 , default = 255 ,
options = set ( ) )
clothing_tint1blue = IntProperty ( name = " Tint 1 Blue " ,
description = " Blue setting for first tint. " ,
min = 0 , max = 255 , default = 255 ,
options = set ( ) )
clothing_tint2on = BoolProperty ( name = " Second Tint? " ,
description = " Does the clothing item have a second tint color? " ,
default = False ,
options = set ( ) )
clothing_tint2red = IntProperty ( name = " Tint 2 Red " ,
description = " Red setting for second tint. " ,
min = 0 , max = 255 , default = 255 ,
options = set ( ) )
clothing_tint2green = IntProperty ( name = " Tint 2 Green " ,
description = " Green setting for second tint. " ,
min = 0 , max = 255 , default = 255 ,
options = set ( ) )
clothing_tint2blue = IntProperty ( name = " Tint 2 Blue " ,
description = " Blue setting for second tint. " ,
min = 0 , max = 255 , default = 255 ,
options = set ( ) )
clothing_stayvis = BoolProperty ( name = " Stay Visible After Click? " ,
description = " Should the clothing stay visible after first clicking? " ,
default = False ,
options = set ( ) )
def logicwiz ( self , bo , tree ) :
nodes = tree . nodes
clothing_pfm = clothing_pfms
clothingnode = self . _create_python_file_node ( tree , clothing_pfm [ " filename " ] , clothing_pfm [ " attribs " ] )
self . _create_clothing_nodes ( bo , tree . nodes , imagernode )
def _create_clothing_node ( self , clickable_object , nodes , clothingnode ) :
# Clickable
clickable = nodes . new ( " PlasmaClickableNode " )
clickable . clickable_object = self . clickable_object
clickable . allow_simple = False
clickable . link_output ( clothingnode , " satisfies " , " actClickable " )
# Region
clothingrgn = nodes . new ( " PlasmaClickableRegionNode " )
clothingrgn . region_object = self . clickable_region
clothingrgn . link_output ( clickable , " satisfies " , " region " )
# SDL Variable
clothingsdlvar = nodes . new ( " PlasmaAttribStringNode " )
clothingsdlvar . value = self . clothing_sdl
clothingsdlvar . link_output ( clothingnode , " pfm " , " stringVarName " )
# Show On True?
clothingshow = nodes . new ( " PlasmaAttribBoolNode " )
clothingshow . value = self . clothing_show
clothingshow . link_output ( clothingnode , " pfm " , " boolShowOnTrue " )
clothingfemale = nodes . new ( " PlasmaAttribStringNode " )
clothingfemale . value = self . clothing_female
clothingfemale . link_output ( clothingnode , " pfm " , " stringFClothingName " )
clothingmale = nodes . new ( " PlasmaAttribStringNode " )
clothingmale . value = self . clothing_male
clothingmale . link_output ( clothingnode , " pfm " , " stringMClothingName " )
clothingred1 = nodes . new ( " PlasmaAttribIntNode " )
clothingred1 . value_int = clothing_tint1red
clothingred1 . link_output ( clothingnode , " pfm " , " intTint1Red " )
clothinggreen1 = nodes . new ( " PlasmaAttribIntNode " )
clothinggreen1 . value_int = clothing_tint1green
clothinggreen1 . link_output ( clothingnode , " pfm " , " intTint1Green " )
clothingblue1 = nodes . new ( " PlasmaAttribIntNode " )
clothingblue1 . value_int = clothing_tint1blue
clothingblue1 . link_output ( clothingnode , " pfm " , " intTint1Blue " )
clothingred2 = nodes . new ( " PlasmaAttribIntNode " )
clothingred2 . value_int = clothing_tint2red
clothingred2 . link_output ( clothingnode , " pfm " , " intTint2Red " )
clothinggreen2 = nodes . new ( " PlasmaAttribIntNode " )
clothinggreen2 . value_int = clothing_tint2green
clothinggreen2 . link_output ( clothingnode , " pfm " , " intTint2Green " )
clothingblue2 = nodes . new ( " PlasmaAttribIntNode " )
clothingblue2 . value_int = clothing_tint2blue
clothingblue2 . link_output ( clothingnode , " pfm " , " intTint2Blue " )
clothingvis = nodes . new ( " PlasmaAttribBoolNode " )
clothingvis . value = self . clothing_stayvis
clothingvis . link_output ( clothingnode , " pfm " , " boolStayVisible " )
clothingeval = nodes . new ( " PlasmaAttribBoolNode " )
clothingeval . value = False
clothingeval . link_output ( clothingnode , " pfm " , " boolFirstUpdate " )