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# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import bpy
from PyHSPlasma import *
import weakref
from . import explosions
from . import material
from . import utils
class _RenderLevel:
_MINOR_MASK = ((1 << _MAJOR_SHIFT) - 1)
def __init__(self, hsgmat, pass_index):
# TODO: Use hsGMaterial to determine major and minor
self.level = 0
# We use the blender material's pass index (which we stashed in the hsGMaterial) to increment
# the render pass, just like it says...
self.level += pass_index
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.level == other.level
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.level)
def _get_major(self):
return self.level >> _MAJOR_SHIFT
def _set_major(self, value):
self.level = ((value << _MAJOR_SHIFT) & 0xFFFFFFFF) | self.minor
major = property(_get_major, _set_major)
def _get_minor(self):
return self.level & _MINOR_MASK
def _set_minor(self, value):
self.level = ((self.major << _MAJOR_SHIFT) & 0xFFFFFFFF) | value
minor = property(_get_minor, _set_minor)
class _DrawableCriteria:
def __init__(self, hsgmat, pass_index):
_layer = hsgmat.layers[0].object # better doggone well have a layer...
self.blend_span = bool(_layer.state.blendFlags & hsGMatState.kBlendMask)
self.criteria = 0 # TODO
self.render_level = _RenderLevel(hsgmat, pass_index)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, _DrawableCriteria):
return False
for i in ("blend_span", "render_level", "criteria"):
if getattr(self, i) != getattr(other, i):
return False
return True
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.render_level) ^ hash(self.blend_span) ^ hash(self.criteria)
def span_type(self):
if self.blend_span:
return "BlendSpans"
return "Spans"
class MeshConverter:
def __init__(self, exporter):
self._exporter = weakref.ref(exporter)
self.material = material.MaterialConverter(exporter)
self._dspans = {}
self._mesh_geospans = {}
def _create_geospan(self, bo, mesh, bm, hsgmat):
"""Initializes a plGeometrySpan from a Blender Object and an hsGMaterial"""
geospan = plGeometrySpan()
geospan.material = hsgmat
# GeometrySpan format
# For now, we really only care about the number of UVW Channels
numUVWchans = len(mesh.tessface_uv_textures)
if numUVWchans > plGeometrySpan.kUVCountMask:
raise explosions.TooManyUVChannelsError(bo, bm)
geospan.format = numUVWchans
# TODO: Props
# TODO: RunTime lights (requires libHSPlasma feature)
# If this object has a CI, we don't need xforms here...
if self._mgr.find_key(bo, plCoordinateInterface) is not None:
geospan.localToWorld = hsMatrix44()
geospan.worldToLocal = hsMatrix44()
geospan.localToWorld = utils.matrix44(bo.matrix_basis)
geospan.worldToLocal = geospan.localToWorld.inverse()
return geospan
def finalize(self):
"""Prepares all baked Plasma geometry to be flushed to the disk"""
for loc in self._dspans.values():
for dspan in loc.values():
print("\n[DrawableSpans '{}']".format(
print(" Composing geometry data")
# This mega-function does a lot:
# 1. Converts SourceSpans (geospans) to Icicles and bakes geometry into plGBuffers
# 2. Calculates the Icicle bounds
# 3. Builds the plSpaceTree
# 4. Clears the SourceSpans
dspan.composeGeometry(True, True)
# Might as well say something else just to fascinate anyone who is playing along
# at home (and actually enjoys reading these lawgs)
print(" Bounds and SpaceTree in the saddle")
def _export_geometry(self, mesh, geospans):
_geodatacls = type("_GeoData",
"blender2gs": [{} for i in mesh.vertices],
"triangles": [],
"vertices": []
geodata = [_geodatacls() for i in mesh.materials]
# Convert Blender faces into things we can stuff into libHSPlasma
for i, tessface in enumerate(mesh.tessfaces):
data = geodata[tessface.material_index]
face_verts = []
# Convert to per-material indices
for j in tessface.vertices:
# Unpack the UV coordinates from each UV Texture layer
# NOTE: Blender has no third (W) coordinate
uvws = [([j].uv.x,[j].uv.y) for uvtex in mesh.uv_layers]
# Grab VCols (TODO--defaulting to white for now)
# This will be finalized once the vertex color light code baking is in
color = (255, 255, 255, 255)
# Now, we'll index into the vertex dict using the per-face elements :(
# We're using tuples because lists are not hashable. The many mathutils and PyHSPlasma
# types are not either, and it's entirely too much work to fool with all that.
coluv = (color, tuple(uvws))
if coluv not in data.blender2gs[j]:
source = mesh.vertices[j]
vertex = plGeometrySpan.TempVertex()
vertex.position = utils.vector3(
vertex.normal = utils.vector3(source.normal)
vertex.color = hsColor32(*color)
vertex.uvs = [hsVector3(uv[0], 1.0-uv[1], 0.0) for uv in uvws]
data.blender2gs[j][coluv] = len(data.vertices)
# Convert to triangles, if need be...
if len(face_verts) == 3:
data.triangles += face_verts
elif len(face_verts) == 4:
data.triangles += (face_verts[0], face_verts[1], face_verts[2])
data.triangles += (face_verts[0], face_verts[2], face_verts[3])
# Time to finish it up...
for i, data in enumerate(geodata):
geospan = geospans[i][0]
numVerts = len(data.vertices)
# Soft vertex limit at 0x8000 for PotS and below. Works fine as long as it's a uint16
# MOUL only allows signed int16s, however :/
if numVerts > _MAX_VERTS_PER_SPAN or (numVerts > _WARN_VERTS_PER_SPAN and self._mgr.getVer() >= pvMoul):
raise explosions.TooManyVerticesError(,, numVerts)
elif numVerts > _WARN_VERTS_PER_SPAN:
pass # FIXME
# If we're still here, let's add our data to the GeometrySpan
geospan.indices = data.triangles
geospan.vertices = data.vertices
def export_object(self, bo):
# Have we already exported this mesh?
drawables = self._mesh_geospans[]
except LookupError:
drawables = self._export_mesh(bo)
# Create the DrawInterface
diface = self._mgr.add_object(pl=plDrawInterface, bl=bo)
for dspan_key, idx in drawables:
diface.addDrawable(dspan_key, idx)
return diface.key
def _export_mesh(self, bo):
# First, we need to grab the object's mesh...
mesh =
# Step 1: Export all of the doggone materials.
geospans = self._export_material_spans(bo, mesh)
# Step 2: Export Blender mesh data to Plasma GeometrySpans
self._export_geometry(mesh, geospans)
# Step 3: Add plGeometrySpans to the appropriate DSpan and create indices
_diindices = {}
for geospan, pass_index in geospans:
dspan = self._find_create_dspan(bo, geospan.material.object, pass_index)
print(" Exported hsGMaterial '{}' geometry into '{}'".format(,
idx = dspan.addSourceSpan(geospan)
if dspan not in _diindices:
_diindices[dspan] = [idx,]
# Step 3.1: Harvest Span indices and create the DIIndices
drawables = []
for dspan, indices in _diindices.items():
dii = plDISpanIndex()
dii.indices = indices
idx = dspan.addDIIndex(dii)
drawables.append((dspan.key, idx))
return drawables
def _export_material_spans(self, bo, mesh):
"""Exports all Materials and creates plGeometrySpans"""
geospans = [None] * len(mesh.materials)
for i, blmat in enumerate(mesh.materials):
hsgmat = self.material.export_material(bo, blmat)
geospans[i] = (self._create_geospan(bo, mesh, blmat, hsgmat), blmat.pass_index)
return geospans
def _find_create_dspan(self, bo, hsgmat, pass_index):
location = self._mgr.get_location(bo)
if location not in self._dspans:
self._dspans[location] = {}
# This is where we figure out which DSpan this goes into. To vaguely summarize the rules...
# BlendSpans: anything with an alpha blended layer
# [... document me ...]
# We're using pass index to do just what it was designed for. Cyan has a nicer "depends on"
# draw component, but pass index is the Blender way, so that's what we're doing.
crit = _DrawableCriteria(hsgmat, pass_index)
if crit not in self._dspans[location]:
# AgeName_[District_]_Page_RenderLevel_Crit[Blend]Spans
# Just because it's nice to be consistent
node = self._mgr.get_scene_node(location)
name = "{}_{:08X}_{:X}{}".format(, crit.render_level.level, crit.criteria, crit.span_type)
dspan = self._mgr.add_object(pl=plDrawableSpans, name=name, loc=location)
dspan.criteria = crit.criteria
# TODO: props
dspan.renderLevel = crit.render_level.level
dspan.sceneNode = node # AddViaNotify
self._dspans[location][crit] = dspan
return dspan
return self._dspans[location][crit]
def _mgr(self):
return self._exporter().mgr