{Version 1}
Kahlo was written in 8343 as the first book of the writer Jamen. Though the Book served no real purpose (a sad consequence of most writers’ first books) the Age of Kahlo did serve as a habitat for an interesting group of people.
Because the Book served no real purpose, and even more because it housed an outside culture , it was to be destroyed. However, Jamen was obviously fairly attached to the Book and after numerous illegal visits to the Age became attached to the people who lived there.
As a result, two days before the Book was to be destroyed it mysteriously disappeared from the Guild of Maintainers. It was assumed that Jamen stole the book although it was never proven. Regardless, he was demoted in rank and two weeks later left the Guild, somewhat bitter not only at the Writers but at the culture as a whole.
After leaving the Guild, Jamen disappeared and years later it was