[Gen Phys - clkKISlotConcert] Moved Faces forward on Y axis a bit
[Gen Phys - MT-LinkingBook] Changed to Hull Bounds and new verts generated with blender
[Gen Phys - clkKISlotDakotah] Moved Faces forward on Y axis a bit
[Gen Phys - MT-LinkingBook] Moved faces to the Right
[Gen Phys - clkKISlotPalace] Moved Faces forward on Y axis a bit
[Gen Phys - MT-LinkingBook] Changed to Hull Bounds and new verts generated with blender
Male03.max and Female.02.max
Weight Table for backpack 2 and foot06 corrected
Male04.max and Female.04.max
Weight Table for Atrus Legs, Catherine Legs and shoes corrected
Updates Chiso Preniv's PRPs with the latest Korman export. Also, a new(ish) LOC file to better adhere to URU's current naming conventions (plus for the new book to read).
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_FReward_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_LeatherJacket01] Custom Text changed to "Leather Jacket" instead of "LeatherJacket01 Icon"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_FLegs_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Pants" instead of "Atrus Pants"
[Clothing Item - CItm_FReward_BBallJersey] Custom Text changed to "Explorers Jersey" instead of "ExplorersJersey"
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Jacket"
[Clothing Item - CItm_DniHelmet] Custom Text changed to "D'ni Helmet" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_FHAcc_DniFace] Custom Text changed to "D'ni Helmet" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_FReward_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Jacket"
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_MReward_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_AussieHat] Custom Text changed to "Sharper's Hat" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_Bomber] Custom Text changed to "Bomber Jacket" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MRFoot_Catherine] Custom Text changed to "Catherine's Shoes" instead of "Catherine"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MLFoot_Catherine] Custom Text changed to "Catherine's Shoes" instead of "Catherine"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MLegs_Catherine] Custom Text changed to "Catherine's Pants" instead of "Catherine "
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MLegs_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Pants" instead of "Atrus Pants"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MHAcc_DniFace] Custom Text changed to "D'ni Helmet" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Shirt"
[Clothing Item - CItm_MTorso_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Shirt"