updated for visibility issue with lake light meter vis python script
[Python File Mod - islmLakeLightMeter] added a string with id 1 and value "islmLakeLightMeterVis", moved incremented the old ids 1-5 by 1
City harbor lake light now matches original color when SDL is set to 0
Added Lake Light Meter (Dalek) to use SDL variables correctly and water in tank to use lake colors
City islmLakeLightMeter Changes
[Scene Node - city_islmLakeLightMeter] Added Scene Objects - Digital_2, Digital_3, Digital_4
[Scene Object - DigitalIndicator] Added to Modifiers - Python File Mod "PythCityDalek"
[Scene Object - LakeMeterWater] Added to Modifiers - Python File Mod "PythLakeLightCycle"
[Scene Object - Digital_2] Duplicate of Scene Object "Digital_1", Draw Interface and Coord Interface set to "Digital_2"
[Scene Object - Digital_3] Duplicate of Scene Object "Digital_1", Draw Interface and Coord Interface set to "Digital_3"
[Scene Object - Digital_4] Duplicate of Scene Object "Digital_1", Draw Interface and Coord Interface set to "Digital_4"
[Layer - Map #20] Runtime and Ambient Color set to <hsColorRGBA red="0.09803921729" green="0.07058823854" blue="0" alpha="1"/>, Specular Color set to "<hsColorRGBA red="0" green="0" blue="0" alpha="1"/>", Opacity set to "0.85"
[Layer - Map #462] Duplicate of Layer "Map #461"
[Layer - Map #463] Duplicate of Layer "Map #461"
[Layer - Map #464] Duplicate of Layer "Map #461"
[Material - 04 - Default] Layer set to "Map #460"
[Material - Lake Water] Blend flag checked, Layer set to Layer Animation "Map #20_anim_lakeLightDark"
[Material - Digital2] Duplicate of Material "Digital1", Layer set to "Map #462"
[Material - Digital3] Duplicate of Material "Digital1", Layer set to "Map #463"
[Material - Digital4] Duplicate of Material "Digital1", Layer set to "Map #464"
[Coord Interface - DigitalIndicator] Added to Children, Scene Objects "Digital_2", "Digital_3", and "Digital_4"
[Coord Interface - Digital_2] Duplicate of "Digital_1"
[Coord Interface - Digital_3] Duplicate of "Digital_1"
[Coord Interface - Digital_4] Duplicate of "Digital_1"
[Draw Interface - Digital_2] Key set to 2 and drawable span set to "city_digital_40000000_ABlendSpans"
[Draw Interface - Digital_3] Key set to 1 and drawable span set to "city_digital_40000000_ABlendSpans"
[Draw Interface - Digital_4] Key set to 0 and drawable span set to "city_digital_40000000_ABlendSpans"
[Layer Animation - Map #460_anim] Removed
[Layer Animations] Added Total of 5 Layer Animations (Dark, Quarter, Half, ThreeQuarter, Full) for Map #20
[Drawable Span - city_digital_40000000_ABlendSpans] Created in blender
[Python File Mod - PythCityDalek] Created
[Python File Mod - PythLakeLightCycle] Created