[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_FReward_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_LeatherJacket01] Custom Text changed to "Leather Jacket" instead of "LeatherJacket01 Icon"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_FLegs_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Pants" instead of "Atrus Pants"
[Clothing Item - CItm_FReward_BBallJersey] Custom Text changed to "Explorers Jersey" instead of "ExplorersJersey"
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Jacket"
[Clothing Item - CItm_DniHelmet] Custom Text changed to "D'ni Helmet" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_FHAcc_DniFace] Custom Text changed to "D'ni Helmet" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_FReward_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Jacket"
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_MReward_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_AussieHat] Custom Text changed to "Sharper's Hat" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_Bomber] Custom Text changed to "Bomber Jacket" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MRFoot_Catherine] Custom Text changed to "Catherine's Shoes" instead of "Catherine"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MLFoot_Catherine] Custom Text changed to "Catherine's Shoes" instead of "Catherine"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MLegs_Catherine] Custom Text changed to "Catherine's Pants" instead of "Catherine "
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MLegs_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Pants" instead of "Atrus Pants"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MHAcc_DniFace] Custom Text changed to "D'ni Helmet" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Shirt"
[Clothing Item - CItm_MTorso_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Shirt"
Removed FemaleCC.prp and MaleCC.prp as they are no longer needed. Content is now in (Fe)male02 and (Fe)male04 instead
Source assets added for CC content
This has the side effect of completely removing the non-Cyan logo'd
clothing items in the modified Max files (eg CCN, TCT, Sam & Max, Mantis
Parable sweatshirts).