[Responder Modifier - cRespPresentPurpleBook] First command added "kGoToTime" and set time to 15
[Responder Modifier - cRespPresentYellowBook] First command added "kGoToTime" and set time to 5
[Responder Modifier - cRespPresentPurpleBook] First command added "kGoToTime" and set time to 15
[Responder Modifier - cRespPresentYellowBook] First command added "kGoToTime" and set time to 5
[Scene Object - Black_WhtRmSubworldDummy] add to modifiers - Anim Event Modifier "cAnimEventElevatorUp", "cAnimEventElevatorMoving", "cAnimEventElevatorDown"
[Gen Phys - Black_SubWorldExitRegion01] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="4.844787598" Y="-1.597872972" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="2.660830021" Y="-1.59787333" Z="17" />"
[Gen Phys - Black_SubWorldExitRegion02] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="0.008117675781" Y="4.08300066" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="0.008117675781" Y="1.842319965" Z="17" />"
[Gen Phys - Black_SubWorldExitRegion03] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="0.00048828125" Y="-3.994360685" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="0.00048828125" Y="-1.753679991" Z="17" />"
[Gen Phys - Black_SubWorldExitRegion04] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="-4.537750244" Y="-1.677083969" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="-2.382169962" Y="-1.677084327" Z="17" />"
[Responder Modifier - cResetElevator] Changed responder to reverse, continue, then gotobegin for elevator animation to trigger the anim event modifier for down for animation tracking purposes
[Responder Modifer - cRespElevator] Added forward to set elevator to always play forward when triggered, adjusted waittocmdtable due to addition command
[Python File Mod - cPythonBookMachine] 9 and 10 changed to actual linkinpoints instead of fake locations, 18,19,20 added anim event modifiers for elevator animation for tracking purposes
[Anim Event Modifer - cAnimEventElevatorMoving] New anim event modifier - set to trigger at 0.3333333433
[Anim Event Modifer - cAnimEventElevatorUp] New anim event modifier - set to trigger at 7
[Anim Event Modifer - cAnimEventElevatorDown] New anim event modifier - set to trigger at 0
[ATC Anim - Black_WhtRmSubworldDummy_(Entire Animation)_anim_0] added markers for new anim event modifiers
[Filter Coord - Black_SubWorldExitRegion01-4] Adjusted for new positions
[Scene Object - WhtRmSubworldDummy] add to modifiers - Anim Event Modifier "cAnimEventElevatorUp", "cAnimEventElevatorMoving", "cAnimEventElevatorDown"
[Gen Phys - ShaftProxy] Transform adjusted to match blackroom
[Gen Phys - SubWorldExitRegion01] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="4.844787598" Y="-1.597872972" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="3.092109919" Y="-1.59787333" Z="17" />"
[Gen Phys - SubWorldExitRegion02] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="0.008117675781" Y="4.08300066" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="-0.287902832" Y="1.889780045" Z="17" />"
[Gen Phys - SubWorldExitRegion03] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="0.00048828125" Y="-3.994360685" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="-0.2955322266" Y="-1.789659977" Z="17" />"
[Gen Phys - SubWorldExitRegion04] Transform changed to "<hsVector3 X="-4.537750244" Y="-1.677083969" Z="17" />" from "<hsVector3 X="-2.395689964" Y="-1.677084327" Z="17" />"
[Gen Phys - TriggerNoClimbRegion] transform and hull bounds adjusted to cover entire nexus region
[Responder Modifier - cResetElevator] Changed responder to reverse, continue, then gotobegin for elevator animation to trigger the anim event modifier for down for animation tracking purposes
[Responder Modifer - cRespElevator] Added forward to set elevator to always play forward when triggered, adjusted waittocmdtable due to addition command
[Python File Mod - cPythonBookMachine] 9 and 10 changed to actual linkinpoints instead of fake locations, 18,19,20 added anim event modifiers for elevator animation for tracking purposes
[Anim Event Modifer - cAnimEventElevatorMoving] New anim event modifier - set to trigger at 0.3333333433
[Anim Event Modifer - cAnimEventElevatorUp] New anim event modifier - set to trigger at 7
[Anim Event Modifer - cAnimEventElevatorDown] New anim event modifier - set to trigger at 0
[ATC Anim - Black_WhtRmSubworldDummy_(Entire Animation)_anim_0] added markers for new anim event modifiers
[Filter Coord - Black_SubWorldExitRegion01-4] Adjusted for new positions
Many changes made to better organize the audio and account for new audio recorded by Doobes and r'Tayrtahn
[Gen Phys - DrRgnSnsr04New] Moved hull bounds back a little so it wouldnt trigger the door when you link in
[Static Sound - cSfxDeniedButton] volume set to 0.25
[Static Sound - cSfxDeniedButton0] volume set to 0.25
[Static Sound - cSfxSelectButton] volume set to 1
[Static Sound - cSfxSelectButton0] volume set to 1
[coord interface - LinkInPointCtrlRm01] Moved down to the floor, so when you link in your not falling from a large height
[coord interface - LinkInPointCtrlRm02] Moved down to the floor, so when you link in your not falling from a large height
[Logic Modifier - cSfxRegSenMusic-Exit01_Exit] Added Python File Mod "wallControls" from grsnWallRoomClimbingPhys.prp into Receivers
[Scene Node - Garrison_grsnWallRoomClimbingPhys] Added scene objects - NoFPRegionN and NoFPRegionS
[Scene Object - NoFPRegionN] New object that forces third person camera while on the climbing wall
[Scene Object - NoFPRegionS] New object that forces third person camera while on the climbing wall
[Coord Interface - NoFPRegion01] Coord Interface for NoFPRegionN
[Coord Interface - NoFPRegion02] Coord Interface for NoFPRegionS
[Simulation Interface - NoFPRegionN] Simu Interface for NoFPRegionN
[Simulation Interface - NoFPRegionS] Simu Interface for NoFPRegionS
[Logic Modifier - cNoFPCameraN_Enter] Logic Modifier for entrance to NoFPRegionN
[Logic Modifier - cNoFPCameraN_Exit] Logic Modifier for exit to NoFPRegionN
[Logic Modifier - cNoFPCameraS_Enter] Logic Modifier for entrance to NoFPRegionS
[Logic Modifier - cNoFPCameraS_Exit] Logic Modifier for exit to NoFPRegionS
[Generic Physical - NoFPRegionN] GenPhys for NoFPRegionN
[Generic Physical - NoFPRegionS] GenPhys for NoFPRegionS
[Object In Volume Detector - cNoFPCameraN_Enter] Obj in Vol Detector for NoFPRegionN
[Object In Volume Detector - cNoFPCameraN_Exit] Obj in Vol Detector for NoFPRegionN
[Object In Volume Detector - cNoFPCameraS_Enter] Obj in Vol Detector for NoFPRegionS
[Object In Volume Detector - cNoFPCameraS_Exit] Obj in Vol Detector for NoFPRegionS
[Python File Mod - wallControls] 53 - Changed to Link in point "LinkInPointDefaultWhite" on NexusWhiteRoom.prp
[Python File Mod - wallControls] 54 - Changed to Link in point "Black_LinkInPointDefaultBlack" on NexusBlackRoom.prp
[Python File Mod - wallControls] 67 - Added Activator - Logic Modifier "cSfxRegSenMusic-Exit01_Exit" on grsnTrainingCenterMudRooms.prp
[Python File Mod - NoFPCameraN] New File mod that uses script "xDisableFirstPersonCam" to disable First person camera while on climbing wall
[Python File Mod - NoFPCameraS] New File mod that uses script "xDisableFirstPersonCam" to disable First person camera while on climbing wall
[Volume Sensor Conditional Object - cNoFPCameraN_Enter] New Volume Sensor Conditional Object for NoFPRegionN
[Volume Sensor Conditional Object - cNoFPCameraN_Exit] New Volume Sensor Conditional Object for NoFPRegionN
[Volume Sensor Conditional Object - cNoFPCameraS_Enter] New Volume Sensor Conditional Object for NoFPRegionS
[Volume Sensor Conditional Object - cNoFPCameraS_Exit] New Volume Sensor Conditional Object for NoFPRegionS
[Interface Info Modifier - NoFPRegionN] New Interface info Modifier for NoFPRegionN
[Interface Info Modifier - NoFPRegionS] New Interface info Modifier for NoFPRegionS
[Layer Animation - Map #5986_anim] Halved all values for opacity to reduce the static flickering of screens
[Scene Object - Black_BookMachineSubWrldReg] Removed from Modifiers - Subworld Region Detector "cSubworldRegBookMachine"
[Scene Object - Black_ELEVATORshaft] Added new Simulation interface and Coord Interface - "Black_ELEVATORshaft"
[Scene Object - Black_TriggerElevatorRegion] Changed Coord Interface to Filter Coord Interface "Black_TriggerElevatorRegion"
[Scene Object - Black_TriggerNoClimb] Changed Coord Interface to Filter Coord Interface "Black_TriggerNoClimb"
[Coord Interface - Black_LinkInPointDefaultBlack] Moved Z up by 2
[Coord Interface - Black_TriggerElevatorRegion] Deleted
[Coord Interface - Black_TriggerNoClimb] Deleted
[Coord Interface - Black_ELEVATORshaft] New for Scene Object "Black_ELEVATORshaft"
[Simulation Interface - Black_ELEVATORshaft] New for Scene Object "Black_ELEVATORshaft"
[Logic Modifer - cRegSensorElevator_Enter] Removed from Receivers - Responsor Modifiers "cRespElevator" and "cResetElevator"
[Generic Physical - Black_HoleCapHub] Set Mass to 1
[Generic Physical - Black_ShaftProxy] Set Mass to 1, Added new triangles to give bottom of object
[Generic Physical - Black_SubworldTerrainRebuild] Set Mass to 1
[Generic Physical - Black_TriggerElevatorRegion] Removed Subworld, set transform and object bounds to cover entire nexus area instead
[Generic Physical - Black_TriggerNoClimb] set transform and object bounds to cover entire nexus area instead
[Generic Physical - Black_ELEVATORshaft] New gen physical for Black_ELEVATORshaft
[Layer Animation - Map #5986_anim] Halved all values for opacity to reduce the static flickering of screens
[Python File Mod - cPythonBookMachine] 14 - Responder - cRespElevator, 15 - Scene Object - Black_CameraGarrisonNexusCrcl, 16 - Scene Object - Black_WhtRmSubworldDummy, 17 - Int - 6
[Camera Brain Circle - Circle Camera01] Added "kCutPos kCutPOA" to Flags
[Subworld Region Detector - cSubworldRegBookMachine] Deleted
[Filter Coord Interface - Black_TriggerNoClimb] Created to keep Region in place during animations
[Filter Coord Interface - Black_TriggerElevatorRegion] Created to keep Region in place during animations
[Scene Object - BookMachineSubWrldReg] Removed from Modifiers - Subworld Region Detector "cSubworldRegBookMachine"
[Scene Object - ELEVATORshaft] Added new Simulation interface and Coord Interface - "ELEVATORshaft"
[Scene Object - TriggerElevatorRegion] Changed Coord Interface to Filter Coord Interface "TriggerElevatorRegion"
[Scene Object - TriggerNoClimbRegion] Changed Coord Interface to Filter Coord Interface "TriggerNoClimbRegion"
[Coord Interface - LinkInPointDefaultWhite] Moved Z up by 2
[Coord Interface - TriggerElevatorRegion] Deleted
[Coord Interface - TriggerNoClimbRegion] Deleted
[Coord Interface - ELEVATORshaft] New for Scene Object "ELEVATORshaft"
[Simulation Interface - ELEVATORshaft] New for Scene Object "ELEVATORshaft"
[Logic Modifer - cRegSensorElevator_Enter] Removed from Receivers - Responsor Modifiers "cRespElevator" and "cResetElevator"
[Generic Physical - HoleCapHub] Set Mass to 1
[Generic Physical - ShaftProxy] Set Mass to 1, Added new triangles to give bottom of object
[Generic Physical - SubWorldTerrainRebuild] Set Mass to 1
[Generic Physical - TriggerElevatorRegion] Removed Subworld, set transform and object bounds to cover entire nexus area instead
[Generic Physical - TriggerNoClimbRegion] set transform and object bounds to cover entire nexus area instead
[Generic Physical - ELEVATORshaft] New gen physical for ELEVATORshaft
[Layer Animation - Map #5986_anim] Halved all values for opacity to reduce the static flickering of screens
[Python File Mod - cPythonBookMachine] 14 - Responder - cRespElevator, 15 - Scene Object - CameraGarrisonNexusCrcl, 16 - Scene Object - WhtRmSubworldDummy, 17 - Int - 7
[Camera Brain Circle - Circle Camera01] Added "kCutPos kCutPOA" to Flags
[Subworld Region Detector - cSubworldRegBookMachine] Deleted
[Filter Coord Interface - TriggerNoClimbRegion] Created to keep Region in place during animations
[Filter Coord Interface - TriggerElevatorRegion] Created to keep Region in place during animations
Changed all sounds to be "NPC Voice" and use for a soft region - Soft Volume Union "cSfxSoRegUnion-Rooms-Verb" from grsnTrainingCenterMudRooms.prp
[Scene Node - Garrison_WallRoom] Added Scene Object "WallRoomVisRegionMeshNew"
[Scene Object - WallRoomVisRegionMeshNew] New Object
[Draw Interface - Cable01] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Cable02] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Cable03] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Cable04] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Cable05] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Cable06] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - redGrebblieLightFlare01] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - redGrebblieLightFlare02] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Scanner03] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Scanner04] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Spike01] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Spike02] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Spike03] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Spike04] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - WallMount01] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - WallMount02] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - WallMount03] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - WallMount05] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - WallMount06] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - WallMount08] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Soft Volume Simple - WallRoomSoftRegionNew] Duplicate of "WallRoomSoftRegion" but top bound lowered to -15, Owner set to Scene Object "WallRoomVisRegionMeshNew"
[Soft Volume Union - Greeblies02SoftRegionUnionNew] Duplicate of "Greeblies02SoftRegionUnion", Changed plSoftVolumeSimple "WallRoomSoftRegion" to plSoftVolumeSimple "WallRoomSoftRegionNew"
[Soft Volume Union - Greeblies01SoftRegionUnionNew] Duplicate of "Greeblies01SoftRegionUnion", Changed plSoftVolumeSimple "WallRoomSoftRegion" to plSoftVolumeSimple "WallRoomSoftRegionNew"
[Vis Region - Greeblies02VisRegionNew] New Vis Region
[Vis Region - Greeblies01VisRegionNew] New Vis Region
GahreesenEnglish.loc and GahreesenGerman.loc
Changes to Grammar due to wall game supporting more than 2 players.
Added "alpha*0#0.hsm" to mipmap
Adds the Event Handler that does Ki announcements and announcer sounds
Adds new live camera feeds to both meeting rooms to watch the players climb the wall live
Announcer sounds recorded by DoobesURU for TOC wall 2.0
Co-authored-by: Mystler <>
Co-authored-by: ChristopherS <>
Co-authored-by: Filtik <>
Co-authored-by: DoobesURU <>
This prevents anyone that links in during the animation from falling out of the world.
[Coord Interface - Black_WhtRmSubworldDummy] Scene Object "Black_LinkInPointDefaultBlack" added to children
[Coord Interface - Black_LinkInPointDefaultBlack] Local to Parent X/Y/Z changed to 0.153015/0.100963/2.471710 from -470.357/-0.13592/-9.69999
[Coord Interface - Black_LinkInPointDefaultBlack] Parent to Local X/Y/Z changed to -0.153015/-0.100963/-2.471710 from 470.357/0.13592/9.69999
[Coord Interface - WhtRmSubworldDummy] Scene Object "LinkInPointDefaultWhite" added to children
[Coord Interface - LinkInPointDefaultWhite] Local to Parent X/Y/Z changed to 0.153015/0.100963/2.471710 from -376.559998/-0.135920/-10.353600
[Coord Interface - LinkInPointDefaultWhite] Parent to Local X/Y/Z changed to -0.153015/-0.100963/-2.471710 from 376.559998/0.135920/10.353600
Changes needed for Wall Game Panel Lights to work correctly
[Python File Mode - wallControls] Added ID 61, Material Animation, Layer Animation "Map #73890_anim"
[Python File Mode - wallControls] Added ID 62, Material Animation, Layer Animation "Map #7389_anim"
[Python File Mode - wallControls] Added ID 63, Scene Object List, Scene Object "YellowPanelLight"
[Python File Mode - wallControls] Added ID 63, Scene Object List, Scene Object "YellowPanelLight07"
[Python File Mode - wallControls] Added ID 64, Scene Object List, Scene Object "YellowPanelLight01"
[Python File Mode - wallControls] Added ID 64, Scene Object List, Scene Object "YellowPanelLight06"
[Python File Mode - wallControls] Added ID 65, Scene Object List, Scene Object "YellowPanelLight02"
[Python File Mode - wallControls] Added ID 65, Scene Object List, Scene Object "YellowPanelLight05"
[Python File Mode - wallControls] Added ID 66, Scene Object List, Scene Object "YellowPanelLight03"
[Python File Mode - wallControls] Added ID 66, Scene Object List, Scene Object "YellowPanelLight04"
Changes made to prevent Walls Bottom collider from trapping player on walkway and stairs
Turned Bottom colliders into wall blocker similar to bottomblocker
This changes how the bottom of the wall game works now though
If you climb too low, you will be dismount from the wall anywhere instead of just the center two squares
[Scene Object - wall_blocker_bottom_edge01] Added "fallOffDownBlocker_350" to Modifiers
[Scene Object - wall_blocker_bottom_edge02] Added "fallOffDownBlocker_351" to Modifiers
[Scene Object - wall_blocker_bottom_edge03] Added "fallOffDownBlocker_352" to Modifiers
[Scene Object - wall_blocker_bottom_edge04] Added "fallOffDownBlocker_353" to Modifiers
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge01] PhysicalParams - MemberGroup changed to kGroupDetector from kGroupStatic
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge01] PhysicalParams - ReportGroup changed to kGroupAvatar from Nothing
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge01] PhysicalParams - LOSDBs changed to 0x0000 from 0x0008
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge01] Transform changed to X="0" Y="0" Z="-3" from X="0" Y="0" Z="0"
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge01] Bounds changed to kHullBounds from kExplicitBounds
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge02] PhysicalParams - MemberGroup changed to kGroupDetector from kGroupStatic
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge02] PhysicalParams - ReportGroup changed to kGroupAvatar from Nothing
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge02] PhysicalParams - LOSDBs changed to 0x0000 from 0x0008
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge02] Transform changed to X="0" Y="0" Z="-3" from X="0" Y="0" Z="0"
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge02] Bounds changed to kHullBounds from kExplicitBounds
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge03] PhysicalParams - MemberGroup changed to kGroupDetector from kGroupStatic
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge03] PhysicalParams - ReportGroup changed to kGroupAvatar from Nothing
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge03] PhysicalParams - LOSDBs changed to 0x0000 from 0x0008
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge03] Transform changed to X="0" Y="0" Z="-3" from X="0" Y="0" Z="0"
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge03] Bounds changed to kHullBounds from kExplicitBounds
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge04] PhysicalParams - MemberGroup changed to kGroupDetector from kGroupStatic
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge04] PhysicalParams - ReportGroup changed to kGroupAvatar from Nothing
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge04] PhysicalParams - LOSDBs changed to 0x0000 from 0x0008
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge04] Transform changed to X="0" Y="0" Z="-3" from X="0" Y="0" Z="0"
[Generic Physical - wall_blocker_bottom_edge04] Bounds changed to kHullBounds from kExplicitBounds
[Simple Region Sensor - fallOffDownBlocker_350] Created it based off of fallOffDownBlocker_349, Target set to wall_blocker_bottom_edge01
[Simple Region Sensor - fallOffDownBlocker_351] Created it based off of fallOffDownBlocker_349, Target set to wall_blocker_bottom_edge02
[Simple Region Sensor - fallOffDownBlocker_352] Created it based off of fallOffDownBlocker_349, Target set to wall_blocker_bottom_edge03
[Simple Region Sensor - fallOffDownBlocker_353] Created it based off of fallOffDownBlocker_349, Target set to wall_blocker_bottom_edge04
Updates Chiso Preniv's PRPs with the latest Korman export. Also, a new(ish) LOC file to better adhere to URU's current naming conventions (plus for the new book to read).