This is mostly a cosmetic thing for consistency with the other
languages, but it also works around an unfortunate line wrapping
problem: the line "2.Une fois que vous disposez d'un KI version 2.0"
gets wrapped at the version number, between "." and "0". This is
probably because it interprets the "." as an end of sentence, and there
seems to be no good way to prevent this (we can't use a non-breaking
space, because we don't want a space). By adding the spaces in the
numbered lists, the problematic line becomes long enough that the entire
version number gets wrapped onto the next line, as expected.
In the Yeesha font, non-breaking spaces are much wider than they should
be. This seems to be the only place affected by this problem, so just
remove the non-breaking space. The number is readable enough without it.
In French, some punctuation characters (question mark, exclamation mark,
colon, semicolon) also have a space before the symbol, not just after
the symbol as in most other languages.
We don't do this for special cases like "(?)", where a preceding space
makes no sense and would look strange.
In French, some punctuation characters (question mark, exclamation mark,
colon, semicolon) also have a space before the symbol, not just after
the symbol as in most other languages. This preceding space should be a
non-breaking space, so that the punctuation is not wrapped onto a new
line separate from the preceding word.
[Fe]maleFan02 rebuilt - Includes PR#74
[Scene Object - DRC Vest] Added to Modifiers - Python File Mod "cPythTakeablePlainVest"
[Python FIle Mod - cPythTakeablePlainVest] Duplicate of "cPythTakeableClothing", but with clothing set to plain vest
[Logic Modifier - cClickDRCVest] Added Python File Mod "cPythTakeablePlainVest" to Receivers above "cPythTakeableClothing"
No other part of the game uses single quotes, and even some of the KI
system messages use double quotes already.
This does not touch the French and German translations, because they
have already been adjusted in the previous commits.
The French translation was inconsistent about its quote style. Some
parts used guillemets, but others used double quotes. As far as I know,
guillemets are the standard quote form in French.
Note that in French, there are spaces on the inside of the guillemets as
well, not just on the outside as in most other languages. These inside
spaces should be non-breaking spaces, so that the guillemets are
line-wrapped together with the text being quoted.
Most parts of the German translation already used double quotes, but
especially some city notebooks used single quotes for some reason. As a
native German speaker, double quotes also seem more natural to me, and
they are the standard quote form in German, as far as I know.
GlobalClothing were resaved.
Fan02 was recreated then resaved.
[Scene Node - Myst_Fireplace] Add scene object "CatherineShoesClickable"
[Scene Object - Catherine Clickable Region] Add to modifiers - Object in Volume Detector "cClick_CatherineShoeReward"
[Scene Object - CatherineShoesClickable] New object for Catherine's Shoes
[Layer - CatherineShoes] New
[Material - CatherineShoes] New
[Coord Interface - CatherineShoesClickable] New
[Draw Interface - CatherineShoesClickable] New
[Simulation Interface - CatherineShoesClickable] New
[Picking Detector - cClick_CatherineShoeReward] New
[Logic Modifier - cClick_CatherineShoeReward] New
[Activator Conditional Object - cClick_CatherineShoeReward] New
[Object in Box Conditional - cClick_CatherineShoeReward] New
[Facing Conditional Object - cClick_CatherineShoeReward] New
[Generic Physical - CatherineShoesClickable] New
[Drawable Span - Myst_Fireplace_00000000_0Spans] Added new catherine shoes.
[Object in Volume Detector - cClick_CatherineShoeReward] New
[Python File Mod - cPythCatherineRobe] Removed from 4 "03_FLFoot_Catherine and 03_FRFoot_Catherine". Removed from 5 "03_MLFoot_Catherine and 03_MRFoot_Catherine"
[Python File Mod - cPythCatherineRShoe] New
[Python File Mod - cPythCatherineLShoe] New
[Interface Info Mod - CatherineShoesClickable] New
Neighborhood CommonRoom
[Generic Physical - CommonRoomAudioPodium] Updated the verts and faces to be smaller at the front of the podium to prevent getting stuck when pushing button
Neighborhood02 krelCommonRm
[Sound Buffer - krelFanQ42021_eng.ogg] Updated audio to have proper bytes/second.
[Sound Buffer - krelFanQ42021_fre.ogg] New
krelFanQ42021_eng.ogg - Updated to be higher quality sound file
krelFanQ42021_fre.ogg - Audio translation done by skyisblu
[MipMap - Nebula.hsm] Altered texture by Tweek. Thank you!
Changes made to Auroras to match tweaks made by Doobes in VeeTsah
] Created. Duplicate of "Map #733022", Texture change to Mipmap ""
[Material - sketchVeeTsah] Created. Added to Layers - Layer Animation "Map #733023_anim"
[Audio Interface - cSfxGUI-Glow_28] Duplicate of Audio Interface "cSfxGUI-Glow_27", Audible set to Win Audible "cSfxGUI-Glow_28", Owner set to Scene Object "YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah"
[Win Audible - cSfxGUI-Glow_28] Duplicate of Win Audible "cSfxGUI-Glow_27", Sound Object set to Static Sound "cSfxGUI-Glow_Win32GUISound27"
[Coordinate Interface - YeeshaPagePlane] Children - Added Scene Object "YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah"
[Coordinate Interface - YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah] Duplicate of Coord Interface "YeeshaPage25-BahroPoles". Owner changed to Scene Object "YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah".
[Draw Interface - YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah] Created. Owner set to Scene Object "YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah". Draw key set to 0 and Drawable Span "GUI_YeeshaPageGUI_10000008_0BlendSpans_Page26"
[Layer Animation - Map #733023_anim] Duplicate of Layer Animation "Map #733022_anim". Base Layer set to Layer "Map #733023"
[Drawable Span - GUI_YeeshaPageGUI_10000008_0BlendSpans_Page26] Created with Blender
[Static Sound - cSfxGUI-Glow_Win32GUISound27] Duplicate of Static Sound "cSfxGUI-Glow_Win32GUISound26"
[GUI Dialog Mod - YeeshaPageGUI] Added GUI Button Mod "GUIYeeshaPageBtn26" between "GUIYeeshaPageBtn24" and "GUICancelLB"
[GUI Button Mod - GUIYeeshaPageBtn26] Duplicate of GUIYeeshaPageBtn25. Tag ID set to 226. Animation set to Layer Animation "Map #733023_anim"
[Scene Object - Butte006Top02] Added Simulation Interface "Butte006Top02"
[Scene Object - Butte06btm02] Added Simulation Interface "Butte06btm02"
[Scene Object - SkyHigh] Added to Modifiers - Python File Mod "cPythYeeshaPage26 - VeeTsah Off"
[Scene Object - SkyLow] Added to Modifiers - Python File Mod "cPythYeeshaPage26 - VeeTsah Off"
[Simulation Interface - Butte06btm02] Created
[Simulation Interface - Butte006Top02] Created
[Generic Physical - Surface] Added Collision Mesh to hole in back of island
[Generic Physical - Butte06btm02] Created with blender
[Generic Physical - Butte006Top02] Created with blender
[Mipmap - ALPHAGEN_NorthernSten.jpg] Added from VeeTsah_District_Textures.prp - Courtesy of Doobes
[Mipmap - BackNeb.hsm] Added from VeeTsah_District_Textures.prp - Courtesy of Doobes
[Mipmap -] Added from VeeTsah_District_Textures.prp - Courtesy of Doobes
[Mipmap - Nebula.hsm] Added from VeeTsah_District_Textures.prp - Courtesy of Doobes
[Mipmap -] Color Alterations to better fit Relto Lighting of texture Originally from VeeTsah_District_Textures.prp - Courtesy of Doobes
[Mipmap -] New - Altered to reduce black outline, original texture from prsnmoon*0#0.hsm
[Mipmap - Starfield3.hsm] Added from VeeTsah_District_Textures.prp - Courtesy of Doobes
Co-authored-by: DoobesURU <>
Co-authored-by: Traveler263 <>
The localization system *always* tries to interpret placeholders
(e. g. %1) in translations, even if it's just constant text that's not
supposed to have placeholders. To display the percent symbols here
literally, they need to be escaped (using a backslash,
An unescaped percent symbol that doesn't form a valid placeholder will
cause strange behavior. In this case, the entire journal content before
the percent symbol was silently ignored, resulting in missing text and
broken formatting.
These quotes are apparently unintentional. Before the previous change,
they were invisible in-game, which may be why they haven't already been
Uru's fonts are limited to Latin-1 characters. If any characters outside
that range are used in in-game texts, the characters are either not
displayed at all or are replaced with a question mark symbol.
This change replaces all non-Latin-1 characters in all .loc files with
ASCII equivalents, so that they are displayed properly in-game.
Specifically, the following replacements are performed:
* Unicode dashes to ASCII hyphen-minus ([–—] to -)
* "Curly" quotes to "straight" quotes ([‘’‚] to ', [“”„] to ")
* Unicode ellipsis to ASCII dots (… to ...)
* œ to oe (sorry France)
This ensures that the Armature Effects object for the Quab footsteps has
the correct RandomSoundMod set up for the "Stone" surface, not just the
"Dirt" surface.
Removed FemaleCC.prp and MaleCC.prp as they are no longer needed. Content is now in (Fe)male02 and (Fe)male04 instead
Source assets added for CC content
One sentence in the King Hemelin notebook was partially destroyed at
some point, apparently as the result of a regex replace gone wrong.
Someone replaced "%.*s" with "%256s", probably meaning to adjust some
printf-style format strings, but this accidentally also matched a
literal percent symbol in the King Hemelin notebook and deleted some of
the following words.
In the English version, someone apparently noticed this and removed the
destroyed part of the sentence, but did not fully undo the incorrect
change. The French and German translations were never fixed.
This commit fully restores the sentence, based on the text from Uru CC,
where it was not yet broken. The English original and French and German
translations are fixed (there is no Italian or Spanish translation for
this notebook).
Based on a pre-release version of the notebook that was preserved by the
Guild of Archivists (formerly DPWR), the footnotes were slightly changed
at some point during development (before the release of ABM). In
particular, the first asterisk (next to a Kerath quote) was removed from
the text, and the third footnote entry (referencing a Mee-Dis War book)
was removed from the footnotes.
It appears that these changes were accidental. The removed asterisk
doesn't match the removed footnote, and the remaining asterisks and
footnotes no longer match up very well with each other. This is most
noticeable with the "Taken from Kerath's public speech" footnote: in the
pre-release version, it matches up with a Kerath quote, but in the
release version, it corresponds to a paragraph about D'ni prophets that
doesn't contain anything said by Kerath.
This commit re-adds the previously removed asterisk and Mee-Dis War
footnote, which restores the footnotes to the more consistent
pre-release state. The French and German translations are updated
accordingly, with the translation of the footnote copied from other
notebooks. The Italian and Spanish translations are *not* updated in
this commit, because they are incomplete and don't contain a translation
of the Mee-Dis War footnote anywhere.
This has the side effect of completely removing the non-Cyan logo'd
clothing items in the modified Max files (eg CCN, TCT, Sam & Max, Mantis
Parable sweatshirts).
This requires a corresponding change in to also double
the font size and line spacing.
[Dynamic Text Map - DynaTextWrinkledNote_dynText] Doubled width and height
Neighborhood CommonRoom
[Scene Object - SfxImagerSpeechesEmit01] Set sync flags to Turn off Exclude All Persistent States, Turn on Exclude Persistent States, Exclude these states: AGMaster, Layer, Responder, XRegion
[Scene Object - SfxImagerSpeechesEmit02] Set sync flags to Turn off Exclude All Persistent States, Turn on Exclude Persistent States, Exclude these states: AGMaster, Layer, Responder, XRegion
[Coord Interface - bevinPodiumPOS] Raised Z to 14.133800
[Generic Physical - CommonRoomAudioPodium] Set mass to 1, Moved bounds a bit so Avatar would not become stuck after using button
[Win32 Streaming Sound - cSfxDniPodiumSpeech0] Set audio Channel to "Right"
Neighborhood02 krelCommonRm
[Scene Object - SfxImagerSpeechesEmit01] Set sync flags to Turn off Exclude All Persistent States, Turn on Exclude Persistent States, Exclude these states: AGMaster, Layer, Responder, XRegion
[Coord Interface - cmnrmPodiumPOS] Moved position so avatar would not become stuck in podium after using button
[Generic Physical - cmnrmCommonRoomAudioPodium] Set mass to 1, Moved bounds a bit so Avatar would not become stuck after using button
[Win32 Streaming Sound - cSfxWatson0] Set audio Channel to "Right"
[Win32 Streaming Sound - cSfxFanQ42021_2] Set audio Channel to "Right"