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Update English Sharper journal to have "dynamic" non-localized vault content added to it.

ZarothYe 3 years ago
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@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ On a more typical note, Watson came by a few days ago asking me to name the wild
<font color=982A2A>9.22.03 - Just returned from a short surface trip. Went to last week's Patriots game in Philadelphia. Excellent game. What they needed after that miserable performance in first week. And another win yesterday. Travis managed to meet me in Philadelphia and brought little Travis down with him. It was good to see them both. <font color=982A2A>9.22.03 - Just returned from a short surface trip. Went to last week's Patriots game in Philadelphia. Excellent game. What they needed after that miserable performance in first week. And another win yesterday. Travis managed to meet me in Philadelphia and brought little Travis down with him. It was good to see them both.
Sonya seems to like it down here. In fact, it looks as though she'll be staying for a while - longer than she had thought - and may be working for the DRC in a similar role as Simpson. Fine with me. Another insdie scoop never hurts. Sonya seems to like it down here. In fact, it looks as though she'll be staying for a while - longer than she had thought - and may be working for the DRC in a similar role as Simpson. Fine with me. Another inside scoop never hurts.
I'm going to try and get a pub down here. DRC has apparently made long-term plans to open up a new section of the city and there is a spot I'd love to have as my own. Time to start being nice again and see if I can get it. I'm going to try and get a pub down here. DRC has apparently made long-term plans to open up a new section of the city and there is a spot I'd love to have as my own. Time to start being nice again and see if I can get it.
@ -282,6 +282,99 @@ Engberg is whining again. Not good. They've called a meeting. This better not me
11.26.03 - Excellent talk with Brian tonight. Good man. 11.26.03 - Excellent talk with Brian tonight. Good man.
11.28.03 - What is it with this Phil character? The man is disturbing, yet intriguing. I was able to talk to him last night for a while in Kemo. He's probably just crazy but if they will listen to him, he could be very useful. More people need to hear him. He's agreed to meet with me again. This could be just what I needed. 11.28.03 - What is it with this Phil character? The man is disturbing, yet intriguing. I was able to talk to him last night for a while in Kemo. He's probably just crazy but if they will listen to him, he could be very useful. More people need to hear him. He's agreed to meet with me again. This could be just what I needed.
12.1.03 - Sounds like it may have been one of the best games all year. I may not have a choice but to make a surface trip for the Jaguar game on my birthday. Have to see how things are progressing down here.
DRC is obviously aware of Phil, as they should be. I have to say I'm happy to have the distraction. I haven't heard anything about Engberg's call for a meeting recently. Good timing.
12.8.03 - Phil. What perfect timing. The things he showed me this weekend are beyond anything I could have expected. I may have bought into the DRC propaganda myself. Not again. The DRC knows so little of the power of D'ni. It's almost funny. Yeesha is the key. With her, there is strength. It's either Yeesha or the DRC. That needs to be the message and Phil will help me in speaking it. They will listen to him.
12.15.03 - Didn't think I would be able to forget about what was happening down here, but sitting in the snow, watching Poole run that interception back. This team is as good as I've seen them. I can't wait for the playoffs.
Being back on the surface cemented by decision. I'll be coming back for Christmas. In the meantime, I think I'm going to cut down a tree on my Relto and decorate it for the office here.
Need to find Phil today. Haven't met with him in a while and that's never good, even if the game was worth it.
12.15.03 - They've gone too far this time. The nerve of these people. The war has started. They can not simply take Phil away with no reason and not expect consequences.
12.19.03 - I have given them consequences and now it seems they will give me a taste of my own medicine. Kodama seems to have started the ball rolling. I fully expected this sort of reaction. I just hope I have enough people on my side when I need them.
12.28.03 - What a holiday. Though things down here are a complete mess, at least the surface is going well. Patriots won again. Was able to spend time with Megan, Sean, and Brian - took him to the game, although down here it seems as though my credibility and respect has taken a downturn.
Phil has apparently been killed, or at least that is what the DRC is saying. I'm not sure whether to believe them or not, but the evidence is not good. I've seen the pile myself. Watson has left for the surface, too upset to stay. Laxman and Kodama are taking a role. The city has been closed again. I'm losing my fight for this whole mess. It's too much and the people here seem to care little. It might not be worth it.
Playoffs in two weeks. At least I have that to look forward to.
12.31.03 - It has been quite a year, especially recently. I have to say I never planned things to go this way, although looking back it may be for the best. Watson has left. Somewhere. Laxman and Kodama seem to be running things which, for the moment, is definitely good. At least they are moving somewhere. Though I may not always agree with them, I like their drive. I'm thinking about giving it a little more time and seeing if I can't get my pub back.
I've been keeping quiet lately, on purpose, letting things run their course. I may have become a little to aggressive and I don't think I was helping myself. We'll see if I can't do things better this year.
Still planning on heading up to the surface next week. Make the playoff trip a little longer than just the weekend.
Though this baby isn't quite full, it seems a good time to start a new journal. So this is it. My last entry for this book. 6 years in the making. Hard to believe.
3.7.07 - The smell of this place hasn't changed. It's as though I never left until Cate links in and says hello.
Well... here we go again...
3.9.07 - I've given up looking for the other journal - who knows who took it? Suppose I'll fill this up instead.
Negilahn seems to be task one. The creature or thing, whatever it is there, eating everything else. I had no intention of hunting anymore down here and the first thing the DRC asks me to do is exactly that. Odd, but what can I do? I'm not going to turn down a job like this.
Apparently Nick has someone who is interested in helping out with Negilahn but he can't seem to remember the person's name. Not sure what's happening with the poor boy but he seems distracted... ever since I've come down. I only hope it's not a woman or something. We don't need that.
He's going around asking everyone who this mysterious person is and of course everyone is volunteering. The poor boy never learns. He did just stop by again after another visit to the Great Tree's Bevin (wonderful name) and said it might be a guy named Rils. We'll have to contact him. Seems Nick had a note from him and his Zoological Society all along.
The boy is distracted but we'll get it done.
3.12.07 - I suppose I had better give the boy credit. Nick tracked him down and seems to have an agreement with this Rils character. I'll determine for myself whether or not he's fit to accompany us to Negilahn but from all accounts, it sounds like he is.
Hopefully he's a better shot than Nick. Judging by target practice yesterday, I'm not sure we'll have much hope if I'm unable to hold a gun for some reason. I need to remember to make sure Nick isn't sending off messages to all of his friends while we're tracking either.
The boy has got to learn to focus.
3.14.07 - Rils seems fine. I was a bit nervous at first but anyone who does what he does can't be all that bad. The man has used a gun in the past but we'll see. I'd put him in the same level as Nick although I'll give credit to Nick. The boy has improved.
Either way, if I go down, they'll be in trouble. I won't go down.
If I had buried the days of the past, they were dug up by a gentlemen named Vormaen. He brought up Phil and attempted to interrogate me on those events that happened years ago. The man claimed people are worried I'm going to start a war.
If there is a war to worry about, it's not one I'll be starting.
3.19.07 - Surprised Boy Wonder with a trip to the surface to see his Ducks play in Spokane. Two games and two wins. Not to mention good times with Nick. Good kid.
Of course, Nick forgot to mention the trip to Rils so I'm sure he was waiting the whole weekend for a Negilahn expedition.
Good kid with a lack of focus.
3.22.07 - Bad night of sleep. Nightmares. I've never seen anything like it in my life.
Cate wants my report in an hour. Still not exactly sure what kind of woman she is but I have to choose my words carefully. Closing the Age won't be good for anyone right now.
3.23.07 - I can't say I'm surprised, but I didn't expect her reaction. Cate is not exactly what I thought.
Negilahn will stay open. The pods, for some reason, this thing, or things, won't go near the pods.
I have some theories I'll look into myself before another long trip with Rils and Nick.
I have some theories.
5.3.07 - I don't seem to have quite the same desire to journal I once did. Regardless, I figure I better write something down.
It's been two weeks of studying the outsides of the pods and the number of deaths seems to have dropped quite a bit.
I would normally think that good news, and I still do, but the overall decrease in population is going to eventually cause a drop of some kind. I think that's the primary reason.
I have no doubt this is not a disease, not a sickness, or anything like that.
It's a predator and a very mean one at that. I have now seen glimpses of it.
While writing this, Cate sent me a message. The boy has been fired from the DRC. I suppose all this involvement with Jazz, Heaven, and Sydney had to catch up to the poor boy at some point. I tried to warn him.
I can't say I'm surprised. Too bad. Not sure what that means for him working with me but I don't think it's good.
I better go find him and see what he plans to do now.
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