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Revert .gitignore and EOL space removals from the LOC

ZarothYe 3 years ago
  1. 1
  2. 230

.gitignore vendored

@ -2,4 +2,3 @@
*.blend1 *.blend1
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@ -3,199 +3,199 @@
<age name="BaronCityOffice"> <age name="BaronCityOffice">
<set name="Journals"> <set name="Journals">
<element name="Sharper"> <element name="Sharper">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xSharperJournalCover*1#0.hsm"><font size=18 face=Sharper color=982A2A><margin left=62 right=62 top=48>11.14.97 - Looks like they've agreed to let me take "control" of Teledahn. Time to start a journal. Officially. <translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xSharperJournalCover*1#0.hsm"><font size=18 face=Sharper color=982A2A><margin left=62 right=62 top=48>11.14.97 - Looks like they've agreed to let me take "control" of Teledahn. Time to start a journal. Officially.
11.17.97 - Maybe not. Kodama "popped in", going on about his inspections, in his usual arrogant manner. What a joke. 11.17.97 - Maybe not. Kodama "popped in", going on about his inspections, in his usual arrogant manner. What a joke.
11.24.97 - Now it's Watson's turn. Acted as though he was chatting but I could tell he was looking all over, checking on my progress, or maybe making sure I can be trusted. I'll just get used to it. 11.24.97 - Now it's Watson's turn. Acted as though he was chatting but I could tell he was looking all over, checking on my progress, or maybe making sure I can be trusted. I'll just get used to it.
11.25.97 - Time to move forward. DRC isn't going to change anytime soon. 11.25.97 - Time to move forward. DRC isn't going to change anytime soon.
12.15.97 - Merry Christmas. Going up for a few months. Can't take this red tape anymore. 12.15.97 - Merry Christmas. Going up for a few months. Can't take this red tape anymore.
1.29.98 - Yay for Broncos. Patriots should have been there. Stupid Steelers. Okay, maybe Teledahn will help me to forget all this. 1.29.98 - Yay for Broncos. Patriots should have been there. Stupid Steelers. Okay, maybe Teledahn will help me to forget all this.
<font color=000000>2.15.98 - Looks like I'm going to need Watson after all. I've found all kinds of journals, and notes upstairs that I'm going to need translated. I think Watson is going to let one of his assistants help me out. Sam. <font color=000000>2.15.98 - Looks like I'm going to need Watson after all. I've found all kinds of journals, and notes upstairs that I'm going to need translated. I think Watson is going to let one of his assistants help me out. Sam.
3.1.98 - Sam is not the fastest translator I've ever seen. I don't think he's even started. Kodama came by again today. 3.1.98 - Sam is not the fastest translator I've ever seen. I don't think he's even started. Kodama came by again today.
3.3.98 - Spotted something today. Creature of some kind. Forget the history of this place, for now. I've got to see that thing again. 3.3.98 - Spotted something today. Creature of some kind. Forget the history of this place, for now. I've got to see that thing again.
3.7.98 - Saw her again. Wow. What a beauty. 3.7.98 - Saw her again. Wow. What a beauty.
<font color=323853>3.9.98 - She's very sensitive to sound. Startles like an antelope. I'm estimating she's a good forty feet. Killer whale type. Hard shell though. <font color=323853>3.9.98 - She's very sensitive to sound. Startles like an antelope. I'm estimating she's a good forty feet. Killer whale type. Hard shell though.
3.18.98 - No sign of her in this area, at least. Sam said he's going to have some time next week. At this rate... 3.18.98 - No sign of her in this area, at least. Sam said he's going to have some time next week. At this rate...
<font color=982A2A>3.25.98 - She showed up again. I saw her eating. She likes the flappers. Feeds on them. Pretty quick and agile for her size. Surprised me. Of course, those flappers aren't real bright. Those who weren't eaten went right back to the spot and waited for her to show up again. <font color=982A2A>3.25.98 - She showed up again. I saw her eating. She likes the flappers. Feeds on them. Pretty quick and agile for her size. Surprised me. Of course, those flappers aren't real bright. Those who weren't eaten went right back to the spot and waited for her to show up again.
Looks like this place was written in 8990 for a D'ni Lord. Guild of Caterers. 250th birthday present. If I'm ever 250, someone better give me something better than this place. Looks like this place was written in 8990 for a D'ni Lord. Guild of Caterers. 250th birthday present. If I'm ever 250, someone better give me something better than this place.
4.5.98 - Sam is busy again. Did get me some more translations though. Seems like the mushrooms were used for some kind of delicacy. To be honest, I'm not sure Sam got that one right. Doesn't make a lot of sense, not with what I'm seeing. 4.5.98 - Sam is busy again. Did get me some more translations though. Seems like the mushrooms were used for some kind of delicacy. To be honest, I'm not sure Sam got that one right. Doesn't make a lot of sense, not with what I'm seeing.
4.7.98 - Watson told me Sam is too busy to help me. I'm going to have to learn this language myself, or find someone who can actually help me. 4.7.98 - Watson told me Sam is too busy to help me. I'm going to have to learn this language myself, or find someone who can actually help me.
4.8.98 - Watched her for a while today. Definitely feeds on the flappers close to shore. Also feeds on mushrooms. 4.8.98 - Watched her for a while today. Definitely feeds on the flappers close to shore. Also feeds on mushrooms.
<font color=323853>4.15.98 - Does she ever feed on mushrooms. Watched her completely destroy one today. Brought the whole thing down and fed for some time. Until scared off by something. <font color=323853>4.15.98 - Does she ever feed on mushrooms. Watched her completely destroy one today. Brought the whole thing down and fed for some time. Until scared off by something.
4.17.98 - Mushroom is gone. Probably sank. Kodama came by again today and I was glad the girl wasn't around. Last thing I need. 4.17.98 - Mushroom is gone. Probably sank. Kodama came by again today and I was glad the girl wasn't around. Last thing I need.
5.14.98 - 1. The flappers like the spores. 2. The creature likes the Flappers. 3. She's scared to death of loud sounds. If I get this equipment running, she's gone. Heading up in a week. Going to try and get this gate down before I go. See if she'll come in while I'm gone. 5.14.98 - 1. The flappers like the spores. 2. The creature likes the Flappers. 3. She's scared to death of loud sounds. If I get this equipment running, she's gone. Heading up in a week. Going to try and get this gate down before I go. See if she'll come in while I'm gone.
8.12.98 - Three mushrooms were down. Seems all of them were a particular kind. She was in the lagoon. I think I could have taken her out, but not yet. DRC would have a fit. Probably kick me out or something. She's definitely an air breather. Could hear her today. Sleeping, on the surface. Kodama followed me here and scared the heck out of her. She woke and shot out of here, fast. Kodama never saw her. Apparently some new guy is learning D'ni and wants to work with me. We'll see. 8.12.98 - Three mushrooms were down. Seems all of them were a particular kind. She was in the lagoon. I think I could have taken her out, but not yet. DRC would have a fit. Probably kick me out or something. She's definitely an air breather. Could hear her today. Sleeping, on the surface. Kodama followed me here and scared the heck out of her. She woke and shot out of here, fast. Kodama never saw her. Apparently some new guy is learning D'ni and wants to work with me. We'll see.
8.28.98 - There are quite a few new people coming down. A group from some game company was recently here and there was quite a stir. I met a few of them. Nice guys. 8.28.98 - There are quite a few new people coming down. A group from some game company was recently here and there was quite a stir. I met a few of them. Nice guys.
9.15.98 - Haven't seen her for a full month. I'm going to start working on the equipment here. Can't wait forever and the DRC is getting on me. As though they owned the place. 9.15.98 - Haven't seen her for a full month. I'm going to start working on the equipment here. Can't wait forever and the DRC is getting on me. As though they owned the place.
<font color=000000>10.1.98 - The tower is almost working. Need some tools from the surface. No sign of Shroomie. Met the new guy - Nick - nice guy. This might be real good. Smart guy. Picking up D'ni fast. He's going to keep at it, but I gave him some material to study in the meantime. <font color=000000>10.1.98 - The tower is almost working. Need some tools from the surface. No sign of Shroomie. Met the new guy - Nick - nice guy. This might be real good. Smart guy. Picking up D'ni fast. He's going to keep at it, but I gave him some material to study in the meantime.
11.5.98 - Quick trip up and back down. Tower is working. Nick dropped off some translation and it all matches the old stuff. He's working on new material now. Tower is powered and more projects. 11.5.98 - Quick trip up and back down. Tower is working. Nick dropped off some translation and it all matches the old stuff. He's working on new material now. Tower is powered and more projects.
11.14.98 - These buckets are a mess. So is the elevator. Have found some kind of pump mechanism to get that water out. I think all of it will have to wait. I'm heading back up for holidays and end of season. Tickets to Monday night game against Miami. Patriots still in the playoff hunt. 11.14.98 - These buckets are a mess. So is the elevator. Have found some kind of pump mechanism to get that water out. I think all of it will have to wait. I'm heading back up for holidays and end of season. Tickets to Monday night game against Miami. Patriots still in the playoff hunt.
1.7.99 - Patriots out. Back down. Nick is more than I could have hoped for. Seems up for keeping the translation out of DRC's hands. Has had some bad experiences with Kodama and Engberg and in my camp now. Perfect. 1.7.99 - Patriots out. Back down. Nick is more than I could have hoped for. Seems up for keeping the translation out of DRC's hands. Has had some bad experiences with Kodama and Engberg and in my camp now. Perfect.
Apparently Hinahsh only owned the Age for ten years. At his death, Teledahn was left to the Guild of Caterers who installed the equipment that I'm working on today. Some of the translation has actually been rather helpful. I think I can get the pump working. Was never meant for water, but I think it would pump out the water. Apparently Hinahsh only owned the Age for ten years. At his death, Teledahn was left to the Guild of Caterers who installed the equipment that I'm working on today. Some of the translation has actually been rather helpful. I think I can get the pump working. Was never meant for water, but I think it would pump out the water.
Nick says there is quite a bit about a Guild Captain Ventus who ran the Age for quite a few years and directed the industrialization of the place. Did quite a job apparently. Although, Nick is still reading. Nick says there is quite a bit about a Guild Captain Ventus who ran the Age for quite a few years and directed the industrialization of the place. Did quite a job apparently. Although, Nick is still reading.
Signs of Shroomie, but I haven't seen her for a long time and I'm not going to stop working on the equipment now. Apparently no mention of her in the stuff Nick is reading. Signs of Shroomie, but I haven't seen her for a long time and I'm not going to stop working on the equipment now. Apparently no mention of her in the stuff Nick is reading.
2.4.99 - Pump works, although I'm keeping the water there. Nice form of protection to the other side. At least until I discover what it was used for. That's Nick's job now. I have my ideas though. 2.4.99 - Pump works, although I'm keeping the water there. Nice form of protection to the other side. At least until I discover what it was used for. That's Nick's job now. I have my ideas though.
Seems as though Ventus installed the gate to keep Shroomie out of here. Didn't like her eating his mushrooms. Good idea. Seems as though Ventus installed the gate to keep Shroomie out of here. Didn't like her eating his mushrooms. Good idea.
2.6.99 - Ventus maybe wasn't so great after all. Ruined the place. Turned it into what we see now. Explains the differences in early descriptions to the later ones. 2.6.99 - Ventus maybe wasn't so great after all. Ruined the place. Turned it into what we see now. Explains the differences in early descriptions to the later ones.
Seems the Age was auctioned off and that's all of the official records. Nick can share those with the DRC. I don't mind. Seems the Age was auctioned off and that's all of the official records. Nick can share those with the DRC. I don't mind.
2.8.99 - Showed Nick some of the manuscripts I've kept "hidden". I'm quite sure I can trust him. He's given the official report to Watson and the others and is willing to do these extra translations on the side. Good man. 2.8.99 - Showed Nick some of the manuscripts I've kept "hidden". I'm quite sure I can trust him. He's given the official report to Watson and the others and is willing to do these extra translations on the side. Good man.
3.1.99 - Watson, Kodama, and Sutherland came by today. It was pre-arranged so they didn't see anything they didn't need to. They seem satisfied with the work I'm doing, although the fact they continue to check on me still drives me mad. They say they want the Age ready for visitors relatively soon. I didn't realize that anyone and everyone would be allowed access to the place but why not I suppose. I'll still have my areas. 3.1.99 - Watson, Kodama, and Sutherland came by today. It was pre-arranged so they didn't see anything they didn't need to. They seem satisfied with the work I'm doing, although the fact they continue to check on me still drives me mad. They say they want the Age ready for visitors relatively soon. I didn't realize that anyone and everyone would be allowed access to the place but why not I suppose. I'll still have my areas.
<font color=323853>3.4.99 - Big argument today with Watson. Upset I didn't share with him all that Nick had translated. Mis-communication although I'm happy Nick has kept his mouth closed regarding the other. Regardless, I can't take their nit-picking. I'm heading to the surface for a long trip. Returning to Africa again with the fellows. Don't know when I'll be back here. <font color=323853>3.4.99 - Big argument today with Watson. Upset I didn't share with him all that Nick had translated. Mis-communication although I'm happy Nick has kept his mouth closed regarding the other. Regardless, I can't take their nit-picking. I'm heading to the surface for a long trip. Returning to Africa again with the fellows. Don't know when I'll be back here.
Nick knows to keep things quiet. I've set things up for Shroomie to return and I have plans to bring down some new items. Look forward to returning a long time from now. Nick knows to keep things quiet. I've set things up for Shroomie to return and I have plans to bring down some new items. Look forward to returning a long time from now.
2.15.00 - Back to Teledahn again. The surface trip triggered some ideas for here that I think I'll begin exploring. Some talks with Engberg might be in order soon. 2.15.00 - Back to Teledahn again. The surface trip triggered some ideas for here that I think I'll begin exploring. Some talks with Engberg might be in order soon.
Nick has gotten a load of translation done. I'm going to try and summarize as best I can. If I can remember everything. Nick has gotten a load of translation done. I'm going to try and summarize as best I can. If I can remember everything.
This place was owned by a fellow named Manesmo. The man apparently got the place cheap somewhere. He started the harvesting of spores again - it seems the Age had corrected itself over time. Bread apparently, they were making. The same delicacy D'ni had raved about before. Made a decent amount of money. This place was owned by a fellow named Manesmo. The man apparently got the place cheap somewhere. He started the harvesting of spores again - it seems the Age had corrected itself over time. Bread apparently, they were making. The same delicacy D'ni had raved about before. Made a decent amount of money.
However, he was doing lots of stuff in the dark. Slave trading. I'm sure Watson would have a fit if he knew this. His precious D'ni. Where they were going, we can't find out. But it explains the cages and the whole backside of this place, really. Hiding from Maintainers I suppose. However, he was doing lots of stuff in the dark. Slave trading. I'm sure Watson would have a fit if he knew this. His precious D'ni. Where they were going, we can't find out. But it explains the cages and the whole backside of this place, really. Hiding from Maintainers I suppose.
We found some more mention of Shroomie as well. Manesmo saw her pretty frequently. They even found her nest. I'm heading out tomorrow to see. We found some more mention of Shroomie as well. Manesmo saw her pretty frequently. They even found her nest. I'm heading out tomorrow to see.
As far as Shroomie herself, she has been here, but was not here when I arrived. Shrooms have managed to disappear and she broke a walkway on the backside. Have to fix that now. As far as Shroomie herself, she has been here, but was not here when I arrived. Shrooms have managed to disappear and she broke a walkway on the backside. Have to fix that now.
2.17.00 - No nest. Remains, yes, but she's obviously not been there for a long time. This place is much bigger than I thought. Learned that today. 2.17.00 - No nest. Remains, yes, but she's obviously not been there for a long time. This place is much bigger than I thought. Learned that today.
<font color=000000>3.3.00 - The DRC is getting pretty serious about letting people down here. They have moved to The Island and are trying to get portions of the city open for visitors. Moving headquarters to a building there as well. I suppose I'm going to have to get serious about it as well. They're going to make me if I don't. So back to the equipment. <font color=000000>3.3.00 - The DRC is getting pretty serious about letting people down here. They have moved to The Island and are trying to get portions of the city open for visitors. Moving headquarters to a building there as well. I suppose I'm going to have to get serious about it as well. They're going to make me if I don't. So back to the equipment.
4.15.00 - Cars are giving me all kinds of trouble. So is this ridiculous elevator and I don't know why. I'm making a quick trip to the surface. Parts. 4.15.00 - Cars are giving me all kinds of trouble. So is this ridiculous elevator and I don't know why. I'm making a quick trip to the surface. Parts.
5.23.00 - Back with parts. Nick has found out that slaves were going to a place called Rebek. Haven't heard of it myself. I'm going to ask Watson tomorrow. 5.23.00 - Back with parts. Nick has found out that slaves were going to a place called Rebek. Haven't heard of it myself. I'm going to ask Watson tomorrow.
5.25.00 - Watson has heard of it. Says they've been there. Asked how I knew and I realized it was a mistake to ask about it. Told him Nick told me and fortunately Nick told me later he had been doing some official translation for the Age. Lucky me. Be more careful. 5.25.00 - Watson has heard of it. Says they've been there. Asked how I knew and I realized it was a mistake to ask about it. Told him Nick told me and fortunately Nick told me later he had been doing some official translation for the Age. Lucky me. Be more careful.
5.28.00 - Found a new book today. A very special book. 5.28.00 - Found a new book today. A very special book.
6.15.00 - Cars are working. Why they need to work I don't know but apparently the DRC wants this place restored to its original condition. So, cars are working. 6.15.00 - Cars are working. Why they need to work I don't know but apparently the DRC wants this place restored to its original condition. So, cars are working.
7.2.00 - Elevators work. Finally. Nick tells me this Rebek Age was amazing but he was pulled off of it. Games with the slaves from here were played there. Hunting game of sorts. I'm not for hunting people but the game does sound fun. Doubt Watson will want to approve that Age too fast. 7.2.00 - Elevators work. Finally. Nick tells me this Rebek Age was amazing but he was pulled off of it. Games with the slaves from here were played there. Hunting game of sorts. I'm not for hunting people but the game does sound fun. Doubt Watson will want to approve that Age too fast.
8.2.00 - DRC is planning on opening this place up in 2002. They, of course, haven't bothered to tell me that but regardless, it's true. Working on getting some lights going in here. I have a feeling inspections will be increasing. 8.2.00 - DRC is planning on opening this place up in 2002. They, of course, haven't bothered to tell me that but regardless, it's true. Working on getting some lights going in here. I have a feeling inspections will be increasing.
8.10.00 - Watson informed me of the plans today. 2002 is the target. Thanks. 8.10.00 - Watson informed me of the plans today. 2002 is the target. Thanks.
8.12.00 - Nick stopped by and we've got a little more information. Looks like there is some kind of weapon in our hands. At least it could be used as a weapon. After the lights. 8.12.00 - Nick stopped by and we've got a little more information. Looks like there is some kind of weapon in our hands. At least it could be used as a weapon. After the lights.
8.15.00 - Inspection planned for next month. 8.15.00 - Inspection planned for next month.
9.12.00 - Lights are functioning. Cars. Doors. Elevators. Not sure what else they'll want but I'm sure they'll come up with something. 9.12.00 - Lights are functioning. Cars. Doors. Elevators. Not sure what else they'll want but I'm sure they'll come up with something.
9.15.00 - Well, stupid me. I have an entire list of items that need to be accomplished for this place to be "safe". I won't be taking any more Ages, after this one. Maybe a city location. I can't take this. 9.15.00 - Well, stupid me. I have an entire list of items that need to be accomplished for this place to be "safe". I won't be taking any more Ages, after this one. Maybe a city location. I can't take this.
9.17.00 - Shroomie is back. Watched her all day. Out of the blue, I think she's starting to like me. This could be good. I'll give up working for a short while. 9.17.00 - Shroomie is back. Watched her all day. Out of the blue, I think she's starting to like me. This could be good. I'll give up working for a short while.
9.20.00 - She's nervous but coming back daily. I keep the gate down. 9.20.00 - She's nervous but coming back daily. I keep the gate down.
9.21.00 - She's trapped. Got the gate up with her inside eating flappers. Set her off. Pretty obvious she can be a nasty girl if she wants. But still I'll have a shot. And I need to do it before Kodama shows up. 9.21.00 - She's trapped. Got the gate up with her inside eating flappers. Set her off. Pretty obvious she can be a nasty girl if she wants. But still I'll have a shot. And I need to do it before Kodama shows up.
9.22.00 - Got her. Time for a surface trip with the important parts. I'll sink the rest. 9.22.00 - Got her. Time for a surface trip with the important parts. I'll sink the rest.
10.30.00 - Wooden walkways are fixed. Rails are up. Among the other things on the list of DRC requests. If this place isn't safe, I don't know what is. Inspection tomorrow. 10.30.00 - Wooden walkways are fixed. Rails are up. Among the other things on the list of DRC requests. If this place isn't safe, I don't know what is. Inspection tomorrow.
Nick has dropped off some more translations. Seems as though a major inspection into the illegal activities was going on immediately before the fall. Doesn't look like they found anything. Nick has dropped off some more translations. Seems as though a major inspection into the illegal activities was going on immediately before the fall. Doesn't look like they found anything.
<font color=323853>11.1.00 - Inspection went fine. I guess this place is safe now. I'm heading back to the surface for more tools, football, and the holidays. <font color=323853>11.1.00 - Inspection went fine. I guess this place is safe now. I'm heading back to the surface for more tools, football, and the holidays.
<font color=000000>2.1.01 - Another missed playoffs. Oh well. Things are stressful here. One year to go for initial visitors and it is beginning to show. However, Sutherland dropped by today. Nice woman. We had a nice talk. <font color=000000>2.1.01 - Another missed playoffs. Oh well. Things are stressful here. One year to go for initial visitors and it is beginning to show. However, Sutherland dropped by today. Nice woman. We had a nice talk.
2.5.01 - I'm helping out in the city now, not much work to do in Teledahn. Clean-up here and there. Maintain. I'm hoping for a certain location in the city, maybe my helping will get me some leverage with Watson. I'm enjoying the time with Sutherland anyway. 2.5.01 - I'm helping out in the city now, not much work to do in Teledahn. Clean-up here and there. Maintain. I'm hoping for a certain location in the city, maybe my helping will get me some leverage with Watson. I'm enjoying the time with Sutherland anyway.
3.3.01 - More city work. Not much happening here. 3.3.01 - More city work. Not much happening here.
4.7.01 - Nick managed to get me an extra Teledahn book today. Good man. 4.7.01 - Nick managed to get me an extra Teledahn book today. Good man.
5.12.01 - Shroomie is back! Obviously not the same one, but we've got a new girl here. Amazing. I'm curious to know how many there are now. I think I'm going to try and schedule another trip in the next couple of months. 5.12.01 - Shroomie is back! Obviously not the same one, but we've got a new girl here. Amazing. I'm curious to know how many there are now. I think I'm going to try and schedule another trip in the next couple of months.
5.23.01 - The trip was a success. Amazing. There are quite a few of these creatures all over. Perhaps a seasonal thing. Waters where I had been before I found a pod of the creatures. And a bigger one. I'm not sure but these seem to be young ones. The larger creature was absolutely stunning. I've never seen anything like it in all my days of hunting. I was actually a little frightened. This thing could have swallowed my boat whole. To take even a small portion home would be...I'm going to have to think this one through. 5.23.01 - The trip was a success. Amazing. There are quite a few of these creatures all over. Perhaps a seasonal thing. Waters where I had been before I found a pod of the creatures. And a bigger one. I'm not sure but these seem to be young ones. The larger creature was absolutely stunning. I've never seen anything like it in all my days of hunting. I was actually a little frightened. This thing could have swallowed my boat whole. To take even a small portion home would be...I'm going to have to think this one through.
6.1.01 - Back to work here. I'm installing a gun of some kind down on the docks. It's a D'ni mining instrument I believe. Regardless, the DRC, of all people, want it set up. Strange. 6.1.01 - Back to work here. I'm installing a gun of some kind down on the docks. It's a D'ni mining instrument I believe. Regardless, the DRC, of all people, want it set up. Strange.
6.30.01 - Gun is up. Not working, but up. Laxman will have to get it working, or at least give it a shot. Not familiar enough with this kind of D'ni technology. 6.30.01 - Gun is up. Not working, but up. Laxman will have to get it working, or at least give it a shot. Not familiar enough with this kind of D'ni technology.
7.5.01 - More city work and less Teledahn work. Did clean up the cages and the larger mushroom. Took out some crates and moved them upstairs. I think another surface trip is in order. Marie wants to go up as well. 7.5.01 - More city work and less Teledahn work. Did clean up the cages and the larger mushroom. Took out some crates and moved them upstairs. I think another surface trip is in order. Marie wants to go up as well.
10.12.01 - A little longer than I had expected for obvious reasons. Horrible tragedy. I'm happy to have D'ni. A distraction of sorts. 10.12.01 - A little longer than I had expected for obvious reasons. Horrible tragedy. I'm happy to have D'ni. A distraction of sorts.
10.14.01 - I brought down a fish tank. At least the first part. Want to see if I can learn more about these flappers. I can get some young ones and some water from the lake. We'll see. 10.14.01 - I brought down a fish tank. At least the first part. Want to see if I can learn more about these flappers. I can get some young ones and some water from the lake. We'll see.
10.21.01 - The stress level is rising rapidly. Only a few months out and they are planning on bringing down some visitors. They are cleaning up a neighborhood for a group of new people. Interesting. 10.21.01 - The stress level is rising rapidly. Only a few months out and they are planning on bringing down some visitors. They are cleaning up a neighborhood for a group of new people. Interesting.
11.2.01 - Victor found some kind of communication device this week. A KI they are calling it. Very interesting device, I have to admit. Victor does seem to know his stuff, at least. Talked to Engberg about a building in the city that I'd like to have. We'll see. 11.2.01 - Victor found some kind of communication device this week. A KI they are calling it. Very interesting device, I have to admit. Victor does seem to know his stuff, at least. Talked to Engberg about a building in the city that I'd like to have. We'll see.
11.3.01 - Victor can't get to the gun for a long time. In fact, DRC wants the whole thing taken out now. Fine by me. 11.3.01 - Victor can't get to the gun for a long time. In fact, DRC wants the whole thing taken out now. Fine by me.
11.5.01 - Found another new book today. Perhaps I have my city location now. Great view as well. I'm moving some things there. A little more out of the way. Glad I bought the more expensive fish tank now. 11.5.01 - Found another new book today. Perhaps I have my city location now. Great view as well. I'm moving some things there. A little more out of the way. Glad I bought the more expensive fish tank now.
11.22.01 - Received a report from the surface. Patriots aren't doing well and I don't think I'm going home this holiday. I'll help here. Teledahn seems stable but Kodama has asked me to look at a different Age and help them out. Sounds like an interesting place. Ahnonay or something. Why not? 11.22.01 - Received a report from the surface. Patriots aren't doing well and I don't think I'm going home this holiday. I'll help here. Teledahn seems stable but Kodama has asked me to look at a different Age and help them out. Sounds like an interesting place. Ahnonay or something. Why not?
12.12.01 - Strange place. Needs lots of work but it's been good. I think I'm heading up to the surface. Watson had recommended we go up. Marie is joining me again. 12.12.01 - Strange place. Needs lots of work but it's been good. I think I'm heading up to the surface. Watson had recommended we go up. Marie is joining me again.
2.10.02 - Wasn't supposed to be gone this long but who would have thought the Patriots would win the Super Bowl! I don't think Watson is very pleased but too bad. Visitors are down and I wasn't here to see them. 2.10.02 - Wasn't supposed to be gone this long but who would have thought the Patriots would win the Super Bowl! I don't think Watson is very pleased but too bad. Visitors are down and I wasn't here to see them.
2.16.02 - The DRC wants me to go through Teledahn again, although I'm not sure why. This place has been cleaned up for months. Typical of them. I should know better by now. 2.16.02 - The DRC wants me to go through Teledahn again, although I'm not sure why. This place has been cleaned up for months. Typical of them. I should know better by now.
2.17.02 - New Shroomie creature seems pretty happy here. Runs when the machinery comes on but usually returns. I usually leave the gate down. 2.17.02 - New Shroomie creature seems pretty happy here. Runs when the machinery comes on but usually returns. I usually leave the gate down.
2.23.02 - KI's are working great. Pretty amazing devices. Haven't met any new visitors. Watson says he doesn't want me to. Typical bureaucratic nonsense. 2.23.02 - KI's are working great. Pretty amazing devices. Haven't met any new visitors. Watson says he doesn't want me to. Typical bureaucratic nonsense.
3.1.02 - They are ready to open up The Island. I have to admit I'm pretty excited about watching these people visit. I'd love for them to come to Teledahn, but the DRC insists it's not ready. Not sure what more they want. 3.1.02 - They are ready to open up The Island. I have to admit I'm pretty excited about watching these people visit. I'd love for them to come to Teledahn, but the DRC insists it's not ready. Not sure what more they want.
3.20.02 - A new group of visitors are coming. The DRC is really hyping this one. Authorized explorers. 3.20.02 - A new group of visitors are coming. The DRC is really hyping this one. Authorized explorers.
3.27.02 - Enjoyed talking to Robyn and Rand again. Nice guys. Hadn't seen them in a long time. The new authorized explorers seem to be enjoying themselves. Fun. 3.27.02 - Enjoyed talking to Robyn and Rand again. Nice guys. Hadn't seen them in a long time. The new authorized explorers seem to be enjoying themselves. Fun.
4.5.02 - Funny. DRC posts that restoration efforts will be given top priority this month. More meetings and more inspections when the Age has been ready for months. If it makes them feel better. They did acknowledge that I found the book. Wasn't expecting that. 4.5.02 - Funny. DRC posts that restoration efforts will be given top priority this month. More meetings and more inspections when the Age has been ready for months. If it makes them feel better. They did acknowledge that I found the book. Wasn't expecting that.
On an even funnier note, all meetings are being held in the Tokotah now. I couldn't have asked for much more. On an even funnier note, all meetings are being held in the Tokotah now. I couldn't have asked for much more.
<font color=323853>4.20.02 - So they made that public! Shroomie was in here and I had to make up some reason to postpone the trip. If they had seen the equipment and such, in fact, it's time to get rid of some of this. If the DRC had come here today, could have been bad. <font color=323853>4.20.02 - So they made that public! Shroomie was in here and I had to make up some reason to postpone the trip. If they had seen the equipment and such, in fact, it's time to get rid of some of this. If the DRC had come here today, could have been bad.
4.25.02 - Phase Five approval. What's that even mean? 4.25.02 - Phase Five approval. What's that even mean?
5.12.02 - Simpson told me about a pretty strange stone, so I tried it out. I want it myself. I think I'll keep it here. Don't really care what the DRC thinks of that either. 5.12.02 - Simpson told me about a pretty strange stone, so I tried it out. I want it myself. I think I'll keep it here. Don't really care what the DRC thinks of that either.
5.17.02 - Stone is gone. Vanished right out of my office. Where's Simpson? 5.17.02 - Stone is gone. Vanished right out of my office. Where's Simpson?
5.20.02 - Got the stone back again. Simpson claims it was back where he found it. Regardless, this time I'm keeping it in a more secure location. 5.20.02 - Got the stone back again. Simpson claims it was back where he found it. Regardless, this time I'm keeping it in a more secure location.
5.25.02 - Now Phase Five approval. I've been so angry this past month, I've been ready to throw in the towel and head back up. It's utterly ridiculous what they are doing. The safety requirements they are pulling out. Somebody had better do something before we have an all out government down here. Although these threads on the forums may be something. The DRC, in secret, is suspecting Zandi. This could get fun. 5.25.02 - Now Phase Five approval. I've been so angry this past month, I've been ready to throw in the towel and head back up. It's utterly ridiculous what they are doing. The safety requirements they are pulling out. Somebody had better do something before we have an all out government down here. Although these threads on the forums may be something. The DRC, in secret, is suspecting Zandi. This could get fun.
Stone is gone again. How? Stone is gone again. How?
@ -209,45 +209,45 @@ Stone is gone again. How?
6.20.02 - Stone hasn't gone anywhere this time. I think they're afraid of the hanging rocks. Interesting. 6.20.02 - Stone hasn't gone anywhere this time. I think they're afraid of the hanging rocks. Interesting.
<font color=000000>7.11.02 - Surprise, Rebek was shelved. I saw this one months ago. <font color=000000>7.11.02 - Surprise, Rebek was shelved. I saw this one months ago.
7.23.02 - This is wild. They are flipping out over there with these Zandi breaches. Hilarious. I love it. Of course they haven't mentioned a thing to me yet. I'm sure they don't plan on it. 7.23.02 - This is wild. They are flipping out over there with these Zandi breaches. Hilarious. I love it. Of course they haven't mentioned a thing to me yet. I'm sure they don't plan on it.
<font color=323853>8.26.02 - Big meeting this weekend for the DRC. They don't know what to do about Zandi and it's driving them nuts. They think it's only going to get worse. I hope so. <font color=323853>8.26.02 - Big meeting this weekend for the DRC. They don't know what to do about Zandi and it's driving them nuts. They think it's only going to get worse. I hope so.
9.3.02 - Kodama wants to bet on surface games now? Who would have thought but I'll take his money. 9.3.02 - Kodama wants to bet on surface games now? Who would have thought but I'll take his money.
On a more adventurous note, Nick got us into Rebek today. Amazing. I'd love to spend some time there but we had to hurry. He tells me there is a new Age as well with creatures. I'd love to get there but I doubt it will happen. The DRC is sick to their stomach with this Zandi stuff. I'm on his side but I hope this just doesn't make things worse. On a more adventurous note, Nick got us into Rebek today. Amazing. I'd love to spend some time there but we had to hurry. He tells me there is a new Age as well with creatures. I'd love to get there but I doubt it will happen. The DRC is sick to their stomach with this Zandi stuff. I'm on his side but I hope this just doesn't make things worse.
9.07.02 - Zandi is getting them on his side. I wish I could describe Kodama. Wow. I love it. I did see his sign on the surface. No one ever seemed to notice it though. I guess he's making them. Ha. 9.07.02 - Zandi is getting them on his side. I wish I could describe Kodama. Wow. I love it. I did see his sign on the surface. No one ever seemed to notice it though. I guess he's making them. Ha.
9.14.02 - Marie has lost it. A t-shirt? I agree with Kodama on that one. 9.14.02 - Marie has lost it. A t-shirt? I agree with Kodama on that one.
10.14.02 - Kodama is taking money from me and it's driving me crazy. If I wasn't watching his veins burst in those meetings, I'd be much more angry. It's worth it though. 10.14.02 - Kodama is taking money from me and it's driving me crazy. If I wasn't watching his veins burst in those meetings, I'd be much more angry. It's worth it though.
11.14.02 - Well Zandi is unstoppable now. He's going to bring people down and they can't stop him. It is funny but it's also more work. I want this to work for everyone so I'm helping out more where I can. Still hoping for leverage on that structure I've been wanting for a few years now anyway. 11.14.02 - Well Zandi is unstoppable now. He's going to bring people down and they can't stop him. It is funny but it's also more work. I want this to work for everyone so I'm helping out more where I can. Still hoping for leverage on that structure I've been wanting for a few years now anyway.
<font color=000000>11.18.02 - This Zandi stuff is great. I do think the DRC is going to be ready for them but still, more power to him. Amazingly, no one has officially talked to me yet from the DRC. <font color=000000>11.18.02 - This Zandi stuff is great. I do think the DRC is going to be ready for them but still, more power to him. Amazingly, no one has officially talked to me yet from the DRC.
12.01.02 - Looks like Uru is it now. Thanks to Zandi, again. 12.01.02 - Looks like Uru is it now. Thanks to Zandi, again.
12.24.02 - Christmas Eve in Teledahn. If I imagine hard enough the spores look like a Northeast Christmas. Not really. I think I'm heading back for the playoffs and New Year. 12.24.02 - Christmas Eve in Teledahn. If I imagine hard enough the spores look like a Northeast Christmas. Not really. I think I'm heading back for the playoffs and New Year.
1.05.03 - No playoffs but still a good New Year. This should be a fun year for D'ni. Also brought down some more fish tank pieces this trip. I think it's about ready. If I get a chance to work on it. 1.05.03 - No playoffs but still a good New Year. This should be a fun year for D'ni. Also brought down some more fish tank pieces this trip. I think it's about ready. If I get a chance to work on it.
1.07.03 - Should be interesting to watch Zandi and the DRC as well. I'll be anxious to see who gets the power here. 1.07.03 - Should be interesting to watch Zandi and the DRC as well. I'll be anxious to see who gets the power here.
2.01.03 - Looks like they are trying to get the upper hand. Explain the Zandi story and be up front about it. Watson had to convince some of his members of that one believe me. But probably smart. 2.01.03 - Looks like they are trying to get the upper hand. Explain the Zandi story and be up front about it. Watson had to convince some of his members of that one believe me. But probably smart.
<font color=323853>3.15.03 - Ages are being approved, visitors are coming down. I'm losing time to write journals. <font color=323853>3.15.03 - Ages are being approved, visitors are coming down. I'm losing time to write journals.
4.2.03 - Closing, opening. I don't understand the idea but the DRC is definitely trying to get ready for the new arrivals. Another large group just came down and it seems as though things are going fairly smooth. 4.2.03 - Closing, opening. I don't understand the idea but the DRC is definitely trying to get ready for the new arrivals. Another large group just came down and it seems as though things are going fairly smooth.
5.4.03 - I've heard them talking recently about a house out on the Island. They are beginning initial restoration but I've got to find a way on that. Nick says the place is amazing. He's read some histories and the stories go on and on and way back. I'm going to talk to Watson now. 5.4.03 - I've heard them talking recently about a house out on the Island. They are beginning initial restoration but I've got to find a way on that. Nick says the place is amazing. He's read some histories and the stories go on and on and way back. I'm going to talk to Watson now.
5.20.03 - There are rumors of a D'ni survivor going around here. The DRC is keeping it lo-key but it seems pretty reliable. Obviously, I'll be the last to hear but I've got to find a way to meet him as soon as possible. 5.20.03 - There are rumors of a D'ni survivor going around here. The DRC is keeping it lo-key but it seems pretty reliable. Obviously, I'll be the last to hear but I've got to find a way to meet him as soon as possible.
6.25.03 - Funny. Seems like a lot less people are in the city nowadays. DRC is talking quite a bit about visitors' access to Ages that they have not approved. They are a little irritated to say the least, and trying to figure out a way they can control it. I don't think they can. Interesting. 6.25.03 - Funny. Seems like a lot less people are in the city nowadays. DRC is talking quite a bit about visitors' access to Ages that they have not approved. They are a little irritated to say the least, and trying to figure out a way they can control it. I don't think they can. Interesting.
Finally got the gun up and working. Laxman is getting better every day. The guy is a genius. Watson stopped by as well to see it working although he seemed more concerned with me cleaning up the scrap than the gun itself. Typical DRC. Finally got the gun up and working. Laxman is getting better every day. The guy is a genius. Watson stopped by as well to see it working although he seemed more concerned with me cleaning up the scrap than the gun itself. Typical DRC.
@ -255,15 +255,15 @@ Finally got the gun up and working. Laxman is getting better every day. The guy
On a more typical note, Watson came by a few days ago asking me to name the wildlife here. They aren't finding the names the D'ni used for a lot of the animals. I don't think he really appreciated "Shroomie" and "Flappers". Anyway, I named the birds here "Buggaros". I think some part of that is D'ni for big - that's what Nick said at least. Big bug. Wonder how they'll like that? On a more typical note, Watson came by a few days ago asking me to name the wildlife here. They aren't finding the names the D'ni used for a lot of the animals. I don't think he really appreciated "Shroomie" and "Flappers". Anyway, I named the birds here "Buggaros". I think some part of that is D'ni for big - that's what Nick said at least. Big bug. Wonder how they'll like that?
<font color=982A2A>9.22.03 - Just returned from a short surface trip. Went to last week's Patriots game in Philadelphia. Excellent game. What they needed after that miserable performance in first week. And another win yesterday. Travis managed to meet me in Philadelphia and brought little Travis down with him. It was good to see them both. <font color=982A2A>9.22.03 - Just returned from a short surface trip. Went to last week's Patriots game in Philadelphia. Excellent game. What they needed after that miserable performance in first week. And another win yesterday. Travis managed to meet me in Philadelphia and brought little Travis down with him. It was good to see them both.
Sonya seems to like it down here. In fact, it looks as though she'll be staying for a while - longer than she had thought - and may be working for the DRC in a similar role as Simpson. Fine with me. Another inside scoop never hurts. Sonya seems to like it down here. In fact, it looks as though she'll be staying for a while - longer than she had thought - and may be working for the DRC in a similar role as Simpson. Fine with me. Another insdie scoop never hurts.
I'm going to try and get a pub down here. DRC has apparently made long-term plans to open up a new section of the city and there is a spot I'd love to have as my own. Time to start being nice again and see if I can get it. I'm going to try and get a pub down here. DRC has apparently made long-term plans to open up a new section of the city and there is a spot I'd love to have as my own. Time to start being nice again and see if I can get it.
<font color=000000>10.29.03 - It looks like this is actually going to happen. Major preparations are underway to open the place up. The arguments for not doing it have been pushed under for now, and it's going to happen. When the hordes come, I've got to get out and meet them - talk to them. It's an opportunity to establish myself I won't have later. <font color=000000>10.29.03 - It looks like this is actually going to happen. Major preparations are underway to open the place up. The arguments for not doing it have been pushed under for now, and it's going to happen. When the hordes come, I've got to get out and meet them - talk to them. It's an opportunity to establish myself I won't have later.
The pub is looking good. Very good. DRC has no idea the Books were ever there (good work Nick) and it looks as though they are going to let me have it. I'd love to turn it into something to show off my favorite trophies. Wouldn't be bad to open it up for others as well. Have to think about that more. The pub is looking good. Very good. DRC has no idea the Books were ever there (good work Nick) and it looks as though they are going to let me have it. I'd love to turn it into something to show off my favorite trophies. Wouldn't be bad to open it up for others as well. Have to think about that more.
Can't get to a game right now and it's killing me. Too much going on down here. But, I will be there for the playoffs. Talked to Travis today and we're going, wherever it is, although at this point I'm planning on Boston. Can't get to a game right now and it's killing me. Too much going on down here. But, I will be there for the playoffs. Talked to Travis today and we're going, wherever it is, although at this point I'm planning on Boston.
@ -271,15 +271,15 @@ Can't get to a game right now and it's killing me. Too much going on down here.
11.24.03 - People are coming down from all over and I have to say they are good people. Smart people. See right through the DRC and their games. At least most of them do. Definitely will be sides at some point. A few of the visitors in particular have impressed me. Dusante. Tweek. Lucas, and others. Need to start writing down names. Don't want to forget them. 11.24.03 - People are coming down from all over and I have to say they are good people. Smart people. See right through the DRC and their games. At least most of them do. Definitely will be sides at some point. A few of the visitors in particular have impressed me. Dusante. Tweek. Lucas, and others. Need to start writing down names. Don't want to forget them.
Engberg has been odd lately. I've heard it from many of the visitors and seen it myself as well. Pressure must be getting to him. Little does he know, it's only making the DRC look worse. Engberg has been odd lately. I've heard it from many of the visitors and seen it myself as well. Pressure must be getting to him. Little does he know, it's only making the DRC look worse.
Patriots win again. No surprise anymore. Bad time to be stuck down here but these are critical times. Can't go to the surface now. Patriots win again. No surprise anymore. Bad time to be stuck down here but these are critical times. Can't go to the surface now.
11.25.03 - This could be going very well. Spoke with a Brian Fioca and Duskin D'tahree (strange name) tonight. I could see them as eventual leaders. 11.25.03 - This could be going very well. Spoke with a Brian Fioca and Duskin D'tahree (strange name) tonight. I could see them as eventual leaders.
Engberg is whining again. Not good. They've called a meeting. This better not mean the pub is gone. Engberg is whining again. Not good. They've called a meeting. This better not mean the pub is gone.
11.26.03 - Excellent talk with Brian tonight. Good man. 11.26.03 - Excellent talk with Brian tonight. Good man.
11.28.03 - What is it with this Phil character? The man is disturbing, yet intriguing. I was able to talk to him last night for a while in Kemo. He's probably just crazy but if they will listen to him, he could be very useful. More people need to hear him. He's agreed to meet with me again. This could be just what I needed. 11.28.03 - What is it with this Phil character? The man is disturbing, yet intriguing. I was able to talk to him last night for a while in Kemo. He's probably just crazy but if they will listen to him, he could be very useful. More people need to hear him. He's agreed to meet with me again. This could be just what I needed.
