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Changes made due to testing on Minkata

[Logic Modifier - cSfxRegSenMusic-Exit01_Exit] Added Python File Mod "wallControls" from grsnWallRoomClimbingPhys.prp into Receivers

[Scene Node - Garrison_grsnWallRoomClimbingPhys] Added scene objects - NoFPRegionN and NoFPRegionS
[Scene Object - NoFPRegionN] New object that forces third person camera while on the climbing wall
[Scene Object - NoFPRegionS] New object that forces third person camera while on the climbing wall
[Coord Interface - NoFPRegion01] Coord Interface for NoFPRegionN
[Coord Interface - NoFPRegion02] Coord Interface for NoFPRegionS
[Simulation Interface - NoFPRegionN] Simu Interface for NoFPRegionN
[Simulation Interface - NoFPRegionS] Simu Interface for NoFPRegionS
[Logic Modifier - cNoFPCameraN_Enter] Logic Modifier for entrance to NoFPRegionN
[Logic Modifier - cNoFPCameraN_Exit] Logic Modifier for exit to NoFPRegionN
[Logic Modifier - cNoFPCameraS_Enter] Logic Modifier for entrance to NoFPRegionS
[Logic Modifier - cNoFPCameraS_Exit] Logic Modifier for exit to NoFPRegionS
[Generic Physical - NoFPRegionN] GenPhys for NoFPRegionN
[Generic Physical - NoFPRegionS] GenPhys for NoFPRegionS
[Object In Volume Detector - cNoFPCameraN_Enter] Obj in Vol Detector for NoFPRegionN
[Object In Volume Detector - cNoFPCameraN_Exit] Obj in Vol Detector for NoFPRegionN
[Object In Volume Detector - cNoFPCameraS_Enter] Obj in Vol Detector for NoFPRegionS
[Object In Volume Detector - cNoFPCameraS_Exit] Obj in Vol Detector for NoFPRegionS
[Python File Mod - wallControls] 53 - Changed to Link in point "LinkInPointDefaultWhite" on NexusWhiteRoom.prp
[Python File Mod - wallControls] 54 - Changed to Link in point "Black_LinkInPointDefaultBlack" on NexusBlackRoom.prp
[Python File Mod - wallControls] 67 - Added Activator - Logic Modifier "cSfxRegSenMusic-Exit01_Exit" on grsnTrainingCenterMudRooms.prp
[Python File Mod - NoFPCameraN] New File mod that uses script "xDisableFirstPersonCam" to disable First person camera while on climbing wall
[Python File Mod - NoFPCameraS] New File mod that uses script "xDisableFirstPersonCam" to disable First person camera while on climbing wall
[Volume Sensor Conditional Object - cNoFPCameraN_Enter] New Volume Sensor Conditional Object for NoFPRegionN
[Volume Sensor Conditional Object - cNoFPCameraN_Exit] New Volume Sensor Conditional Object for NoFPRegionN
[Volume Sensor Conditional Object - cNoFPCameraS_Enter] New Volume Sensor Conditional Object for NoFPRegionS
[Volume Sensor Conditional Object - cNoFPCameraS_Exit] New Volume Sensor Conditional Object for NoFPRegionS
[Interface Info Modifier - NoFPRegionN] New Interface info Modifier for NoFPRegionN
[Interface Info Modifier - NoFPRegionS] New Interface info Modifier for NoFPRegionS

[Layer Animation - Map #5986_anim] Halved all values for opacity to reduce the static flickering of screens

[Scene Object - Black_BookMachineSubWrldReg] Removed from Modifiers - Subworld Region Detector "cSubworldRegBookMachine"
[Scene Object - Black_ELEVATORshaft] Added new Simulation interface and Coord Interface - "Black_ELEVATORshaft"
[Scene Object - Black_TriggerElevatorRegion] Changed Coord Interface to Filter Coord Interface "Black_TriggerElevatorRegion"
[Scene Object - Black_TriggerNoClimb] Changed Coord Interface to Filter Coord Interface "Black_TriggerNoClimb"
[Coord Interface - Black_LinkInPointDefaultBlack] Moved Z up by 2
[Coord Interface - Black_TriggerElevatorRegion] Deleted
[Coord Interface - Black_TriggerNoClimb] Deleted
[Coord Interface - Black_ELEVATORshaft] New for Scene Object "Black_ELEVATORshaft"
[Simulation Interface - Black_ELEVATORshaft] New for Scene Object "Black_ELEVATORshaft"
[Logic Modifer - cRegSensorElevator_Enter] Removed from Receivers - Responsor Modifiers "cRespElevator" and "cResetElevator"
[Generic Physical - Black_HoleCapHub] Set Mass to 1
[Generic Physical - Black_ShaftProxy] Set Mass to 1, Added new triangles to give bottom of object
[Generic Physical - Black_SubworldTerrainRebuild] Set Mass to 1
[Generic Physical - Black_TriggerElevatorRegion] Removed Subworld, set transform and object bounds to cover entire nexus area instead
[Generic Physical - Black_TriggerNoClimb] set transform and object bounds to cover entire nexus area instead
[Generic Physical - Black_ELEVATORshaft] New gen physical for Black_ELEVATORshaft
[Layer Animation - Map #5986_anim] Halved all values for opacity to reduce the static flickering of screens
[Python File Mod - cPythonBookMachine] 14 - Responder - cRespElevator, 15 - Scene Object - Black_CameraGarrisonNexusCrcl, 16 - Scene Object - Black_WhtRmSubworldDummy, 17 - Int - 6
[Camera Brain Circle - Circle Camera01] Added "kCutPos kCutPOA" to Flags
[Subworld Region Detector - cSubworldRegBookMachine] Deleted
[Filter Coord Interface - Black_TriggerNoClimb] Created to keep Region in place during animations
[Filter Coord Interface - Black_TriggerElevatorRegion] Created to keep Region in place during animations

[Scene Object - BookMachineSubWrldReg] Removed from Modifiers - Subworld Region Detector "cSubworldRegBookMachine"
[Scene Object - ELEVATORshaft] Added new Simulation interface and Coord Interface - "ELEVATORshaft"
[Scene Object - TriggerElevatorRegion] Changed Coord Interface to Filter Coord Interface "TriggerElevatorRegion"
[Scene Object - TriggerNoClimbRegion] Changed Coord Interface to Filter Coord Interface "TriggerNoClimbRegion"
[Coord Interface - LinkInPointDefaultWhite] Moved Z up by 2
[Coord Interface - TriggerElevatorRegion] Deleted
[Coord Interface - TriggerNoClimbRegion] Deleted
[Coord Interface - ELEVATORshaft] New for Scene Object "ELEVATORshaft"
[Simulation Interface - ELEVATORshaft] New for Scene Object "ELEVATORshaft"
[Logic Modifer - cRegSensorElevator_Enter] Removed from Receivers - Responsor Modifiers "cRespElevator" and "cResetElevator"
[Generic Physical - HoleCapHub] Set Mass to 1
[Generic Physical - ShaftProxy] Set Mass to 1, Added new triangles to give bottom of object
[Generic Physical - SubWorldTerrainRebuild] Set Mass to 1
[Generic Physical - TriggerElevatorRegion] Removed Subworld, set transform and object bounds to cover entire nexus area instead
[Generic Physical - TriggerNoClimbRegion] set transform and object bounds to cover entire nexus area instead
[Generic Physical - ELEVATORshaft] New gen physical for ELEVATORshaft
[Layer Animation - Map #5986_anim] Halved all values for opacity to reduce the static flickering of screens
[Python File Mod - cPythonBookMachine] 14 - Responder - cRespElevator, 15 - Scene Object - CameraGarrisonNexusCrcl, 16 - Scene Object - WhtRmSubworldDummy, 17 - Int - 7
[Camera Brain Circle - Circle Camera01] Added "kCutPos kCutPOA" to Flags
[Subworld Region Detector - cSubworldRegBookMachine] Deleted
[Filter Coord Interface - TriggerNoClimbRegion] Created to keep Region in place during animations
[Filter Coord Interface - TriggerElevatorRegion] Created to keep Region in place during animations

Changed all sounds to be "NPC Voice" and use for a soft region - Soft Volume Union "cSfxSoRegUnion-Rooms-Verb" from grsnTrainingCenterMudRooms.prp

[Scene Node - Garrison_WallRoom] Added Scene Object "WallRoomVisRegionMeshNew"
[Scene Object - WallRoomVisRegionMeshNew] New Object
[Draw Interface - Cable01] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Cable02] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Cable03] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Cable04] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Cable05] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Cable06] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - redGrebblieLightFlare01] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - redGrebblieLightFlare02] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Scanner03] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Scanner04] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Spike01] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Spike02] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Spike03] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - Spike04] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - WallMount01] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - WallMount02] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - WallMount03] Vis region changed to "Greeblies01VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - WallMount05] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - WallMount06] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Draw Interface - WallMount08] Vis region changed to "Greeblies02VisRegionNew"
[Soft Volume Simple - WallRoomSoftRegionNew] Duplicate of "WallRoomSoftRegion" but top bound lowered to -15, Owner set to Scene Object "WallRoomVisRegionMeshNew"
[Soft Volume Union - Greeblies02SoftRegionUnionNew] Duplicate of "Greeblies02SoftRegionUnion", Changed plSoftVolumeSimple "WallRoomSoftRegion" to plSoftVolumeSimple "WallRoomSoftRegionNew"
[Soft Volume Union - Greeblies01SoftRegionUnionNew] Duplicate of "Greeblies01SoftRegionUnion", Changed plSoftVolumeSimple "WallRoomSoftRegion" to plSoftVolumeSimple "WallRoomSoftRegionNew"
[Vis Region - Greeblies02VisRegionNew] New Vis Region
[Vis Region - Greeblies01VisRegionNew] New Vis Region
Edmond Mondor 3 years ago
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compiled/dat/Garrison_District_NexusBlackRoom.prp (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

compiled/dat/Garrison_District_NexusWhiteRoom.prp (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

compiled/dat/Garrison_District_WallAdditions.prp (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

compiled/dat/Garrison_District_WallRoom.prp (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

compiled/dat/Garrison_District_grsnTrainingCenterMudRooms.prp (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

compiled/dat/Garrison_District_grsnWallRoomClimbingPhys.prp (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

compiled/dat/Garrison_District_trainingCenterObservationRooms.prp (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.