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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
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#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "plDecalMtl.h"
#include "../resource.h"
//extern ClassDesc2* GetMaxLayerDesc();
#include "../Shaders.h"
#include "MaxComponent/plMaxAnimUtils.h"
#include "plPassBaseParamIDs.h"
#include "plDecalMtlBasicPB.h"
#include "plDecalMtlLayersPB.h"
#include "iparamm2.h"
#include "../Layers/plLayerTex.h"
#include "../Layers/plStaticEnvLayer.h"
#include "MaxMain/plPlasmaRefMsgs.h"
extern HINSTANCE hInstance;
class plDecalMtlClassDesc : public ClassDesc2
int IsPublic() { return TRUE; }
void* Create(BOOL loading) { return TRACKED_NEW plDecalMtl(loading); }
const TCHAR* ClassName() { return GetString(IDS_DECAL_MTL); }
SClass_ID SuperClassID() { return MATERIAL_CLASS_ID; }
Class_ID ClassID() { return DECAL_MTL_CLASS_ID; }
const TCHAR* Category() { return NULL; }
const TCHAR* InternalName() { return _T("PlasmaMaterial"); }
HINSTANCE HInstance() { return hInstance; }
static plDecalMtlClassDesc plDecalMtlDesc;
ClassDesc2* GetDecalMtlDesc() { return &plDecalMtlDesc; }
// For initializing paramblock descriptor
ParamBlockDesc2 *GetDecalBasicPB();
ParamBlockDesc2 *GetDecalAdvPB();
ParamBlockDesc2 *GetDecalLayersPB();
#include "plDecalMtlAdvPBDec.h"
#include "plDecalMtlBasicPBDec.h"
#include "plDecalMtlLayersPBDec.h"
#include "plDecalMtlAnimPBDec.h"
plDecalMtl::plDecalMtl(BOOL loading) : plPassMtlBase( loading )
plDecalMtlDesc.MakeAutoParamBlocks( this );
fLayersPB->SetValue( kDecalLayBase, 0, TRACKED_NEW plLayerTex );
fLayersPB->SetValue( kDecalLayTop, 0, TRACKED_NEW plLayerTex );
// If we do this later (like, when the dialog loads) something blows up,
// somewhere in Max. It didn't in 4, it does in 7. This seems to fix it.
if (!loading)
ParamDlg* plDecalMtl::CreateParamDlg(HWND hwMtlEdit, IMtlParams *imp)
fIMtlParams = imp;
IAutoMParamDlg* masterDlg = plDecalMtlDesc.CreateParamDlgs(hwMtlEdit, imp, this);
return (ParamDlg*)masterDlg;
BOOL plDecalMtl::SetDlgThing(ParamDlg* dlg)
return FALSE;
Interval plDecalMtl::Validity(TimeValue t)
#if 0 // mf horse
Interval valid = FOREVER;
/* for (int i = 0; i < fSubTexmap.Count(); i++)
if (fSubTexmap[i])
valid &= fSubTexmap[i]->Validity(t);
// float u;
// fPBlock->GetValue(pb_spin,t,u,valid);
return valid;
#else // mf horse
const char* name = GetName();
// mf horse - Hacking in something like real validity checking
// to get material animations working. No warranty, this is just
// better than nothing.
Interval v = FOREVER;
fBasicPB->GetValidity(t, v);
fAdvPB->GetValidity(t, v);
if( fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayBase) )
v &= fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayBase)->Validity(t);
if( fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayTop) )
v &= fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayTop)->Validity(t);
return v;
#endif // mf horse
//// GetReference ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Note: need to overload because MAX for some reason writes out the
// references by their INDEX. ARRRRGH!
RefTargetHandle plDecalMtl::GetReference( int i )
switch( i )
case kRefBasic: return fBasicPB;
case kRefAdv: return fAdvPB;
case kRefLayers: return fLayersPB;
case kRefAnim: return fAnimPB;
return plPassMtlBase::GetReference( i );
//// SetReference ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Note: need to overload because MAX for some reason writes out the
// references by their INDEX. ARRRRGH!
void plDecalMtl::SetReference(int i, RefTargetHandle rtarg)
if (i == kRefBasic)
fBasicPB = (IParamBlock2 *)rtarg;
else if (i == kRefAdv)
fAdvPB = (IParamBlock2 *)rtarg;
else if (i == kRefLayers)
fLayersPB = (IParamBlock2 *)rtarg;
else if (i == kRefAnim)
fAnimPB = (IParamBlock2 *)rtarg;
plPassMtlBase::SetReference( i, rtarg );
| Subanim & References support
int plDecalMtl::NumSubs()
return 6;
TSTR plDecalMtl::SubAnimName(int i)
switch (i)
case 0: return fBasicPB->GetLocalName();
case 1: return fAdvPB->GetLocalName();
case 2: return fLayersPB->GetLocalName();
case 3: return fAnimPB->GetLocalName();
case 4: return "Base Layer";
case 5: return "Top Layer";
return "";
Animatable* plDecalMtl::SubAnim(int i)
switch (i)
case 0: return fBasicPB;
case 1: return fAdvPB;
case 2: return fLayersPB;
case 3: return fAnimPB;
case 4: return fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayBase);
case 5:
if (fLayersPB->GetInt(kDecalLayTopOn))
return fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayTop);
return NULL;
int plDecalMtl::NumParamBlocks()
return 4;
IParamBlock2* plDecalMtl::GetParamBlock(int i)
return (IParamBlock2*)GetReference(i);
IParamBlock2* plDecalMtl::GetParamBlockByID(BlockID id)
if (fBasicPB->ID() == id)
return fBasicPB;
else if (fAdvPB->ID() == id)
return fAdvPB;
else if (fLayersPB->ID() == id)
return fLayersPB;
else if (fAnimPB->ID() == id)
return fAnimPB;
return NULL;
RefResult plDecalMtl::NotifyRefChanged(Interval changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID& partID, RefMessage message)
return plPassMtlBase::NotifyRefChanged( changeInt, hTarget, partID, message );
// Subtexmap access
int plDecalMtl::NumSubTexmaps()
return 2;
Texmap* plDecalMtl::GetSubTexmap(int i)
if (i == 0)
return fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayBase);
else if (i == 1)
return fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayTop);
return NULL;
void plDecalMtl::SetSubTexmap(int i, Texmap *m)
if (i == 0)
fLayersPB->SetValue(kDecalLayBase, 0, m);
else if (i == 1)
fLayersPB->SetValue(kDecalLayTop, 0, m);
TSTR plDecalMtl::GetSubTexmapSlotName(int i)
if (i == 0)
return "Base";
else if (i == 1)
return "Top";
return "";
TSTR plDecalMtl::GetSubTexmapTVName(int i)
return GetSubTexmapSlotName(i);
int plDecalMtl::SubTexmapOn(int i)
if (i == 0)
return 1;
else if (i == 1 && fLayersPB->GetInt(kDecalLayTopOn))
return 1;
return 0;
| Updating and cloning
RefTargetHandle plDecalMtl::Clone(RemapDir &remap)
plDecalMtl *mnew = TRACKED_NEW plDecalMtl(FALSE);
plPassMtlBase::ICloneBase( mnew, remap );
return (RefTargetHandle)mnew;
void plDecalMtl::ICloneRefs( plPassMtlBase *target, RemapDir &remap )
target->ReplaceReference(kRefBasic, remap.CloneRef(fBasicPB));
target->ReplaceReference(kRefAdv, remap.CloneRef(fAdvPB));
target->ReplaceReference(kRefLayers, remap.CloneRef(fLayersPB));
target->ReplaceReference(kRefAnim, remap.CloneRef(fAnimPB));
void plDecalMtl::NotifyChanged()
void plDecalMtl::Update(TimeValue t, Interval& valid)
// mf horse - Hacking in something like real validity checking
// to get material animations working. No warranty, this is just
// better than nothing.
if (!fIValid.InInterval(t))
if( fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayBase) )
fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayBase)->Update(t, fIValid);
if( fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayTop) )
fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayTop)->Update(t, fIValid);
// fLayersPB->GetValue(kMtlLayLayer1On, t, fMapOn[0], fIValid);
for (int i = 0; i < fSubTexmap.Count(); i++)
if (fSubTexmap[i])
// Our wonderful way of version handling--if the runtimeColor is (-1,-1,-1), we know it's
// just been initialized, so set it to the static color (this lets us do the right thing for
// loading old paramBlocks)
if( fBasicPB )
Color run = fBasicPB->GetColor( kDecalBasRunColor, 0 );
if( run == Color(-1,-1,-1) )
fBasicPB->SetValue( kDecalBasRunColor, 0, fBasicPB->GetColor( kDecalBasColor, 0 ) );
// Also, if shineStr is anything other than -1, then it must be an old paramblock and we need
// to convert to our new specColor (we know this because the original valid range was 0-100)
int shine = fBasicPB->GetInt( kDecalBasShineStr, 0 );
if( shine != -1 )
fBasicPB->SetValue( kDecalBasSpecColor, 0, Color( (float)shine / 100.f, (float)shine / 100.f, (float)shine / 100.f ) );
fBasicPB->SetValue( kDecalBasShineStr, 0, (int)-1 );
valid &= fIValid;
| Determine the characteristics of the material
void plDecalMtl::SetAmbient(Color c, TimeValue t) {}
void plDecalMtl::SetDiffuse(Color c, TimeValue t) {}
void plDecalMtl::SetSpecular(Color c, TimeValue t) {}
void plDecalMtl::SetShininess(float v, TimeValue t) {}
Color plDecalMtl::GetAmbient(int mtlNum, BOOL backFace) { return Color(0,0,0); }
Color plDecalMtl::GetDiffuse(int mtlNum, BOOL backFace) { return Color(0,0,0); }
Color plDecalMtl::GetSpecular(int mtlNum, BOOL backFace) { return Color(0,0,0); }
float plDecalMtl::GetXParency(int mtlNum, BOOL backFace)
int opacity = fBasicPB->GetInt( kDecalBasOpacity, 0 );
float alpha = 1.0f - ( (float)opacity / 100.0f );
return alpha;
float plDecalMtl::GetShininess(int mtlNum, BOOL backFace) { return 0.0f; }
float plDecalMtl::GetShinStr(int mtlNum, BOOL backFace) { return 0.0f; }
float plDecalMtl::WireSize(int mtlNum, BOOL backFace) { return 0.0f; }
void plDecalMtl::SetupGfxMultiMaps(TimeValue t, Material *mtl, MtlMakerCallback &cb)
#if 0
if (texHandleValid.InInterval(t)) {
for (int i=0; i<numTexHandlesUsed; i++) {
if (texHandle[i]) {
mtl->texture[i].textHandle = texHandle[i]->GetHandle();
Texmap *tx = (*maps)[useSubForTex[i]].map;
cb.GetGfxTexInfoFromTexmap(t, mtl->texture[i], tx );
#if 0 // WTF?!?!?!?
Texmap *tx[2];
int diffChan = stdIDToChannel[ ID_DI ];
int opacChan = stdIDToChannel[ ID_OP ];
tx[0] = (*maps)[diffChan].IsActive()?(*maps)[diffChan].map:NULL;
tx[1] = (*maps)[opacChan].IsActive()?(*maps)[opacChan].map:NULL;
int nsupport = cb.NumberTexturesSupported();
#if 0
int nmaps=0;
for (int i=0; i<NTEXHANDLES; i++) {
if (tx[i]) nmaps ++;
bmi[i] = NULL;
if (nmaps==0)
for (i=0; i<nmaps; i++)
mtl->texture[i].textHandle = NULL;
Interval valid;
BOOL needDecal = FALSE;
int ntx = 0;
int op;
int forceW = 0;
int forceH = 0;
if (tx[0]) {
cb.GetGfxTexInfoFromTexmap(t, mtl->texture[0], tx[0]);
TextureInfo &ti = mtl->texture[0];
if (ti.tiling[0]==GW_TEX_NO_TILING||ti.tiling[1]==GW_TEX_NO_TILING)
needDecal = TRUE;
bmi[0] = tx[0]->GetVPDisplayDIB(t,cb,valid,FALSE);
if (bmi[0]) {
texHandleValid &= valid;
useSubForTex[0] = diffChan;
ntx = 1;
forceW = bmi[0]->bmiHeader.biWidth;
forceH = bmi[0]->bmiHeader.biHeight;
if (tx[1]) {
cb.GetGfxTexInfoFromTexmap(t, mtl->texture[ntx], tx[1]);
if (nsupport>ntx) {
bmi[1] = tx[1]->GetVPDisplayDIB(t,cb,valid,TRUE);
if (bmi[1]) {
texHandleValid &= valid;
StuffAlpha(bmi[1], (*maps)[opacChan].amount, GetOpacity(t),ntx?whiteCol:pShader->GetDiffuseClr(t));
texHandle[ntx] = cb.MakeHandle(bmi[1]);
bmi[1] = NULL;
mtl->texture[ntx].textHandle = texHandle[ntx]->GetHandle();
useSubForTex[ntx] = opacChan;
else {
if (!needDecal) {
TextureInfo ti;
// if (SameUV(mtl->texture[0],mtl->texture[1])) {
// Not really correct to combine channels for different UV's but what the heck.
bmi[1] = tx[1]->GetVPDisplayDIB(t,cb,valid,TRUE, forceW, forceH);
if (bmi[1]) {
texHandleValid &= valid;
StuffAlphaInto(bmi[1], bmi[0], (*maps)[opacChan].amount, GetOpacity(t));
bmi[1] = NULL;
// }
if (bmi[0]) {
texHandle[0] = cb.MakeHandle(bmi[0]);
bmi[0] = NULL;
mtl->texture[0].textHandle = texHandle[0]->GetHandle();
numTexHandlesUsed = ntx;
| Actual shading takes place
void plDecalMtl::Shade(ShadeContext& sc)
// Get the background color
Color backColor, backTrans;
sc.GetBGColor(backColor, backTrans);
ShadeWithBackground(sc, backColor);
//// Requirements ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Tells MAX what we need to render ourselves properly, such as translucency,
// two-sidedness, etc. Flags are in imtl.h in the MAX SDK.
ULONG plDecalMtl::Requirements( int subMtlNum )
ULONG req = 0;
req = Mtl::Requirements( subMtlNum );
// Uncomment this to get the background color fed to our ShadeWithBackground()
// (slower processing tho)
// req |= MTLREQ_BGCOL;
req |= MTLREQ_UV;
int blendType = fLayersPB->GetInt( kDecalLayOutputBlend );
if( blendType == kBlendAdd )
else if( blendType == kBlendAlpha )
else if( fBasicPB->GetInt( kDecalBasOpacity, 0 ) != 100 )
if( fAdvPB->GetInt( kPBAdvTwoSided ) )
req |= MTLREQ_2SIDE;
return req;
void plDecalMtl::ShadeWithBackground(ShadeContext &sc, Color background)
#if 1
// old
#if 0
Color lightCol,rescol, diffIllum0;
RGBA mval;
Point3 N0,P;
BOOL bumped = FALSE;
int i;
if (gbufID)
if (sc.mode == SCMODE_SHADOW) {
float opac = 0.0;
for (i=0; i < NumSubTexmaps(); i++) {
if (SubTexmapOn(i)) {
hsMaxLayerBase *hsmLay = (hsMaxLayerBase *)GetSubTexmap(i);
opac += hsmLay->GetOpacity(t);
float f = 1.0f - opac;
sc.out.t = Color(f,f,f);
N0 = sc.Normal();
P = sc.P();
TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
Color color(0, 0, 0);
float alpha = 0.0;
// Evaluate Base layer
Texmap *map = fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayBase);
if (map && ( map->ClassID() == LAYER_TEX_CLASS_ID
|| map->ClassID() == STATIC_ENV_LAYER_CLASS_ID ) )
plLayerTex *layer = (plLayerTex*)map;
AColor evalColor = layer->EvalColor(sc);
color = evalColor;
alpha = evalColor.a;
// Evaluate Top layer, if it's on
if (fLayersPB->GetInt(kDecalLayTopOn))
Texmap *map = fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayTop);
if (map && ( map->ClassID() == LAYER_TEX_CLASS_ID
|| map->ClassID() == STATIC_ENV_LAYER_CLASS_ID ) )
plLayerTex *layer = (plLayerTex*)map;
AColor evalColor = layer->EvalColor(sc);
// Blend layers
int blendType = fLayersPB->GetInt(kDecalLayBlend);
switch (blendType)
case kBlendAdd:
color += evalColor * evalColor.a;
case kBlendAlpha:
color = (1.0f - evalColor.a) * color + evalColor.a * evalColor;
alpha = 1 - (1 - evalColor.a) * (1 - alpha);
case kBlendMult:
color *= evalColor;
default: // No blend...
color = evalColor;
alpha = 1.0;
#if 1
AColor black;
AColor white;
SIllumParams ip;
if (fBasicPB->GetInt(kDecalBasEmissive))
// Emissive objects don't get shaded
ip.diffIllum = fBasicPB->GetColor(kDecalBasColorAmb, t) * color;
ip.specIllum = black;
// Shading setup
// Setup the parameters for the shader
ip.amb = fBasicPB->GetColor(kDecalBasColorAmb, t);
ip.diff = fBasicPB->GetColor(kDecalBasColor, t) * color;
ip.diffIllum = black;
ip.specIllum = black;
ip.N = sc.Normal();
ip.V = sc.V();
// Specularity
if (fBasicPB->GetInt(kDecalBasUseSpec, t))
ip.sh_str = 1.f;
ip.spec = fBasicPB->GetColor( kDecalBasSpecColor, t );
ip.ph_exp = (float)pow(2.0f,float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kDecalBasShine, t)) / 10.0f);
ip.shine = float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kDecalBasShine, t)) / 100.0f;
ip.sh_str = 0;
ip.ph_exp = 0;
ip.shine = 0;
ip.spec = black;
ip.softThresh = 0;
// Do the shading
Shader *myShader = GetShader(SHADER_BLINN);
myShader->Illum(sc, ip);
// Override shader parameters
if (fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvNoShade))
ip.diffIllum = black;
ip.specIllum = black;
if (fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvWhite))
ip.diffIllum = white;
ip.specIllum = black;
ip.diffIllum = ip.amb * sc.ambientLight + ip.diff * ip.diffIllum;
// AColor returnColor = AColor(opac * ip.diffIllum + ip.specIllum, opac)
// Get opacity and combine with alpha
float opac = float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kDecalBasOpacity, t)) / 100.0f;
alpha *= opac;
// MAX will do the additive/alpha/no blending for us based on what Requirements()
// we tell it. However, since MAX's formula is bgnd*sc.out.t + sc.out.c,
// we have to multiply our output color by the alpha.
// If we ever need a more complicated blending function, you can request the
// background color via Requirements() (otherwise it's just black) and then do
// the blending yourself; however, if the transparency isn't set, the shadows
// will be opaque, so be careful.
Color outC = ip.diffIllum + ip.specIllum;
sc.out.c = ( outC * alpha );
sc.out.t = Color( 1.f - alpha, 1.f - alpha, 1.f - alpha );
float plDecalMtl::EvalDisplacement(ShadeContext& sc)
return 0.0f;
Interval plDecalMtl::DisplacementValidity(TimeValue t)
Interval iv;
return iv;
bool plDecalMtl::HasAlpha()
return ((plLayerTex *)fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayBase))->HasAlpha();
// Massive list of inherited accessor functions for ParamBlock data
// Advanced Block
int plDecalMtl::GetBasicWire() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvWire); }
int plDecalMtl::GetMeshOutlines() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvMeshOutlines); }
int plDecalMtl::GetTwoSided() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvTwoSided); }
int plDecalMtl::GetSoftShadow() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvSoftShadow); }
int plDecalMtl::GetNoProj() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvNoProj); }
int plDecalMtl::GetVertexShade() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvVertexShade); }
int plDecalMtl::GetNoShade() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvNoShade); }
int plDecalMtl::GetNoFog() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvNoFog); }
int plDecalMtl::GetWhite() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvWhite); }
int plDecalMtl::GetZOnly() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvZOnly); }
int plDecalMtl::GetZClear() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvZClear); }
int plDecalMtl::GetZNoRead() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvZNoRead); }
int plDecalMtl::GetZNoWrite() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvZNoWrite); }
int plDecalMtl::GetZInc() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvZInc); }
int plDecalMtl::GetAlphaTestHigh() { return fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvAlphaTestHigh); }
// Animation block
const char * plDecalMtl::GetAnimName() { return fAnimPB->GetStr(kPBAnimName); }
int plDecalMtl::GetAutoStart() { return fAnimPB->GetInt(kPBAnimAutoStart); }
int plDecalMtl::GetLoop() { return fAnimPB->GetInt(kPBAnimLoop); }
const char * plDecalMtl::GetAnimLoopName() { return fAnimPB->GetStr(kPBAnimLoopName); }
int plDecalMtl::GetEaseInType() { return fAnimPB->GetInt(kPBAnimEaseInType); }
float plDecalMtl::GetEaseInNormLength() { return fAnimPB->GetFloat(kPBAnimEaseInLength); }
float plDecalMtl::GetEaseInMinLength() { return fAnimPB->GetFloat(kPBAnimEaseInMin); }
float plDecalMtl::GetEaseInMaxLength() { return fAnimPB->GetFloat(kPBAnimEaseInMax); }
int plDecalMtl::GetEaseOutType() { return fAnimPB->GetInt(kPBAnimEaseOutType); }
float plDecalMtl::GetEaseOutNormLength() { return fAnimPB->GetFloat(kPBAnimEaseOutLength); }
float plDecalMtl::GetEaseOutMinLength() { return fAnimPB->GetFloat(kPBAnimEaseOutMin); }
float plDecalMtl::GetEaseOutMaxLength() { return fAnimPB->GetFloat(kPBAnimEaseOutMax); }
int plDecalMtl::GetUseGlobal() { return fAnimPB->GetInt(ParamID(kPBAnimUseGlobal)); }
const char * plDecalMtl::GetGlobalVarName() { return fAnimPB->GetStr(ParamID(kPBAnimGlobalName)); }
// Basic block
int plDecalMtl::GetColorLock() { return fBasicPB->GetInt(kDecalBasColorLock); }
Color plDecalMtl::GetAmbColor() { return fBasicPB->GetColor(kDecalBasColorAmb); }
Color plDecalMtl::GetColor() { return fBasicPB->GetColor(kDecalBasColor); }
int plDecalMtl::GetOpacity() { return fBasicPB->GetInt(kDecalBasOpacity); }
int plDecalMtl::GetEmissive() { return fBasicPB->GetInt(kDecalBasEmissive); }
int plDecalMtl::GetUseSpec() { return fBasicPB->GetInt(kDecalBasUseSpec); }
int plDecalMtl::GetShine() { return fBasicPB->GetInt(kDecalBasShine); }
Color plDecalMtl::GetSpecularColor() { return fBasicPB->GetColor(kDecalBasSpecColor); }
Control *plDecalMtl::GetPreshadeColorController() { return fBasicPB->GetController(ParamID(kDecalBasColor)); }
Control *plDecalMtl::GetAmbColorController() { return fBasicPB->GetController(ParamID(kDecalBasColorAmb)); }
Control *plDecalMtl::GetOpacityController() { return fBasicPB->GetController(ParamID(kDecalBasOpacity)); }
Control *plDecalMtl::GetSpecularColorController() { return fBasicPB->GetController(ParamID(kDecalBasSpecColor)); }
int plDecalMtl::GetDiffuseColorLock() { return fBasicPB->GetInt(kDecalBasDiffuseLock); }
Color plDecalMtl::GetRuntimeColor() { return fBasicPB->GetColor(kDecalBasRunColor); }
Control *plDecalMtl::GetRuntimeColorController() { return fBasicPB->GetController(ParamID(kDecalBasRunColor)); }
// Layer block
Texmap *plDecalMtl::GetBaseLayer() { return fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayBase); }
int plDecalMtl::GetTopLayerOn() { return fLayersPB->GetInt(kDecalLayTopOn); }
Texmap *plDecalMtl::GetTopLayer() { return fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kDecalLayTop); }
int plDecalMtl::GetLayerBlend() { return fLayersPB->GetInt(kDecalLayBlend); }
int plDecalMtl::GetOutputAlpha() { return fLayersPB->GetInt(kDecalLayOutputAlpha); }
int plDecalMtl::GetOutputBlend() { return fLayersPB->GetInt(kDecalLayOutputBlend); }