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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
//class plAvBrainStaticNPC : public plAvBrain
///** \class plAvBrain
// Virtual base class for the modular avatar & creature brains.
// A brain is a modular object which can be installed into a plArmatureMod
// to drive it around in the scene. Some brains are for creature ai;
// others intepret user input. The most interesting brain for reference is
// probably plAvBrainHuman, which implements the control system for the
// user's avatar.
// /sa plAvBrainHuman, plArmatureMod
//class plAvBrainStaticNPC : public plAvBrainStaticNPC
// /** Default constructor - constructs the brain but does not attach it.
// Brains are always constructed before being Pushed onto the armature
// they seek to control. */
// plAvBrain();
// /** Destructor. Automatically called on a brain when it is popped from the armature. */
// virtual ~plAvBrain();
// /** This brain has just been freshly pushed onto an armature and is now
// in primary control. Note that brains beneath it on the stack may
// still have effect on the armature; any messages which the top
// brain doesn't handle will propagate down to the next brain in line.
// */
// virtual hsBool Activate(plArmatureMod *avMod);
// /** Has the brain resolved all its load-time dependencies? This is a mechanism
// to allow newly loading creatures to reach a known state before they
// are asked to load secondary state or to interact with the environment.
// */
// virtual hsBool IsReady();
// /** This brain has just been removed from its armature and is about to be destructed. */
// virtual hsBool Deactivate();
// /** This is the top brain and it's time for it to evaluate. Called during eval
// time for the armature modifier. Only the topmost brain gets an apply
// call; others must do any necessary background work during MsgReceive. */
// virtual hsBool Apply(double timeNow, hsScalar elapsed);
// /** Another brain has been pushed atop this brain. Drop into the background.
// We'll still receive any messages that the upper brain doesn't eat. */
// virtual hsBool Suspend();
// /** We were suspended, but now we're on top of the brain stack again. */
// virtual hsBool Resume();
// // \name Spawning \{
// /** Do any necessary custom action upon spawning afresh in a new age.
// For the human brain, this simply consists of noting that we have
// spawned and we can stop trying to do so. */
// virtual void Spawn(double timeNow) {};
// /** Custom behavior for entering an age. Binding the camera, audio source, etc. */
// virtual void EnterAge(hsBool reSpawn) {};
// /** Custom behavior for leaving an age. Free any attachments to camera, audio, etc. */
// virtual void LeaveAge() {};
// // TASKS
// // tasks are operations that must be done in sequence.
// /** Push a new task onto the end of our FIFO task queue. Will not
// run until all the tasks ahead of it have run.
// \sa plAvTask
// */
// virtual void QueueTask(plAvTask *task);
// virtual void DumpToDebugDisplay(int &x, int &y, int lineHeight, char *strBuf, plDebugText &debugTxt);
// GETINTERFACE_ANY( plAvBrain, plCreatable );
// virtual void Write(hsStream *stream, hsResMgr *mgr);
// virtual void Read(hsStream *stream, hsResMgr *mgr);
// virtual void SaveAux(hsStream *stream, hsResMgr *mgr);
// virtual void LoadAux(hsStream *stream, hsResMgr *mgr, double time);
// virtual hsBool MsgReceive(plMessage *msg);
// plArmatureMod *fAvMod; // the avatar we're controlling
// // TASKS
// // -- variables
// typedef std::deque<plAvTask *> plAvTaskQueue;
// plAvTaskQueue fTaskQueue; // FIFO queue of tasks we're working on
// plAvTask *fCurTask; // the task we're working on right now
// // -- methods
// virtual hsBool IHandleTaskMsg(plAvTaskMsg *msg); // respond to a task scheduling message
// void IProcessTasks(double time, hsScalar elapsed); // process current task and start new one if necessary
// hsBool fSuspended;