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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
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// //
// plWin32GroupedSound - Grouped version of a static sound. Lots of short //
// sounds stored in the buffer, all share the same //
// DSound playback buffer and only one plays at a //
// time. //
// //
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "plWin32GroupedSound.h"
#include "plDSoundBuffer.h"
#include "plAudioSystem.h"
#include "plAudioCore/plSoundBuffer.h"
#include "plAudioCore/plSoundDeswizzler.h"
#include "plgDispatch.h"
#include "pnMessage/plSoundMsg.h"
#include "plStatusLog/plStatusLog.h"
#include "plProfile.h"
#include "hsResMgr.h"
plProfile_Extern( MemSounds );
plProfile_Extern( StaticSndShoveTime );
plProfile_Extern( StaticSwizzleTime );
fCurrentSound = 0;
void plWin32GroupedSound::SetPositionArray( UInt16 numSounds, UInt32 *posArray, hsScalar *volumeArray )
UInt16 i;
fStartPositions.SetCountAndZero( numSounds );
fVolumes.SetCountAndZero( numSounds );
for( i = 0; i < numSounds; i++ )
fStartPositions[ i ] = posArray[ i ];
fVolumes[ i ] = volumeArray[ i ];
//// IRead/IWrite ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plWin32GroupedSound::IRead( hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr )
plWin32StaticSound::IRead( s, mgr );
UInt16 i, n = s->ReadLE16();
fStartPositions.SetCountAndZero( n );
fVolumes.SetCountAndZero( n );
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
fStartPositions[ i ] = s->ReadLE32();
fVolumes[ i ] = s->ReadLEScalar();
void plWin32GroupedSound::IWrite( hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr )
plWin32StaticSound::IWrite( s, mgr );
s->WriteLE16( fStartPositions.GetCount() );
UInt16 i;
for( i = 0; i < fStartPositions.GetCount(); i++ )
s->WriteLE32( fStartPositions[ i ] );
s->WriteLEScalar( fVolumes[ i ] );
//// LoadSound ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
hsBool plWin32GroupedSound::LoadSound( hsBool is3D )
if( fFailed )
return false;
if( fPriority > plgAudioSys::GetPriorityCutoff() )
return false; // Don't set the failed flag, just return
if( !plgAudioSys::Active() || fDSoundBuffer != nil )
return false;
// Debug flag #1
if( fChannelSelect > 0 && plgAudioSys::IsDebugFlagSet( plgAudioSys::kDisableRightSelect ) )
// Force a fail
fFailed = true;
return false;
// We need it to be resident to read in
plSoundBuffer::ELoadReturnVal retVal = IPreLoadBuffer(true);
plSoundBuffer *buffer = (plSoundBuffer *)fDataBufferKey->ObjectIsLoaded();
return plSoundBuffer::kError;
if( retVal == plSoundBuffer::kPending) // we are still reading data.
return true;
// We need it to be resident to read in
if( retVal == plSoundBuffer::kError)
plString str = plString::Format("Unable to open .wav file %s", fDataBufferKey ? fDataBufferKey->GetName().c_str() : "nil");
IPrintDbgMessage( str.c_str(), true );
fFailed = true;
return false;
SetProperty( kPropIs3DSound, is3D );
plWAVHeader header = buffer->GetHeader();
// Debug flag #2
if( fChannelSelect == 0 && header.fNumChannels > 1 && plgAudioSys::IsDebugFlagSet( plgAudioSys::kDisableLeftSelect ) )
// Force a fail
fFailed = true;
return false;
// Calculate the maximum size for our buffer. This will be the length of the longest sound we're going to
// have to play.
UInt16 i;
UInt32 maxSoundSize, len;
for( i = 1, maxSoundSize = 0; i < fStartPositions.GetCount(); i++ )
len = fStartPositions[ i ] - fStartPositions[ i - 1 ];
if( len > maxSoundSize )
maxSoundSize = len;
len = buffer->GetDataLength() - fStartPositions[ fStartPositions.GetCount() - 1 ];
if( len > maxSoundSize )
maxSoundSize = len;
// Based on that, allocate our buffer
UInt32 bufferSize = maxSoundSize - ( maxSoundSize % header.fBlockAlign );
if( header.fNumChannels > 1 && is3D )
// We can only do a single channel of 3D sound. So copy over one (later)
bufferSize /= header.fNumChannels;
header.fBlockAlign /= header.fNumChannels;
header.fAvgBytesPerSec /= header.fNumChannels;
header.fNumChannels = 1;
fNumDestChannels = (UInt8)(header.fNumChannels);
fNumDestBytesPerSample = (UInt8)(header.fBlockAlign);
// Create our DSound buffer (or rather, the wrapper around it)
fDSoundBuffer = TRACKED_NEW plDSoundBuffer( bufferSize, header, is3D, IsPropertySet( kPropLooping ), true );
if( !fDSoundBuffer->IsValid() )
char str[256];
sprintf(str, "Can't create sound buffer for %s.wav. This could happen if the wav file is a stereo file. Stereo files are not supported on 3D sounds. If the file is not stereo then please report this error.", GetFileName());
IPrintDbgMessage( str, true );
fFailed = true;
delete fDSoundBuffer;
fDSoundBuffer = nil;
return false;
IRefreshEAXSettings( true );
// Fill the buffer with whatever our current sound is.
IFillCurrentSound( 0 );
// Logging
plString str = plString::Format(" Grouped %s %s allocated (%d msec).", buffer->GetFileName() != nil ? "file" : "buffer",
buffer->GetFileName() != nil ? buffer->GetFileName() : buffer->GetKey()->GetUoid().GetObjectName().c_str(),
//fDSoundBuffer->IsHardwareAccelerated() ? "hardware" : "software",
//fDSoundBuffer->IsStaticVoice() ? "static" : "dynamic",
gProfileVarStaticSndShoveTime.GetValue() );
0 );
IPrintDbgMessage( str.c_str() );
if( GetKey() != nil && GetKeyName().Find( "Footstep" ) >= 0 )
plStatusLog::AddLineS( "audioTimes.log", "%s (%s)", str, GetKey() ? GetKeyName().c_str() : "unkeyed" );
fTotalBytes = bufferSize;
plProfile_NewMem( MemSounds, fTotalBytes );
// All done!
// if( fLoadFromDiskOnDemand )
// IUnloadDataBuffer();
return true;
//// GetSoundLength //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Gets the length (in seconds) of the given sound index from the group.
hsScalar plWin32GroupedSound::GetSoundLength( Int16 soundIndex )
plSoundBuffer *buffer = (plSoundBuffer *)fDataBufferKey->ObjectIsLoaded();
return (hsScalar)IGetSoundByteLength( soundIndex ) / buffer->GetHeader().fAvgBytesPerSec;
return 0;
//// IGetSoundByteLength /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Byte version of above.
UInt32 plWin32GroupedSound::IGetSoundByteLength( Int16 soundIndex )
if( soundIndex == fStartPositions.GetCount() - 1 )
return ((plSoundBuffer *)fDataBufferKey->ObjectIsLoaded())->GetDataLength() - fStartPositions[ soundIndex ];
return fStartPositions[ soundIndex + 1 ] - fStartPositions[ soundIndex ];
//// IGetDataPointer/Length //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Abstracting a few things here for the incidentalMgr
void *plWin32GroupedSound::IGetDataPointer( void ) const
return ( fDataBufferKey->ObjectIsLoaded() ) ? (void *)( (UInt8 *)((plSoundBuffer *)fDataBufferKey->ObjectIsLoaded())->GetData() + fStartPositions[ fCurrentSound ] ) : nil;
UInt32 plWin32GroupedSound::IGetDataLength( void ) const
return ( fDataBufferKey->ObjectIsLoaded() ) ? fCurrentSoundLength : 0;
//// IFillCurrentSound ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Fills the DSoundBuffer with data from the current sound from our sound
// group, optionally switching what our current sound is.
void plWin32GroupedSound::IFillCurrentSound( Int16 newCurrent /*= -1*/ )
//void *dataPtr;
//UInt32 dataLength;
if( !fDSoundBuffer && plgAudioSys::Active() )
LoadSound( IsPropertySet( kPropIs3DSound ) );
plProfile_BeginTiming( StaticSndShoveTime );
// Make sure we're stopped first. Don't want to be filling while we're playing
if( newCurrent != -1 )
fCurrentSound = (UInt16)newCurrent;
if( fCurrentSound >= fStartPositions.GetCount() )
// Invalid index!
hsAssert( false, "Invalid index in plWin32GroupedSound::IFillCurrentSound()" );
fCurrentSound = -1;
// Set our length based on the current sound
fCurrentSoundLength = IGetSoundByteLength( fCurrentSound );
if( fDataBufferKey->ObjectIsLoaded() )
SetLength( fCurrentSoundLength / ((plSoundBuffer *)fDataBufferKey->ObjectIsLoaded())->GetHeader().fAvgBytesPerSec );
// Update our volume as well
SetVolume( fVolumes[ fCurrentSound ] );
if( fDSoundBuffer != nil )
/// Lock our buffer
//fDSoundBuffer->Lock( dataLength, dataPtr );
/// Copy or de-swizzle?
//if( fDataBuffer->GetHeader().fNumChannels == fNumDestChannels )
// Just copy
//memcpy( dataPtr, (Byte *)fDataBuffer->GetData() + fStartPositions[ fCurrentSound ], fCurrentSoundLength );
//dataPtr = (Byte *)dataPtr + fCurrentSoundLength;
//dataLength -= fCurrentSoundLength;
// We're extracting a single channel of sound into our sound buffer, so it isn't a straight copy...
/*plProfile_BeginTiming( StaticSwizzleTime );
plSoundDeswizzler deswiz( (Byte *)fDataBuffer->GetData() + fStartPositions[ fCurrentSound ], fCurrentSoundLength,
(UInt8)(fDataBuffer->GetHeader().fNumChannels), fNumDestBytesPerSample );
deswiz.Extract( fChannelSelect, dataPtr );
dataPtr = (Byte *)dataPtr + fCurrentSoundLength / fDataBuffer->GetHeader().fNumChannels;
dataLength -= fCurrentSoundLength / fDataBuffer->GetHeader().fNumChannels;
plProfile_EndTiming( StaticSwizzleTime );*/
/// Fill the remaining part with empty space
//memset( dataPtr, 0, dataLength );
/// Finally, unlock!
/// All done!
plProfile_EndTiming( StaticSndShoveTime );
void plWin32GroupedSound::IDerivedActuallyPlay( void )
// Ensure there's a stop notify for us
if( !fReallyPlaying )
fReallyPlaying = true;
plSoundEvent *event = IFindEvent( plSoundEvent::kStart );
if( event != nil )
hsBool plWin32GroupedSound::MsgReceive( plMessage* pMsg )
plSoundMsg *soundMsg = plSoundMsg::ConvertNoRef( pMsg );
if( soundMsg != nil && soundMsg->Cmd( plSoundMsg::kSelectFromGroup ) )
IFillCurrentSound( soundMsg->fIndex );
return true;
else if( soundMsg != nil && soundMsg->Cmd( plSoundMsg::kPlay ) )
//plIncidentalMgr::GetInstance()->Play( this, plIncidentalMgr::kNormal );
return true;
return plWin32StaticSound::MsgReceive( pMsg );