You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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26 KiB

/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK, Autodesk 3ds Max SDK,
NVIDIA PhysX SDK, Microsoft DirectX SDK, OpenSSL library, Independent
JPEG Group JPEG library, Microsoft Windows Media SDK, or Apple QuickTime SDK
(or a modified version of those libraries),
containing parts covered by the terms of the Bink SDK EULA, 3ds Max EULA,
PhysX SDK EULA, DirectX SDK EULA, OpenSSL and SSLeay licenses, IJG
JPEG Library README, Windows Media SDK EULA, or QuickTime SDK EULA, the
licensors of this Program grant you additional
permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding Source for a
non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code for
the parts of OpenSSL and IJG JPEG Library used as well as that of the covered
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
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#ifndef _pfJournalBook_h
#define _pfJournalBook_h
// //
// pfJournalBook Class //
// A generic, high-level, abstract method of creating various Myst-like //
// books within the game with very little effort, while ensuring that they //
// all remain consistent in appearance and operability. //
// //
// //
// Journal books are created via a journal book template. The template //
// takes the form of an extremely simplified version of HTML. The esHTML //
// has the following tags defined: //
// <p> - Start of a new paragraph. </p> isn't used. //
// <img> - Places an image in-line with the text. Options are: //
// align=left/right/center //
// src=<name of plMipmap> //
// link=<eventID> - Defines the image as clickable. When the user //
// clicks the image, it will generate an event //
// with the given event ID and send it to the //
// calling Python handler. //
// blend=none/alpha - Controls the blending method of drawing //
// the image //
// pos=<x>,<y> - Positions the image absolutely on the page //
// using the upper-left pixel given. Absolute- //
// placed images have no effect on text flow. //
// glow=<seconds[,min,[max]]> //
// - Defines a glow special effect, which amounts //
// to the image oscillating in opacity across //
// the time interval specified. Optionally, you //
// can also specify the min and max opacity, //
// from 0 to 1. //
// check=<onColor,offColor,default> //
// - Makes the image act as a checkbox, flipping //
// between on and off states (as defined by the //
// blending colors) on clicks. Default is either //
// 1 for on or 0 for off. Link notifys are sent //
// by checkboxes, with the event type //
// "kNotifyCheckUnchecked" negative if the //
// state is switching to off. Cannot be used //
// with "glow". //
// resize=yes/no - Defines whether the image will be resized //
// with the book or not, defaults to yes //
// opacity=0 to 1 - Defines the opacity of the image, 0 is //
// completely transparent, 1 is opaque //
// <pb> - Page break //
// <font> - Set the font for the following text. Options are: //
// face=<face name> //
// size=<point size> //
// style=r/b/i/bi //
// color=rrggbb - Hex color //
// spacing=<pixels> - line spacing in pixels //
// <cover> - Optionally sets the cover mipmap for the book. //
// src=<mipmap name> - Selects the mipmap to be used, using the //
// same search methods as <img>. Unlike <img> //
// though, <cover> has no restriction on //
// mipmap format. //
// tint=rrggbb - Hex color for tinting the cover image //
// tintfirst=yes/no - Tint the cover before applying decals, //
// defaults to yes. A no option overrides the //
// individual tint options on the <decal> tags //
// <margin> - Optionally sets the margin size in pixels, default is 16 //
// top=<size> //
// left=<size> //
// bottom=<size> //
// right=<size> //
// <book> - Optionally sets the size of the book in percent (0-1), //
// can be overridden by the SetBookSize funtion. //
// height=<size> //
// width=<size> //
// <decal> - Optionally specifies a decal to be drawn on the cover in //
// the specified position. Options are: //
// src=<mipmap name> - Selects the mipmap to be used, using the //
// same search methods as <imp>. Unlike <img> //
// though, <decal> has no restrictions on //
// mipmap format. //
// pos=<x>,<y> - Specifies the position of the decal on the //
// cover using the upper-left pixel //
// align=left/right/center //
// - Aligns the decal horizontally, overriding //
// any x coord in the pos option, if no y has //
// been specified, then it places it at the //
// top of the cover //
// resize=yes/no - Defines whether the image will be resized //
// with the book or not, defaults to yes //
// tint=yes/no - Defines whether or not this decal is tinted //
// with the cover. Overridden by the tintfirst //
// option on the <cover> tag. Defaults to no //
// <movie> - Places a movie (.bik file) inline with the text. Options: //
// src=<movie name> - Selects the movie to be used. (nead search //
// methods here eventually) //
// align=left/right/center //
// - Aligns the movie horizontally, overriding //
// any x coord in the pos option //
// link=<eventID> - Defines the movie as clickable. When the //
// User clicks the movie, it will generate an //
// event with the given event ID and send it //
// to the calling python handler //
// pos=<x>,<y> - Specifies the position of the movie on the //
// page using the upper left pixel given, does //
// not influence text flow //
// resize=yes/no - Defines whether the movie will be resized //
// with the book or not, defaults to yes //
// oncover=yes/no - Defines whether the movie will be placed on //
// the cover or not, defaults to no. NOTE: //
// setting this to yes causes the link option //
// to be ignored since cover movies can't link //
// loop=yes/no - Defines whether the movie will loop or not //
// defaults to yes //
// <editable> - Marks this book as editable (if the GUI supports it) //
// //
// The pages don't render until displayed. As a result, jumping to a given //
// page requires each page from the current position to the destination //
// to be rendered. Normally, this won't be a problem, because by default //
// books open to the first page, at which point each page renders one //
// at a time as the user flips through. //
// //
// The system assumes that no more than one book will ever actually be //
// shown at any time. As a result, the internal geometry for displaying //
// each book can be shared, reducing overhead and potential for errors. //
// //
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsStlUtils.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "hsColorRGBA.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/hsKeyedObject.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plUoid.h"
class pfEsHTMLChunk;
class pfGUIDialogMod;
class plLocation;
class pfGUICheckBoxCtrl;
class pfGUIButtonMod;
class pfJournalDlgProc;
class plDynamicTextMap;
class pfGUIClickMapCtrl;
class plLayerInterface;
class plMipmap;
class pfGUIProgressCtrl;
class hsGMaterial;
class plLayerBink;
class pfGUIMultiLineEditCtrl;
class pfJournalBook;
class pfBookMultiLineEditProc;
class pfBookData : public hsKeyedObject
enum WhichSide
kLeftSide = 0x01,
kRightSide = 0x02,
kBothSides = 0x03,
kNoSides = 0
enum DynDisplayIndex
kLeftPage = 0,
pfBookData(const plString &guiName = plString::Null);
virtual ~pfBookData();
void LoadGUI(); // need this seperate because the plKey isn't setup until the constructor is done
GETINTERFACE_ANY(pfBookData, hsKeyedObject);
virtual hsBool MsgReceive(plMessage *pMsg);
pfGUIDialogMod *Dialog() const {return fDialog;}
pfGUICheckBoxCtrl *CoverButton() const {return fCoverButton;}
pfGUICheckBoxCtrl *TurnPageButton() const {return fTurnPageButton;}
pfGUIClickMapCtrl *LeftPageMap() const {return fLeftPageMap;}
pfGUIClickMapCtrl *RightPageMap() const {return fRightPageMap;}
plLayerInterface *CoverLayer() const {return fCoverLayer;}
hsGMaterial *CoverMaterial() const {return fCoverMaterial;}
hsGMaterial *PageMaterial(int index) const {if ((index<0)||(index>3)) return nil; else return fPageMaterials[index];}
pfGUIButtonMod *LeftCorner() const {return fLeftCorner;}
pfGUIButtonMod *RightCorner() const {return fRightCorner;}
pfGUIProgressCtrl *WidthCtrl() const {return fWidthCtrl;}
pfGUIProgressCtrl *HeightCtrl() const {return fHeightCtrl;}
plMipmap *DefaultCover() const {return fDefaultCover;}
pfJournalBook *CurBook() const {return fCurrBook;}
hsBool StartedOpen() {return fStartedOpen;}
hsBool CurrentlyOpen() {return fCurrentlyOpen;}
hsBool CurrentlyTurning() {return fCurrentlyTurning;}
hsBool IsEditable() {return fEditable;}
WhichSide CurSFXPages() {return fCurrSFXPages;}
void StartedOpen(hsBool startedOpen) {fStartedOpen = startedOpen;}
void CurrentlyOpen(hsBool currentlyOpen) {fCurrentlyOpen = currentlyOpen;}
void CurrentlyTurning(hsBool currentlyTurning) {fCurrentlyTurning = currentlyTurning;}
void CurBook(pfJournalBook *curBook) {fCurrBook = curBook;}
// Quick helper
plDynamicTextMap *GetDTMap(UInt32 which);
pfGUIMultiLineEditCtrl *GetEditCtrl(UInt32 which);
// Seeks the width and height animations to set the desired book size. Sizes are in % across the animation
void SetCurrSize(hsScalar w, hsScalar h);
// Enables or disables the left and right page corners, to indicate current turnage state
void UpdatePageCorners(WhichSide which);
// Plays our book close animation
void PlayBookCloseAnim(hsBool closeIt = true, hsBool immediate = false);
// Finishes the start of the triggered page flip (once we're sure the animation is at the new frame)
void StartTriggeredFlip(hsBool flipBackwards);
// kill the flipping of a page... we are probably closing the book
void KillPageFlip();
// Registers (or unregisters) for time messages so we can process special FX if we need to
void RegisterForSFX(WhichSide whichSides);
void HitEndOfControlList(Int32 cursorPos);
void HitBeginningOfControlList(Int32 cursorPos);
void EnableEditGUI(hsBool enable=true);
void DisableEditGUI() {EnableEditGUI(false);}
friend class pfJournalDlgProc;
enum Refs
kRefDialog = 0,
plString fGUIName;
// The pointer to our dialog
pfGUIDialogMod *fDialog;
// And other interesting pointers
pfGUICheckBoxCtrl *fCoverButton;
pfGUICheckBoxCtrl *fTurnPageButton;
pfGUIClickMapCtrl *fLeftPageMap;
pfGUIClickMapCtrl *fRightPageMap;
plLayerInterface *fCoverLayer;
hsGMaterial *fCoverMaterial;
hsGMaterial *fPageMaterials[4];
pfGUIButtonMod *fLeftCorner;
pfGUIButtonMod *fRightCorner;
pfGUIProgressCtrl *fWidthCtrl;
pfGUIProgressCtrl *fHeightCtrl;
pfGUIMultiLineEditCtrl *fLeftEditCtrl;
pfGUIMultiLineEditCtrl *fRightEditCtrl;
pfGUIMultiLineEditCtrl *fTurnFrontEditCtrl;
pfGUIMultiLineEditCtrl *fTurnBackEditCtrl;
// Pointer to our default (base) cover mipmap
plMipmap *fDefaultCover;
// The current book using our data
pfJournalBook *fCurrBook;
// Which side(s) we're currently doing SFX for
WhichSide fCurrSFXPages;
// Base time to calc SFX anim positions from
hsScalar fBaseSFXTime;
hsBool fResetSFXFlag;
hsBool fSFXUpdateFlip; // So we only update alternating pages every frame, to save processor time
// What it says
hsBool fCurrentlyTurning, fCurrentlyOpen, fStartedOpen;
hsBool fEditable;
Int32 fAdjustCursorTo;
// Inits our dialog template
void IInitTemplate(pfGUIDialogMod *templateDlg);
// Process SFX for this frame
void IHandleSFX(hsScalar currTime, WhichSide whichSide = kNoSides);
// Yet another step in the page flip, to make SURE we're already showing the turning page before we fill in the page behind it
void IFillUncoveringPage(hsBool rightSide);
// Triggers the start of the page-flipping animation, as well as sets up the callback for when it's finished
void ITriggerPageFlip(hsBool flipBackwards, hsBool immediate);
// Finishes the triggered page flip, on callback
void IFinishTriggeredFlip(hsBool wasBackwards);
class pfJournalBook : public hsKeyedObject
// Enums of event types for the Book plNotifyMsg type
enum NotifyTypes
kNotifyImageLink = 0,
// The constructor takes in the esHTML source for the journal, along with
// the name of the mipmap to use as the cover of the book. The callback
// key is the keyed object to send event messages to (see <img> tag).
pfJournalBook( const char *esHTMLSource, plKey coverImageKey = nil, plKey callbackKey = nil, const plLocation &hintLoc = plLocation::kGlobalFixedLoc, const plString &guiName = plString::Null );
pfJournalBook( const wchar_t *esHTMLSource, plKey coverImageKey = nil, plKey callbackKey = nil, const plLocation &hintLoc = plLocation::kGlobalFixedLoc, const plString &guiName = plString::Null );
virtual ~pfJournalBook();
GETINTERFACE_ANY( pfJournalBook, hsKeyedObject );
// Our required virtual
virtual hsBool MsgReceive( plMessage *pMsg );
// Init the singleton, for client startup
static void SingletonInit( void );
// Shutdown the singleton
static void SingletonShutdown( void );
// loads a gui
static void LoadGUI( const plString &guiName );
// unloads a gui if we don't need it any more and want to free up memory
static void UnloadGUI( const plString &guiName );
// unloads all GUIs except for the default
static void UnloadAllGUIs();
void SetGUI( const plString &guiName );
// Shows the book, optionally starting open or closed
void Show( hsBool startOpened = false );
/// NOTE: The following functions expose functionality that is normally
/// handled by the book logic itself. So you should only need to use these
/// in unusual circumstances.
// Book handles hiding itself once someone clicks away.
void Hide( void );
// Opens the book, optionally to the given page
void Open( UInt32 startingPage = 0 );
// Closes the book.
void Close( void );
// Advances forward one page
void NextPage( void );
// Same, only back
void PreviousPage( void );
// For completeness...
void GoToPage( UInt32 pageNumber );
// See below. Just forces a full calc of the cached info
void ForceCacheCalculations( void );
// Closes the book, then calls Hide() once it's done closing
void CloseAndHide( void );
// Sets the book size scaling. 1,1 would be full size, 0,0 is the smallest size possible
void SetBookSize( hsScalar width, hsScalar height );
// What page are we on?
UInt32 GetCurrentPage( void ) const { return fCurrentPage; }
// Set the margin (defaults to 16 pixels)
void SetPageMargin( UInt32 margin ) { fPageTMargin = fPageLMargin = fPageBMargin = fPageRMargin = margin; }
// Turns on or off page turning
void AllowPageTurning( hsBool allow ) { fAllowTurning = allow; }
// grabs a certain movie based on it's index in the source file
plKey GetMovie( UInt8 index );
// turns on and off editing of the book
void SetEditable( hsBool editable=true );
// returns the text contained by the edit controls
std::string GetEditableText();
void SetEditableText(std::string text);
struct loadedMovie
pfEsHTMLChunk *movieChunk;
plLayerBink *movieLayer;
friend class pfJournalDlgProc;
friend class pfBookData;
// Our compiled esHTML source
std::wstring fUncompiledSource;
plLocation fDefLoc;
hsTArray<pfEsHTMLChunk *> fHTMLSource;
hsTArray<pfEsHTMLChunk *> fCoverDecals; // stored in a separate location so we can draw them all immediately
hsTArray<loadedMovie *> fLoadedMovies;
// The key of the mipmap to use as the cover image
plKey fCoverMipKey;
bool fTintCover;
hsColorRGBA fCoverTint;
bool fTintFirst; // tint before applying decals?
// Receiver key to send notifys to, if any
plKey fCallbackKey;
bool fCoverFromHTML;
// Cached array of page starts in the esHTML source. Generated as we flip through
// the book, so that going backwards can be done efficiently.
hsTArray<UInt32> fPageStarts;
// is the book done showing and ready for more page calculations
hsBool fAreWeShowing;
// Our current page
UInt32 fCurrentPage;
// are we editing this book? (adjusts how we draw and flip pages)
hsBool fAreEditing;
hsBool fWantEditing; // the code specifies that we want to edit, but the gui doesn't support it, we will check again if the gui changes
hsBool fAllowTurning; // do we allow the user to turn pages?
// The ending page. -1 until calculated by flipping to it
UInt32 fLastPage;
// Per book size
hsScalar fWidthScale, fHeightScale;
// Per book margin around the edge (defaults to 16 pixels)
UInt32 fPageTMargin, fPageLMargin, fPageBMargin, fPageRMargin;
// Some animation keys we use
plKey fPageTurnAnimKey;
// Current list of linkable image chunks we have visible on the screen, for quick hit testing
hsTArray<pfEsHTMLChunk *> fVisibleLinks;
static std::map<plString,pfBookData*> fBookGUIs;
plString fCurBookGUI;
enum Refs
kRefImage = 0
// Compiles the given string of esHTML source into our compiled chunk list
hsBool ICompileSource( const wchar_t *source, const plLocation &hintLoc );
// Frees our source array
void IFreeSource( void );
// Compile helpers
UInt8 IGetTagType( const wchar_t *string );
hsBool IGetNextOption( const wchar_t *&string, wchar_t *name, wchar_t *option );
plKey IGetMipmapKey( const wchar_t *name, const plLocation &loc );
// Renders one (1) page into the given DTMap
void IRenderPage( UInt32 page, UInt32 whichDTMap, hsBool suppressRendering = false );
// moves the movie layers from one material onto another
void IMoveMovies( hsGMaterial *source, hsGMaterial *dest);
// Starting at the given chunk, works backwards to determine the full set of current
// font properties at that point, or assigns defaults if none were specified
void IFindFontProps( UInt32 chunkIdx, const wchar_t *&face, UInt8 &size, UInt8 &flags, hsColorRGBA &color, Int16 &spacing );
// Find the last paragraph chunk and thus the last par alignment settings
UInt8 IFindLastAlignment( void ) const;
// Handle clicks on either side of the book
void IHandleLeftSideClick( void );
void IHandleRightSideClick( void );
// Just sends out a notify to our currently set receiver key
void ISendNotify( UInt32 type, UInt32 linkID = 0 );
// Close with a notify
void ITriggerCloseWithNotify( hsBool closeNotOpen, hsBool immediate );
// Finish showing the book, due to the animation being done seeking
void IFinishShow( hsBool startOpened );
// Find the current moused link, if any
Int32 IFindCurrVisibleLink( hsBool rightNotLeft, hsBool hoverNotUp );
// Ensures that all the page starts are calced up to the given page (but not including it)
void IRecalcPageStarts( UInt32 upToPage );
// Load (or unload) all the images for the book
void ILoadAllImages( hsBool unload );
// Purge the DynaTextMaps
void IPurgeDynaTextMaps( );
// Process a click on the given "check box" image
void IHandleCheckClick( UInt32 idx, pfBookData::WhichSide which );
// Draw me an image!
void IDrawMipmap( pfEsHTMLChunk *chunk, UInt16 x, UInt16 y, plMipmap *mip, plDynamicTextMap *dtMap, UInt32 whichDTMap, hsBool dontRender );
// Movie functions
loadedMovie *IMovieAlreadyLoaded(pfEsHTMLChunk *chunk);
loadedMovie *IGetMovieByIndex(UInt8 index);
plLayerBink *IMakeMovieLayer(pfEsHTMLChunk *chunk, UInt16 x, UInt16 y, plMipmap *baseMipmap, UInt32 whichDTMap, hsBool dontRender);
// Cover functions
plLayerInterface *IMakeBaseLayer(plMipmap *image);
plLayerInterface *IMakeDecalLayer(pfEsHTMLChunk *decalChunk, plMipmap *decal, plMipmap *baseMipmap);
void ISetDecalLayers(hsGMaterial *material,hsTArray<plLayerInterface*> layers);
#endif //_pfJournalBook_h