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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
#ifndef cyMisc_h
#define cyMisc_h
// NAME: cyMisc
// PURPOSE: Class wrapper to map misc functions, such as the console
class pyKey;
class pySceneObject;
class pyPlayer;
class pyImage;
class pyDniCoordinates;
class pyColor;
class pyAgeInfoStruct;
class pyPoint3;
#include <python.h>
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsStlUtils.h"
#include "pnUtils/pnUtils.h"
class pyGUIDialog;
class plPipeline;
class plDisplayMode;
struct PipelineParams;
class cyMisc
// game playing to get the pipeline from the client when we can't really
// this is only for the C++ side
// The pipeline is set in the plClient
static plPipeline* fPipeline;
static UInt32 fUniqueNumber;
static UInt32 fPythonLoggingLevel;
// periodically do things
static void Update( double secs );
// the python definitions
static void AddPlasmaMethods(std::vector<PyMethodDef> &methods);
static void AddPlasmaMethods2(std::vector<PyMethodDef> &methods);
static void AddPlasmaMethods3(std::vector<PyMethodDef> &methods);
static void AddPlasmaMethods4(std::vector<PyMethodDef> &methods);
static void AddPlasmaConstantsClasses(PyObject *m);
static void SetPipeline( plPipeline *pipe ) { fPipeline = pipe; }
static plPipeline *GetPipeline( void ) { return fPipeline; }
#if 1
static void PrintToScreen(const char* msg);
enum PythonDebugPrintLevels
kNoLevel = 0,
kDebugDump = 1,
kWarningLevel = 2,
kErrorLevel = 3,
kAssertLevel = 4
enum LOSObjectType
static UInt32 GetPythonLoggingLevel();
static void SetPythonLoggingLevel(UInt32 new_level);
// Function : Console
// PARAMETERS : command - string of console commmand to execute
// PURPOSE : Execute a console command from a python script,
// optionally propagate over the net
static void Console(const char* command);
static void ConsoleNet(const char* command, hsBool netForce);
// Function : FindSceneObject
// PARAMETERS : name - string of name of the sceneobject
// : ageName - string of the name of the age to look in
// PURPOSE : Execute a console command from a python script,
// optionally propagate over the net
static PyObject* FindSceneObject(const char* name, const char* ageName); // returns pySceneObject
static PyObject* FindActivator(const char* name); // returns pyKey
// Function : PopUpConsole
// PARAMETERS : command - string of console commmand to execute
// PURPOSE : Execute a console command from a python script
static void PopUpConsole(const char* command);
// Function : TimerCallback
// PARAMETERS : command - string of console commmand to execute
// PURPOSE : Execute a console command from a python script
static void TimerCallback(pyKey& selfkey, hsScalar time, UInt32 id);
// Function : ClearTimerCallbacks
// PARAMETERS : key and (optional) timer id
// PURPOSE : clears timer callbacks
static void ClearTimerCallbacks(pyKey& selfkey);
// Function : AttachObject
// PARAMETERS : child object
// : to be attached to parent object
// PURPOSE : Attach an object to another object, knowing only their pyKeys
static void AttachObject(pyKey& ckey, pyKey& pkey);
static void AttachObjectSO(pySceneObject& cobj, pySceneObject& pobj);
// Function : DetachObject
// PARAMETERS : child object
// : to be attached to parent object
// PURPOSE : Attach an object to another object, knowing only their pyKeys
static void DetachObject(pyKey& ckey, pyKey& pkey);
static void DetachObjectSO(pySceneObject& cobj, pySceneObject& pobj);
// Function : LinkToAge
// PURPOSE : LinkToAge
// STATUS : Depreciated. Use plNetLinkingMgr or pyNetLinkingMgr instead.
/// static void LinkToAge(pyKey &selfkey, const char *AgeName,const char *SpawnPointName);
// Function : SetDirtySyncStateServer
// PURPOSE : set the Python modifier to be dirty and asked to be saved out
static void SetDirtySyncState(pyKey &selfkey, const char* SDLStateName, UInt32 sendFlags);
// Function : SetDirtySyncStateClients
// PURPOSE : set the Python modifier to be dirty and asked to be saved out
// specifies that state should be sent to other clients as well as server
static void SetDirtySyncStateWithClients(pyKey &selfkey, const char* SDLStateName, UInt32 sendFlags);
// Function : EnableControlKeyEvents & DisableControlKeyEvents
// PARAMETERS : none
// PURPOSE : register and unregister for control key events
static void EnableControlKeyEvents(pyKey &selfkey);
static void DisableControlKeyEvents(pyKey &selfkey);
// Function : GetClientName
// PARAMETERS : avatar key
// PURPOSE : Return the net client (account) name of the player whose avatar
// key is provided.
static hsBool WasLocallyNotified(pyKey &selfkey);
// Function : GetClientName
// PARAMETERS : avatar key
// PURPOSE : Return the net client (account) name of the player whose avatar
// key is provided.
static const char* GetClientName(pyKey &avKey);
static PyObject* cyMisc::GetAvatarKeyFromClientID(int clientID); // returns pyKey
static int cyMisc::GetLocalClientID();
static int cyMisc::GetClientIDFromAvatarKey(pyKey& avatar);
static hsBool cyMisc::ValidateKey(pyKey& key);
// Function : GetClientName
// PURPOSE : Return the local net client (account) name
static const char* GetLocalClientName();
// Get Current age information - DEPRECIATED. Use ptDniInfoSource() object instead.
// Function : GetAgeName
// Function : GetAgeTime
// PURPOSE : Return the age name of the current age the local player is in
// : Return the current coordinates of the player within this age
// : Return the current time with the current age the player is in
static const char* GetAgeName();
static PyObject* GetAgeInfo(); // returns pyAgeInfoStruct
static const char* GetPrevAgeName();
static PyObject* GetPrevAgeInfo();
// current time in current age
static UInt32 GetAgeTime( void );
static UInt32 GetDniTime(void);
static UInt32 ConvertGMTtoDni(UInt32 time);
static UInt32 GetServerTime( void ); // returns the current server time in GMT
static float GetAgeTimeOfDayPercent(void);
// Function : ExcludeRegionSet
// PARAMETERS : key - of the exclude region, ie. where to send the message
// state - what state of to set at:
// PURPOSE : Sets the state of an exclude region
kExRegRelease = 0,
kExRegClear = 1,
static void ExcludeRegionSet(pyKey& sender, pyKey& exKey, UInt16 state);
static void ExcludeRegionSetNow(pyKey& sender, pyKey& exKey, UInt16 state);
// Function : GetSeconds
// PURPOSE : Return the nunber of seconds elapsed
static double GetSeconds();
// Function : GetSysSeconds
// PURPOSE : Return the number of system seconds elapsed
static double GetSysSeconds();
// Function : GetDelSysSeconds
// PURPOSE : Return the frame delta seconds
static hsScalar GetDelSysSeconds();
// Function : LoadDialog
// PURPOSE : Loads the dialog by name
// : optionally sets the receiver key for the GUINotifyMsg
static void LoadDialog(const char* name);
static void LoadDialogK(const char* name, pyKey& modKey);
static void LoadDialogKA(const char* name, pyKey& rKey, const char* ageName);
// Function : UnLoadDialog
// PURPOSE : UnLoads the dialog by name
// : optionally sets the receiver key for the GUINotifyMsg
static void UnloadDialog(const char* name);
// Function : IsDialogLoaded
// PURPOSE : Test to see if a dialog is loaded (according to the dialog manager)
static hsBool IsDialogLoaded(const char* name);
// Function : ShowDialog
// Function : HideDialog
// PURPOSE : Show or Hide a dialog by name
static void ShowDialog(const char* name);
static void HideDialog(const char* name);
// Function : GetDialogFromTagID
// PURPOSE : Return the frame delta seconds
static PyObject* GetDialogFromTagID(UInt32 tag); // returns pyGUIDialog
static PyObject* GetDialogFromString(const char* name); // returns pyGUIDialog
// Function : IsGUIModal
// PURPOSE : Returns true if the GUI is currently modal (and therefore blocking input)
static bool IsGUIModal();
// Function : GetLocalAvatar
// PURPOSE : Return a pySceneobject of the local Avatar
static PyObject* GetLocalAvatar(); // returns pySceneObject
static PyObject* GetLocalPlayer(); // returns pyPlayer
// Function : GetPlayerList
// Function : GetPlayerListDistanceSorted
// PURPOSE : Get a list of players (other than self) that are playing the game
// : optionally get it sorted by distance
// RETURNS : Python object list of pyPlayer s
static std::vector<PyObject*> GetPlayerList(); // list of pyPlayer
static std::vector<PyObject*> GetPlayerListDistanceSorted(); // list of pyPlayer
static UInt32 GetMaxListenListSize();
static hsScalar GetMaxListenDistSq();
// Function : SendRTChat
// PARAMETERS : from - is a pyPlayer of the person who is sending this
// : tolist - is a python list object, if empty then broadcast message
// : message - text string to send to others
// : flags - the flags of destiny... whatever that means
// PURPOSE : To send a real time chat message to a particualr user, a list of users
// : or broadcast it to everyone (within hearing distance?)
// RETURNS : the flags that were sent with the message (may be modified)
static UInt32 SendRTChat(pyPlayer& from, const std::vector<pyPlayer*> & tolist, const char* message, UInt32 flags);
// Function : SendKIMessage
// PARAMETERS : command - the command type
// : value - extra value
// PURPOSE : Send message to the KI, to tell it things to do
// RETURNS : nothing
static void SendKIMessage(UInt32 command, hsScalar value);
// Function : SendKIMessageS
// PARAMETERS : command - the command type
// : value - extra value as a string
// PURPOSE : Send message to the KI, to tell it things to do
// RETURNS : nothing
static void SendKIMessageS(UInt32 command, const wchar_t* value);
// Function : SendKIMessageI
// PARAMETERS : command - the command type
// : value - extra value as an Int32
// PURPOSE : Send message to the KI, to tell it things to do
// RETURNS : nothing
static void SendKIMessageI(UInt32 command, Int32 value);
static void SendKIGZMarkerMsg(Int32 markerNumber, pyKey& sender);
static void SendKIRegisterImagerMsg(const char* imagerName, pyKey& sender);
// Function : YesNoDialog
// PARAMETERS : sender - sender's key (to get the reply)
// : value - extra value
// PURPOSE : Send message to the KI, to tell it things to do
// RETURNS : nothing
static void YesNoDialog(pyKey& sender, const char* thestring);
static void YesNoDialog(pyKey& sender, std::wstring thestring);
// Function : RateIt
// PARAMETERS : chonicleName - where to store the rating
// : thestring - the message in the RateIt dialog
// : onceFlag - flag to tell whether this is a onetime thing or ask everytime
// PURPOSE : Send message to the KI to tell it to ask the user to Rate something
// RETURNS : nothing
static void RateIt(const char* chronicleName, const char* thestring, hsBool onceFlag);
// Function : SetPrivateChatList
// PARAMETERS : key - who's joining
// PURPOSE : Lock the local avatar into private vox messaging, and / or add new memebers to his chat list
// RETURNS : nothing
static void SetPrivateChatList(const std::vector<pyPlayer*> & tolist);
// Function : RemovePrivateChatMember
// PARAMETERS : key - who's joining
// PURPOSE : Remove the local avatar from private vox messaging, and / or clear memebers from his chat list
// RETURNS : nothing
static void ClearPrivateChatList(pyKey& member);
// Function : ClearCameraStack
// PURPOSE : knocks all the cameras off the current stack
static void cyMisc::ClearCameraStack();
// Function : SendPetitionToCCR
// PARAMETERS : message - message to send to the CCR ("please help me!")
// PURPOSE : Send a petition to the CCR for help or questions
static void SendPetitionToCCR(const char* message);
static void SendPetitionToCCRI(const char* message, UInt8 reason,const char* title);
// Function : SendChatToCCR
// PARAMETERS : message - message to send to the CCR ("please help me!")
// PURPOSE : Send a petition to the CCR for help or questions
static void SendChatToCCR(const char* message,Int32 CCRPlayerID);
// Function : GetNumRemotePlayers
// PURPOSE : return the number of remote players connected
static int GetNumRemotePlayers();
// Function : Paging functions
// PARAMETERS : nodeName - name of the page to load
// PURPOSE : page in, or out a paritcular node
static void PageInNodes(const std::vector<std::string> & nodeNames, const char* age);
static void PageOutNode(const char* nodeName);
// Function : LimitAvatarLOD
// PARAMETERS : LODlimit - number of to limit the LOD to
// PURPOSE : sets the avatar LOD limit
static void LimitAvatarLOD(int LODlimit);
// Function : Set fog default functions
// PARAMETERS : floats - the parameters
// PURPOSE : sets the fog defaults
static void FogSetDefColor(pyColor& color);
static void FogSetDefLinear(float start, float end, float density);
static void FogSetDefExp(float end, float density);
static void FogSetDefExp2(float end, float density);
static void SetClearColor(float red, float green, float blue);
// Function : Enable / disable cursor fade for avatar
// PURPOSE : turns avatar fade out on / off
static void EnableAvatarCursorFade();
static void DisableAvatarCursorFade();
static void FadeLocalPlayer(hsBool fade);
// Function : Put the interface into 'offer book mode'
static void EnableOfferBookMode(pyKey& selfkey, const char* ageFileName, const char* ageInstanceName);
static void DisableOfferBookMode();
static void NotifyOffererPublicLinkAccepted(UInt32 offerer);
static void NotifyOffererPublicLinkRejected(UInt32 offerer);
static void NotifyOffererPublicLinkCompleted(UInt32 offerer);
static void ToggleAvatarClickability(hsBool on);
static void SetShareSpawnPoint(const char* spawnPoint);
static void SetShareAgeInstanceGuid(const Uuid& guid);
// Function : IsCCRAwayStatus
// PURPOSE : Returns current status of CCR dept
static hsBool IsCCRAwayStatus();
// Function : AmCCR
// PURPOSE : Returns true if local player is a CCR
static hsBool AmCCR();
// Function : AcceptInviteInGame
// PARAMETERS : Friend's Name, Invite Key
// PURPOSE : Send's a VaultTask to the server to perform the invite
static void AcceptInviteInGame(const char* friendName, const char* inviteKey);
// Function : GetLanguage
// PURPOSE : Returns the current language the game is in
static int GetLanguage();
// Function : UsingUnicode
// PURPOSE : Returns true if the current language uses Unicode (like Japanese)
static bool UsingUnicode();
// Function : RequestLOSScreen
// PARAMETERS : lots...
// PURPOSE : To request an LOS from a point on the screen
static bool RequestLOSScreen(pyKey &selfkey, Int32 ID, hsScalar xPos, hsScalar yPos, hsScalar distance, int what, int reportType);
// Function : CheckVisLOS
// PARAMETERS : StartPoint, EndPoint
// PURPOSE : Check is there is something visible in the path from StartPoint to EndPoint
static PyObject* CheckVisLOS(pyPoint3 startPoint, pyPoint3 endPoint);
static PyObject* CheckVisLOSFromCursor();
// Function : particle system management
static void TransferParticlesToKey(pyKey& fromKey, pyKey& toKey, int numParticles);
static void SetParticleDissentPoint(float x, float y, float z, pyKey& particles);
static void SetParticleOffset(float x, float y, float z, pyKey& particles);
static void KillParticles(float time, float pct, pyKey& particles);
static int GetNumParticles(pyKey& host);
static void SetLightColorValue(pyKey& light, std::string lightName, hsScalar r, hsScalar g, hsScalar b, hsScalar a);
static void SetLightAnimationOn(pyKey& light, std::string lightName, hsBool start);
// Function : RegisterForControlEventMessages
// PARAMETERS : switch on or off, registrant
// PURPOSE : let you get control event messages at will (for pseudo-GUI's like the psnl bookshelf or clft imager)
static void RegisterForControlEventMessages(hsBool on, pyKey& k);
// Function : IsSinglePlayerMode
// And : IsDemoMode
// PURPOSE : Returns whether the game is in Single Player mode
// And : returns whether the game in in Demo mode
static bool IsSinglePlayerMode();
static bool IsDemoMode();
// Function : IsInternalRelease
// PURPOSE : Returns true if we are running an internal build
static bool IsInternalRelease();
// Function : IsEnterChatModeKeyBound
// PURPOSE : Returns whether the EnterChatMode is bound to a key
static bool IsEnterChatModeKeyBound();
// Function : ShootBulletFromScreen
// PARAMETERS : lots...
// PURPOSE : Shoots from screen coordinates, a bullet and makes a mark on objects that know about bullet holes
static void ShootBulletFromScreen(pyKey &selfkey, hsScalar xPos, hsScalar yPos, hsScalar radius, hsScalar range);
// Function : ShootBulletFromObject
// PARAMETERS : lots...
// PURPOSE : Shoots from an object, a bullet and makes a mark on objects that know about bullet holes
static void ShootBulletFromObject(pyKey &selfkey, pySceneObject* sobj, hsScalar radius, hsScalar range);
// Function : GetPublicAgeList
// PARAMETERS : ageName, callback object
// PURPOSE : Get the list of public ages for the given age name.
static void GetPublicAgeList( const char * ageName, PyObject * cbObject=nil );
// Function : CreatePublicAge
// PARAMETERS : ageInfo, callback object
// PURPOSE : Add a public age to the list of available ones.
static void CreatePublicAge( pyAgeInfoStruct * ageInfo, PyObject * cbObject=nil );
// Function : RemovePublicAge
// PARAMETERS : ageInstanceGuid, callback object
// PURPOSE : Remove a public age from the list of available ones.
static void RemovePublicAge( const char * ageInstanceGuid, PyObject * cbObject=nil );
// Function : GetKILevel
// PURPOSE : returns the ki level of the local player
static int GetKILevel(); // return local player's ki level
// PURPOSE : these functions are for saving / restoring the camera stack
static int GetNumCameras();
static const char* GetCameraNumber(int number);
static void RebuildCameraStack(const char* name, const char* ageName);
static void PyClearCameraStack();
static void RecenterCamera();
static bool IsFirstPerson();
// Function : FadeIn and FadeOut
// PURPOSE : fade screen in and out
static void FadeIn(float lenTime, bool holdFlag, bool noSound = 0);
static void FadeOut(float lenTime, bool holdFlag, bool noSound = 0);
// Function : Disable / Enable global clickability
// PURPOSE : globally enable or disable ALL clickables on this local client
static void SetClickability(hsBool b);
// Function : Debug build only: Assert if condition is false.
// PURPOSE : debugging
static void DebugAssert( bool cond, const char * msg );
// Function : Set a python object to be called back after a certain amount of time.
// Python object should have this method: def onAlarm(self,context)
// PURPOSE : script can trigger itself over time w/o having to specify it in the dataset.
static void SetAlarm( float secs, PyObject * cb, UInt32 cbContext );
// Function : Save Screen Shot
// PURPOSE : captures the screen and saves it as a jpeg
static void SaveScreenShot(const char* fileName, int x = 640, int y = 480, int quality = 75);
// Function : Start a screen capture
// PURPOSE : This starts a screen capture in motion. It will be capture on the next
// update and a plCaptureRenderMsg when its ready
static void StartScreenCapture(pyKey& selfkey);
static void StartScreenCaptureWH(pyKey& selfkey, UInt16 width, UInt16 height);
// Function : wear maintainer suit
// PURPOSE : puts the maintainer suit on or off the avatar
static void WearMaintainerSuit(pyKey& key, hsBool wear);
static void WearDefaultClothing(pyKey& key);
static void WearDefaultClothingType(pyKey& key, UInt32 type);
// Function : Fake link to object
// PURPOSE : takes an avatar key and an object key and fake-links the avatar
// to that object's position. appears to be a link to other players
static void FakeLinkToObject(pyKey& avatar, pyKey& object);
static void FakeLinkToObjectNamed(const char* name);
// Function : Spawn an avatar
// PURPOSE : takes the name of an avatar model and a sceneobject key and
// spawns the avatar at that point
static PyObject* LoadAvatarModel(const char* modelName, pyKey& object, const char* userStr); // returns pyKey
static void UnLoadAvatarModel(pyKey& avatar);
// Function : Hide/show the mouse cursor
// PURPOSE : forces the mouse cursor to hide/show, overrides pretty much
// everything and should only be used if "normal" methods don't
// work (like ptGUIMouseOff)
static void ForceCursorHidden();
static void ForceCursorShown();
// Function : GetLocalizedString
// PURPOSE : Returns the specified localized string with the parameters
// properly replaced (the list is a list of unicode strings) Name
// is in "Age.Set.Name" format
static std::wstring GetLocalizedString(std::wstring name, const std::vector<std::wstring> & arguments);
static void EnablePlanarReflections(bool enable = true);
static void SetGraphicsOptions(int Width, int Height, int ColorDepth, hsBool Windowed, int NumAASamples, int MaxAnisotropicSamples, hsBool VSync);
static void GetSupportedDisplayModes(std::vector<plDisplayMode> *res);
static int GetDesktopWidth();
static int GetDesktopHeight();
static int GetDesktopColorDepth();
static PipelineParams *GetDefaultDisplayParams();
static bool DumpLogs(const std::wstring & folder);
static bool FileExists(const std::wstring & filename);
static bool CreateDir(const std::wstring & directory);
static std::wstring GetUserPath();
static std::wstring GetInitPath();
static void SetBehaviorNetFlags(pyKey & behKey, hsBool netForce, hsBool netProp);
static void SendFriendInvite(const wchar email[], const wchar toName[]);
static PyObject* PyGuidGenerate();
static PyObject* GetAIAvatarsByModelName(const char* name);
static void ForceVaultNodeUpdate(unsigned nodeId);
static void VaultDownload(unsigned nodeId);
#endif // cyMisc_h