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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#ifndef plProfile_h_inc
#define plProfile_h_inc
#include "hsTypes.h"
// These macros are all you should need to use to profile your code. They are
// compiled out in external release mode for maximum performance.
// plProfile_Create* should only be used at global scope, not in functions.
// Use plProfile_Extern if the plProfile_Create* for a variable is in another source file.
// --Examples--
// plProfile_CreateCounter("Num Foobars", "Test", NumFoobars);
// void SomeFunc1()
// {
// plProfile_Inc(NumFoobars);
// plProfile_IncCount(NumFoobars, 5);
// }
// plProfile_CreateTimer("Foobar Time", "Test", FoobarTime);
// void SomeFunc2()
// {
// plProfile_BeginTiming(FoobarTime);
// (execute some code...)
// plProfile_EndTiming(FoobarTime);
// plProfile_BeginLap(FoobarTime, pKeyedObj->GetKeyName());
// pKeyedObj->DoStuff();
// plProfile_EndLap(FoobarTime, pKeyedObj->GetKeyName());
// }
#define plProfile_CreateTimerNoReset(name, group, varName) plProfileVar gProfileVar##varName(name, group, plProfileVar::kDisplayTime | plProfileVar::kDisplayNoReset)
#define plProfile_CreateTimer(name, group, varName) plProfileVar gProfileVar##varName(name, group, plProfileVar::kDisplayTime)
#define plProfile_CreateAsynchTimer(name, group, varName) plProfileVar gProfileVar##varName(name, group, plProfileVar::kDisplayTime | plProfileVar::kDisplayResetEveryBegin | plProfileVar::kDisplayNoReset)
#define plProfile_BeginTiming(varName) gProfileVar##varName.BeginTiming()
#define plProfile_EndTiming(varName) gProfileVar##varName.EndTiming()
#define plProfile_BeginLap(varName, lapName) gProfileVar##varName.BeginLap(lapName)
#define plProfile_EndLap(varName, lapName) gProfileVar##varName.EndLap(lapName)
#define plProfile_CreateCounter(name, group, varName) plProfileVar gProfileVar##varName(name, group, plProfileVar::kDisplayCount)
#define plProfile_CreateCounterNoReset(name, group, varName) plProfileVar gProfileVar##varName(name, group, plProfileVar::kDisplayCount | plProfileVar::kDisplayNoReset)
#define plProfile_Inc(varName) gProfileVar##varName.Inc()
#define plProfile_IncCount(varName, count) gProfileVar##varName.Inc(count)
#define plProfile_Dec(varName) gProfileVar##varName.Dec()
#define plProfile_Set(varName, value) gProfileVar##varName.Set(value)
#define plProfile_CreateMemCounter(name, group, varName) plProfileVar gProfileVar##varName(name, group, plProfileVar::kDisplayMem | plProfileVar::kDisplayNoReset)
#define plProfile_CreateMemCounterReset(name, group, varName) plProfileVar gProfileVar##varName(name, group, plProfileVar::kDisplayMem)
#define plProfile_NewMem(varName, memAmount) gProfileVar##varName.NewMem(memAmount)
#define plProfile_DelMem(varName, memAmount) gProfileVar##varName.DelMem(memAmount)
#define plProfile_StopVar(varName) gProfileVar##varName.Stop()
#define plProfile_StartVar(varName) gProfileVar##varName.Start()
#define plProfile_Extern(varName) extern plProfileVar gProfileVar##varName
#define plProfile_CreateTimerNoReset(name, group, varName)
#define plProfile_CreateTimer(name, group, varName)
#define plProfile_CreateAsynchTimer(name, group, varName)
#define plProfile_BeginTiming(varName)
#define plProfile_EndTiming(varName)
#define plProfile_BeginLap(varName, lapName)
#define plProfile_EndLap(varName, lapName)
#define plProfile_CreateCounter(name, group, varName)
#define plProfile_CreateCounterNoReset(name, group, varName)
#define plProfile_Inc(varName)
#define plProfile_IncCount(varName, count)
#define plProfile_Dec(varName)
#define plProfile_Set(varName, value)
#define plProfile_CreateMemCounter(name, group, varName)
#define plProfile_CreateMemCounterReset(name, group, varName)
#define plProfile_NewMem(varName, memAmount)
#define plProfile_DelMem(varName, memAmount)
#define plProfile_StopVar(varName)
#define plProfile_StartVar(varName)
#define plProfile_Extern(varName)
class plProfileLaps;
class plProfileBase
kDisplayCount = 0x1,
kDisplayTime = 0x2,
kDisplayMem = 0x4,
kDisplayNoReset = 0x8,
kDisplayFPS = 0x10,
kDisplayLaps = 0x20,
kDisplaySelected = 0x40,
kDisplayResetEveryBegin = 0x80
const char* fName; // Name of timer
UInt32 fValue;
UInt32 fAvgCount;
UInt64 fAvgTotal;
UInt32 fLastAvg;
UInt32 fMax;
hsBool fActive;
hsBool fRunning;
UInt8 fDisplayFlags;
// Number of times EndTiming was called. Can be used to combine timing and counting in one timer
UInt32 fTimerSamples;
void IAddAvg();
void IPrintValue(UInt32 value, char* buf, hsBool printType);
virtual ~plProfileBase();
virtual void BeginFrame();
virtual void EndFrame();
void UpdateAvg();
UInt32 GetValue();
void PrintValue(char* buf, hsBool printType=true);
void PrintAvg(char* buf, hsBool printType=true);
void PrintMax(char* buf, hsBool printType=true);
UInt32 GetTimerSamples() const { return fTimerSamples; }
const char* GetName() { return fName; }
void SetActive(hsBool s) { fActive = s; }
void Stop() { fRunning = false; }
void Start() { fRunning = true; }
UInt8 GetDisplayFlags() const { return fDisplayFlags; }
void ResetMax() { fMax = 0; }
class plProfileVar : public plProfileBase
const char* fGroup;
plProfileLaps* fLaps;
hsBool fLapsActive;
plProfileVar() {}
void IBeginTiming();
void IEndTiming();
void IBeginLap(const char* lapName);
void IEndLap(const char* lapName);
// Name is the timer name. Each timer group gets its own plStatusLog
plProfileVar(const char *name, const char* group, UInt8 flags);
// For timing
void BeginTiming() { if (fActive && fRunning) IBeginTiming(); }
void EndTiming() { if (fActive && fRunning) IEndTiming(); }
void NewMem(UInt32 memAmount) { fValue += memAmount; }
void DelMem(UInt32 memAmount) { fValue -= memAmount; }
// For Counting
void Inc(int i = 1) { fValue += i;}
void Dec(int i = 1) { fValue -= i;}
void Set(UInt32 value) { fValue = value; }
// For multiple timings per frame of the same thing ie. Each particle system
// Will output to log like
// Timername : lapCnt: (lapName) : 3.22 msec
void BeginLap(const char* lapName) { if(fActive && fRunning) IBeginLap(lapName); }
void EndLap(const char* lapName) { if(fActive && fRunning) IEndLap(lapName); }
const char* GetGroup() { return fGroup; }
plProfileLaps* GetLaps() { return fLaps; }
// Enable Lap Sampling
void SetLapsActive(hsBool s) { fLapsActive = s; }
#endif // plProfile_h_inc