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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK, Autodesk 3ds Max SDK,
NVIDIA PhysX SDK, Microsoft DirectX SDK, OpenSSL library, Independent
JPEG Group JPEG library, Microsoft Windows Media SDK, or Apple QuickTime SDK
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containing parts covered by the terms of the Bink SDK EULA, 3ds Max EULA,
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licensors of this Program grant you additional
permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding Source for a
non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code for
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You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
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// //
// plStatusLog Functions //
// //
//// History /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //
// 10.02.2001 mcn - Created //
// 10.16.2001 mcn - Added static versions of AddLine() so you don't need //
// to explicitly create a log //
// 10.17.2001 mcn - Added support for carriage returns in printed lines //
// 10.24.2002 eap - Added kDebugOutput flag for writing to debug window //
// 10.25.2002 eap - Updated to work under unix //
// 12.13.2002 eap - Added kStdout flag //
// //
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "hsThread.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "hsTimer.h"
#include "hsStlUtils.h"
#include "plFileUtils.h"
#include "plStatusLog.h"
#include "hsStlUtils.h"
#include "hsFiles.h"
#include "plUnifiedTime/plUnifiedTime.h"
#include "pnProduct/pnProduct.h"
#include "plEncryptLogLine.h"
#include <Shlobj.h>
//// plStatusLogMgr Stuff ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
wchar_t plStatusLogMgr::fBasePath[ MAX_PATH ] = L"";
//// Constructor & Destructor ////////////////////////////////////////////////
fDisplays = nil;
fCurrDisplay = nil;
fDrawer = nil;
fLastLogChangeTime = 0;
SHGetSpecialFolderPathW(NULL, fBasePath, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, TRUE);
// Do some Mac specific thing here eventually
const char* home = getenv("HOME");
if (!home) home = "";
wchar_t* temp = hsStringToWString(home);
swprintf(fBasePath, MAX_PATH, L"%S/.cache", temp);
delete[] temp;
plFileUtils::ConcatFileName(fBasePath, ProductLongName());
plFileUtils::ConcatFileName(fBasePath, L"Log");
// Unlink all the displays, but don't delete them; leave that to whomever owns them
while( fDisplays != nil )
plStatusLog *log = fDisplays;
if( log->fFlags & plStatusLog::kDeleteForMe )
delete log;
plStatusLogMgr &plStatusLogMgr::GetInstance( void )
static plStatusLogMgr theManager;
return theManager;
//// IEnsurePathExists ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plStatusLogMgr::IEnsurePathExists( const wchar_t *dirName )
// Note: this creates the directory if it doesn't exist, or if it does,
// returns false
plFileUtils::CreateDir( dirName );
//// IPathAppend /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plStatusLogMgr::IPathAppend( wchar_t *base, const wchar_t *extra, unsigned maxLen )
if (!base || !extra)
unsigned baseLen = wcslen(base);
unsigned extraLen = wcslen(extra);
bool needsSeparator = false;
if (baseLen >= 1)
needsSeparator = (base[baseLen - 1] != WPATH_SEPARATOR);
if (needsSeparator)
if ((baseLen + 1 + 1) >= maxLen)
return; // abort, buffer isn't big enough
base[baseLen] = WPATH_SEPARATOR;
base[baseLen] = '\0';
// concat the strings, making sure not to overrun the buffer
unsigned curExtraPos = 0;
for (unsigned curBasePos = baseLen; curBasePos < maxLen; ++curBasePos)
base[curBasePos] = extra[curExtraPos];
if (extra[curExtraPos] == '\0')
break; // done
// ensure we are null-terminated
base[maxLen - 1] = '\0';
//// Draw ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plStatusLogMgr::Draw( void )
/// Just draw current plStatusLog
if( fCurrDisplay != nil && fDrawer != nil )
plStatusLog* firstLog = nil;
if (hsTimer::GetSysSeconds() - fLastLogChangeTime < 1)
firstLog = fDisplays;
fDrawer->Draw(fCurrDisplay, firstLog);
//// CreateStatusLog /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
plStatusLog *plStatusLogMgr::CreateStatusLog( uint8_t numDisplayLines, const char *filename, uint32_t flags )
wchar_t* wFilename = hsStringToWString(filename);
plStatusLog* ret = CreateStatusLog(numDisplayLines, wFilename, flags);
delete [] wFilename;
return ret;
plStatusLog *plStatusLogMgr::CreateStatusLog( uint8_t numDisplayLines, const wchar_t *filename, uint32_t flags )
IEnsurePathExists( fBasePath );
plStatusLog *log = new plStatusLog( numDisplayLines, filename, flags );
// Put the new log in its alphabetical position
plStatusLog** nextLog = &fDisplays;
while (*nextLog)
if (wcsicmp(filename, (*nextLog)->GetFileNameW()) <= 0)
nextLog = &(*nextLog)->fNext;
log->fDisplayPointer = &fCurrDisplay;
return log;
//// ToggleStatusLog /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plStatusLogMgr::ToggleStatusLog( plStatusLog *logToDisplay )
if( fCurrDisplay == logToDisplay )
fCurrDisplay = nil;
fCurrDisplay = logToDisplay;
fLastLogChangeTime = hsTimer::GetSysSeconds();
//// SetCurrStatusLog ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plStatusLogMgr::SetCurrStatusLog(const char* logName)
wchar_t* wLogName = hsStringToWString(logName);
delete [] wLogName;
void plStatusLogMgr::SetCurrStatusLog(const wchar_t* logName)
plStatusLog* log = FindLog(logName, false);
if (log != nil)
fCurrDisplay = log;
//// NextStatusLog ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plStatusLogMgr::NextStatusLog( void )
if( fCurrDisplay == nil )
fCurrDisplay = fDisplays;
fCurrDisplay = fCurrDisplay->fNext;
fLastLogChangeTime = hsTimer::GetSysSeconds();
void plStatusLogMgr::PrevStatusLog( void )
if( fCurrDisplay == nil )
fCurrDisplay = fDisplays;
while (fCurrDisplay && fCurrDisplay->fNext)
fCurrDisplay = fCurrDisplay->fNext;
plStatusLog* lastLog = fDisplays;
while (lastLog && lastLog->fNext != fCurrDisplay)
lastLog = lastLog->fNext;
fCurrDisplay = lastLog;
fLastLogChangeTime = hsTimer::GetSysSeconds();
//// FindLog ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
plStatusLog *plStatusLogMgr::FindLog( const char *filename, bool createIfNotFound )
wchar_t* wFilename = hsStringToWString(filename);
plStatusLog* ret = FindLog(wFilename, createIfNotFound);
delete [] wFilename;
return ret;
plStatusLog *plStatusLogMgr::FindLog( const wchar_t *filename, bool createIfNotFound )
plStatusLog *log = fDisplays;
while( log != nil )
if( wcsicmp( log->GetFileNameW(), filename ) == 0 )
return log;
log = log->fNext;
if( !createIfNotFound )
return nil;
// Didn't find one, so create one! (make it a nice default one :)
log = CreateStatusLog( kDefaultNumLines, filename, plStatusLog::kFilledBackground |
plStatusLog::kDeleteForMe );
return log;
//// SetBasePath ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plStatusLogMgr::SetBasePath( const char * path )
wchar_t* wPath = hsStringToWString(path);
delete [] wPath;
void plStatusLogMgr::SetBasePath( const wchar_t * path )
wcscpy( fBasePath, path );
//// BounceLogs ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plStatusLogMgr::BounceLogs()
plStatusLog *log = fDisplays;
while( log != nil )
plStatusLog * tmp = log;
log = log->fNext;
//// DumpLogs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool plStatusLogMgr::DumpLogs( const char *newFolderName )
wchar_t* wFolderName = hsStringToWString(newFolderName);
bool ret = DumpLogs(wFolderName);
delete [] wFolderName;
return ret;
bool plStatusLogMgr::DumpLogs( const wchar_t *newFolderName )
bool retVal = true; // assume success
// create root path and make sure it exists
wchar_t temp[MAX_PATH];
std::wstring newPath = L"";
if (fBasePath)
wcsncpy(temp, fBasePath, MAX_PATH);
IPathAppend(temp, newFolderName, MAX_PATH);
newPath = temp;
newPath = newFolderName;
hsWFolderIterator folderIterator;
if (fBasePath)
while (folderIterator.NextFile())
if (folderIterator.IsDirectory())
std::wstring baseFilename = folderIterator.GetFileName();
std::wstring source;
if (fBasePath)
wcsncpy(temp, fBasePath, MAX_PATH);
IPathAppend(temp, baseFilename.c_str(), MAX_PATH);
source = temp;
source = baseFilename;
std::wstring destination;
wcsncpy(temp, newPath.c_str(), MAX_PATH);
IPathAppend(temp, baseFilename.c_str(), MAX_PATH);
destination = temp;
bool succeeded = (CopyFileW(source.c_str(), destination.c_str(), FALSE) != 0);
retVal = retVal && succeeded;
return retVal;
//// plStatusLog ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uint32_t plStatusLog::fLoggingOff = false;
plStatusLog::plStatusLog( uint8_t numDisplayLines, const wchar_t *filename, uint32_t flags )
fFileHandle = nil;
fSema = nil;
fSize = 0;
fForceLog = false;
fMaxNumLines = numDisplayLines;
if( filename != nil )
fFilename = filename;
char* temp = hsWStringToString(filename);
fCFilename = temp;
delete [] temp;
fSema = new hsSemaphore(1, fCFilename.c_str());
fFilename = L"";
fCFilename = "";
flags |= kDontWriteFile;
fSema = new hsSemaphore(1);
fOrigFlags = fFlags = flags;
void plStatusLog::IInit()
int i;
fFlags = fOrigFlags;
fLines = new char *[ fMaxNumLines ];
fColors = new uint32_t[ fMaxNumLines ];
for( i = 0; i < fMaxNumLines; i++ )
fLines[ i ] = nil;
fColors[ i ] = kWhite;
fNext = nil;
fBack = nil;
bool plStatusLog::IReOpen( void )
if( fFileHandle != nil )
fclose( fFileHandle );
fFileHandle = nil;
// Open the file, clearing it, if necessary
if(!(fFlags & kDontWriteFile))
wchar_t file[ MAX_PATH ];
wchar_t fileNoExt[MAX_PATH];
wchar_t* ext=nil;
IParseFileName(file, MAX_PATH, fileNoExt, &ext);
fEncryptMe = false;
fEncryptMe = ( wcsicmp( fFilename.c_str(), L"chat.log" ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
if( fEncryptMe )
ext = L".elf";
wchar_t fileToOpen[MAX_PATH];
hsSnwprintf(fileToOpen, MAX_PATH, L"%s.0%s", fileNoExt, ext);
if (!(fFlags & kDontRotateLogs))
wchar_t work[MAX_PATH], work2[MAX_PATH];
hsSnwprintf(work, MAX_PATH, L"%s.3%s",fileNoExt,ext);
hsSnwprintf(work2, MAX_PATH, L"%s.2%s",fileNoExt,ext);
plFileUtils::FileMove(work2, work);
hsSnwprintf(work, MAX_PATH, L"%s.1%s",fileNoExt,ext);
plFileUtils::FileMove(work, work2);
plFileUtils::FileMove(fileToOpen, work);
if (fFlags & kAppendToLast)
fFileHandle = hsWFopen( fileToOpen, fEncryptMe ? L"ab" : L"at" );
fFileHandle = hsWFopen( fileToOpen, fEncryptMe ? L"wb" : L"wt" );
// if we need to reopen lets just append
fFlags |= kAppendToLast;
if (fFileHandle)
fSize = ftell( fFileHandle );
fSize = 0;
return fFileHandle != nil;
void plStatusLog::IFini( void )
int i;
if( fFileHandle != nil )
fclose( fFileHandle );
fFileHandle = nil;
if( *fDisplayPointer == this )
*fDisplayPointer = nil;
if( fBack != nil || fNext != nil )
for( i = 0; i < fMaxNumLines; i++ )
delete [] fLines[ i ];
if (fSema)
delete fSema;
delete [] fLines;
delete [] fColors;
void plStatusLog::IParseFileName(wchar_t* file, size_t fnsize, wchar_t* fileNoExt, wchar_t** ext) const
const wchar_t *base = plStatusLogMgr::IGetBasePath();
if( wcslen( base ) != nil )
hsSnwprintf( file, fnsize, L"%s%s%s", base, WPATH_SEPARATOR_STR, fFilename.c_str() );
wcscpy( file, fFilename.c_str() );
plFileUtils::EnsureFilePathExists( file );
// apache-style file backup
*ext = wcsrchr(file, L'.');
if (*ext)
int fileLen = *ext - file;
wcsncpy(fileNoExt, file, fileLen);
fileNoExt[fileLen] = L'\0';
wcscpy(fileNoExt, file);
*ext = L'\0';
//// IUnlink /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plStatusLog::IUnlink( void )
hsAssert( fBack, "plStatusLog not in list" );
if( fNext )
fNext->fBack = fBack;
*fBack = fNext;
fBack = nil;
fNext = nil;
//// ILink ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plStatusLog::ILink( plStatusLog **back )
hsAssert( fNext == nil && fBack == nil, "Trying to link a plStatusLog that's already linked" );
fNext = *back;
if( *back )
(*back)->fBack = &fNext;
fBack = back;
*back = this;
//// IAddLine ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Actually add a stinking line.
bool plStatusLog::IAddLine( const char *line, int32_t count, uint32_t color )
int i;
if(fLoggingOff && !fForceLog)
return true;
/// Scroll pointers up
bool ret = true;
if (fMaxNumLines > 0)
delete [] fLines[ 0 ];
for( i = 0; i < fMaxNumLines - 1; i++ )
fLines[ i ] = fLines[ i + 1 ];
fColors[ i ] = fColors[ i + 1 ];
/// Add new
if( line == nil || strlen( line ) == 0 )
if (fMaxNumLines > 0)
fColors[ i ] = 0;
fLines[ i ] = nil;
ret = IPrintLineToFile( "", 0 );
if( count < 0 )
count = strlen( line );
if (fMaxNumLines > 0)
fLines[ i ] = new char[ count + 1 ];
hsStrncpy( fLines[ i ], line, count + 1 );
fLines[ i ][ count ] = 0;
char *c = strchr( fLines[ i ], '\n' );
if( c != nil )
*c = 0;
fColors[ i ] = color;
ret = IPrintLineToFile( line, count );
return ret;
//// AddLine /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool plStatusLog::AddLine( const char *line, uint32_t color )
char *c, *str;
if(fLoggingOff && !fForceLog)
return true;
bool ret = true;
/// Scan for carriage returns and feed each section into IAddLine()
for( str = (char *)line; ( c = strchr( str, '\n' ) ) != nil; str = c + 1 )
// So if we got here, c points to a carriage return...
ret = IAddLine( str, (uintptr_t)c - (uintptr_t)str, color );
/// We might have some left over
if( strlen( str ) > 0 )
ret &= IAddLine( str, -1, color );
return ret;
//// AddLine printf-style Variations /////////////////////////////////////////
bool plStatusLog::AddLineV( const char *format, va_list arguments )
if(fLoggingOff && !fForceLog)
return true;
return AddLineV( kWhite, format, arguments );
bool plStatusLog::AddLineV( uint32_t color, const char *format, va_list arguments )
if(fLoggingOff && !fForceLog)
return true;
char buffer[2000];
vsprintf(buffer, format, arguments);
return AddLine( buffer, color );
bool plStatusLog::AddLineF( const char *format, ... )
if(fLoggingOff && !fForceLog)
return true;
va_list arguments;
va_start( arguments, format );
return AddLineV( kWhite, format, arguments );
bool plStatusLog::AddLineF( uint32_t color, const char *format, ... )
if(fLoggingOff && !fForceLog)
return true;
va_list arguments;
va_start( arguments, format );
return AddLineV( color, format, arguments );
//// AddLine Static Variations ///////////////////////////////////////////////
bool plStatusLog::AddLineS( const char *filename, const char *format, ... )
plStatusLog *log = plStatusLogMgr::GetInstance().FindLog( filename );
if(fLoggingOff && !log->fForceLog)
return true;
va_list arguments;
va_start( arguments, format );
return log->AddLineV( format, arguments );
bool plStatusLog::AddLineS( const char *filename, uint32_t color, const char *format, ... )
plStatusLog *log = plStatusLogMgr::GetInstance().FindLog( filename );
if(fLoggingOff && !log->fForceLog)
return true;
va_list arguments;
va_start( arguments, format );
return log->AddLineV( color, format, arguments );
//// Clear ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plStatusLog::Clear( void )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < fMaxNumLines; i++ )
delete [] fLines[ i ];
fLines[ i ] = nil;
//// Bounce //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plStatusLog::Bounce( uint32_t flags)
if (flags)
if( fFileHandle != nil )
fclose( fFileHandle );
fFileHandle = nil;
AddLine( "--------- Bounced Log ---------" );
//// IPrintLineToFile ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool plStatusLog::IPrintLineToFile( const char *line, uint32_t count )
if( fFlags & kDontWriteFile )
return true;
uint8_t hint = 0;
if( fFlags & kAppendToLast )
hint = (uint8_t)fSize;
if (!fFileHandle)
bool ret = ( fFileHandle!=nil );
if( fFileHandle != nil )
char work[256];
char buf[2000];
buf[0] = 0;
//build line to encrypt
if( count != 0 )
if ( fFlags & kTimestamp )
snprintf(work, arrsize(work), "(%s) ", plUnifiedTime(kNow).Format("%m/%d %H:%M:%S").c_str());
strncat(buf, work, arrsize(work));
if ( fFlags & kTimestampGMT )
snprintf(work, arrsize(work), "(%s) ", plUnifiedTime::GetCurrentTime().Format("%m/%d %H:%M:%S UTC").c_str());
strncat(buf, work, arrsize(work));
if ( fFlags & kTimeInSeconds )
snprintf(work, arrsize(work), "(%lu) ", (unsigned long)plUnifiedTime(kNow).GetSecs());
strncat(buf, work, arrsize(work));
if ( fFlags & kTimeAsDouble )
snprintf(work, arrsize(work), "(%f) ", plUnifiedTime(kNow).GetSecsDouble());
strncat(buf, work, arrsize(work));
if (fFlags & kRawTimeStamp)
snprintf(work, arrsize(work), "[t=%10f] ", hsTimer::GetSeconds());
strncat(buf, work, arrsize(work));
if (fFlags & kThreadID)
snprintf(work, arrsize(work), "[t=%lu] ", hsThread::GetMyThreadId());
strncat(buf, work, arrsize(work));
size_t remaining = arrsize(buf) - strlen(buf) - 1;
if (!fEncryptMe) remaining -= 1;
if (count <= remaining) {
strncat(buf, line, count);
} else {
strncat(buf, line, remaining);
if(!fEncryptMe )
strncat(buf, "\n", 1);
unsigned length = strlen(buf);
// Print to a separate line, since we have to encrypt it
if( fEncryptMe )
// Encrypt!
plStatusEncrypt::Encrypt( (uint8_t *)buf, hint );
// xor the line length, then write it out, then the line, no terminating character
uint16_t encrySize = length ^ ((uint16_t)fSize);
// try the first write, if it fails reopen and try again
int err;
err = fputc( encrySize & 0xff, fFileHandle );
if (err == EOF && IReOpen())
err = fputc( encrySize & 0xff, fFileHandle );
if (err != EOF)
fSize++; // inc for the last putc
err = fputc( encrySize >> 8, fFileHandle );
if (err != EOF)
fSize++; // inc for the last putc
err = fwrite( buf, 1, length, fFileHandle );
fSize += err;
if (!(fFlags & kNonFlushedLog))
ret = false;
int err;
err = fwrite(buf,1,length,fFileHandle);
ret = ( ferror( fFileHandle )==0 );
if ( ret )
fSize += err;
if (!(fFlags & kNonFlushedLog))
if ( fSize>=kMaxFileSize )
if ( fFlags & kDebugOutput )
std::string str;
xtl::format( str, "%.*s\n", count, line );
OutputDebugString( str.c_str() );
fprintf( stderr, "%.*s\n", count, line );
if ( fFlags & kStdout )
fprintf( stdout, "%.*s\n", count, line );
return ret;