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1161 lines
26 KiB

DESCRIPTION "Python 2.3 Core DLL"
; From python23_s.lib(config)
; From python23_s.lib(dlfcn)
; "dlopen"
; "dlsym"
; "dlclose"
; "dlerror"
; From python23_s.lib(getpathp)
; From python23_s.lib(getbuildinfo)
; From python23_s.lib(main)
; From python23_s.lib(acceler)
; From python23_s.lib(grammar1)
; From python23_s.lib(listnode)
; From python23_s.lib(node)
; From python23_s.lib(parser)
; From python23_s.lib(parsetok)
; From python23_s.lib(bitset)
; From python23_s.lib(metagrammar)
; From python23_s.lib(tokenizer)
; From python23_s.lib(myreadline)
; From python23_s.lib(abstract)
; From python23_s.lib(boolobject)
; From python23_s.lib(bufferobject)
; From python23_s.lib(cellobject)
; From python23_s.lib(classobject)
; From python23_s.lib(cobject)
; From python23_s.lib(complexobject)
; From python23_s.lib(descrobject)
; From python23_s.lib(dictobject)
; From python23_s.lib(enumobject)
; From python23_s.lib(fileobject)
; From python23_s.lib(floatobject)
; From python23_s.lib(frameobject)
; From python23_s.lib(funcobject)
; From python23_s.lib(intobject)
; From python23_s.lib(iterobject)
; From python23_s.lib(listobject)
; From python23_s.lib(longobject)
; From python23_s.lib(methodobject)
; From python23_s.lib(moduleobject)
; From python23_s.lib(object)
; From python23_s.lib(obmalloc)
; From python23_s.lib(rangeobject)
; From python23_s.lib(sliceobject)
; From python23_s.lib(stringobject)
; From python23_s.lib(structseq)
; From python23_s.lib(tupleobject)
; From python23_s.lib(typeobject)
; From python23_s.lib(unicodeobject)
; From python23_s.lib(unicodectype)
; From python23_s.lib(weakrefobject)
; From python23_s.lib(bltinmodule)
; From python23_s.lib(exceptions)
; From python23_s.lib(ceval)
; From python23_s.lib(compile)
; From python23_s.lib(codecs)
; From python23_s.lib(errors)
; From python23_s.lib(frozen)
; From python23_s.lib(frozenmain)
; From python23_s.lib(future)
; From python23_s.lib(getargs)
; From python23_s.lib(getcompiler)
; From python23_s.lib(getcopyright)
; From python23_s.lib(getmtime)
; From python23_s.lib(getplatform)
; From python23_s.lib(getversion)
; From python23_s.lib(graminit)
; From python23_s.lib(import)
; "initimp"
; From python23_s.lib(importdl)
; From python23_s.lib(marshal)
; From python23_s.lib(modsupport)
; From python23_s.lib(mysnprintf)
; From python23_s.lib(mystrtoul)
; From python23_s.lib(pyfpe)
; From python23_s.lib(pystate)
; From python23_s.lib(pythonrun)
; From python23_s.lib(structmember)
; From python23_s.lib(symtable)
; From python23_s.lib(sysmodule)
; From python23_s.lib(traceback)
; From python23_s.lib(getopt)
; From python23_s.lib(dynload_shlib)
; From python23_s.lib(thread)
; From python23_s.lib(gcmodule)
; "initgc"
; From python23_s.lib(signalmodule)
; "initsignal"
; From python23_s.lib(posixmodule)
; "initos2"
; From python23_s.lib(threadmodule)
; "initthread"
; From python23_s.lib(arraymodule)
; "initarray"
; "array_methods"
; From python23_s.lib(binascii)
; "initbinascii"
; From python23_s.lib(cmathmodule)
; "initcmath"
; From python23_s.lib(_codecsmodule)
; "init_codecs"
; From python23_s.lib(cPickle)
; "initcPickle"
; "fast_save_leave"
; From python23_s.lib(cStringIO)
; "initcStringIO"
; From python23_s.lib(_csv)
; "init_csv"
; From python23_s.lib(datetimemodule)
; "initdatetime"
; From python23_s.lib(dlmodule)
; "initdl"
; From python23_s.lib(errnomodule)
; "initerrno"
; From python23_s.lib(fcntlmodule)
; "initfcntl"
; From python23_s.lib(imageop)
; "initimageop"
; From python23_s.lib(itertoolsmodule)
; "inititertools"
; From python23_s.lib(_localemodule)
; "init_locale"
; From python23_s.lib(mathmodule)
; "initmath"
; From python23_s.lib(md5c)
; "_Py_MD5Final"
; "_Py_MD5Init"
; "_Py_MD5Update"
; From python23_s.lib(md5module)
; "initmd5"
; From python23_s.lib(operator)
; "initoperator"
; From python23_s.lib(pcremodule)
; "initpcre"
; From python23_s.lib(pypcre)
; "pcre_study"
; "pcre_compile"
; "pcre_exec"
; "pcre_info"
; "pcre_version"
; "pcre_lcc"
; "pcre_fcc"
; "pcre_cbits"
; "pcre_ctypes"
; "pcre_malloc"
; "pcre_free"
; From python23_s.lib(_randommodule)
; "init_random"
; From python23_s.lib(regexmodule)
; "initregex"
; From python23_s.lib(regexpr)
; "_Py_re_syntax_table"
; "_Py_re_compile_initialize"
; "_Py_re_compile_pattern"
; "_Py_re_match"
; "_Py_re_search"
; "_Py_re_set_syntax"
; "_Py_re_compile_fastmap"
; "_Py_re_syntax"
; From python23_s.lib(rgbimgmodule)
; "initrgbimg"
; From python23_s.lib(shamodule)
; "initsha"
; From python23_s.lib(_sre)
; "init_sre"
; From python23_s.lib(stropmodule)
; "initstrop"
; From python23_s.lib(structmodule)
; "initstruct"
; From python23_s.lib(symtablemodule)
; "init_symtable"
; From python23_s.lib(termios)
; "inittermios"
; From python23_s.lib(timemodule)
; "inittime"
; "inittimezone"
; From python23_s.lib(timingmodule)
; "inittiming"
; From python23_s.lib(_weakref)
; "init_weakref"
; From python23_s.lib(xreadlinesmodule)
; "initxreadlines"
; From python23_s.lib(xxsubtype)
; "initxxsubtype"
; From python23_s.lib(zipimport)
; "initzipimport"