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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
#pragma once
#ifndef plClient_inc
#define plClient_inc
#include "hsWindowHndl.h"
#include "hsBitVector.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "hsUtils.h"
#include "hsStlUtils.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/hsKeyedObject.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plUoid.h"
#include "plScene/plRenderRequest.h"
class plSceneNode;
class plPipeline;
class hsG3DDeviceModeRecord;
class plInputManager;
class plInputController;
class plSceneObject;
class pfConsoleEngine;
class pfConsole;
class plAudioSystem;
class plVirtualCam1;
class plKey;
class plPageTreeMgr;
class plTransitionMgr;
class plLinkEffectsMgr;
class plOperationProgress;
class pfGameGUIMgr;
class pfKI;
class plAnimDebugList;
class plFontCache;
class plClientMsg;
class plLocation;
class plMovieMsg;
class plBinkPlayer;
class plPreloaderMsg;
class plNetCommAuthMsg;
class plAgeLoaded2Msg;
typedef void (*plMessagePumpProc)( void );
class plClient : public hsKeyedObject
class plRoomRec
plSceneNode *fNode;
UInt32 fFlags;
plRoomRec() { fNode = nil; fFlags = 0; }
plRoomRec( plSceneNode *n, UInt32 f ) : fNode( n ), fFlags( f ) {}
enum Flags
kHeld = 0x00000001
hsBitVector fFlags;
plInputManager* fInputManager;
plPageTreeMgr* fPageMgr;
hsTArray<plRoomRec> fRooms;
plSceneNode* fCurrentNode;
plPipeline* fPipeline;
hsColorRGBA fClearColor;
plTransitionMgr *fTransitionMgr;
plLinkEffectsMgr *fLinkEffectsMgr;
plFontCache *fFontCache;
pfConsoleEngine* fConsoleEngine;
pfConsole* fConsole;
pfKI *fKIGUIGlue;
hsBool fDone;
hsBool fWindowActive;
hsWindowHndl fWindowHndl;
double fLastProgressUpdate;
plOperationProgress *fProgressBar;
pfGameGUIMgr *fGameGUIMgr;
virtual hsG3DDeviceModeRecord ILoadDevMode(const char* devModeFile);
hsBool IUpdate();
hsBool IDraw();
hsBool IDrawProgress();
plVirtualCam1* fNewCamera;
static plClient* fInstance;
char * fpAuxInitDir;
static hsBool fDelayMS;
int fClampCap;
int fQuality;
hsBool fQuitIntro;
hsTArray<plBinkPlayer*> fMovies;
hsBool fPatchGlobalAges;
plMessagePumpProc fMessagePumpProc;
bool bPythonDebugConnected;
hsTArray<plRenderRequest*> fPreRenderRequests;
hsTArray<plRenderRequest*> fPostRenderRequests;
bool fHoldLoadRequests;
class LoadRequest
LoadRequest(const plLocation& loc, bool hold) { this->loc = loc; this->hold = hold; }
plLocation loc;
bool hold;
typedef std::list<LoadRequest*> LoadList;
LoadList fLoadRooms;
int fNumLoadingRooms; // Number of rooms we're waiting for load callbacks on
std::vector<plLocation> fRoomsLoading; // the locations we are currently in the middle of loading
int fNumPostLoadMsgs;
float fPostLoadMsgInc;
void ICompleteInit ();
void IOnAsyncInitComplete ();
void IHandlePreloaderMsg (plPreloaderMsg * msg);
void IHandleNetCommAuthMsg (plNetCommAuthMsg * msg);
bool IHandleAgeLoaded2Msg (plAgeLoaded2Msg * msg);
hsBool IFlushRenderRequests();
void IProcessPreRenderRequests();
void IProcessPostRenderRequests();
void IProcessRenderRequests(hsTArray<plRenderRequest*>& reqs);
void IAddRenderRequest(plRenderRequest* req);
hsBool IPlayIntroBink(const char* movieName, hsScalar endDelay, hsScalar posX, hsScalar posY, hsScalar scaleX, hsScalar scaleY, hsScalar volume = 1.0);
hsBool IHandleMovieMsg(plMovieMsg* mov);
void IKillMovies();
void IServiceMovies();
void IStartProgress( const char *title, hsScalar len );
void IIncProgress( hsScalar byHowMuch, const char *text );
void IStopProgress( void );
static void IDispatchMsgReceiveCallback();
static void IReadKeyedObjCallback(plKey key);
static void IProgressMgrCallbackProc( plOperationProgress *progress );
void IPatchGlobalAgeFiles( void );
int IFindRoomByLoc(const plLocation& loc);
bool IIsRoomLoading(const plLocation& loc);
void IQueueRoomLoad(const std::vector<plLocation>& locs, bool hold);
void ILoadNextRoom();
void IUnloadRooms(const std::vector<plLocation>& locs);
void IRoomLoaded(plSceneNode* node, bool hold);
void IRoomUnloaded(plSceneNode* node);
void ISetGraphicsDefaults();
virtual ~plClient();
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plClient, hsKeyedObject );
static plClient* GetInstance() { return fInstance; }
static void SetInstance(plClient* v) { fInstance=v; }
virtual hsBool MsgReceive(plMessage* msg);
hsBool InitPipeline();
void InitInputs();
void InitDLLs();
void ShutdownDLLs();
void InitAuxInits();
virtual hsBool StartInit();
virtual hsBool Shutdown();
virtual hsBool MainLoop();
plClient& SetDone(hsBool done) { fDone = done; return *this; }
hsBool GetDone() { return fDone; }
// Set this to true to queue any room load requests that come in. Set it to false to process them.
void SetHoldLoadRequests(bool hold);
hsBool HasFlag(int f) const { return fFlags.IsBitSet(f); }
void SetFlag(int f, hsBool on=true) { fFlags.SetBit(f, on); }
virtual plClient& SetWindowHandle(hsWindowHndl hndl) { fWindowHndl=hndl; return *this; }
hsWindowHndl GetWindowHandle() { return fWindowHndl; }
plInputManager* GetInputManager() { return fInputManager; }
plPipeline* GetPipeline() { return fPipeline; }
plSceneNode* GetCurrentScene() { return fCurrentNode; }
pfConsoleEngine *GetConsoleEngine() { return fConsoleEngine; }
void SetAuxInitDir(const char *p) { delete [] fpAuxInitDir; fpAuxInitDir = hsStrcpy(p); }
static void EnableClientDelay() { plClient::fDelayMS = true; }
// These are a hack to let the console fake a lesser capabile board and test out quality settings.
// They should go away once we have this built into ClientSetup
void SetClampCap(int c) { fClampCap = c; }
int GetClampCap() const { return fClampCap; }
void SetQuality(int q) { fQuality = q; }
int GetQuality() const { return fQuality; }
hsBool GetQuitIntro() const { return fQuitIntro; }
void SetQuitIntro(hsBool on) { fQuitIntro = on; }
void SetClearColor( hsColorRGBA &color );
hsColorRGBA GetClearColor() const { return fClearColor; }
// The client window has focus (true) or lost it (false)
virtual void WindowActivate(bool active);
virtual hsBool WindowActive() const { return fWindowActive; }
void SetMessagePumpProc( plMessagePumpProc proc ) { fMessagePumpProc = proc; }
void ResetDisplayDevice(int Width, int Height, int ColorDepth, hsBool Windowed, int NumAASamples, int MaxAnisotropicSamples, hsBool VSync = false, hsBool windowOnly = false);
void IDetectAudioVideoSettings();
void IWriteDefaultGraphicsSettings(const wchar* destFile);
plAnimDebugList *fAnimDebugList;
#if 0
std::string fUsername;
std::string fPasswordDigest;
std::string fServer;
int fPlayerID;
bool fRecreatePlayer;
bool fAuthPassed;
#endif // plClient_inc