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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
#ifndef _pyAutoControl_h_
#define _pyAutoControl_h_
// pyAudioControl - a wrapper class all the audio control functions
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include <python.h>
#include "pyGlueHelpers.h"
class pyAudioControl
pyAudioControl() {};
// required functions for PyObject interoperability
PYTHON_CLASS_CHECK_DEFINITION; // returns true if the PyObject is a pyAudioControl object
PYTHON_CLASS_CONVERT_FROM_DEFINITION(pyAudioControl); // converts a PyObject to a pyAudioControl (throws error if not correct type)
static void AddPlasmaClasses(PyObject *m);
// Audio settings
// Sets the master volume of a given audio channel
virtual void SetSoundFXVolume( hsScalar volume );
virtual void SetMusicVolume( hsScalar volume );
virtual void SetVoiceVolume( hsScalar volume );
virtual void SetAmbienceVolume( hsScalar volume );
virtual void SetGUIVolume( hsScalar volume );
virtual void SetNPCVoiceVolume( hsScalar volume );
virtual hsScalar GetSoundFXVolume();
virtual hsScalar GetMusicVolume();
virtual hsScalar GetVoiceVolume();
virtual hsScalar GetAmbienceVolume();
virtual hsScalar GetGUIVolume();
virtual hsScalar GetNPCVoiceVolume();
// Switch DirectX Audio on or off at runtime
virtual void Enable();
virtual void Disable();
virtual hsBool IsEnabled();
// Enable or disable load-on-demand for sounds
virtual void SetLoadOnDemand( hsBool state );
// Enables or disables two-stage LOD, where sounds can be loaded into RAM but not into sound buffers.
// ...Less of a performance hit, harder on memory.
virtual void SetTwoStageLOD( hsBool state );
// Enable audio hardware acceleration
virtual void UseHardwareAcceleration( hsBool state );
virtual hsBool IsHardwareAccelerated();
// Enable EAX sound acceleration (requires hardware acceleration)
virtual void UseEAXAcceleration( hsBool state );
virtual hsBool IsUsingEAXAcceleration();
// Mute or unmute all sounds
virtual void MuteAll();
virtual void UnmuteAll();
virtual hsBool IsMuted();
virtual void SetAudioSystemMode(int mode); // sets the current mode
virtual int GetAudioSystemMode(); // returns the current mode
virtual int GetHighestAudioMode(); // returns the highest mode the card is capable of handling
virtual int GetNumAudioDevices();
virtual const char *GetAudioDeviceName(int index);
virtual void SetDeviceName(const char *device, bool restart);
virtual const char *GetDeviceName();
// Voice Settings
// Sets the microphone volume, in the range of 0 to 1
virtual hsBool CanSetMicLevel();
virtual void SetMicLevel( hsScalar level );
virtual hsScalar GetMicLevel();
// turn voice recording on or off
virtual void EnableVoiceRecording( hsBool state );
virtual hsBool IsVoiceRecordingEnabled();
// turn voice compression on and off
virtual void EnableVoiceCompression( hsBool state );
virtual hsBool IsVoiceCompressionEnabled();
// turn voice-over-net on and off
virtual void EnableVoiceNetBroadcast( hsBool state );
virtual hsBool IsVoiceNetBroadcastEnabled();
void EnableVoiceChat(hsBool enable);
// turn voice recording icons on and off
virtual void ShowIcons();
virtual void HideIcons();
// turn push-to-talk on or off
virtual void PushToTalk( hsBool state );
// Set the squelch level
virtual void SquelchLevel( hsScalar level );
// Adjust voice packet frame size
virtual void RecordFrame( Int32 size );
// Set the sample rate for recording
virtual void RecordSampleRate( Int32 sample_rate );
virtual UInt8 GetPriorityCutoff( void );
virtual void SetPriorityCutoff( UInt8 cut );
// does the device specified support EAX
virtual hsBool SupportEAX(const char *deviceName);
#endif // _pyAudioControl_h_