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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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(at your option) any later version.
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#include "hsStream.h"
#include "plAgeDescription.h"
#include "hsUtils.h"
#include "hsStlUtils.h"
#include "plFile/hsFiles.h"
#include "plFile/plInitFileReader.h"
#include "plFile/plEncryptedStream.h"
#include "hsStringTokenizer.h"
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
const UInt32 plAgePage::kInvalidSeqSuffix = (UInt32)-1;
plAgePage::plAgePage( const char *name, UInt32 seqSuffix, Byte flags )
fName = name != nil ? hsStrcpy( name ) : nil;
fSeqSuffix = seqSuffix;
fFlags = flags;
plAgePage::plAgePage( char *stringFrom ) : fName(nil)
SetFromString( stringFrom );
fName = nil;
fFlags = 0;
fSeqSuffix = 0;
plAgePage::plAgePage( const plAgePage &src ) : fName(nil)
fName = src.fName != nil ? hsStrcpy( src.fName ) : nil;
fSeqSuffix = src.fSeqSuffix;
fFlags = src.fFlags;
delete [] fName;
plAgePage &plAgePage::operator=( const plAgePage &src )
delete [] fName;
fName = src.fName != nil ? hsStrcpy( src.fName ) : nil;
fSeqSuffix = src.fSeqSuffix;
fFlags = src.fFlags;
return *this;
void plAgePage::SetFlags(Byte f, bool on)
if (on)
hsSetBits(fFlags, f);
hsClearBits(fFlags, f);
// now preservs original string
hsBool plAgePage::SetFromString( const char *stringIn )
char *c, seps[] = ", \n";
std::string string = stringIn;
// Parse. Format is going to be "pageName[,seqSuffix[,flags]]"
c = strtok( (char*)string.c_str(), seps );
if( c == nil )
return false;
delete [] fName;
fName = hsStrcpy( c );
// Look for seqSuffix
c = strtok( nil, seps );
if( c != nil )
fSeqSuffix = atoi( c );
// Look for flags
c = strtok( nil, seps );
if( c != nil )
fFlags = atoi( c );
fFlags = 0;
fSeqSuffix = kInvalidSeqSuffix;
fFlags = 0;
return true;
char *plAgePage::GetAsString( void ) const
static char str[ 256 ];
// Format is "pageName[,seqSuffix[,flags]]"
if( fFlags != 0 )
sprintf( str, "%s,%d,%d", fName, fSeqSuffix, fFlags );
sprintf( str, "%s,%d", fName, fSeqSuffix );
return str;
// plAgeDescription
// static
char plAgeDescription::kAgeDescPath[]={"dat"PATH_SEPARATOR_STR};
char *plAgeDescription::fCommonPages[] = { "Textures", "BuiltIn" };
// Also gotta init the separators for our helper reading function
plAgeDescription::plAgeDescription() : plInitSectionTokenReader()
void plAgeDescription::IDeInit()
delete [] fName;
plAgeDescription::plAgeDescription( const char *fileNameToReadFrom ) : plInitSectionTokenReader()
// Reads from a file, returns false if failed.
bool plAgeDescription::ReadFromFile( const char *fileNameToReadFrom )
hsStream* stream = plEncryptedStream::OpenEncryptedFile(fileNameToReadFrom);
if( !stream )
return false;
Read( stream );
delete stream;
SetAgeNameFromPath( fileNameToReadFrom );
return true;
void plAgeDescription::SetAgeNameFromPath( const char *path )
delete [] fName;
if( path == nil )
fName = nil;
// Construct our name from the path
const char *pathSep1 = strrchr( path, '\\' );
const char *pathSep2 = strrchr( path, '/' );
if( pathSep2 > pathSep1 )
pathSep1 = pathSep2;
if( pathSep1 == nil )
pathSep1 = (char *)path;
pathSep1++; // Get past the actual character we found
char temp[ 512 ];
strcpy( temp, pathSep1 );
char *end = strrchr( temp, '.' );
if( end != nil )
*end = 0;
fName = hsStrcpy( temp );
void plAgeDescription::IInit( void )
fName = nil;
fDayLength = 24.0f;
fMaxCapacity = -1;
fLingerTime = 180; // seconds
fSeqPrefix = 0;
fReleaseVersion = 0;
fStart.SetMode( plUnifiedTime::kLocal );
fPageIterator = -1;
struct SzDelete { void operator()(char * str) { delete [] str;} };
void plAgeDescription::ClearPageList()
void plAgeDescription::AppendPage( const char *name, int seqSuffix, Byte flags )
fPages.Append( plAgePage( name, ( seqSuffix == -1 ) ? fPages.GetCount() : (UInt32)seqSuffix, flags ) );
void plAgeDescription::SeekFirstPage( void )
fPageIterator = 0;
plAgePage *plAgeDescription::GetNextPage( void )
plAgePage *ret = nil;
if( fPageIterator >= 0 && fPageIterator < fPages.GetCount() )
ret = &fPages[ fPageIterator++ ];
if( fPageIterator >= fPages.GetCount() )
fPageIterator = -1;
return ret;
void plAgeDescription::RemovePage( const char *page )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < fPages.GetCount(); i++ )
if( strcmp( page, fPages[ i ].GetName() ) == 0 )
fPages.Remove( i );
plAgePage *plAgeDescription::FindPage( const char *name ) const
int i;
for( i = 0; i < fPages.GetCount(); i++ )
if( strcmp( name, fPages[ i ].GetName() ) == 0 )
return &fPages[ i ];
return nil;
plLocation plAgeDescription::CalcPageLocation( const char *page ) const
plAgePage *ap = FindPage( page );
if( ap != nil )
// Combine our sequence # together
Int32 combined;
hsAssert(abs(fSeqPrefix) < 0xFF, "Age sequence prefex is out of range!"); // sequence prefix can NOT be larger or equal to 1-byte max value
UInt32 suffix = ap->GetSeqSuffix();
hsAssert(suffix <= 0xFFFF, "Page sequence number is out of range!"); // page sequence number can NOT be larger then 2-byte max value
if( fSeqPrefix < 0 ) // we are a global age
combined = -(Int32)( ( ( -fSeqPrefix ) << 16 ) + suffix );
combined = ( fSeqPrefix << 16 ) + suffix;
// Now, our 32 bit number looks like the following:
// - RR is FF when reserved, and 00 when normal
// - AA is the one byte for age sequence prefix (FF not allowed because 0xFFFFFFFFFF is reserved for invalid sequence number)
// - PPPP is the two bytes for page sequence number
if( IsGlobalAge() )
return plLocation::MakeReserved( (UInt32)combined );
plLocation ret = plLocation::MakeNormal( combined );
if (page && !stricmp(page, "builtin"))
return ret;
// Just make a blank (invalid) one
plLocation loc;
return loc;
// Writes the Age Description File
void plAgeDescription::Write(hsStream* stream) const
char buf[256];
// Write the date/time
sprintf(buf, "StartDateTime=%010u\n", fStart.GetSecs());
// Write the day length
sprintf(buf, "DayLength=%f\n", fDayLength);
// Write the max capacity
sprintf(buf, "MaxCapacity=%d\n", fMaxCapacity);
// Write the linger time
sprintf(buf, "LingerTime=%d\n", fLingerTime);
// Write out the sequence prefix
sprintf( buf, "SequencePrefix=%d\n", fSeqPrefix );
stream->WriteString( buf );
// Write out the release version
sprintf( buf, "ReleaseVersion=%d\n", fReleaseVersion );
stream->WriteString( buf );
// Write out the pages
int i;
for( i = 0; i < fPages.GetCount(); i++ )
sprintf(buf, "Page=%s\n", fPages[ i ].GetAsString() );
// Somewhat of an overkill, but I created it, so I better use it.
// The really nifty (or scary, depending on your viewpoint) thing is that, since
// we only have one section, we can safely use ourselves as the section reader.
// Later I might just add section readers with function pointers to avoid this need entirely
const char *plAgeDescription::GetSectionName( void ) const
return "AgeInfo";
hsBool plAgeDescription::IParseToken( const char *token, hsStringTokenizer *tokenizer, UInt32 userData )
char *tok;
if( !stricmp( token, "StartDateTime" ) )
if( ( tok = tokenizer->next() ) != nil )
char buf[11];
strncpy(buf, tok, 10); buf[10] = '\0';
else if (!stricmp(token, "DayLength"))
if( ( tok = tokenizer->next() ) != nil )
fDayLength = (float)atof(tok);
else if (!stricmp(token, "Page"))
fPages.Append( plAgePage( tokenizer->GetRestOfString() ) );
if( fPages[ fPages.GetCount() - 1 ].GetSeqSuffix() == plAgePage::kInvalidSeqSuffix )
fPages[ fPages.GetCount() - 1 ].SetSeqSuffix( fPages.GetCount() );
else if (!stricmp(token, "MaxCapacity"))
if( ( tok = tokenizer->next() ) != nil )
fMaxCapacity = atoi(tok);
else if (!stricmp(token, "LingerTime"))
if( ( tok = tokenizer->next() ) != nil )
fLingerTime = atoi(tok);
else if( !stricmp(token, "SequencePrefix"))
if( ( tok = tokenizer->next() ) != nil )
fSeqPrefix = atoi(tok);
else if( !stricmp(token, "ReleaseVersion"))
if( ( tok = tokenizer->next() ) != nil )
fReleaseVersion = atoi(tok);
return true;
// Reads the Age Description File
void plAgeDescription::Read(hsStream* stream)
plInitSectionReader *sections[] = { (plInitSectionReader *)this, nil };
plInitFileReader reader( stream, sections );
if( !reader.IsOpen() )
hsAssert( false, "Unable to open age description file for reading" );
// What is the current time in the age (in secs), based on dayLength.
int plAgeDescription::GetAgeTimeOfDaySecs(const plUnifiedTime& earthCurrentTime) const
double elapsedSecs = GetAgeElapsedSeconds(earthCurrentTime);
int secsInADay = (int)(fDayLength * 60 * 60);
int ageTime = (int)elapsedSecs % secsInADay;
return ageTime;
// What is the current time in the age (from 0-1), based on dayLength.
float plAgeDescription::GetAgeTimeOfDayPercent(const plUnifiedTime& earthCurrentTime) const
double elapsedSecs = GetAgeElapsedSeconds(earthCurrentTime);
int secsInADay = (int)(fDayLength * 60 * 60);
double ageTime = fmod(elapsedSecs, secsInADay);
float percent=(float)(ageTime/secsInADay);
if (percent<0.f)
if (percent>1.f)
return percent;
// How old is the age in days.
double plAgeDescription::GetAgeElapsedDays(plUnifiedTime earthCurrentTime) const
earthCurrentTime.SetMicros(0); // Ignore micros for this calculation
double elapsedSecs = GetAgeElapsedSeconds(earthCurrentTime);
return elapsedSecs / 60.0 / 60.0 / fDayLength; // days and fractions
// How many seconds have elapsed since the age was born. or how old is the age (in secs)
double plAgeDescription::GetAgeElapsedSeconds(const plUnifiedTime & earthCurrentTime) const
plUnifiedTime elapsed = earthCurrentTime - fStart;
return elapsed.GetSecsDouble();
// Static functions for the available common pages
enum CommonPages
const char *plAgeDescription::GetCommonPage( int pageType )
hsAssert( pageType < kNumCommonPages, "Invalid page type in GetCommonPage()" );
return fCommonPages[ pageType ];
void plAgeDescription::AppendCommonPages( void )
UInt32 startSuffix = 0xffff, i;
if( IsGlobalAge() )
for( i = 0; i < kNumCommonPages; i++ )
fPages.Append( plAgePage( fCommonPages[ i ], startSuffix - i, 0 ) );
void plAgeDescription::CopyFrom(const plAgeDescription& other)
fName = hsStrcpy(other.GetAgeName());
int i;
for(i=0;i<other.fPages.GetCount(); i++)
fPages.Append( other.fPages[ i ] );
fStart = other.fStart;
fDayLength = other.fDayLength;
fMaxCapacity = other.fMaxCapacity;
fLingerTime = other.fLingerTime;
fSeqPrefix = other.fSeqPrefix;
fReleaseVersion = other.fReleaseVersion;
bool plAgeDescription::FindLocation(const plLocation& loc) const
int i;
for( i = 0; i < fPages.GetCount(); i++ )
plLocation pageLoc = CalcPageLocation(fPages[i].GetName());
if (pageLoc == loc)
return true;
return false;