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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsGeometry3.h"
#include "plTriUtils.h"
static const hsScalar kAlmostZero = 1.e-5f;
static const hsScalar kPastZero = -kAlmostZero;
static const hsScalar kPastOne = 1.f + kAlmostZero;
static const hsScalar kAlmostOne = 1.f - kAlmostZero;
static const hsScalar kAlmostZeroSquared = kAlmostZero*kAlmostZero;
static inline hsVector3 Cross(const hsScalarTriple& p0, const hsScalarTriple& p1)
return hsVector3(p0.fY * p1.fZ - p0.fZ * p1.fY,
p0.fZ * p1.fX - p0.fX * p1.fZ,
p0.fX * p1.fY - p0.fY * p1.fX);
// There's actually a possibly faster way to do all this.
// The barycentric coordinate in 3-space is the same as the barycentric coordinate of the projection
// in 2-space, as long as the projection doesn't degenerate the triangle (i.e. project the tri onto
// a plane perpindicular to the tri). The tri can't be perpindicular to all three major axes, so by
// picking the right one (or just not picking the wrong one), the lengths of the cross products becomes
// just the z component (e.g. v0.x*v1.y - v0.y*v1.x), so all the square roots go away (not to mention all
// the vector math going from 3 component to 2).
plTriUtils::Bary plTriUtils::ComputeBarycentricProjection(const hsPoint3& p0, const hsPoint3& p1, const hsPoint3& p2, hsPoint3&p, hsPoint3& out)
hsVector3 v12(&p1, &p2);
hsVector3 v02(&p0, &p2);
hsVector3 norm = Cross(v12, v02);
hsScalar invLenSq12 = norm.MagnitudeSquared();
if( invLenSq12 < kAlmostZero )
return kDegenerateTri; // degenerate triangle
invLenSq12 = 1.f / invLenSq12;
p += norm * (hsVector3(&p2, &p).InnerProduct(norm) * invLenSq12);
hsVector3 vp2(&p, &p2);
hsVector3 v0 = Cross(v12, vp2);
hsVector3 v1 = Cross(vp2, v02);
return IComputeBarycentric(norm, invLenSq12, v0, v1, out);
plTriUtils::Bary plTriUtils::ComputeBarycentric(const hsPoint3& p0, const hsPoint3& p1, const hsPoint3& p2, const hsPoint3&p, hsPoint3& out)
hsVector3 v12(&p1, &p2);
hsVector3 v02(&p0, &p2);
hsVector3 norm = Cross(v12, v02);
hsScalar invLenSq12 = norm.MagnitudeSquared();
if( invLenSq12 < kAlmostZero )
return kDegenerateTri; // degenerate triangle
invLenSq12 = 1.f / invLenSq12;
hsVector3 vp2(&p, &p2);
hsVector3 v0 = Cross(v12, vp2);
hsVector3 v1 = Cross(vp2, v02);
return IComputeBarycentric(norm, invLenSq12, v0, v1, out);
plTriUtils::Bary plTriUtils::IComputeBarycentric(const hsVector3& v12, hsScalar invLenSq12, const hsVector3& v0, const hsVector3& v1, hsPoint3& out)
UInt32 state = 0;
hsScalar lenSq0 = v0.MagnitudeSquared();
if( lenSq0 < kAlmostZeroSquared )
// On edge p1-p2;
out[0] = 0;
state |= kOnEdge12;
out[0] = lenSq0 * invLenSq12;
out[0] = hsSquareRoot(out[0]);
if( v0.InnerProduct(v12) < 0 )
out[0] = -out[0];
state |= kOutsideTri;
else if( out[0] > kPastOne )
state |= kOutsideTri;
else if( out[0] > kAlmostOne )
state |= kOnVertex0;
hsScalar lenSq1 = v1.MagnitudeSquared();
if( lenSq1 < kAlmostZeroSquared )
// On edge p0-p2
out[1] = 0;
state |= kOnEdge02;
out[1] = lenSq1 * invLenSq12;
out[1] = hsSquareRoot(out[1]);
if( v1.InnerProduct(v12) < 0 )
out[1] = -out[1];
state |= kOutsideTri;
else if( out[1] > kPastOne )
state |= kOutsideTri;
else if( out[1] > kAlmostOne )
state |= kOnVertex1;
// Could make more robust against precision problems
// by repeating above for out[2], then normalizing
// so sum(out[i]) = 1.f
out[2] = 1.f - out[0] - out[1];
if( out[2] < kPastZero )
state |= kOutsideTri;
else if( out[2] < kAlmostZero )
state |= kOnEdge01;
else if( out[2] > kAlmostOne )
state |= kOnVertex2;
if( a,b,c outside range [0..1] )
p is outside tri;
else if( a,b,c == 1 )
p is on vert;
else if( a,b,c == 0 )
p is on edge;
if( state & kOutsideTri )
return kOutsideTri;
if( state & kOnVertex )
return Bary(state & kOnVertex);
if( state & kOnEdge )
return Bary(state & kOnEdge);
return kInsideTri;
int plTriUtils::ISelectAxis(const hsVector3& norm)
int retVal = -2;
hsScalar maxDim = 0;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if( norm[i] > maxDim )
maxDim = norm[i];
retVal = i;
else if( -norm[i] > maxDim )
maxDim = -norm[i];
retVal = i;
return retVal;
hsBool plTriUtils::IFastBarycentric(int iAx, const hsPoint3& p0, const hsPoint3& p1, const hsPoint3& p2, const hsPoint3&p, hsPoint3& out)
if( --iAx < 0 )
iAx = 2;
int jAx = iAx - 1;
if( jAx < 0 )
jAx = 2;
hsVector3 v02(&p0, &p2);
hsVector3 v12(&p1, &p2);
hsScalar totArea = v02[iAx] * v12[jAx] - v02[jAx] * v12[iAx];
hsAssert(totArea != 0, "Should have already filtered degerate tris and degenerate projection");
hsScalar invTotArea = 1.f / totArea;
hsVector3 vp2(&p, &p2);
hsScalar aArea = vp2[iAx] * v12[jAx] - vp2[jAx] * v12[iAx];
hsScalar bArea = v02[iAx] * vp2[jAx] - v02[jAx] * vp2[iAx];
out[0] = aArea * invTotArea;
out[1] = bArea * invTotArea;
out[2] = 1.f - out[0] - out[1];
return true;
hsBool plTriUtils::FastBarycentricProjection(const hsPoint3& p0, const hsPoint3& p1, const hsPoint3& p2, hsPoint3&p, hsPoint3& out)
hsVector3 v02(&p0, &p2);
hsVector3 v12(&p1, &p2);
hsVector3 norm = Cross(v12, v02);
hsScalar invLenSq12 = norm.MagnitudeSquared();
if( invLenSq12 < kAlmostZero )
return false; // degenerate triangle
invLenSq12 = 1.f / invLenSq12;
hsVector3 del(&p0, &p);
hsScalar delDotNormOverLenSq = del.InnerProduct(norm) * invLenSq12;
p += norm * delDotNormOverLenSq;
int iAx = ISelectAxis(norm);
hsAssert(iAx >= 0, "Should have already picked out degenerate tris");
return IFastBarycentric(iAx, p0, p1, p2, p, out);
hsBool plTriUtils::FastBarycentric(const hsPoint3& p0, const hsPoint3& p1, const hsPoint3& p2, const hsPoint3&p, hsPoint3& out)
hsVector3 v02(&p0, &p2);
hsVector3 v12(&p1, &p2);
int iAx = ISelectAxis(Cross(v12, v02));
if( iAx < 0 )
return false;
return IFastBarycentric(iAx, p0, p1, p2, p, out);
hsBool plTriUtils::ProjectOntoPlane(const hsVector3& norm, hsScalar dist, hsPoint3& p)
hsScalar normMagSq = norm.MagnitudeSquared();
if( normMagSq > kAlmostZero )
dist /= normMagSq;
p += norm * dist;
return true;
return false;
hsBool plTriUtils::ProjectOntoPlane(const hsPoint3& p0, const hsPoint3& p1, const hsPoint3& p2, hsPoint3& p)
hsVector3 v02(&p0, &p2);
hsVector3 v12(&p1, &p2);
hsVector3 norm = v12 % v02;
hsScalar dist = norm.InnerProduct(p0 - p);
return ProjectOntoPlane(norm, dist, p);
hsBool plTriUtils::ProjectOntoPlaneAlongVector(const hsVector3& norm, hsScalar dist, const hsVector3& vec, hsPoint3& p)
hsScalar s = norm.InnerProduct(vec);
const hsScalar kAlmostZero = 1.e-5f;
if( (s > kAlmostZero)||(s < kPastZero) )
dist /= s;
p += vec * dist;
return true;
return false;
hsBool plTriUtils::ProjectOntoPlaneAlongVector(const hsPoint3& p0, const hsPoint3& p1, const hsPoint3& p2, const hsVector3& vec, hsPoint3& p)
hsVector3 v02(&p0, &p2);
hsVector3 v12(&p1, &p2);
hsVector3 norm = v12 % v02;
hsScalar dist = norm.InnerProduct(p0 - p);
return ProjectOntoPlaneAlongVector(norm, dist, vec, p);