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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
#ifndef _pfGUISkinComp_h
#define _pfGUISkinComp_h
#include "plComponent.h"
#include "../MaxPlasmaMtls/Layers/plLayerTex.h"
#include "../pfGameGUIMgr/pfGUIPopUpMenu.h"
/// skin component class
class plGUISkinComp : public plComponent
void DeleteThis() { delete this; }
// SetupProperties - Internal setup and write-only set properties on the MaxNode. No reading
// of properties on the MaxNode, as it's still indeterminant.
hsBool SetupProperties(plMaxNode *pNode, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg);
hsBool PreConvert(plMaxNode *pNode, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg);
hsBool Convert(plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg);
hsBool DeInit(plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg);
plLayerTex *GetSkinBitmap( void );
virtual UInt32 GetNumMtls( void ) const;
virtual Texmap *GetMtl( UInt32 idx );
kRefBitmap = 256, // So we can share it among other components
kRefUpLeftCorner = 257,
kRefTopSpan = 257 + 4,
kRefUpRightCorner = 257 + 8,
kRefRightSpan = 257 + 12,
kRefLowerRightCorner = 257 + 16,
kRefBottomSpan = 257 + 20,
kRefLowerLeftCorner = 257 + 24,
kRefLeftSpan = 257 + 28,
kRefMiddleFill = 257 + 32,
kRefSelectedFill = 257 + 36,
kRefSubMenuArrow = 257 + 40,
kRefSelectedSubMenuArrow = 257 + 44,
kRefTreeButtonClosed = 257 + 48,
kRefTreeButtonOpen = 257 + 52,
kRefItemMargin = 400,
pfGUISkin *GetConvertedSkin( void ) const { return fConvertedSkin; }
plKey GetConvertedSkinKey( void ) const;
// Given an INode, gives you a pointer to the GUI component if it actually is one, nil otherwise
static plGUISkinComp *GetGUIComp( INode *node );
pfGUISkin *fConvertedSkin;
/// skin editor proc class
class pfGUISkinEditProc
static pfGUISkinEditProc *fInstance;
static int fZoom;
plGUISkinComp *fComp;
RECT fPreviewRect, fCurrElemRect;
HDC fDblDC, fImageDC;
HBITMAP fDblBitmap, fImageBitmap;
int fDblWidth, fDblHeight;
int fXOffset, fYOffset;
int fCurrPBRefSet;
HPEN fDefPen, fOtherPen;
bool fDragging;
UInt8 fDragType;
int fDragTimer;
int fDragOffsetX, fDragOffsetY;
HCURSOR fOrigCursor;
pfGUISkin::pfSRect fBackups[ pfGUISkin::kNumElements ];
void IRefreshDblBuffer( void );
void IRefreshImageBuffer( void );
void IInitDblBuffer( void );
void IKillDblBuffer( void );
void ISetScrollRanges( void );
kRangeSlop = 4
bool IPointWithinRange( int x, int y, int ptX, int ptY );
bool IPointWithinVertRange( int x, int y, int ptX, int ptY1, int ptY2 );
bool IPointWithinHorzRange( int x, int y, int ptX1, int ptX2, int ptY );
enum DragTypeFlags
kLeft = 0x01,
kTop = 0x02,
kRight = 0x04,
kBottom = 0x08,
kDragAll = kLeft | kTop | kRight | kBottom
UInt8 IGetDragTypeFlags( int x, int y );
void IJustDrawOneRect( int whichElement, IParamBlock2 *pb, HDC hDC, HPEN whichPen, int refToIgnore );
pfGUISkinEditProc( plGUISkinComp *comp );
static INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
INT_PTR CALLBACK DialogProc( HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
#endif // _pfGUISkinComp_h