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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
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Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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#ifndef plDynaDecalMgr_inc
#define plDynaDecalMgr_inc
#include "pnNetCommon/plSynchedObject.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "hsGeometry3.h"
#include "hsMatrix44.h"
#include "hsStlUtils.h"
class plParticleSystem;
class plPrintShape;
class plDynaDecalEnableMsg;
class plDynaDecal;
class plDrawableSpans;
class plGBufferGroup;
class plIcicle;
class hsGMaterial;
class plBitmap;
class plMipmap;
class plSceneObject;
class plArmatureMod;
class hsStream;
class hsResMgr;
class plMessage;
class plCutter;
class plCutoutPoly;
class plFlatGridMesh;
class plDrawVisList;
class plRenderLevel;
class plAccessSpan;
class plAuxSpan;
class plDecalVtxFormat;
class plPipeline;
// plDynaDecalInfo - information we store specific to what we've
// done about a specific avatar part or scene object.
class plDynaDecalInfo
kNone = 0x0,
kImmersed = 0x1,
kActive = 0x2
plKey fKey;
double fLastTime;
hsPoint3 fLastPos;
double fWetTime;
hsScalar fWetLength;
UInt32 fFlags;
plDynaDecalInfo& Init(const plKey& key);
typedef std::map< UInt32, plDynaDecalInfo, std::less<UInt32> > plDynaDecalMap;
// plDynaDecalMgr
// Primary responsibilities:
// Allocation of adequate buffer space in plGBufferGroup
// Setup of decal materials
// Allocation of auxSpans
// Receive lists of polys, translate into drawable tris
// Create DynaDecals and destroy them when they expire.
// Assign vertex and index subsets to DynaDecals
// Call Update on DynaDecals
class plDynaDecalMgr : public plSynchedObject
enum DynaRefType
kRefNextAvailable = 10
static hsBool fDisableAccumulate;
static hsBool fDisableUpdate;
plDynaDecalMap fDecalMap;
hsTArray<plDynaDecal*> fDecals;
hsTArray<plGBufferGroup*> fGroups;
plCutter* fCutter;
hsTArray<plAuxSpan*> fAuxSpans;
hsGMaterial* fMatPreShade;
hsGMaterial* fMatRTShade;
hsTArray<plSceneObject*> fTargets;
hsTArray<plSceneObject*> fPartyObjects;
hsTArray<plParticleSystem*> fParticles;
hsScalar fPartyTime;
UInt16 fMaxNumVerts;
UInt16 fMaxNumIdx;
UInt32 fWaitOnEnable;
hsScalar fWetLength;
hsScalar fRampEnd;
hsScalar fDecayStart;
hsScalar fLifeSpan;
hsScalar fIntensity;
hsScalar fGridSizeU;
hsScalar fGridSizeV;
hsVector3 fScale;
// some temp calculated stuff
hsScalar fInitAtten;
// These 4 are in normalized units [0..1], not feet.
hsScalar fMinDepth;
hsScalar fMinDepthRange;
hsScalar fMaxDepth;
hsScalar fMaxDepthRange;
hsTArray<UInt32> fPartIDs;
hsTArray<plKey> fNotifies;
const plPrintShape* IGetPrintShape(const plKey& objKey) const;
const plPrintShape* IGetPrintShape(plArmatureMod* avMod, UInt32 id) const;
virtual hsBool IHandleEnableMsg(const plDynaDecalEnableMsg* enaMsg);
void INotifyActive(plDynaDecalInfo& info, const plKey& armKey, UInt32 id) const;
void INotifyInactive(plDynaDecalInfo& info, const plKey& armKey, UInt32 id) const;
hsBool IWetParts(const plDynaDecalEnableMsg* enaMsg);
hsBool IWetPart(UInt32 id, const plDynaDecalEnableMsg* enaMsg);
void IWetInfo(plDynaDecalInfo& info, const plDynaDecalEnableMsg* enaMsg) const;
hsScalar IHowWet(plDynaDecalInfo& info, double t) const;
plDynaDecalInfo& IGetDecalInfo(UInt32 id, const plKey& key);
void IRemoveDecalInfo(UInt32 id);
void IRemoveDecalInfos(const plKey& key);
hsGMaterial* ISetAuxMaterial(plAuxSpan* aux, hsGMaterial* mat, hsBool rtLit);
void IAllocAuxSpan(plAuxSpan* aux, UInt32 maxNumVerts, UInt32 maxNumIdx);
plAuxSpan* IGetAuxSpan(plDrawableSpans* targ, int iSpan, hsGMaterial* mat, UInt16 numVerts, UInt16 numIdx);
hsBool IMakeAuxRefs(plPipeline* pipe);
UInt16* IGetBaseIdxPtr(const plAuxSpan* auxSpan) const;
plDecalVtxFormat* IGetBaseVtxPtr(const plAuxSpan* auxSpan) const;
virtual int INewDecal() = 0;
plDynaDecal* IInitDecal(plAuxSpan* aux, double t, UInt16 numVerts, UInt16 numIdx);
void IKillDecal(int i);
void IUpdateDecals(double t);
void ICountIncoming(hsTArray<plCutoutPoly>& src, UInt16& numVerts, UInt16& numIdx) const;
hsBool IConvertPolysColor(plAuxSpan* auxSpan, plDynaDecal* decal, hsTArray<plCutoutPoly>& src);
hsBool IConvertPolysAlpha(plAuxSpan* auxSpan, plDynaDecal* decal, hsTArray<plCutoutPoly>& src);
hsBool IConvertPolysVS(plAuxSpan* auxSpan, plDynaDecal* decal, hsTArray<plCutoutPoly>& src);
hsBool IConvertPolys(plAuxSpan* auxSpan, plDynaDecal* decal, hsTArray<plCutoutPoly>& src);
hsBool IProcessPolys(plDrawableSpans* targ, int iSpan, double t, hsTArray<plCutoutPoly>& src);
hsBool IHitTestPolys(hsTArray<plCutoutPoly>& src) const;
hsBool IProcessGrid(plDrawableSpans* targ, int iSpan, hsGMaterial* mat, double t, const plFlatGridMesh& grid);
hsBool IConvertFlatGrid(plAuxSpan* auxSpan, plDynaDecal* decal, const plFlatGridMesh& grid) const;
hsBool ICutoutGrid(plDrawableSpans* drawable, int iSpan, hsGMaterial* mat, double secs);
hsBool IHitTestFlatGrid(const plFlatGridMesh& grid) const;
hsBool ICutoutList(hsTArray<plDrawVisList>& drawVis, double secs);
hsBool ICutoutObject(plSceneObject* so, double secs);
hsBool ICutoutTargets(double secs);
void ISetDepthFalloff(); // Sets from current cutter settings.
virtual void ICutoutCallback(const hsTArray<plCutoutPoly>& cutouts, hsBool hasWaterHeight=false, hsScalar waterHeight=0.f);
hsGMaterial* IConvertToEnvMap(hsGMaterial* mat, plBitmap* envMap);
virtual void SetKey(plKey k);
hsVector3 IReflectDir(hsVector3 dir) const;
hsMatrix44 IL2WFromHit(hsPoint3 pos, hsVector3 dir) const;
hsVector3 IRandomUp(hsVector3 dir) const;
void IGetParticles();
virtual ~plDynaDecalMgr();
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plDynaDecalMgr, plSynchedObject );
virtual void Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);
virtual void Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);
virtual hsBool MsgReceive(plMessage* msg);
// This is public, because you need to call it after creating
// a DynaDecalMgr on the fly. It's normally called on Read().
void InitAuxSpans();
void SetScale(const hsVector3& v) { fScale = v; }
const hsVector3& GetScale() const { return fScale; }
void SetWaitOnEnable(hsBool on) { fWaitOnEnable = on; }
hsBool GetWaitOnEnable() const { return fWaitOnEnable; }
void SetWetLength(hsScalar f) { fWetLength = f; }
void SetRampEnd(hsScalar f) { fRampEnd = f; }
void SetDecayStart(hsScalar f) { fDecayStart = f; }
void SetLifeSpan(hsScalar f) { fLifeSpan = f; }
void SetIntensity(hsScalar f) { fIntensity = f; }
hsScalar GetWetLength() const { return fWetLength; }
hsScalar GetRampEnd() const { return fRampEnd; }
hsScalar GetDecayStart() const { return fDecayStart; }
hsScalar GetLifeSpan() const { return fLifeSpan; }
hsScalar GetIntensity() const { return fIntensity; }
void SetPartyTime(hsScalar secs) { fPartyTime = secs; } // Duration of particle spewage
hsScalar GetPartyTime() const { return fPartyTime; }
void ConvertToEnvMap(plBitmap* envMap);
const plMipmap* GetMipmap() const;
void AddNotify(const plKey& k) { fNotifies.Append(k); }
UInt32 GetNumNotifies() const { return fNotifies.GetCount(); }
const plKey& GetNotify(int i) const { return fNotifies[i]; }
static void SetDisableAccumulate(hsBool on) { fDisableAccumulate = on; }
static void ToggleDisableAccumulate() { fDisableAccumulate = !fDisableAccumulate; }
static hsBool GetDisableAccumulate() { return fDisableAccumulate; }
static void SetDisableUpdate(hsBool on) { fDisableUpdate = on; }
static void ToggleDisableUpdate() { fDisableUpdate = !fDisableUpdate; }
static hsBool GetDisableUpdate() { return fDisableUpdate; }
#endif // plDynaDecalMgr_inc