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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK, Autodesk 3ds Max SDK,
NVIDIA PhysX SDK, Microsoft DirectX SDK, OpenSSL library, Independent
JPEG Group JPEG library, Microsoft Windows Media SDK, or Apple QuickTime SDK
(or a modified version of those libraries),
containing parts covered by the terms of the Bink SDK EULA, 3ds Max EULA,
PhysX SDK EULA, DirectX SDK EULA, OpenSSL and SSLeay licenses, IJG
JPEG Library README, Windows Media SDK EULA, or QuickTime SDK EULA, the
licensors of this Program grant you additional
permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding Source for a
non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code for
the parts of OpenSSL and IJG JPEG Library used as well as that of the covered
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
#ifndef cyMisc_h
#define cyMisc_h
// NAME: cyMisc
// PURPOSE: Class wrapper to map misc functions, such as the console
class pyKey;
class pySceneObject;
class pyPlayer;
class pyImage;
class pyDniCoordinates;
class pyColor;
class pyAgeInfoStruct;
class pyPoint3;
#include "HeadSpin.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
class pyGUIDialog;
class plPipeline;
class plDisplayMode;
class plUUID;
class plFileName;
struct PipelineParams;
typedef struct _object PyObject;
typedef struct PyMethodDef PyMethodDef;
class cyMisc
// game playing to get the pipeline from the client when we can't really
// this is only for the C++ side
// The pipeline is set in the plClient
static plPipeline* fPipeline;
static uint32_t fUniqueNumber;
static uint32_t fPythonLoggingLevel;
// periodically do things
static void Update( double secs );
// the python definitions
static void AddPlasmaMethods(std::vector<PyMethodDef> &methods);
static void AddPlasmaMethods2(std::vector<PyMethodDef> &methods);
static void AddPlasmaMethods3(std::vector<PyMethodDef> &methods);
static void AddPlasmaMethods4(std::vector<PyMethodDef> &methods);
static void AddPlasmaConstantsClasses(PyObject *m);
static void SetPipeline( plPipeline *pipe ) { fPipeline = pipe; }
static plPipeline *GetPipeline( void ) { return fPipeline; }
#if 1
static void PrintToScreen(const char* msg);
enum PythonDebugPrintLevels
kNoLevel = 0,
kDebugDump = 1,
kWarningLevel = 2,
kErrorLevel = 3,
kAssertLevel = 4
enum LOSObjectType
static uint32_t GetPythonLoggingLevel();
static void SetPythonLoggingLevel(uint32_t new_level);
// Function : Console
// PARAMETERS : command - string of console commmand to execute
// PURPOSE : Execute a console command from a python script,
// optionally propagate over the net
static void Console(const char* command);
static void ConsoleNet(const char* command, bool netForce);
// Function : FindSceneObject
// PARAMETERS : name - string of name of the sceneobject
// : ageName - string of the name of the age to look in
// PURPOSE : Execute a console command from a python script,
// optionally propagate over the net
static PyObject* FindSceneObject(const plString& name, const char* ageName); // returns pySceneObject
static PyObject* FindActivator(const plString& name); // returns pyKey
// Function : PopUpConsole
// PARAMETERS : command - string of console commmand to execute
// PURPOSE : Execute a console command from a python script
static void PopUpConsole(const char* command);
// Function : TimerCallback
// PARAMETERS : command - string of console commmand to execute
// PURPOSE : Execute a console command from a python script
static void TimerCallback(pyKey& selfkey, float time, uint32_t id);
// Function : ClearTimerCallbacks
// PARAMETERS : key and (optional) timer id
// PURPOSE : clears timer callbacks
static void ClearTimerCallbacks(pyKey& selfkey);
// Function : AttachObject
// PARAMETERS : child object
// : to be attached to parent object
// PURPOSE : Attach an object to another object, knowing only their pyKeys
static void AttachObject(pyKey& ckey, pyKey& pkey);
static void AttachObjectSO(pySceneObject& cobj, pySceneObject& pobj);
// Function : DetachObject
// PARAMETERS : child object
// : to be attached to parent object
// PURPOSE : Attach an object to another object, knowing only their pyKeys
static void DetachObject(pyKey& ckey, pyKey& pkey);
static void DetachObjectSO(pySceneObject& cobj, pySceneObject& pobj);
// Function : LinkToAge
// PURPOSE : LinkToAge
// STATUS : Depreciated. Use plNetLinkingMgr or pyNetLinkingMgr instead.
/// static void LinkToAge(pyKey &selfkey, const char *AgeName,const char *SpawnPointName);
// Function : SetDirtySyncStateServer
// PURPOSE : set the Python modifier to be dirty and asked to be saved out
static void SetDirtySyncState(pyKey &selfkey, const char* SDLStateName, uint32_t sendFlags);
// Function : SetDirtySyncStateClients
// PURPOSE : set the Python modifier to be dirty and asked to be saved out
// specifies that state should be sent to other clients as well as server
static void SetDirtySyncStateWithClients(pyKey &selfkey, const char* SDLStateName, uint32_t sendFlags);
// Function : EnableControlKeyEvents & DisableControlKeyEvents
// PARAMETERS : none
// PURPOSE : register and unregister for control key events
static void EnableControlKeyEvents(pyKey &selfkey);
static void DisableControlKeyEvents(pyKey &selfkey);
// Function : GetClientName
// PARAMETERS : avatar key
// PURPOSE : Return the net client (account) name of the player whose avatar
// key is provided.
static bool WasLocallyNotified(pyKey &selfkey);
// Function : FlashWindow
// PURPOSE : Flashes the client window if it is not focused
static void FlashWindow();
// Function : GetClientName
// PARAMETERS : avatar key
// PURPOSE : Return the net client (account) name of the player whose avatar
// key is provided.
static plString GetClientName(pyKey &avKey);
static PyObject* GetAvatarKeyFromClientID(int clientID); // returns pyKey
static int GetLocalClientID();
static int GetClientIDFromAvatarKey(pyKey& avatar);
static bool ValidateKey(pyKey& key);
// Function : GetClientName
// PURPOSE : Return the local net client (account) name
static plString GetLocalClientName();
// Get Current age information - DEPRECIATED. Use ptDniInfoSource() object instead.
// Function : GetAgeName
// Function : GetAgeTime
// PURPOSE : Return the age name of the current age the local player is in
// : Return the current coordinates of the player within this age
// : Return the current time with the current age the player is in
static const char* GetAgeName();
static PyObject* GetAgeInfo(); // returns pyAgeInfoStruct
static const char* GetPrevAgeName();
static PyObject* GetPrevAgeInfo();
// current time in current age
static uint32_t GetAgeTime( void );
static time_t GetDniTime(void);
static time_t ConvertGMTtoDni(time_t time);
static time_t GetServerTime( void ); // returns the current server time in GMT
static float GetAgeTimeOfDayPercent(void);
// Function : ExcludeRegionSet
// PARAMETERS : key - of the exclude region, ie. where to send the message
// state - what state of to set at:
// PURPOSE : Sets the state of an exclude region
kExRegRelease = 0,
kExRegClear = 1,
static void ExcludeRegionSet(pyKey& sender, pyKey& exKey, uint16_t state);
static void ExcludeRegionSetNow(pyKey& sender, pyKey& exKey, uint16_t state);
// Function : GetSeconds
// PURPOSE : Return the nunber of seconds elapsed
static double GetSeconds();
// Function : GetSysSeconds
// PURPOSE : Return the number of system seconds elapsed
static double GetSysSeconds();
// Function : GetDelSysSeconds
// PURPOSE : Return the frame delta seconds
static float GetDelSysSeconds();
// Function : LoadDialog
// PURPOSE : Loads the dialog by name
// : optionally sets the receiver key for the GUINotifyMsg
static void LoadDialog(const char* name);
static void LoadDialogK(const char* name, pyKey& modKey);
static void LoadDialogKA(const char* name, pyKey& rKey, const char* ageName);
// Function : UnLoadDialog
// PURPOSE : UnLoads the dialog by name
// : optionally sets the receiver key for the GUINotifyMsg
static void UnloadDialog(const char* name);
// Function : IsDialogLoaded
// PURPOSE : Test to see if a dialog is loaded (according to the dialog manager)
static bool IsDialogLoaded(const char* name);
// Function : ShowDialog
// Function : HideDialog
// PURPOSE : Show or Hide a dialog by name
static void ShowDialog(const char* name);
static void HideDialog(const char* name);
// Function : GetDialogFromTagID
// PURPOSE : Return the frame delta seconds
static PyObject* GetDialogFromTagID(uint32_t tag); // returns pyGUIDialog
static PyObject* GetDialogFromString(const char* name); // returns pyGUIDialog
// Function : IsGUIModal
// PURPOSE : Returns true if the GUI is currently modal (and therefore blocking input)
static bool IsGUIModal();
// Function : GetLocalAvatar
// PURPOSE : Return a pySceneobject of the local Avatar
static PyObject* GetLocalAvatar(); // returns pySceneObject
static PyObject* GetLocalPlayer(); // returns pyPlayer
// Function : GetPlayerList
// Function : GetPlayerListDistanceSorted
// PURPOSE : Get a list of players (other than self) that are playing the game
// : optionally get it sorted by distance
// RETURNS : Python object list of pyPlayer s
static std::vector<PyObject*> GetPlayerList(); // list of pyPlayer
static std::vector<PyObject*> GetPlayerListDistanceSorted(); // list of pyPlayer
static uint32_t GetMaxListenListSize();
static float GetMaxListenDistSq();
// Function : GetNPC
// PARAMETERS : npcID - is the ID of a NPC
// PURPOSE : Returns a pySceneobject of a NPC
static PyObject* GetNPC(int npcID);
// Function : SendRTChat
// PARAMETERS : from - is a pyPlayer of the person who is sending this
// : tolist - is a python list object, if empty then broadcast message
// : message - text string to send to others
// : flags - the flags of destiny... whatever that means
// PURPOSE : To send a real time chat message to a particualr user, a list of users
// : or broadcast it to everyone (within hearing distance?)
// RETURNS : the flags that were sent with the message (may be modified)
static uint32_t SendRTChat(pyPlayer& from, const std::vector<pyPlayer*> & tolist, const char* message, uint32_t flags);
static uint32_t SendRTChat(pyPlayer& from, const std::vector<pyPlayer*> & tolist, const wchar_t* message, uint32_t flags);
// Function : SendKIMessage
// PARAMETERS : command - the command type
// : value - extra value
// PURPOSE : Send message to the KI, to tell it things to do
// RETURNS : nothing
static void SendKIMessage(uint32_t command, float value);
// Function : SendKIMessageS
// PARAMETERS : command - the command type
// : value - extra value as a string
// PURPOSE : Send message to the KI, to tell it things to do
// RETURNS : nothing
static void SendKIMessageS(uint32_t command, const wchar_t* value);
// Function : SendKIMessageI
// PARAMETERS : command - the command type
// : value - extra value as an int32_t
// PURPOSE : Send message to the KI, to tell it things to do
// RETURNS : nothing
static void SendKIMessageI(uint32_t command, int32_t value);
static void SendKIGZMarkerMsg(int32_t markerNumber, pyKey& sender);
static void SendKIRegisterImagerMsg(const char* imagerName, pyKey& sender);
// Function : YesNoDialog
// PARAMETERS : sender - sender's key (to get the reply)
// : value - extra value
// PURPOSE : Send message to the KI, to tell it things to do
// RETURNS : nothing
static void YesNoDialog(pyKey& sender, const char* thestring);
static void YesNoDialog(pyKey& sender, std::wstring thestring);
// Function : RateIt
// PARAMETERS : chonicleName - where to store the rating
// : thestring - the message in the RateIt dialog
// : onceFlag - flag to tell whether this is a onetime thing or ask everytime
// PURPOSE : Send message to the KI to tell it to ask the user to Rate something
// RETURNS : nothing
static void RateIt(const char* chronicleName, const char* thestring, bool onceFlag);
// Function : SetPrivateChatList
// PARAMETERS : key - who's joining
// PURPOSE : Lock the local avatar into private vox messaging, and / or add new memebers to his chat list
// RETURNS : nothing
static void SetPrivateChatList(const std::vector<pyPlayer*> & tolist);
// Function : RemovePrivateChatMember
// PARAMETERS : key - who's joining
// PURPOSE : Remove the local avatar from private vox messaging, and / or clear memebers from his chat list
// RETURNS : nothing
static void ClearPrivateChatList(pyKey& member);
// Function : ClearCameraStack
// PURPOSE : knocks all the cameras off the current stack
static void ClearCameraStack();
// Function : SendPetitionToCCR
// PARAMETERS : message - message to send to the CCR ("please help me!")
// PURPOSE : Send a petition to the CCR for help or questions
static void SendPetitionToCCR(const char* message);
static void SendPetitionToCCRI(const char* message, uint8_t reason,const char* title);
// Function : SendChatToCCR
// PARAMETERS : message - message to send to the CCR ("please help me!")
// PURPOSE : Send a petition to the CCR for help or questions
static void SendChatToCCR(const char* message,int32_t CCRPlayerID);
// Function : GetNumRemotePlayers
// PURPOSE : return the number of remote players connected
static int GetNumRemotePlayers();
// Function : Paging functions
// PARAMETERS : nodeName - name of the page to load
// PURPOSE : page in, or out a paritcular node
static void PageInNodes(const std::vector<std::string> & nodeNames, const char* age);
static void PageOutNode(const char* nodeName);
// Function : LimitAvatarLOD
// PARAMETERS : LODlimit - number of to limit the LOD to
// PURPOSE : sets the avatar LOD limit
static void LimitAvatarLOD(int LODlimit);
// Function : Set fog default functions
// PARAMETERS : floats - the parameters
// PURPOSE : sets the fog defaults
static void FogSetDefColor(pyColor& color);
static void FogSetDefLinear(float start, float end, float density);
static void FogSetDefExp(float end, float density);
static void FogSetDefExp2(float end, float density);
static void SetClearColor(float red, float green, float blue);
// Function : Enable / disable cursor fade for avatar
// PURPOSE : turns avatar fade out on / off
static void EnableAvatarCursorFade();
static void DisableAvatarCursorFade();
static void FadeLocalPlayer(bool fade);
// Function : Put the interface into 'offer book mode'
static void EnableOfferBookMode(pyKey& selfkey, const char* ageFileName, const char* ageInstanceName);
static void DisableOfferBookMode();
static void NotifyOffererPublicLinkAccepted(uint32_t offerer);
static void NotifyOffererPublicLinkRejected(uint32_t offerer);
static void NotifyOffererPublicLinkCompleted(uint32_t offerer);
static void ToggleAvatarClickability(bool on);
static void SetShareSpawnPoint(const char* spawnPoint);
static void SetShareAgeInstanceGuid(const plUUID& guid);
// Function : IsCCRAwayStatus
// PURPOSE : Returns current status of CCR dept
static bool IsCCRAwayStatus();
// Function : AmCCR
// PURPOSE : Returns true if local player is a CCR
static bool AmCCR();
// Function : AcceptInviteInGame
// PARAMETERS : Friend's Name, Invite Key
// PURPOSE : Send's a VaultTask to the server to perform the invite
static void AcceptInviteInGame(const char* friendName, const char* inviteKey);
// Function : GetLanguage
// PURPOSE : Returns the current language the game is in
static int GetLanguage();
// Function : UsingUnicode
// PURPOSE : Returns true if the current language uses Unicode (like Japanese)
static bool UsingUnicode();
// Function : RequestLOSScreen
// PARAMETERS : lots...
// PURPOSE : To request an LOS from a point on the screen
static bool RequestLOSScreen(pyKey &selfkey, int32_t ID, float xPos, float yPos, float distance, int what, int reportType);
// Function : CheckVisLOS
// PARAMETERS : StartPoint, EndPoint
// PURPOSE : Check is there is something visible in the path from StartPoint to EndPoint
static PyObject* CheckVisLOS(pyPoint3 startPoint, pyPoint3 endPoint);
static PyObject* CheckVisLOSFromCursor();
// Function : particle system management
static void TransferParticlesToKey(pyKey& fromKey, pyKey& toKey, int numParticles);
static void SetParticleDissentPoint(float x, float y, float z, pyKey& particles);
static void SetParticleOffset(float x, float y, float z, pyKey& particles);
static void KillParticles(float time, float pct, pyKey& particles);
static int GetNumParticles(pyKey& host);
static void SetLightColorValue(pyKey& light, const plString& lightName, float r, float g, float b, float a);
static void SetLightAnimationOn(pyKey& light, const plString& lightName, bool start);
// Function : RegisterForControlEventMessages
// PARAMETERS : switch on or off, registrant
// PURPOSE : let you get control event messages at will (for pseudo-GUI's like the psnl bookshelf or clft imager)
static void RegisterForControlEventMessages(bool on, pyKey& k);
// Function : IsSinglePlayerMode
// And : IsDemoMode
// PURPOSE : Returns whether the game is in Single Player mode
// And : returns whether the game in in Demo mode
static bool IsSinglePlayerMode();
static bool IsDemoMode();
// Function : IsInternalRelease
// PURPOSE : Returns true if we are running an internal build
static bool IsInternalRelease();
// Function : IsEnterChatModeKeyBound
// PURPOSE : Returns whether the EnterChatMode is bound to a key
static bool IsEnterChatModeKeyBound();
// Function : ShootBulletFromScreen
// PARAMETERS : lots...
// PURPOSE : Shoots from screen coordinates, a bullet and makes a mark on objects that know about bullet holes
static void ShootBulletFromScreen(pyKey &selfkey, float xPos, float yPos, float radius, float range);
// Function : ShootBulletFromObject
// PARAMETERS : lots...
// PURPOSE : Shoots from an object, a bullet and makes a mark on objects that know about bullet holes
static void ShootBulletFromObject(pyKey &selfkey, pySceneObject* sobj, float radius, float range);
// Function : GetPublicAgeList
// PARAMETERS : ageName, callback object
// PURPOSE : Get the list of public ages for the given age name.
static void GetPublicAgeList( const char * ageName, PyObject * cbObject=nil );
// Function : CreatePublicAge
// PARAMETERS : ageInfo, callback object
// PURPOSE : Add a public age to the list of available ones.
static void CreatePublicAge( pyAgeInfoStruct * ageInfo, PyObject * cbObject=nil );
// Function : RemovePublicAge
// PARAMETERS : ageInstanceGuid, callback object
// PURPOSE : Remove a public age from the list of available ones.
static void RemovePublicAge( const char * ageInstanceGuid, PyObject * cbObject=nil );
// Function : GetKILevel
// PURPOSE : returns the ki level of the local player
static int GetKILevel(); // return local player's ki level
// PURPOSE : these functions are for saving / restoring the camera stack
static int GetNumCameras();
static plString GetCameraNumber(int number);
static void RebuildCameraStack(const plString& name, const char* ageName);
static void PyClearCameraStack();
static void RecenterCamera();
static bool IsFirstPerson();
// Function : FadeIn and FadeOut
// PURPOSE : fade screen in and out
static void FadeIn(float lenTime, bool holdFlag, bool noSound = 0);
static void FadeOut(float lenTime, bool holdFlag, bool noSound = 0);
// Function : Disable / Enable global clickability
// PURPOSE : globally enable or disable ALL clickables on this local client
static void SetClickability(bool b);
// Function : Debug build only: Assert if condition is false.
// PURPOSE : debugging
static void DebugAssert( bool cond, const char * msg );
// Function : Set a python object to be called back after a certain amount of time.
// Python object should have this method: def onAlarm(self,context)
// PURPOSE : script can trigger itself over time w/o having to specify it in the dataset.
static void SetAlarm( float secs, PyObject * cb, uint32_t cbContext );
// Function : Save Screen Shot
// PURPOSE : captures the screen and saves it as a jpeg
static void SaveScreenShot(const char* fileName, int x = 640, int y = 480, int quality = 75);
// Function : Start a screen capture
// PURPOSE : This starts a screen capture in motion. It will be capture on the next
// update and a plCaptureRenderMsg when its ready
static void StartScreenCapture(pyKey& selfkey);
static void StartScreenCaptureWH(pyKey& selfkey, uint16_t width, uint16_t height);
// Function : wear maintainer suit
// PURPOSE : puts the maintainer suit on or off the avatar
static void WearMaintainerSuit(pyKey& key, bool wear);
static void WearDefaultClothing(pyKey& key);
static void WearDefaultClothingType(pyKey& key, uint32_t type);
// Function : Fake link to object
// PURPOSE : takes an avatar key and an object key and fake-links the avatar
// to that object's position. appears to be a link to other players
static void FakeLinkToObject(pyKey& avatar, pyKey& object);
static void FakeLinkToObjectNamed(const plString& name);
// Function : Spawn an avatar
// PURPOSE : takes the name of an avatar model and a sceneobject key and
// spawns the avatar at that point
static PyObject* LoadAvatarModel(const char* modelName, pyKey& object, const char* userStr); // returns pyKey
static void UnLoadAvatarModel(pyKey& avatar);
// Function : Hide/show the mouse cursor
// PURPOSE : forces the mouse cursor to hide/show, overrides pretty much
// everything and should only be used if "normal" methods don't
// work (like ptGUIMouseOff)
static void ForceCursorHidden();
static void ForceCursorShown();
// Function : GetLocalizedString
// PURPOSE : Returns the specified localized string with the parameters
// properly replaced (the list is a list of unicode strings) Name
// is in "Age.Set.Name" format
static plString GetLocalizedString(plString name, const std::vector<plString> & arguments);
static void EnablePlanarReflections(bool enable = true);
static void SetGraphicsOptions(int Width, int Height, int ColorDepth, bool Windowed, int NumAASamples, int MaxAnisotropicSamples, bool VSync);
static void GetSupportedDisplayModes(std::vector<plDisplayMode> *res);
static int GetDesktopWidth();
static int GetDesktopHeight();
static int GetDesktopColorDepth();
static PipelineParams *GetDefaultDisplayParams();
static bool DumpLogs(const std::wstring & folder);
static bool FileExists(const plFileName & filename);
static bool CreateDir(const plFileName & directory);
static plFileName GetUserPath();
static plFileName GetInitPath();
static void SetBehaviorNetFlags(pyKey & behKey, bool netForce, bool netProp);
static void SendFriendInvite(const wchar_t email[], const wchar_t toName[]);
static PyObject* PyGuidGenerate();
static PyObject* GetAIAvatarsByModelName(const char* name);
static void ForceVaultNodeUpdate(unsigned nodeId);
static void VaultDownload(unsigned nodeId);
#endif // cyMisc_h