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22 KiB

/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
#ifndef hsStream_Defined
#define hsStream_Defined
#include <stdarg.h> // Included for GCC 3.2.2+
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsMemory.h"
namespace hsPackFileSys {
struct FileEntry;
// Define this for use of Streams with Logging (commonly used w/ a packet sniffer)
// These streams log their reads to an event list
#define hsReadOnlyLoggingStream hsReadOnlyStream
#define LogRead(byteCount, buffer, desc) Read(byteCount, buffer)
#define LogReadSafeString() ReadSafeString();
#define LogReadSafeStringLong() ReadSafeStringLong();
#define LogSkip(deltaByteCount, desc) Skip(deltaByteCount)
#define LogReadSwap(value, desc) ReadSwap(value)
#define LogReadSwapArray(count, values, desc) ReadSwap(count, values)
#define LogSubStreamStart(desc) LogVoidFunc()
#define LogSubStreamPushDesc(desc) LogVoidFunc()
#define LogSubStreamEnd() LogVoidFunc()
#define LogStringString(s) LogVoidFunc()
class hsStream {
enum {
kEolnCode = '\n',
kComment = '#'
enum VDB_Type {// Virtual Database type
UInt32 fBytesRead;
UInt32 fPosition;
hsBool IsTokenSeparator(char c);
hsStream() : fBytesRead(0), fPosition(0) {}
virtual ~hsStream();
virtual hsBool Open(const char *, const char * = "rb")=0;
virtual hsBool Open(const wchar *, const wchar * = L"rb")=0;
virtual hsBool Close()=0;
virtual hsBool AtEnd();
virtual UInt32 Read(UInt32 byteCount, void * buffer) = 0;
virtual UInt32 Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer) = 0;
virtual void Skip(UInt32 deltaByteCount) = 0;
virtual void Rewind() = 0;
virtual void FastFwd();
virtual UInt32 GetPosition() const;
virtual void SetPosition(UInt32 position);
virtual void Truncate();
virtual void Flush() {}
// Logging Reads & Skips
virtual UInt32 LogRead(UInt32 byteCount, void * buffer, const char* desc) { return Read(byteCount,buffer); }
virtual char* LogReadSafeString() { return ReadSafeString(); }
virtual char* LogReadSafeStringLong() { return ReadSafeStringLong(); }
virtual void LogSkip(UInt32 deltaByteCount, const char* desc) { Skip(deltaByteCount); }
// Stream Notes for Logging
virtual void LogStringString(const char* s) { }
virtual void LogSubStreamStart(const char* desc) { }
virtual void LogSubStreamEnd() { }
virtual void LogSubStreamPushDesc(const char* desc) { }
void LogVoidFunc() { }
// Optimization for small Reads
virtual UInt8 ReadByte();
virtual hsBool Read4Bytes(void *buffer); // Reads 4 bytes, return true if success
virtual hsBool Read8Bytes(void *buffer); // Reads 8 bytes, return true if success
virtual hsBool Read12Bytes(void *buffer); // Reads 12 bytes, return true if success
virtual UInt32 GetEOF();
UInt32 GetSizeLeft();
virtual void CopyToMem(void* mem);
virtual hsBool IsCompressed() { return false; }
UInt32 WriteString(const char cstring[]);
UInt32 WriteFmt(const char * fmt, ...);
UInt32 WriteFmtV(const char * fmt, va_list av);
UInt32 WriteSafeStringLong(const char *string); // uses 4 bytes for length
UInt32 WriteSafeWStringLong(const wchar_t *string);
char * ReadSafeStringLong();
wchar_t * ReadSafeWStringLong();
UInt32 WriteSafeString(const char *string); // uses 2 bytes for length
UInt32 WriteSafeWString(const wchar_t *string);
char * ReadSafeString();
wchar_t * ReadSafeWString();
hsBool GetToken(char *s, UInt32 maxLen=UInt32(-1), const char beginComment=kComment, const char endComment=kEolnCode);
hsBool ReadLn(char* s, UInt32 maxLen=UInt32(-1), const char beginComment=kComment, const char endComment=kEolnCode);
bool Readbool();
hsBool ReadBool();
void ReadBool(int count, hsBool values[]);
UInt16 ReadSwap16();
void ReadSwap16(int count, UInt16 values[]);
UInt32 ReadSwap32();
void ReadSwap32(int count, UInt32 values[]);
UInt32 ReadUnswap32();
void Writebool(bool value);
void WriteBool(hsBool value);
void WriteBool(int count, const hsBool values[]);
void WriteByte(UInt8 value);
void WriteSwap16(UInt16 value);
void WriteSwap16(int count, const UInt16 values[]);
void WriteSwap32(UInt32 value);
void WriteSwap32(int count, const UInt32 values[]);
void WriteUnswap32(UInt32 value);
/* Overloaded Begin (8 & 16 & 32 int)*/
/* yes, swapping an 8 bit value does nothing, just useful*/
void ReadSwap(bool* value) { *value = this->ReadByte() ? true : false; }
void ReadSwap(UInt8* value) { *value = this->ReadByte(); }
void ReadSwap(int count, UInt8 values[]) { this->Read(count, values); }
void ReadSwap(UInt16* value) { *value = this->ReadSwap16(); }
void ReadSwap(int count, UInt16 values[]) { this->ReadSwap16(count, values); }
void ReadSwap(UInt32* value) { *value = this->ReadSwap32(); }
void ReadSwap(int count, UInt32 values[]) { this->ReadSwap32(count, values); }
// Begin LogReadSwaps
virtual void LogReadSwap(bool* value, const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(value); }
virtual void LogReadSwap(UInt8* value, const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(value); }
virtual void LogReadSwapArray(int count, UInt8 values[], const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(count, values); }
virtual void LogReadSwap(UInt16* value, const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(value); }
virtual void LogReadSwapArray(int count, UInt16 values[], const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(count, values); }
virtual void LogReadSwap(UInt32* value, const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(value); }
virtual void LogReadSwapArray(int count, UInt32 values[], const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(count, values); }
// End LogReadSwaps
void WriteSwap(bool value) { this->Write(1,&value); }
void WriteSwap(UInt8 value) { this->Write(1,&value); }
void WriteSwap(int count, const UInt8 values[]) { this->Write(count, values); }
void WriteSwap(UInt16 value) { this->WriteSwap16(value); }
void WriteSwap(int count, const UInt16 values[]) { this->WriteSwap16(count, values); }
void WriteSwap(UInt32 value) { this->WriteSwap32(value); }
void WriteSwap(int count, const UInt32 values[]) { this->WriteSwap32(count, values); }
void ReadSwap(Int8* value) { *value = this->ReadByte(); }
void ReadSwap(int count, Int8 values[]) { this->Read(count, values); }
void ReadSwap(char* value) { *value = (char)this->ReadByte(); }
void ReadSwap(int count, char values[]) { this->Read(count, values); }
void ReadSwap(Int16* value) { *value = (Int16)this->ReadSwap16(); }
void ReadSwap(int count, Int16 values[]) { this->ReadSwap16(count, (UInt16*)values); }
void ReadSwap(Int32* value) { *value = (Int32)this->ReadSwap32(); }
void ReadSwap(int count, Int32 values[]) { this->ReadSwap32(count, (UInt32*)values); }
void ReadSwap(int* value) { *value = (Int32)this->ReadSwap32(); }
void ReadSwap(int count, int values[]) { this->ReadSwap32(count, (UInt32*)values); }
// Begin LogReadSwaps
virtual void LogReadSwap(Int8* value, const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(value); }
virtual void LogReadSwapArray(int count, Int8 values[], const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(count, values); }
virtual void LogReadSwap(char* value, const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(value); }
virtual void LogReadSwapArray(int count, char values[], const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(count, values); }
virtual void LogReadSwap(Int16* value, const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(value); }
virtual void LogReadSwapArray(int count, Int16 values[], const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(count, (UInt16*)values); }
virtual void LogReadSwap(Int32* value, const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(value); }
virtual void LogReadSwapArray(int count, Int32 values[], const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(count, (UInt32*)values); }
virtual void LogReadSwap(int* value, const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(value); }
virtual void LogReadSwapArray(int count, int values[], const char* desc) { this->ReadSwap(count, (UInt32*)values); }
// End LogReadSwaps
void WriteSwap(Int8 value) { this->Write(1,&value); }
void WriteSwap(int count, const Int8 values[]) { this->Write(count, values); }
void WriteSwap(char value) { this->Write(1,(UInt8*)&value); }
void WriteSwap(int count, const char values[]) { this->Write(count, (UInt8*)values); }
void WriteSwap(Int16 value) { this->WriteSwap16((UInt16)value); }
void WriteSwap(int count, const Int16 values[]) { this->WriteSwap16(count, (UInt16*)values); }
void WriteSwap(Int32 value) { this->WriteSwap32((UInt32)value); }
void WriteSwap(int count, const Int32 values[]) { this->WriteSwap32(count, (UInt32*)values); }
void WriteSwap(int value) { this->WriteSwap32((UInt32)value); }
void WriteSwap(int count, const int values[]) { this->WriteSwap32(count, (UInt32*)values); }
/* Overloaded End */
float ReadSwapFloat();
void ReadSwapFloat(int count, float values[]);
double ReadSwapDouble();
void ReadSwapDouble(int count, double values[]);
float ReadUnswapFloat();
void WriteSwapFloat(float value);
void WriteSwapFloat(int count, const float values[]);
void WriteSwapDouble(double value);
void WriteSwapDouble(int count, const double values[]);
void WriteUnswapFloat(float value);
/* Overloaded Begin (Float)*/
void ReadSwap(float* value) { *value = ReadSwapFloat(); }
void ReadSwap(int count, float values[]) { ReadSwapFloat(count, values); }
void ReadSwap(double* value) { *value = ReadSwapDouble(); }
void ReadSwap(int count, double values[]) { ReadSwapDouble(count, values); }
// Begin LogReadSwaps
virtual void LogReadSwap(float* value, const char* desc) { ReadSwap(value); }
virtual void LogReadSwapArray(int count, float values[], const char* desc) { ReadSwap(count, values); }
virtual void LogReadSwap(double* value, const char* desc) { ReadSwap(value); }
virtual void LogReadSwapArray(int count, double values[], const char* desc) { ReadSwap(count, values); }
// End LogReadSwaps
void WriteSwap(float value) { WriteSwapFloat(value); }
void WriteSwap(int count, const float values[]) { WriteSwapFloat(count, values); }
void WriteSwap(double value) { WriteSwapDouble(value); }
void WriteSwap(int count, const double values[]) { WriteSwapDouble(count, values); }
/* Overloaded End */
hsFixed ReadSwapScalar() { return (hsFixed)this->ReadSwap32(); }
void ReadSwapScalar(int count, hsFixed values[])
this->ReadSwap32(count, (UInt32*)values);
hsFixed ReadUnswapScalar() { return (hsFixed)this->ReadUnswap32(); }
void WriteSwapScalar(hsFixed value) { this->WriteSwap32(value); }
void WriteSwapScalar(int count, const hsFixed values[])
this->WriteSwap32(count, (UInt32*)values);
void WriteUnswapScalar(hsFixed value) { this->WriteUnswap32(value); }
/* Overloaded Begin (Scalar) */
void ReadSwap(hsFixed* value) { this->ReadSwap((UInt32*)value); }
void ReadSwap(int count, hsFixed values[]) { this->ReadSwap(count, (UInt32*)values); }
void WriteSwap(hsFixed value) { this->WriteSwap((UInt32)value); }
void WriteSwap(int count, const hsFixed values[]) { this->WriteSwap(count, (UInt32*)values); }
/* Overloaded End */
float ReadSwapScalar() { return (float)this->ReadSwapFloat(); }
void ReadSwapScalar(int count, float values[])
this->ReadSwapFloat(count, (float*)values);
float ReadUnswapScalar() { return (float)this->ReadUnswapFloat(); }
void WriteSwapScalar(float value) { this->WriteSwapFloat(value); }
void WriteSwapScalar(int count, const float values[])
this->WriteSwapFloat(count, (float*)values);
void WriteUnswapScalar(float value) { this->WriteUnswapFloat(value); }
void WriteSwapAtom(UInt32 tag, UInt32 size);
UInt32 ReadSwapAtom(UInt32* size);
/* Overloaded Begin (Atom)*/
void WriteSwap(UInt32* tag, UInt32 size) { WriteSwapAtom(*tag, size); }
void ReadSwap(UInt32* tag, UInt32 *size) { *tag = ReadSwapAtom(size); }
/* Overloaded End */
virtual void VirtualSetPosition(UInt32 pos, VDB_Type ){ SetPosition(pos); };
virtual hsPackFileSys::FileEntry *GetFileEntry() { return nil; } // Streams from Packfiles can return a FileEntry
class hsStreamable {
virtual void Read(hsStream* stream) = 0;
virtual void Write(hsStream* stream) = 0;
virtual UInt32 GetStreamSize() = 0;
class hsFileStream: public hsStream
UInt32 fRef;
enum {
kBufferSize = 2*1024
UInt32 fFileSize;
char fBuffer[kBufferSize];
Int32 fVirtualFilePointer;
Int32 fBufferBase; // offset to top of fBuffer
hsBool fBufferIsEmpty;
hsBool fWriteBufferUsed; // In write mode. fBuffer must be flush, when file was closed.
virtual ~hsFileStream();
virtual hsBool Open(const char *name, const char *mode = "rb");
virtual hsBool Open(const wchar *name, const wchar *mode = L"rb");
virtual hsBool Close();
virtual hsBool AtEnd();
virtual UInt32 Read(UInt32 byteCount, void* buffer);
virtual UInt32 Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer);
virtual void Skip(UInt32 deltaByteCount);
virtual void Rewind();
virtual void Truncate();
virtual UInt32 GetFileRef();
virtual void SetFileRef(UInt32 refNum);
class hsUNIXStream: public hsStream
FILE* fRef;
char* fBuff;
hsUNIXStream(): fRef(0), fBuff(nil) {}
virtual hsBool Open(const char* name, const char* mode = "rb");
virtual hsBool Open(const wchar *name, const wchar *mode = L"rb");
virtual hsBool Close();
virtual hsBool AtEnd();
virtual UInt32 Read(UInt32 byteCount, void* buffer);
virtual UInt32 Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer);
virtual void SetPosition(UInt32 position);
virtual void Skip(UInt32 deltaByteCount);
virtual void Rewind();
virtual void FastFwd();
virtual void Truncate();
virtual void Flush();
FILE* GetFILE() { return fRef; }
void SetFILE(FILE* file) { fRef = file; }
virtual UInt32 GetEOF();
// Small substream class: give it a base stream, an offset and a length, and it'll
// treat all ops as if you had a chunk from the base stream as a separate, vanilla
// stream of the given length.
class plReadOnlySubStream: public hsStream
hsStream *fBase;
UInt32 fOffset, fLength;
void IFixPosition( void );
plReadOnlySubStream(): fBase( nil ), fOffset( 0 ), fLength( 0 ) {}
virtual hsBool Open(const char *, const char *) { hsAssert(0, "plReadOnlySubStream::Open NotImplemented"); return false; }
virtual hsBool Open(const wchar *, const wchar *) { hsAssert(0, "plReadOnlySubStream::Open NotImplemented"); return false; }
void Open( hsStream *base, UInt32 offset, UInt32 length );
virtual hsBool Close() { fBase = nil; fOffset = 0; fLength = 0; return true; }
virtual hsBool AtEnd();
virtual UInt32 Read(UInt32 byteCount, void* buffer);
virtual UInt32 Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer);
virtual void Skip(UInt32 deltaByteCount);
virtual void Rewind();
virtual void FastFwd();
virtual void Truncate();
virtual UInt32 GetEOF();
class hsRAMStream : public hsStream {
hsAppender fAppender;
hsAppenderIterator fIter;
hsRAMStream(UInt32 chunkSize);
virtual ~hsRAMStream();
virtual hsBool Open(const char *, const char *) { hsAssert(0, "hsRAMStream::Open NotImplemented"); return false; }
virtual hsBool Open(const wchar *, const wchar *) { hsAssert(0, "hsRAMStream::Open NotImplemented"); return false; }
virtual hsBool Close() { hsAssert(0, "hsRAMStream::Close NotImplemented"); return false; }
virtual hsBool AtEnd();
virtual UInt32 Read(UInt32 byteCount, void * buffer);
virtual UInt32 Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer);
virtual void Skip(UInt32 deltaByteCount);
virtual void Rewind();
virtual void Truncate();
virtual UInt32 GetEOF();
virtual void CopyToMem(void* mem);
void Reset(); // clears the buffers
class hsNullStream : public hsStream {
virtual hsBool Open(const char *, const char *) { return true; }
virtual hsBool Open(const wchar *, const wchar *) { return true; }
virtual hsBool Close() { return true; }
virtual UInt32 Read(UInt32 byteCount, void * buffer); // throw's exception
virtual UInt32 Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer);
virtual void Skip(UInt32 deltaByteCount);
virtual void Rewind();
virtual void Truncate();
UInt32 GetBytesWritten() const { return fBytesRead; }
void Reset( ) { fBytesRead = 0; }
// read only mem stream
class hsReadOnlyStream : public hsStream {
char* fStart;
char* fData;
char* fStop;
hsReadOnlyStream(int size, const void* data) { Init(size, data); }
hsReadOnlyStream() {}
virtual void Init(int size, const void* data) { fStart=((char*)data); fData=((char*)data); fStop=((char*)data + size); }
virtual hsBool Open(const char *, const char *) { hsAssert(0, "hsReadOnlyStream::Open NotImplemented"); return false; }
virtual hsBool Open(const wchar *, const wchar *) { hsAssert(0, "hsReadOnlyStream::Open NotImplemented"); return false; }
virtual hsBool Close() { hsAssert(0, "hsReadOnlyStream::Close NotImplemented"); return false; }
virtual hsBool AtEnd();
virtual UInt32 Read(UInt32 byteCount, void * buffer);
virtual UInt32 Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer); // throws exception
virtual void Skip(UInt32 deltaByteCount);
virtual void Rewind();
virtual void Truncate();
virtual UInt32 GetBytesRead() const { return fBytesRead; }
virtual UInt32 GetEOF() { return (UInt32)(fStop-fStart); }
virtual void CopyToMem(void* mem);
// write only mem stream
class hsWriteOnlyStream : public hsReadOnlyStream {
hsWriteOnlyStream(int size, const void* data) : hsReadOnlyStream(size, data) {}
hsWriteOnlyStream() {}
virtual hsBool Open(const char *, const char *) { hsAssert(0, "hsWriteOnlyStream::Open NotImplemented"); return false; }
virtual hsBool Open(const wchar *, const wchar *) { hsAssert(0, "hsWriteOnlyStream::Open NotImplemented"); return false; }
virtual hsBool Close() { hsAssert(0, "hsWriteOnlyStream::Close NotImplemented"); return false; }
virtual UInt32 Read(UInt32 byteCount, void * buffer); // throws exception
virtual UInt32 Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer);
virtual UInt32 GetBytesRead() const { return 0; }
virtual UInt32 GetBytesWritten() const { return fBytesRead; }
// circular queue stream
class hsQueueStream : public hsStream {
char* fQueue;
UInt32 fReadCursor;
UInt32 fWriteCursor;
UInt32 fSize;
hsQueueStream(Int32 size);
virtual hsBool Open(const char *, const char *) { hsAssert(0, "hsQueueStream::Open NotImplemented"); return false; }
virtual hsBool Open(const wchar *, const wchar *) { hsAssert(0, "hsQueueStream::Open NotImplemented"); return false; }
virtual hsBool Close() { hsAssert(0, "hsQueueStream::Close NotImplemented"); return false; }
virtual UInt32 Read(UInt32 byteCount, void * buffer);
virtual UInt32 Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer);
virtual void Skip(UInt32 deltaByteCount);
virtual void Rewind();
virtual void FastFwd();
virtual hsBool AtEnd();
UInt32 GetSize() { return fSize; }
const char* GetQueue() { return fQueue; }
UInt32 GetReadCursor() { return fReadCursor; }
UInt32 GetWriteCursor() { return fWriteCursor; }
class hsBufferedStream : public hsStream
FILE* fRef;
UInt32 fFileSize;
enum { kBufferSize = 2*1024 };
char fBuffer[kBufferSize];
// If the buffer is empty, this is zero. Otherwise it is the size of the
// buffer (if we read a full block), or something less than that if we read
// a partial block at the end of the file.
UInt32 fBufferLen;
hsBool fWriteBufferUsed;
// For doing statistics on how efficient we are
int fBufferHits, fBufferMisses;
UInt32 fBufferReadIn, fBufferReadOut, fReadDirect, fLastReadPos;
char* fFilename;
const char* fCloseReason;
virtual ~hsBufferedStream();
virtual hsBool Open(const char* name, const char* mode = "rb");
virtual hsBool Open(const wchar* name, const wchar* mode = L"rb");
virtual hsBool Close();
virtual hsBool AtEnd();
virtual UInt32 Read(UInt32 byteCount, void* buffer);
virtual UInt32 Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer);
virtual void Skip(UInt32 deltaByteCount);
virtual void Rewind();
virtual void Truncate();
virtual UInt32 GetEOF();
FILE* GetFileRef();
void SetFileRef(FILE* file);
// Something optional for when we're doing stats. Will log the reason why
// the file was closed. Really just for plRegistryPageNode.
void SetCloseReason(const char* reason)
fCloseReason = reason;