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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK, Autodesk 3ds Max SDK,
NVIDIA PhysX SDK, Microsoft DirectX SDK, OpenSSL library, Independent
JPEG Group JPEG library, Microsoft Windows Media SDK, or Apple QuickTime SDK
(or a modified version of those libraries),
containing parts covered by the terms of the Bink SDK EULA, 3ds Max EULA,
PhysX SDK EULA, DirectX SDK EULA, OpenSSL and SSLeay licenses, IJG
JPEG Library README, Windows Media SDK EULA, or QuickTime SDK EULA, the
licensors of this Program grant you additional
permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding Source for a
non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code for
the parts of OpenSSL and IJG JPEG Library used as well as that of the covered
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <math.h>
//#include "Max.h"
#include "stdmat.h"
#include "bmmlib.h"
#include "istdplug.h"
#include "texutil.h"
#include "plInterp/hsKeys.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
class plMaxNode;
enum ControllerType
ctrlTypeVert, // CS Biped
ctrlTypeHoriz, // CS Biped
ctrlTypeTurn, // CS Biped
class plController;
class plLeafController;
class plCompoundController;
struct hsKeyFrame;
class hsConverterUtils;
class plSceneObject;
class hsControlConverter
~hsControlConverter() { };
static hsControlConverter& Instance();
void Init(plErrorMsg* msg);
void DeInit();
// Used to pick correct controller by lights/materials
bool GetControllerByName(Animatable* anim, TSTR &name, Control* &ctl);
Control *GetControllerByID(IParamBlock2 *pblock, int paramID);
// Controller convert functions:
// All convert functions must call ISetSegRange(start, end) at the beginning.
// (ISetSegRange(-1, -1) will give you the entire anim.)
plLeafController* MakeMatrix44Controller(StdUVGen* uvGen, const char* nodeName);
plLeafController* MakeMatrix44Controller(Control* prsControl);
plLeafController* MakeScalarController(Control* control, plMaxNode* node, float start = -1, float end = -1);
plController* MakeColorController(Control* control, plMaxNode* node, float start = -1, float end = -1);
plController* MakePosController(Control* control, plMaxNode* node, float start = -1, float end = -1);
plController* MakeScaleController(Control* control, plMaxNode* node, float start = -1, float end = -1);
plController* MakeRotController(Control* control, plMaxNode* node, bool camRot = false, float start = -1, float end = -1);
plCompoundController* MakeTransformController(Control* control, plMaxNode* node, float start = -1, float end = -1);
// This last one was in tempAnim.cpp on its own for some time, apparently created
// as an initial attempt to get anims working in Max. It's still used, so I don't want
// to nuke it, but it made sense to move it here.
plController* ConvertTMAnim(plSceneObject *obj, plMaxNode *node, hsAffineParts *parts, float start = -1, float end = -1);
void Matrix3ToHsMatrix44(Matrix3* m3, hsMatrix44* hsM);
Matrix3 StdUVGenToMatrix3(StdUVGen* uvGen);
bool StdUVGenToHsMatrix44(hsMatrix44* hsMat, StdUVGen* uvGen, bool preserveOffset=false);
void MaxSampleAngles(const char* nodeName, Control* ctl, Tab<TimeValue>& kTimes, float maxRads);
void ScalePositionController(plController* ctl, float scale);
void ReduceKeys(Control *control, float threshold);
bool HasKeyTimes(Control* ctl);
uint8_t GetKeyType(Control* ctl, bool rotQuat = false);
plMaxNode* GetXformParent(plMaxNode* node);
bool ForceWorldSpace(plMaxNode* node);
bool ForceOrigin(plMaxNode* node);
bool ForceLocal(plMaxNode* node);
bool IsAnimated(plMaxNode* node);
bool OwnsMaterialCopy(plMaxNode* node);
bool HasFrameEvents(plMaxNode *node);
void CompositeKeyTimes(Control* ctl, Tab<TimeValue> &time);
int GetTicksPerFrame() { return fTicksPerFrame; }
int GetFrameRate() { return fFrameRate; }
int GetTicksPerSec() { return fTicksPerSec; }
int GetStartFrame() { return fStartFrame; }
int GetEndFrame() { return fEndFrame; }
int GetNumFrames() { return fNumFrames; }
float GetAnimLength() { return fAnimLength; }
void ISetSegRange(float start, float end);
void IConvertSubTransform(Control *control, char *ctlName, plMaxNode *node, plCompoundController *tmc, float start, float end);
plLeafController* ICreateSimpleRotController(plMaxNode* node, Control* control, bool camRot = false);
plLeafController* ICreateSimpleScaleController(plMaxNode* node, Control* control);
plLeafController* ICreateQuatController(plMaxNode* node, Control* control, bool rotation = true, bool camRot = false);
plLeafController* ICreateScaleValueController(plMaxNode* node, Control* control);
plLeafController* ICreateScalarController(plMaxNode* node, Control* control);
plLeafController* ICreateSimplePosController(plMaxNode* node, Control* control);
void IEnableEaseCurves(Animatable* control, bool enable);
void IGetControlSampleTimes(Control* control, int iLo, int iHi, Tab<TimeValue>& kTimes, float maxRads);
int IAddPartsKeys(Control* control, hsTArray <hsG3DSMaxKeyFrame>* kfArray, plMaxNode* node);
int32_t ICreateHSInterpKey(Control* control, IKey* mKey, TimeValue keyTime, hsKeyFrame* baseKey, plMaxNode* node=nil, bool rotQuat = false);
int32_t IGetRangeCoverKeyIndices(char* nodeName, Control* cont, int32_t &start, int32_t &end);
ControllerType IGetControlType(TSTR ctrlName);
bool IIsKeyTimeInRange(TimeValue time);
bool IIsKeyInRange(IKey* key);
void IGetUnEasedLocalTM(plMaxNode* node, Control* control, hsMatrix44* out, TimeValue time);
Matrix3 IFlipY();
bool ISkinNode(plMaxNode* node);
void ISetForceLocal(bool f) { fForceLocal=f; }
bool IGetEditableMeshKeyTimes( plMaxNode *node, Tab<TimeValue> &times );
bool IGetGeomKeyTimes( plMaxNode *node, Tab<TimeValue> &times );
void IGetGeomKeyTimesRecur( Animatable *anim, Tab<TimeValue> &times );
bool IGetSubAnimByName( Animatable *anim, TSTR &name, Animatable *&subAnim );
void IExportAnimatedCameraFOV(plMaxNode* node, hsTArray <hsG3DSMaxKeyFrame>* kfArray);
Interface* fInterface;
hsConverterUtils& fConverterUtils;
plErrorMsg * fErrorMsg;
int32_t fTicksPerFrame;
int32_t fFrameRate;
int32_t fTicksPerSec;
int32_t fStartFrame;
int32_t fEndFrame;
int32_t fNumFrames;
float fAnimLength;
bool fWarned;
bool fForceLocal;
TimeValue fSegStart;
TimeValue fSegEnd;